One bad egg
Inside of tail's workshop Y/N was hard at work finishing up on his latest creation he had been inside the workshop for hours on end the pile of empty coffee cups were scattered across the floor. He had spent so long working on this project only stopping to eat or tend to cream or sage but apart from that Y/N continued to do his work. Tails walked up to Y/N who was putting the finishing touches on his project upon closer look tails realised that Y/N had created a weapon it seemed highly advanced and from what rouge told her Y/N had her fetch a high energy crystal for this weapon so to say that tails was fascinated by this weapon is an understatement.
Tails: Hey Y/N.
Y/N: Oh sup tails give me a minute will you? I'm just about finished with my work I gotta admit this might be the most advanced thing I've worked on. It took so long to perfect and I had many failures but after so much hard work I've finnaly nailed it.
Tails: What even is that thing anyway?
Y/N grinned and picked up his new weapon and flicked the switch and to the foxes amazement a golden blade ignited from the weapon and the two pieces on the sabers side flicked down creating a crossguard. Tail's eyes shined she was mesmerised by the blade its golden chrome plating shined in the daylight.
Tails: Woah that weapon..........its amazing.
Y/N: Tails my dear freind behold........the lightsaber. Powered by the kyber crystal a rare gemstone that can only be found in the deepest caves on earth. This blade can cut through the toughest of metal like a molten knife through butter It can also deflect gun and blasterfire. This is the first working model I hope to make more in the near future of course I would need more of those kyber crystal but considering our current situation that will have to wait.
Tails: I've never seen a weapon quite like this not even I could make something as high tech as this........your amazing.
Y/N: Awwww come on it's nothing tails but I couldn't have made this without your help. Ever since we started to work together we've managed to create so many advanced weapons droids and vehicles. You've got an amazing mind there's no doubts about that all this was possible because of your help.
Tails: (blush) T-thank you Y/N. (My hearts racing again evreytime I look at Y/N my heart just skips a beat calm down tails calm down!)
With his work done Y/N met with the others to relax for the rest of the day but fate had other plans. As Y/N sat on the sofa with sonia and the gang a battle droid barged through the door and stood infront of his creator.
Battle droid: Sir!?
Y/N: What is it trooper? What's got you in such a rush?
Battle droid: Our scouts have just reported that your father is heading towards us and he's got a small army with him.
This sudden news alarmed evreyone even after what Y/N had told him about the black arms he still blindly chases his dreams of an empire that damn fool.
Y/N: Gather the troops and get ready for a counterattack evreyone else get ready for a fight I'm going to fetch something that I stored nearby for an occasion like this.
Vanilla: Be safe Y/N.
Y/N: Don't worry vanilla I will and besides if sonia can beat him then so can i.
The gang headed towards the nearby field where they encountered they're old nemesis. A legion of badniks stood with thier master who was seated Inside the recently repaired and upgraded egg emperor with its lance as sharp as it can be.
Eggman: Ohohohoooo sonia we meet once again you should have known that it was only a matter of time before I'd strike again!
Sonia: Eggman we haven't got time for this we've got better things to do then fighting you right now.
Eggman: If you don't wish to fight then hand over the chaos emeralds and I'll leave peacefully.
Blaze: We'll never give the emeralds to you!
Eggman: In that case prepare to taste defeat and this time with my mech and my army of robots defeat for you is certain!
Shade: Yes it would be if only we didn't have some backup of our own.
Eggman: Backup? What backup?
Y/N: She means me...........Father!
From the sky a large mech landed in front of sonia and a battalion of droids led by silver and mecha sonic emerged from the bushes surrounding the badniks. Mecha sonic cracked his knuckles looking forward to giving his old master a piece of his mainframe while a squad of magnaguards stood by him electrobatons ready to fry some circuits.
Sage stood behind Amy as Y/N confronted his father who was shocked of his sons betrayal.
Eggman: Son what is the meaning of this?!
Y/N: You know damn well why I've turned my back on you I haven't forgot what you said about me and sage. I've joined sonia because she understands the greater danger while your just stubborn with your stupid belief of a empire that will never come to power.
Eggman: Y/N but.......s-sage?
Eggman looked at sage who hid behind Amy who had her comically large Hammer out.
Y/N: Father I'm giving you one chance to turn around and leave peacefully if you refuse then I will have no other choice but to resort to violence. I can't back down I never back down robots attack!
Y/N: Tch you stubborn bastard. Sonia deal with the robots I'll deal with my father.
Rouge: Give me a minute evreyone I'm going to call in heavy artillery.
Shade: (wait does she it can't be him right?)
Sonia and the others charged into battle while the two mechs clashed with eachother Y/N's mech used its hand cannon to blast missiles towards the egg emperor which used its shield to block the attack. Once the smoke settled eggman saw that Y/N was nowhere to be seen and moments later a large foot slams into the emperor sending it flying into a set of trees. The mech gets up and uses its lance to pierce into Y/N's mech the spear damages the stomach of the mech but Y/N fires a laser from his mech's eyes to force eggman back. The battle droids along with the assistance of knuckles were for once making easy work of thier enemy. Knuckles slammed his fist through a crabs shell and tossed it at a wasp while the battle droids dealt with the ladybug and caterpillar badnicks.
Battle droid: Wow these guys are weak we're reducing these chumps to slag!
Battle droid: Feels nice to be on the winning side for a change and just look at them!
Battle droid: And here I thought we looked goofy.
Battle droid: Ha they can't aim neither ha suckers! They couldn't hit the broadside of a-
A bolt coming from one of the egg pawns hits the mocking battle droid blasting his head off deactivating him.
Battle droid: Oh no battle droid B1-69 is down!
Silver sonic: No not B1-69 You bastards!
Silver sonic spin dashes and slices the egg pawn and orders the commando droids to tear the other egg pawns apart. The commandos make easy work of the egg pawns destroying them in many brutal ways such as ripping thier heads off tearing them apart limb from limb or by tearing thier wires out.
Commando droid: Time to apply maximum force.
Commando droid: Yes LETHAL maximum force.
Silvia blaze and infinetta were busy in taking care of the snail badniks blaze dodged the blaster fire and jumped in the middle of the group and infinetta formed a large cube that contained blaze and the badniks. Blaze unleashed her powers and flames engulfed the cube melting the badniks with her ferocious fire. Silvia ordered the B2 droids to fire rockets into the sky and silvia used her telekinesis to grab the rockets and slam them down into the last of the snail badniks. Shade was fighting alongside the droidekas and fought her way to rouge who appeared to have been courned by a group of bomber badniks but for some reason she was acting........smug.
Badnik: Surrender immediately.
Rouge: Now why would i do that.......
Rouge moved to the side and from the forest behind her a pair of red eyes appealed from out of nowhere and a large red and black robot who's hands were transformed into machine guys walked infront of rouge ready to terminate some badniks.
Rouge: When he's got my back? Omega if you will.
Omega: Affirmative beginning termination.
Without hesitation omega aimed at the badnicks and unleashed hell on the poor badniks who were reduced to scrap.
Omega: Targets have been terminated.
Shade: Rouge why didn't you tell us you that Omega would be helping?
Rouge: It actually wasn't my plan I got the alert from G.U.N that Omega was sighted near the area so i thought I would ask him for help just like old times.
Shade sighs before getting back to the fight all the while mecha sonic along with the magnaguards were approaching a group of badniks who were backing away leaking oil scared out of thier programming.
Mecha sonic: Like lambs to the slaughterhouse kill them........ALL OF THEM.
Magnaguards: Roger roger.
The group surround the badniks and proceed to tear them apart without mercy even knuckles and tails had to look away from the massacre.
Knuckles: Oh geez thats just........brutal.
Tails: I feel sorry for those guys.
Amy used her hammer to smash in a group of egg pawns while keeping sage close to her an egg pawn tried to be sneaky and jump at Amy from behind only for a long arm to impale it's chest. Amy turned around to see that mephiles had entered the fray alongside metal and neo sonia who rushed over to sonia and the three used thier spindash and took out the remaining badniks now all that's left was eggman and his mech. The egg emperor had taken a decent amount of damage but for Y/N his mech was more heavily damaged.
Y/N: Dammit the mechs damage is critical I can't risk getting this thing wrecked..........alright time to take this lightsaber out for a test run.
Y/N got out of his seat and used the latch to open the exit and jump out of the mech which fell to the floor moments later. Y/N ignited his lightsaber and twirled it around displaying its golden aura then pointing it towards his father while slowly turning it.
Y/N: Alright father round two........let's go!
Y/N: Sonia silvia shade with me!
Y/N ran towards the egg emperor which tried to strike Y/N who used chaos control to avoid the attack. Sonia silvia and shade quickly joined in on the fight shade fired a choas spear and silvia threw rubble but the emperor used its shield to block the attacks. Y/N and shade teleported behind the mech and fire a choas spear at the emperor's lance damaging it but not enough to disable it. Eggman turned around and fired missiles from the mechs shoulders which headed towards Y/N and shade. sonia dashed at the missiles deflecting them and silvia used her powers to grab a few and throw them back at eggman who blocked it with his shield. Deciding to do something about that shield Silvia used all of her strength to hold the robot down and with this opening Y/N used choas control to teleport above the emperor and fell towards the arm that held the mechs shield and with one mighty swing the yellow lightsaber cut right through the arm severing it making the mech lose its means of defence.
Eggman: My shield no!
Sonia: Not bad Y/N that's was sick!
Y/N: Oh you ain't seen nothing yet sonia!
Eggman: Grrrr that's it I've had it with you!
The emperor uses its lance and sends out a wave of energy that Y/N deflects with his lightsaber. Eager to settle his grudge with eggman mecha sonic boost towards the mech and delivers a haymaker punch sending the emperor flying and tearing open a small gap in its armour exposing its core.
Mecha sonic: Destroy the core it will deactivate the mech.
Y/N: Good job mecha sonic come on girls let's crack this egg wide open!
Shade: Heh I'm starting to like you Y/N.
Sonia speeds up and slams into the emperor cracking it's eyes the emperor brings it lance down on the blue hedgehog but Y/N blocks it with his lightsaber and holds the lance back with all the strength in his bones. Back with vanilla and cream they gazed in wonder as the six choas emeralds began to glow while the one in Y/N's pocket also illuminated. For a moment Y/N's eyes went from E/C to bright red his skin and hair glowed bright in a golden colour then with a loud roar Y/N unleashed a pulse of energy that sent the egg emperor flying. The mech crashed Into a cliff its systems damaged and unstable but eggman had no time to react as shade teleported the four to his location ready to finish the fight. Y/N rushed towards the emperor and sliced at the emperor's lance this time the blade went right through and the lance dropped to the ground now the mech was defenceless and eggman had no means to protect himself. Silvia boosted Y/N forward and eggman watched as Y/N robotnik his own son thrusted his lightsaber into the emperor's core shutting the mech down before jumping aside letting sonia spindash into the mech knocking it to the ground.
The gang cheered for the four while Y/N's girlfriends were drooling with hearts in thier eyes. Y/N gave the three hedgehogs a fist bump with sonia patting the boy on the back.
Sonia: Y/N you were amazing! You wooped your old man like it was nothing you are seriously awesome!
Y/N: Hey i can't take all the credit you three were amazing too.
Shade: (smirks) It was nothing I gotta admit we make quite a team.
Silvia: The dream team we were unstoppable!
Y/N: We did it girls.
Sonia: We sure did Y/N we sure did.
The moment of victory was ruined by the sounds of groaning eggman crawled out of his mech unable to stand up and once again has been defeated and humiliated by his own son nonetheless. Y/N approached his father with his lightsaber still ignited Eggman couldn't even find the words as he looked at his son. Y/N raised his lightsaber ready to deliver the final blow and-
Sonia: Y/N stop! (Grabs Y/N's hand)
Y/N: Sonia?
Amy: You don't have to kill him Y/N its not right and you know that.
Knuckles: Don't stoop to his level don't let your hate blind you.
Blaze: Come on Y/N your better then this.
Sage: Please calm down brother.
Mecha sonic:
Evreyone looks at mecha sonic who remains unphased by the looks he was receiving while Y/N closed his eyes and curled his fist. He took one deep breath and lowered his hand and turned off his lightsaber.
Y/N: No...your right I won't stoop to his level its not right.
Mecha sonic: (Fuck)
Eggman: Thank you so-
Y/N: Don't call me've lost the right to call me your son. I may have your blood but I am nothing like you I'm not some selfish monster that cares only about himself.........I am not you.
Y/N walks away and the rest of his freinds follow him eggman looks at sage who turns away and joins her brother leaving the mad scientists alone........all alone.
Evreyone had returned from thier battle the battle droids were celebrating thier first victory it wasn't a tough battle against the badniks but hey let the droids have thier moment. The day was still young so the gang decided to relax and enjoy a picnic together.
Y/N: Ahhhh this is nice.
Sonia: I know right just us the sun and a plate full of chilli dogs.
Amy: I happy that you chose to not hurt eggman Y/N I knew you would do the right thing.
Y/N: I'll admit i wanted to strike him down I really did but that would make me a monster like he is........that and I didn't want to scar my little sister.
Y/N looked at cream and sage who were playing on the swing together.
Silvia: You enjoy being creams "papa" don't you?
Y/N: Mhmmm every single moment she's one of the best things to have ever happened to me.
Tails: How did that even happen?
Y/N: Beats me she just walked upto me and asked me to be her parent I did try to explain to her that it's not as simple as that buuuuut-
Blaze: She used the eyes on you didn't she?
Y/N: Yep melted my heart i couldn't say no.
Y/N's girlfriends lied down with him and snuggled upto him and minutes later omega approaches the boy with shade and rouge in tow.
Y/N: Omega its great to see you again how've you been bud?
Omega: I am fully operational my weapons have been kept clean and in pristine condition.
Rouge: Wait you know Omega?
Y/N: Who do you think designed his blueprints?
Knuckles: that would explain why omega doesn't look like some goofy caterpillar.
Omega: I've acquired some hardrives that contain important and sensitive data from both G.U.N and eggman during my travels including one that has taken my interest.
Y/N: Really now omega? What files could've taken your fancy?
Omega: It's a lone program I got from a G.U.N data called Weed.exe I going to activate it now.
Tails: Oh boy.
Knuckle: Weeeeeed.
Y/N: Omega hold on I don't think you should install that!
Omega: Negative my firmware is fitted with the most advanced anti-virus no malware can harm me. I will download this directly into my brain cells. (Injects hard drive)
System: downloading weed.exe.
Omega: Holy
Sonia: Uhhhh omega?
Y/N: Pal are you........okay?
Omega:............what planet am I on? What's today? My braincells destroyed. My wig is gone-
Y/N: Dear god technology is going too far we can now get robots stoned. I best get omega to the workshop don't want him wandering around in this state I'll catch you guys tomorrow.
Metal sonia: Bye babe.
Y/N heads over to omega as evreyone watches and laughs.
Y/N: Omega come here let's get you back to the workshop.
Omega: Oh.......okay I'll best be going now no one will ever follow us with my knife hands.
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