Dark Y/N unleashed
Black doom stares at dark Y/N he felt the energy and aura surrounding him he was pleased by what he saw the alien soldiers surrounding Y/N backed off feeling uneasy and afraid of Y/N's new switch in personality. Cream sage and vanilla stared through the cage and looked at the enraged boy worried for Y/N.
Cream: P....Papa?
Black doom: Ah so you've bought out your terrifying dark power.....excellent. I look forward to seeing what your capable of boy.
Dark Y/N: Hehehehehe don't get too excited Black doom because once I'm done slaughtering these pathetic welps your next and I'll make sure I'll tear you apart nice and slow!
Black doom: Such rage I will make good use of it.
The aliens back off allowing two heavily armoured commanders to approach Y/N.
Black doom: These two commander are some of my army's most elite and powerful. Let us see what you can do against them in that form.
The two commanders charge towards Y/N with thier blades lunging towards him.
Dark Y/N: So these are the best of the best huh?
Y/N dissapers with supersonic speed and within moments without any remorse cuts down the first elite commander before quickly dashing through the smoke towards the second comannder swiftly finishing him off with a barrage of punches and a blow to the head covering the area in dust. The grunts scream in fear as they saw thier superiors killed off with such ease and grew even more afraid once they saw Y/N's through the dust.
Dark Y/N: If that's true then you've let me down Black doom! I thought your race were made of sterner stuff!
The grunts began to back away feeling fear for the first time in thier life as Y/N approached black doom with killing intent.
Black doom: I'm impressed that you could deal with my elites with such ease but I am not satisfied.....show me more.
Black doom teleports away and down below to another platform.
Dark Y/N: Where do you think your going Black doom!? I ain't done with you come back here!
The grunts ran away but Y/N fired a chaos spear hitting them head on and disintegrating them and jumped down the waterfall and chased after Black doom leaving vanilla cream and sage who were still trapped in the cage.
Vanilla: Y/N......what's happened to you?
Y/N landed on the floor and looked around him and saw a small army of brutes grunts and commanders who had surrounded him armed to the teeth.
Dark Y/N: Tch damn cannon fodder get the hell out of my way!
Y/N sped towards the legion and proceeded to cut them down ripping the heads off the grunts and tearing the spine out of the brutes and ripped the hearts out of the commanders. All the while he evaded evrey attack the aliens made with god like speed and strength.
Y/N headed towards an exit but another horde of soldiers ran out to attack him. He roared unleashing his aura and flew towards them with a blood curdling scream.
As Y/N continued his massacre sonia and the others were making thier way to the arena where the dark energy was first recorded. Eggman kept tabs on the source and saw that the cause of the dark energy had gone deeper into the comet and began to slowly rise in power becoming more and more unstable.
Eggman: This isn't good this energy is only increasing if it continues to rise it could become unstable and out of control.
Mephiles: This is bad if we don't get to Y/N in time he'll-
Shade: This energy is worse then before Y/N must have lost it.
Silvia: But what caused him to snap?
Rouge: I don't know honey but the questions can wait for later we've got our freind to save.
The gang ran into the arena and were horrified to the see the remains of the elites.
Knuckles: Woah what happened to these guys?!
Silver sonic: Y/N that's what happened!
Eggman: This is where the energy came from but there's no sign of Y/N anywhere!
Sonia: So where is he?!
Vanilla: Hey evreyone up here!
The gang look at the cage and saw cream sage and vanilla and they were even more shocked at thier current state.
Amy: It's cream sage and vanilla!
Blaze: Oh god what happend to you? You look awful!
Vanilla: Don't worry about us dear they're only bruises we'll heal up. But you have to help Y/N he's not himself!
Tails: So he has gone berserk......oh no.
Knuckles: Hold up you three I'll get you out of there!
Knuckles jump up and lands next to the cage and breaks the lock. The team help the three out of the cage and sit them down to check thier wounds.
Neo-sonia: Are you three okay?
Vanilla: The children are shaken up but we're fine but Y/N.....H-he-
Infinetta: We know what's happened to him but we need to find him do you know where he went?
Vanilla pointed at the cliff and the ground below.
Vanilla: He went after Black doom he wanted to hurt him for what he did to us. I've never seen his like this before when he saw us in the cage.....he changed.
Sage: I was scared of my own brother....he scared me.
Evreyone hears a loud scream followed by an explosion giving away Y/N's location.
Grievous: By the sounds of it Y/N's giving the black arms hell down there. If we're fast enough we can intercept him on his slaughter and perhaps.....join it.
Sonia: Come on guys Y/N needs us!
Cream: I'm coming along too!
Shade: Are you insane?! Do you know how dangerous it is down there?
Cream: I don't care I'm going to save my papa! He's done so much for me and now I'm going to help him I'm going to bring papa back!
Grievous: I will stay by her side and protect her any alien that tries to come near her will be dead within a matter of seconds.
Silvia: (sigh) Fine but stay near us okay? We're not losing you three again.
Sage: Alright now please....we need to find my brother.
Eggman: Evreyone with me!
Vanilla: Also....when did you team up with eggman?
Sonia: It's a looooong story sister.
Evreyone heads deeper into the comet hoping to find the berserk Y/N who was still bringing hell upon the black arms. The camera pans into an open area showing the corpses of hundreds of aliens that littered the area. The camera then pans to a walkway near the river where Y/N was stomping across crushing any resistance heading closer to black dooms throne room. A brute rhino charges at Y/N who blocks the attack with one hand and then pushes the brute into the river and watches the brute melt as the acidic liquid dissolves the alien.
Dark Y/N: Oh black dooooom where are yoooooou! Still running away like a coward? You can run all you like but I'll find you.....and when I do......
Y/N continued his hunt his lust for blood only continued to grow eager to tear the head from black dooms shoulders and rip out the guts from his stomach. A group of flying black arm creatures flew towards Y/N shooting bolts at him.
Dark Y/N: Hah!
Y/N opened up his palm and shot a beam of dark energy at the creatures vaporising then and continued on his way relishing evrey kill he made.
Many of the grunts have begun to run away from Y/N against black dooms orders. They were more afraid of Y/N then of thier own leader as they should be! They bought this on themselves if they hadn't harmed the three girls all of this bloodshed would have been avoided but no. They just had to twist the knife and push Y/N to the edge for thier own sick source of entertainment...well who's laughing now?
Y/N ran through the hallways and came across a large open walkway that had multiple doors that each went to different parts of the comet. Y/N walked into the middle of the crossway and from all the exits hundreds of black arm soldiers ran towards Y/N trapping him getting closer towards thier target eager to avenge thier murdered brothers.
Dark Y/N: Oh you poor simple-minded aliens. It bold of you to assume that strength in numbers will save you......
Y/N bawled his fist and his dark energy rose to unseen levels and he jumped up held his arms together and gathered as much power as he could as the soliders were moments away from ripping him apart.......and unleashed hell!
Y/N created an explosion with all the dark energy he had obliterating evrey alien unfortunate enough to be in his vicinity shaking the entire comet with the strength of the blast. Sonia and the others had to shield themselves from the falling debris of rocks knocked of the roof and walls due to the blasts immense power.
Neo-sonia: What the hell was that!?.
Omega: Power surge detected its beyond anything we've recorded so far.
Blaze: If we don't calm Y/N down he could destroy the entire comet!
Tails: This place can't take another blast like that it could cave in the entire underground system!
Eggman: We're almost there the energy source is just up ahead!
Grievous: Be ready to defend yourself. In his current state I doubt Y/N will listen to reason.
Silver sonic: Understood. If we must fight we must try not to fatally wound him.
Sonia and the gang ran as fast as they could and found the walkway which at this point was just a large crater and standing in the center of the crater was Y/N in his dark form. He laughed like a maniac as he got out of the crater and went to walk toward an exit.
Mephiles: There he is it's Y/N.
Rouge: But it's not the Y/N we know.
Infinetta: Such destruction its hard to believe he caused all this.
Sonia: Evreyone follow me but take it nice and easy. Let's try to talk some sense into Y/N but if we can't get ready for a fight.
Evreyone nodded and approached Y/N vanilla kept her distance with the children in case things got violent and Amy stayed with vanilla to keep her safe.
Sonia: Y/N!
Y/N turned towards his freinds and scowled his dark aura flared up as he looked at them putting evreyone on edge.
Dark Y/N: Tch what is it?
Silvia: Y/N you need to calm down your letting your anger get the better of you.
Shade: Your mad at black doom we get it we're all mad at him for what he's done! But going on a killing spree and tearing the place apart makes you no better then him!
Dark Y/N: Don't you dare compare me to that scum!
Amy: Please Y/N we don't want to hurt you just stop all this destruction its not gonna help us with anything!
Tails: And we've rescued cream vanilla and sage thier safe and sound! Thiers no reason to be angry anymore they're safe.
Dark Y/N: I don't care about them all I want now is black dooms head on a spike and I'll destroy anyone who gets in my way you included.
Eggman: I never thought I'd hear you say such horrible things Y/N. This is certainly not the Y/N we've all come to know and love. I'd rather prefer to have the old Y/N back then this cruel version of him. We're asking you to stand down son if you don't then we'll have no choice but to force you to stand down.
Dark Y/N: Oh so you wanna go old man? Hahahahah it's your funeral punk!
Knuckles: Y/N don't do this.
Mephiles: (cries) Please Y/N don't force me to hurt you.
Grievous: Don't waste your breath he's not going to listen.
Y/N roars and charges towards his freinds.
Rouge: Here he comes get ready guys!
Sonia spin dashes and clashes with Y/N who uses his two hands to block the attack. Shade teleports behind Y/N who quickly speeds behind her and kicks her into Sonia knocking the two back. Knuckles and silver sonic rush Y/N on both of his side and punched his face but Y/N remained unphased and grabbed thier arms and crushed thier hands and slammed thier heads together knocking them out. Infinetta teams up with blaze and silvia filling up small cubes with fire and letting silvia throw them at Y/N who dodges and ducks the attack. Neo and metal sonia get up from behind Y/N and try to force him into the projectiles with thier kicks. Y/N responds by unleashing a small blast blowing back neo and metal sonia and then threw a chaos spear which pierced through the cubes and hit Infinetta blaze and silvia. Tails eggman and rouge bought out taser and shot at Y/N trying to stun him but he shrugs off such weak attacks and speeds towards them. As he brings his fist down tails presses a belt on her waist surrounding her and her freinds with a shield protecting them from Y/N's attack.
Shade and sonia got up and saw Y/N who kept on slamming his fists on the shield. Shade uses chaos control to telport behind Y/N and kick the back of his head knocking him to the floor.
Dark Y/N: Ack! You bitch! Alright thats it no more mister nice guy!
Y/N teleports behind shade and unleashes a barrage of deadly attacks and combos before ending the assault by slamming shade to the floor.
Vanilla: I can't watch anymore i just can't.
Sonia tries to help shade only to get a kick to the gut almost making her throw up and knocking the wind out of her. Omega fires at Y/N who wastes no time in dealing with the robot and kicks omega on the head leaving a visible dent knocking the robot back badly damaging his circuits. Grievous and mephiles goes on the offensive and greivous brings his four lightsabers out and mephiles extends her arm into a sword. The two go for Y/N but his immense speed proved to be too much for the pair as he starts to dash around the two forming a small tornado. Greivous and mephiles look around and caught a glimpse of Y/N who was a blurry figure because of how fast he was going.
Greivous: (He's too fast I can't predict what his next move will be dammit!)
Mephiles: The speed it's immense.....no one should be this fast.
They kept thier guard up trying to keep a visual on Y/N which proved impossible with the speed he was moving. Then Y/N sped towards the two and jumped over greivous and cut off his two lower arm with one quick strike.
mephiles: GREIVOUS!
Dark Y/N: Pathetic.
Y/N jabbed greivous through his chest hitting his core causing greivous to cough uncontrollably before kicking him away. Mephiles tried to attack Y/N with her sword but he grabs hold of it and grabs mephiles by the head and slams her into the floor. Rouge tails and eggman watched in horror as Y/N had singlehandedly defeated evreyone with ease and now his eyes were once again focused on them. Y/N opened his hand and started to charge a beam attack one that would easily cut through the shield.
Tails: He's charging up for another attack!
Rouge: And we've got no one to help us this is bad!
Eggman: I think this might be it for us. I'd never thought that it be my son to strike the killing blow.
Eggman lowered his head accepting his fate and Y/N was almost done in charging his attack. Amy sage vanilla and cream watched from the sidelines tears fell from thier eye as they watch the once lovable boy about to kill thier freinds.
Amy: Y/N.....please.....don't.
As Y/N got ready to strike the killing blow in a last ditch attempt to bring Y/N back to his senses cream does the unthinkable and runs towards Y/N.
Cream: Papa! Stop please!
Y/N looks behind him and gets ready to attack only to freeze in his track when he sees the crying rabbit infront of him.
Y/N had his hand raised but couldn't find the strength to harm the child his anger began to waver as cream looked at him.
Cream: Papa? You wouldn't hurt me would you?
Dark Y/N: Tch....I.....i-
Cream hugs Y/N and nuzzles her face into his stomach.
Cream: Please stop hurting your freinds papa. I know your better then this I know your mad that the big bad alien was mean to me. But it's okay papa you saved me and mommy and sage. Please calm down papa.....please....
Sage slowly walked over to her brother and joined in on the hug.
Dark Y/N: Cream........sage......
Y/N fell into the hug and his hair slowly returned to normal and the dark aura dissapers. Evreyone looks on in relief as Y/N embraces the two children.
Sage: Brother.....is that you?
Y/N: Y-yes sage....its me.
Cream: Are you feeling better now papa?
Y/N smiled at cream and gave her a headpat.
Y/N: Yeah kid....much better.
Tails deactivated her shield and approached Y/N who held his head in shame. Y/N was then approached by evreyone else and metal sonia walked upto her lover and held his face.
Metal sonia: Y/N.......
Y/N: I'm sorry...i-i didn't mean to hurt all of you i.....I don't know what came over me i couldn't control myself i-
Metal sonia hugs Y/N and breaks down into tears and neo-sonia does the same.
Neo-sonia: (crying) Do you have any idea how worried we we're you idiot!?
Metal sonia: (Crying) Never do anything like that EVER again!
Y/N held the two trying his best to comfort them. Greivous breathed a sigh of relief as he picked up his two arms from the floor Amy helped shade stand on her feet and silvia and blaze gave thier assistance to infinetta. Eggman placed a hand on his sons shoulder and looked at him with sympathy.
Y/N: Dad.....evreyone....I'm so sorry.
Eggman: Don't be son you weren't in control you couldn't help it. Black doom got under your skin and crossed lines that were never meant to be crossed it no wonder why you snapped to such extent.
Y/N: But I almost killed all of you. If cream didn't intervene then I would've-
Infinetta stops Y/N from talking and kisses him on the lips.
Infinetta: Don't you dare finish that sentence Y/N.
Sonia: It's like egghead said you weren't in control and besides this isn't the first near death encounter we've had its no biggie.
Knuckles: Yeah don't sweat it I've had worse then a broken arm it'll heal in time.
Blaze: Don't beat yourself up over it alright?
Y/N: Yeah.....fine.....sure.
Vanilla: Thank you sweetie.
Mephiles: Yay my gaming pal is back!
Tails: Gaming...pal?
Mephiles: Me and Y/N play duos on fortnite.
Y/N: Hey is omega alright? He got quite a nasty kick to the head.
Shade: He's fine he's just.....recovering.
Y/N: Omega buddy how are you feeling?
Omega: Who am I? Where am I? HOW AM I?!
Y/N: Ohhhh I think I've given him brain damage.
Knuckles: Can robots even get brain damage?
Y/N: it seems so.
Y/N smiles at his friends but the moment was cut short by eggman who showed Y/N his tablet that had a video of the ark slowly positioning itself over the comet.
Eggman: I'd hate to sour the mood but the ark is 45 minutes away from reaching its spot above the comet. I'd say now would be a good time to leave so that the ark can destroy the comet as soon as possible.
Y/N: We can't we have one more problem.
Sonia: We do? (Groans) what now?
Y/N: It's black doom he took the chaos emeralds and I think he's panning to use them for something.
Silvia: What do you think he's going to do?
Rouge: I don't know but I doubt it's anything good.
Tails: But how are we gonna find him?
Mephiles: I know where he is. He has a throne room a few floor below here. If he's there then the chaos emeralds will be there too.
Y/N: Then let's waste no time the fate of the earth hangs in the balance. Vanilla I need you sage and cream to go the ship and wait for us.
Vanilla: Okay.......please take care of yourself.
Y/N smiles at vanilla who walks upto him and to his surprise plants a kiss on his cheek before taking the children and goes to the ship. Y/N holds his cheek before focusing on his objective.
Y/N: Alright is evreyone ready to roll?
Silvia: It's now or never.
Blaze: Let's do this.
Sonia: Let's give black doom one interstellar asswooping!
Knuckles: Here here!
Greivous: I still have two of my arms and that's enough to deal with the enemy forces.....let me at them!
Y/N: Then let's roll!
Evreyone cheers and runs off through a door and heads down into the lower floors of the comet to make thier way towards black doom and finish this once and for all.
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