Can a robot love?
The next day came by and Y/N was still flustered and focused on the events from the day before he could see why Sonia proved to be a challenge for his father she's strong and Y/N dare say with her super form she's near-invincible the way she uses the chaos emeralds to power up maybe Y/N could take the emeralds and perhaps find a way to utilise their power like Sonia does.
Orbot: Uhhhhh master Y/N are you alright?
Y/N snapped back to reality he spaced out at the breakfast table with sage next to him eating bacon while his dad was ironically eating scrambled eggs.
Y/N: Oh uh yeah my bad spaced out had a rough night.
Eggman: Are you sure your fine son? I know that you are in shock of losing to that hedgehog but you'll get used to it.......I know I have.
Y/N: Yes she's strong my mech didn't stand a chance against her when she went super. Hmmmm how do we beat her though if my mech and robots can't do the job then what will?
Cubot: Oh I know use the arks cannon!
Y/N: And blow up half of the earth ending the lives of billions of people?
Cubot: Oh.........yeah didn't think about that.
Sage: What about that second mech you've made?
Y/N: That still needs a bit of work and my robots are too busy fixing up the other one.
Eggman: then what could we use to defeat that hedgehog?
Y/N:Hmmmm...............I GOT IT!
Orbot: You've got an idea?
Y/N: Think for a minute if we want to beat Sonia we need someone or something that thinks like her and fights like her. We need something that can predict her every move that knows her and her tricks inside out. We need a mecha Sonia!
Eggman: My boy that's genius! Why didn't I think of that?
Sage: I knew brother would think of an amazing idea.
With Y/N's plan set in motion he along with orbot and cubot entered the workshop and made two blueprints of two robots that will be designed to fight like Sonia and look like Sonia. It took a few hours to make the blueprints but with a motivated Y/N it was only a matter of time until Y/N finished his designs.
Y/N: Jet boots scanners yep all is there and accounted for.
Orbot: Your mind is something else master Y/N.
Y/N: Hey come on drop the master thing just call me Y/N.
Cubot: Okay Y/N. So do you want us to start making these bad boys?
Y/N: Yep get my robots to help make these babies but make sure that they aren't too flashy okay? Substance over style that's the way I like it.
Orbot: Of course Y/N I promise you that we won't get too creative.
Cubot: Go and relax bud we can take it from here.
Y/N: Good luck you two I'm off to my
room to dance I'm feeling swanky today!
Y/N walked out of the workshop with a spring in his step Cubot grabbed a Hammer and ordered the robots to start building the two mecha but cubot decided that he was going to give Y/N a little surprise.
Orbot: Cubot I recognise that smirk what are you up to?
Cubot: Oh nothing just going to make a few "adjustments" to Y/N's blueprints.
Orbot: (sigh) I should have seen this coming I don't think that's a good idea Cubot you wouldn't want to make Y/N angry would you?
Cubot: Relax Y/N is chill I wish he made us not Eggman he's a lot more nicer to us than the boss. Besides I think he's going to like what we're gonna do to his creations. Come on he's in a good mood he won't get mad.
Orbot: Perhaps your right he's more calm and level-headed hmmm I wonder what he's up to right now?
Meanwhile in Y/N's room.
Y/N: Oh yeah who's the man? I'm the man with the master plan! This is gonna work I just know it! Watch me move oh yeah!
Y/N was currently dancing his feet off his plan had put him in the funky move he was damn sure this plan will succeed this time Sonia is going down!
Y/N: That's what I am I am the Eggman with the master plan Oh yeah!
As Y/N got jiggy with it sage snuck into his room and recorded Y/N and his dancing trying to hold back her laughter.
Sage: Hehehehe this is going to go viral.
Y/N eventually calmed down after hours of dancing he even needed to take a shower because of how sweaty he was who would have thought he could be such a beast on the dance floor?
Anywhooo orbot and cubot had finished making the two robots as Y/N asked them to and he was eager to see how his ideas turned out so he quickly raced back to the workshop to see his greatest creations.
Y/N: Alright you two I'm back and I'm assuming that the robots have been built?
Orbot: Of course we finished building them minutes ago.
Y/N: Then let's have a look at them.
Cubot: Alright you two you can come out now!
Y/N waited in anticipation as two figures walked out of the shadows and when he got a proper look at them his jaw dropped when he gazed at his robots which had a and I quote ahem "very eye-catching appearance"
Orbot: Y/N I would like you to meet metal Sonia and neo-metal Sonia.
Metal Sonia:Hello........master.
Neo Sonia: Hey master.
Cubot: Soooooo what do you think?
Y/N: (nosebleed) Well they're ummmmm very uhhhhhh impressive y-yeah well done you two.
Orbot: I suggest giving them some time before you make them fight Sonia need to make sure their systems are in top shape.
Y/N: (blush) Yes of course you two let me show you around so you don't get lost hehehe the ark is a massive place after all.
Metal Sonia walked up to Y/N and wrapped her hand around his while neo-Sonia grabbed the other hand at this point Y/N was a blushing mess with a face as red as a tomato.
Neo Sonia: Well what are we waiting for?
Metal Sonia: I'm excited to be working with you master.
Y/N: (Y/N.exe has stopped working) t-then onwards let me show you where I keep all of my robots.
Y/N left the room with the two girls leaving a very smug cubot behind.
Orbot: You included the love feature in their programming didn't you?
Cubot: Yep Y/N can thank me later.
Y/N had shown the two around the ark and showed them his mech and his robot army. During the entire tour metal Sonia and neo-Sonia never let their hands go of Y/N's making the boy's face go red. When Infinetta got introduced to the two and when she saw them holding Y/N's hand she was fuming with rage but she had to keep cool in front of Y/N but when he went out of sight she proceeded to trash the entire room. Eggman was shocked by how the two were made and was going to have a little chat with cubot and orbot and sage was happy more happier than she usually is which made Y/N suspicious as if she was up to something.
Now Y/N had arrived at his room tired from all the walking metal Sonia enjoyed her time with Y/N and hugged him as a way of saying thank you. Neo Sonia did the same although it was out of jealousy.
Y/N: Well that's the entire tour it took a while but now you should be able to find your way around the place.
Neo Sonia: Thanks a bunch but geez you'd think you'd have like a lift or elevator to get around the place.
Y/N: I know right? If only we had the time to upgrade the place. Well I'm tired so I'll be calling it a day get some rest you two I've given you your own rooms so rest up we've got a big day tomorr-
Orbot: Y/N you need to get over here there's something I think you need to see!
Y/N: (sigh) Typical well girls I'll see you tomorrow I gotta deal with something.
Metal Sonia: Goodnight master.
Y/N walked away and neo-Sonia went to her room while metal Sonia smiled and got an idea. Y/N walked into the control room and saw cubot orbot and Eggman looking at the control panel watching something trying not to laugh.
Y/N: Hey you three what's so funny?
Cubot: (snickers) Y/N come take a look at this.
Eggman: Ohohoho yes my boy I think you'll want to see this.
Y/N: See what? Alright move aside let me take a look at- (looks at the monitor) Oh my god. No way this isn't real this isn't happening what type of sick joke-
Y/N stared in horror as he watched his dancing from earlier and his heart dropped when he saw that over 10 million people have watched the clip including Sonia and her friends who were on the floor laughing their tails off.
Y/N: Oh no...........OH NOOOOOOOOO! How did this get on Twitter who recorded me dancing!?
Eggman: Hohoho it wasn't me or Infinetta and orbot and cubot were busy making metal Sonia and neo-Sonia.
Cubot: Hahahahahaha and that can only mean one thing.
Y/N slammed his door and locked it wishing for this day to be over the humiliation the embarrassment sage that little devil how could she do her brother dirty like that!?
Y/N: Sage........why just why?! My pride has been ripped from my chest and I don't doubt that Sonia is laughing at me right now. Arghhhhhhh I just want this day to end.
Y/N slumped down on his bed and pulled up the covers..........showing metal Sonia under the covers looking straight at Y/N.
Y/N: M-metal Sonia w-what are you doing in my bed?
Metal Sonia: I was waiting for you master I wanted to ask you if I could sleep with you tonight?
Metal Sonia crawled towards Y/N and wrapped him in a hug and snuggled into his chest.
Metal Sonia: I know I have my own room but I'm lonely and I don't want to be alone for tonight. It's just one night pretty please master?
Y/N: (OH MY GOD SHE'S ON TOP OF ME!) Uhhhhhh hmmmmm uhhh y-yeah w-why not!? Suppose one night wouldn't hurt.
Metal Sonia: (smiles) Thank you master your so kind.
Metal Sonia placed the blanket over her and Y/N and fell asleep in Y/N's arms.
Y/N: Hmmmmm m-maybe having these two around isn't so bad after all.
Y/N smiled and closed his eyes falling asleep and ending this chaotic and very humiliating day for our dear Y/N.
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