Y/N slowly opened his eyes and rose from his bed the alarm was ringing in his left ear as he slammed his fist on the clock accidentally smashing it into pieces.
Y/N: Oh.........bollocks.
Y/N felt something warm wrapped around his waist and flipped over the duvet to find Mephiles snuggled up with her head nuzzled in Y/N's chest fast asleep. To say Y/N was surprised was an understatement although he did admit she look cute in her peaceful state it be hard to believe that mere days ago she wanted to either kill him or "make him her pet" now she was as cuddly as a teddy bear.
Y/N: Heh that's just the most adorable I've ever seen........well second most adorable thing cream is most defiantly the cutest being on earth. Pssst hey mephiles wake up.
Mephiles: Mmmmm no the gamer needs her rest.
Y/N: (she's not budging if I want her to wake up I need to find a way to trick her........aha I've got it.) hey mephiles wake up half life three just came out.
In an instant mephiles sits up fully awake looking at Y/N with joy on her face.
Y/N: Nope I'm just kidding it's not out yet.
Mephiles face dropped and gave Y/N a cute pout.
Mephiles: You jerk you got my hopes up just to shoot them down.
Y/N: I'm sorry but you were sleeping on me and you wouldn't wake up so I had to improvise.
Mephiles: I was........(blush) Sleeping on you?
Y/N: Yeah you were snuggled up on my waist then again I don't remember going to bed how did we even end up here?
Mephiles: During our day out you fell asleep at the park so I carried you back and when I got to your room I felt tired as well (blush) So I slept with you I hope you didn't mind.
Y/N: Course I don't I sleep with the other girls all the time I'm quite the womanizer around here. Although I think the others shouldn't find out about you and me sleeping together neo-metal can get quite........defensive shall we say?
????: Oh really now Y/N?
The lights turn on and neo-Sonia Metal Sonia and Infinetta were at the end of the bed looking extremely pissed off a red aura surrounded Infinetta neo-Sonia had a visible red tick mark on her head while Metal Sonia had a smile on her face while she was holding a butcher knife in her left hand.
Metal Sonia: Hello master.
Y/N: Oh shit not good.
Mephiles: So these are your girlfriends I've heard about?
Y/N: Y-y-yeah girls i-i want you to meet Mephiles i-i hope you'll be kind and r-respectful to her.
Infinetta: Oh don't worry Y/N we will but before we make ourselves acquainted with our new friend here I think we need to talk.
Neo-Sonia: mephiles could you wait outside for a hot minute? We need to have a little heart-to-heart chat with Y/N here.
Mephiles: sure if you need me I'll be at the kitchen making breakfast see you later Y/N.
Mephiles walks out and Infinetta slams and locks the door. The three girls walk up to Y/N each emitting a dark aura.
Metal sonia: So master do you think you could sleep with another girl without us knowing?
Neo-sonia: Naughty naughty I don't think we can let this slide can we girls?
Infinetta: No we can't I think we need to punish him for being so disloyal.
Y/N: G-girls i-i know your mad b-but can we just be civilized and talk about this?
Neo-Sonia: NO.
Metal Sonia: NO.
Infinetta: NO.
As the girls were going to pounce on Y/N outside of Y/N's room Sage and silver sonic were about to knock on his door to check if he was okay.
Sage: I hope Y/N is okay he's been in his room longer than he usually is.
Silver Sonic: No harm will come to him I will exterminate anyone who dares to harm him.
Sage: Alright let's knock on his door and see if he's-
Metal sonia: Stay still master you and I both know you deserve this!
Neo-sonia: girls I think it's time to bring out the frying pan!
Y/N's screams for help were heard through the hall the sound of the girl's laughter which gave chills down Silver sonics spine as he and Sage looked at each other.
Silver sonic:.............Nope.
Silver turned around hands in the hands in the air and walked away with sage giving one last look and closed her eyes once she heard a pan connect with someone's head before walking away leaving Y/N to his fate.
After Y/N has recovered from his "punishment" and had some breakfast he and mephiles sat down and looked through a window and gazed at the stars. mephiles had started to become more quiet and distant which made Y/N concerned so Y/N bought her here alone to see what was troubling her.
Y/N: Man these stars I swear they get brighter every day.
Mephiles: Yeah........they do.
Y/N: Hey mephiles can I ask you something?
Mephiles: Yeah sure.
Y/N: You've been acting weirdly today is something on your mind?
Mephiles: No i-i'm fine nothings on my-
Y/N placed his hands on Mephiles's cheek and forced her to look at him Y/N's face changed to one of concern.
Y/N: Mephiles I can tell something is bothering you you don't need to hide it from me just please tell me what's wrong so I can help you.
Mephiles: I-its it's............I was sent here to take the chaos emeralds to my creator and destroy anyone who gets in my way and I know you have one but........i can't hurt you something inside of me is stopping me from hurting you!
Y/N: Mephiles.......
Mephiles: i-i wanna tell you my masters intentions b-but I'm scared by what he could do to me if I was to betray him but if I don't tell you his plan.........(crying) He could arrive on Earth and end up killing you and you're the first person that hasn't treated me as a mindless weapon I want to betray black doom but.............. I'm scared.
Y/N wrapped his arms around Mephiles and calmed the distraught hedgehog he felt her tears soak into his coat as she broke down in his arms.
Y/N: Mephiles I wouldn't let anything happen to you I don't fear this black doom you have nothing to be fearful about I won't let him lay a hand on you.
Mephiles: (sniff) y-you really would protect me from him? Y-you don't know how strong he is.
Y/N: And I don't care how strong he is I couldn't care less if he had the power to destroy planets if he would threaten any of my friends I would stand in his way without a moment's hesitation. Mephiles I will keep you safe from him he won't lay a hand on you.
Mephiles: You...........promise?
Y/N: You have my word.
Mephiles: Then......... I'll tell you everything.
Y/N: Take your time mephiles don't skip anything not even the tiniest detail.
Mephiles took a deep breath and told Y/N everything she knew of black doom and of the black arms from the amount of planets they've left in ruin to their plan to use the chaos emeralds and bring humanity to extinction. Y/N was both shocked and horrified he didn't know that the situation was this dire he had to act fast lord knows how much time he has until they arrive to earth.
Mephiles: Thats it that's everything I know.
Y/N: Dear lord this is bad we've got an army of bloodthirsty aliens ready to knock on our door...........mephiles do you know how far away this comet is and how long do we have until they arrive?
Mephiles: hmmm the best prediction I can give is at least 1 week.
Y/N: Then we have no time to waste mephiles have infinetta metal and neo sonia gather in my room I must speak with my dad about this.
Mephiles nods at Y/N and runs off to fetch the girls. Y/N rushes to Eggman's workplace where he was busy repairing the egg dragoon.
Y/N: dad we need to talk.
Eggman: Son could it wait for some other time? I'm busy with my work at the moment.
Y/N: No it can't I've learnt from mephiles that an alien race called the black arms is heading to earth and are planning to turn it into a apocalyptic wasteland.
Eggman: What?! T-thats absurd I've never heard of such a thing.
Y/N: It's the truth we have at least a week until they arrive to destroy the planet we need to warn the people of earth and ready our army for the fight ahead.
Eggman:..........No that will not be necessary.
Y/N: Are you kidding me? Humanity could be facing doomsday and you couldn't care less?!
Eggman: My only concerns are to destroy sonia and create my eggman empire what happens to earth is not my concern.
Y/N: There are billions of people down there that the black arms could slaughter and what benefit would you gain if your empire ruled a lifeless wasteland? We need to work with sonia to combat this-
Eggman: Absolutely not we need no help from that rodent we are not getting involved with this alien race and that is final! Now let me do my work Y/N!
Y/N: Work work work is that all you care about? Your pride and dignity over humanity hell even your own family? You barely have any time to keep me or Sage company the only time you make for me is when I do something that makes you proud and you take all the credit even though you did jack-shit to-
Before Y/N could snap at his father for saying such a horrible thing he heard the sound of crying behind him. He turned around and saw sage who was looking down to the floor that was covered with her tears.
Y/N: Sage?
Eggman: S-sage.......i-i didn't mean to s-say that i-i-
Sage didn't give her father the chance to explain she ran out of the room the sound of her crying echoed throughout the hall. Y/N gave his father a glare and if looks could kill then eggman would've dropped dead within an instant.
Eggman: Y/N.....son-
Y/N: Mom was right about really are a heartless bastard.
Y/N ran after sage leaving eggman to drown with guilt Y/N ran as fast as he could to sage's room. Once there he could hear the weeping of his sister inside and slowly opened the door and saw sage in a corner eyes red from all the crying.
Y/N: Sage.
Sage: (crying) B-brother.
Y/N sat down and calmed his sister his girlfriends along with scratch and Grounder found the two siblings and watched Y/N comfort his heartbroken sister.
Sage: (crying) I-i can't believe what father said about us.
Y/N: Shhhhhhh it's okay sage I know I'm just as shocked as you.
Sage: (crying) he hates me brother father hates me he doesn't care about me!
Y/N: He doesn't but I do sage you are one of the most important people in my life. No matter what he says I've always cared about you and that will never change.
Y/N hugged his sister who kept on crying until she had tired herself out once asleep Y/N gently placed her into his arms and stood up.
Y/N: Scratch grounder.........get silver and mecha sonic and rally the droids......we're leaving the ark. Girls you can come with me if you like I'm not forcing you.
Neo-sonia: O-of course we'll come with you.
Y/N: Great then let's go we need to see someone.
Infinetta: wait just who are we going to meet?
Y/N:..............just a certain blue hedgehog.
At vanilla's house the mother rabbit had just finished making her daughter lunch and was now sitting in her chair watching her child eat when she heard a knock on the door. Curious she opened the door to see who it is and was surprised to see not just Y/N but he had sage scratch grounder neo sonia metal sonia mephiles silver sonic and mecha sonic with him.
Y/N: Ms vanilla.
Vanilla: Y/N?
Cream: Papa?!
Y/N: Is sonia with you? I need to talk to her and her friends.........its of dire importance.
Small timeskip
Sonia and her friends gathered round at the house Y/N made it clear to mecha and silver sonic that they were not there to fight sonia they had no time to waste on pointless fighting.
Y/N: I thank you all for coming at such short notice.
Shade: Uh huh we're all here now what do you want Y/N?
Silvia: Why do you need to speak to us?
Y/N: I've come to bring you some important and disturbing news. As we speak there is a comet heading to earth that is carrying an alien race hellbent on destroying earth.
Everyone: WHAT?!
Sonia:..........bahahaha oh Y/N you're a riot you're just pulling our tails hahahahaaaaa.
Sonia stopped laughing once she saw the serious expression on Y/N's face.
Sonia: Your being serious aren't you?
Y/N: Deadly serious.
Knuckles: So what your trying to tell us that these aliens are going to destroy the planet?
Blaze: How can we know that what your saying is true?
Y/N: Mephiles can convince you she was sent by the leader of the black arms to steal the chaos emeralds.
Rouge: Is this true?
Mephiles: It is every last word.
Amy: Then how long do we have until they get here?
Neo-sonia: at least a week.
Vanilla: So we've got a week before they arrive?
Y/N: Yes if we do not prepare ourselves for the upcoming fight then humanity will face extinction the black arms will leave no human alive they will consume the planet and they will kill anything that moves.
Sonia: so why have you come to us? Don't you have your old man and his robots?
Y/N: I prefer not to talk about him not after the argument we had. He is refusing to help fight the black arms he's too prideful I on the other hand know when I see a bigger threat on the horizon.
Blaze: What are you suggesting?
Y/N: What I'm suggesting is that you and me form an alliance. If we want to defeat the threat that soon to come we must fight with each other not against one another. I can provide you the assistance of my droid army while me and my friends can help you train for the battle ahead. I can even help Tails here with any of her projects if she wishes for my assistance.
Tails: You would really help up? But wouldn't that mean your betraying eggaman?
Y/N: Yes it does but after the things he said I cannot see that man as my father anymore he's greedy and arrogant and puts his own family aside for his own selfish ambitions. I want to protect sage and the others they're the only I have to a family if it means turning my back on my father to keep them safe then so be it and besides........(smiles) I always wanted to play the role of the good guy.
So what do you
Sonia looked at Y/N then turned around to see her friends all smiling at her even shade but she gave only a small smirk. Sonia walked up to Y/N and gave him a warm hug which he fell into.
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