A day with sage.
After the very awkward reunion with Eggman and Mecha Sonic Y/N went back to the workshop to finish upgrading the last robot. This robot was a copy of silver sonic except Y/N had given it some serious improvements. The robot towered over the battle droids the spikes on its back are sharp enough to cut through solid steel his boots had been fitted with the boosters that Y/N had fitted onto Mecha Sonic his armour could withstand a large explosion and was coated with heatproof material making him immune to any fire damage. His eyes were fitted with a scanner that could scan the area for any threats and can pick up the energy signatures of the chaos emeralds.
This was silver sonic but faster bigger stronger this creation was as Y/N called it silver sonic MK 2
The mech activated and looked at the battle droids who backed off in fear before turning to his master and bent down on one knee.
Silver sonic: Master I am at your command.
Y/N: Perfect his systems seem to be functional without any bugs and the upgrades seemed to have been fitted on so he's combat ready. At ease silver sonic for now patrol the area and look out for any intruders.
Metal silver: As you command.
Metal Sonic leaves the workshop and Y/N sits down thinking of how he can pass the time.
Y/N: Well silver sonic MK2 is complete now what do I do? Should I find a movie to watch or maybe just sleep for the rest of the day? I also have some research I need to do on the Chaos emerald so I might continue with that.
As Y/N pondered his thoughts he felt a gentle tug on his trousers and saw his little sister Sage looking up at him.
Sage: Brother.
Y/N: Oh sage what's wrong do you need something?
Sage: Renember when you said that you had nothing to do today?
Y/N: Yep I'm taking the day off.
Sage: I know what we could do.
Y/N: What's that sage?
Sage: There's a new carnival in metropolis before she left cream told me that she would be going there. She said that carnivals are a perfect place for a family to have fun........can you take me to the carnival?
Y/N: I don't know Sage cant you just ask Dad to take you?
Sage: He said he was too busy.
Y/N: With what schemes about world domination?
Sage: Yes.
Y/N: (sigh) That man I love my dad and all but it wouldn't hurt to spend some time with his own family.........alright sage I'll take you to this carnival.
Sage: (smiles) Thank you brother.
Y/N: Anything for my little sister.
Timeskip the metropolis carnival
The carnival was jam packed kids were laughing eating hotdogs and winning prizes. Y/N had bought along mecha sonic and assigned him as his and sage's bodyguard and scratch and grounder wanted to tag along too.......i'm sure this will end well. However before they could enter the carnival and have the time of their lives there was just one thing stopping them.
Y/N: What do you mean my robots are forbidden to enter the carnival!?
Attendant: Sorry man but those 3 are dangerous around the kids I can't let them in.
Scratch: Dangerous us?! And here I thought I was the only chicken around here!
Y/N: Oh dangerous them? Is it because of they way they were made?
Attendant: W-what?
Y/N: You're not letting these three in because Grounder was born with drills for hands Scratch has a sharp beak and mecha sonic because he's a reprogramed killing machine?
Grounder: That's racial discrimination!
Attendant: What racist!? No man i'm just doing my job.
Y/N: If your are not a racist and a man of equality then you'll move aside and let my robotic friends enjoy themselves in this fine carnival.
Attendant: Okay man chill they can come in just make sure they don't hurt anyone.
Y/N: Hmph the nerve of some people.
Y/N held sage's hand as they walked through the carnival for sage this was the first time that she had left the ark to explore the earth she smiled in wonder as many beautiful colours and lights surrounded her the delightful and mouthwatering smell of pizza and cotten candy filled her nostrils this was a wonderful dream for sage one she wished to never wake up from.
Sage: This place is amazing!
Y/N: I'm glad you like it so what do you want to do first?
Sage: Oh can we play hook a duck?
Y/N and Sage smiled and went to have the time of their life mecha sonic stood by their side as their bodyguard while Scratch and Grounder went to eat some popcorn. The two carried one massive bucket of popcorn while looking at it with watering mouths.
Grounder: Mmmmmm popcorn who doesn't love it?
Scratch: I sure do so be careful carrying it!
Grounder: Don't tell me to be careful you be careful!
Scratch: I'm always careful!
The two as always began to bicker when a blue blur zoomed past
them making drop the bucket of popcorn scattering the food everywhere and the empty bucket landed on Scratch's head.
Grounder:.........oh darn it all!
Scratch: Grrrrrrrrr.
Yep you guessed it Y/N and sage aren't the only ones at the carnival tonight. Sonia zoomed back to her friends carrying two chilli dog's in her hands. Cream Amy vannila and tails had arrived to the carnival minutes before Y/N did and the night for them was as enjoyable as it could get.
Sonia: Alright i'm back just needed a chilli dog refill.
Tails: You know sonia I think you enjoy chilli dogs abit too much.
Amy: You need to slow down you could run into someone and you know how busy it is tonight.
Cream: Mommy can we ride the teacups next?
Vannila: Of course dear I know that the teacup ride is your favourite.
Amy: Ahhh this is nice I knew this place was amazing but I didn't know it would be this great.
Sonia: mhmmm the food is delicious and it doesn't cost a small fortune like most places.
Tails: and the prizes are pretty good too look at this cool water gun I won.
The gang all laugh and are ready to have more fun when-
Scratch and Grounder confront the blue blur regarding their popcorn.
Tails: Scratch and grounder!?
Sonia: Talk about a blast from the past.
Grounder: Do you think you can ruin our popcorn and get away with it!?
Scratch: Even after all these years your still a menace like you were so many years ago!
Tails: Yeah how have you guys been anyway and where have you been?
Grounder: In a scrapyard eggman forgot all about us but then Y/N found us and fixed us up!
Scratch: Yeah he did so we work for Y/N now!
Amy: oh that poor boy.
Grounder: I heard that!
Scratch: He's been a better boss to us than Eggman ever was right now we are protecting him as his bodyguard pretty cool right?
Sonia: bodyguards wait wouldn't that mean that Y/N is here somewhere?
Grounder: Yeah why do you ask?
Without another word the gang ran into the carnival leaving Scratch and Grounder alone who had just released what they said.
Grounder: They're......... gonna fight Y/N aren't they?
Grounder: Oh.........scrap.
With Y/N and sage the two had just left the fun house and Y/N was rubbing his nose after he ran straight into a window in the room of mirrors.
Sage: Brother are you sure you'll be okay?
Y/N: Yep its just a bump on the nose who's idea was it to have a room full of mirrors anyway? No matter tis but a scratch let's move on to the next ride and from what I heard it's the horror house.
Sage: Sounds fun.
Y/N: Oh I beg to differ.
Sonia: Y/N!
Y/N: Oh you've got to be kidding me.
Sonia and her friends run to Y/N but mecha sonic lands in front of Y/N. Vannila hides cream behind her as Sonia prepares for a fight but Y/N orders mecha sonic to back down.
Y/N: Evreyone calm down mecha sonic stand down that's an order!
Mecha sonic listens to his masters command and backs away and Y/N stands infront of sage and Sonia walks up to Y/N.
Cream: Papa!
Y/N: Hey kid.
Sonia: What are you doing here Y/N?
Y/N: The same reason why your here to relax at the carnival and enjoy myself.
Tails: How do we know you're not lying and your here to cause trouble?
Y/N: Miss Prower if I was here to cause trouble I would have let mecha sonic attack you but I didn't. I'm on my day off and my little sister wanted to go to the carnival even evil geniuses need a break from their evil ways coming up with diabolical plans is tiresome work you know.
Sage: Hello I'm Sage I'm pleased to meet you hello cream.
Cream: Hi sage!
Y/N: Listen this is Sage's first visit to Earth and I don't want anything to ruin it so can we have this one moment of peace between bitter rivals?
Sonia: Hmmm sure just don't do anything sneaky alright?
Y/N: You have my word now can we please just go by our day? I need to grab a chilli dog i'm starving.
Sonia: Woah woah wait.........you like chilli dogs?
Amy: Oh boy here we go.
Y/N: Like them? I love them they're the best thing on this planet.
Sonia: I know right they're the best!
Y/N: You like chilli dogs too?
Sonia: Yeah I love them who doesn't?! Here you want this spare chilli dog?
Y/N: Ohhh gimme gimme gimme!
Y/N happily takes the chilli dog and gobbles it down which sonia does the same to hers. The gang laugh at Y/N's behaviour and they all wander around the carnival playing as many games as they could. Vannila looked at Y/N who had cream on his shoulders and was holding sage's hand making her smile. Vanilla could now see why cream called the boy papa he was a natural father and had a kind heart sonia and the other could see that too. He was a far cry from his father he was calm sweet at times and very reasonable and after what Vannila heard about Y/N's past her mind began to wonder.........Can Y/N even be called or a bad guy? is he just misunderstood?
Sage: Hey brother can we go on that ride next?
Y/N: Huh what ride....do.....you......mean?
Y/N: T-that a-are your sure?
Sage: Yeah that looks fun.
Amy: (smirks) Ohhhh girls looks at that someone's scared.
Tails: (shudders) can't blame him i'm not going in that no way!
Cream: Can I go on that Mommy?
Vanilla: Sorry sweetie but you're a bit too young to go on that ride.
Cream: Awwwww.
Y/N: Same here sage you need to wait abit longer to ride on a rollercoaster.
Amy: But your more than old enough Y/N why dont you and Sonia get on the ride and have some fun?
Sonia: Or are you chicken? (chicken sounds)
Scratch: As I chicken myself I find that insulting.
Y/N: Chicken me!? Ha as if I'll prove you wrong i-i'll go on and we'll see who the real chicken is!
Sonia: Oh its on!
Sonia runs to the ride exit but Y/N is less than enthusiastic. He turns to see sage give him a cute wave for good luck while Scratch and Grounder saluted him for his bravery. after a minute tails has a small chat with Scratch about Y/N.
Tails: You sure Y/N is going to be okay up there?
Scratch: This is the boss you're talking about he's brave and fearless he will be fine.
Scratch: Juuuuuust fine.
Small timeskip
After the ride was finished sonia walked back to her friends while Y/N ran to a bin and let it rip.
Grounder: so much for being fine.
Amy: Sooooo how did it go?
Sonia: Oh it was great the speed the adrenaline it was fantastic wouldn't you agree Y/N?
Y/N through the entire ride;
Y/N: (gag).............fuck no.
After Y/N had recovered from the rollercoaster ride the gang continued to mess around in the carnival. Soon night fell and everyone had time for one more ride........that was a love tunnel. Y/N blushed as he took the seat on the boat with Sonia his father's arch nemesis right next to him in a love tunnel.
The boat gently rowed down the stream the two were in silence both had a small blush on their face.
Y/N: (blush) You know I had a hell of a time with you today.
Sonia: Same I enjoyed today too its been fun hanging out with you.
Y/N: Yeah you know for my father's arch nemesis your alright Sonia you're alright.
Sonia: Yeah your a pretty great guy yourself your not as bad as your old man.
Y/N: I bet he's bad huh?
Sonia: Oh you have no idea........hey can I ask you something?
Y/N: Sure go ahead.
Sonia: Do you really want to be like your dad?
Y/N: W-well no but I want to make him proud.
Sonia: yeah but why do you want to make him proud? He doesn't even spend much time with you or sage does he?
Y/N: Well........no as my time as a child its only been sage and infenetta that's kept me company. Sometime I dont think he even remembers he has a son until I've done something big that would get him to notice.
Sonia: Like stealing all the chaos emeralds?
Y/N: mhmmm something like that he becomes all pridefull of my achievements and of how he raised me yeah that man does grind my gears sometimes.
Sonia: If you hate him why don't you just hang around with us? We're not as bad as egghead says sure shada may be abit moody but she means well.
Y/N: Thats a nice offer but it ain't that simple. Sage infenetta neo and metal sonia live on the ark I can't just leave them behind they're my family.
Sonia: But if they said they would come with you would you then leave?
Y/N: Maybe Sonia........maybe.
Sonia smiles at Y/N and sits with him for the rest of the ride holding his hand making the two blush. Once the ride ends the two walk back to their groups and get ready to leave and head back home.
Y/N: Well this has been fun I hope to see you all again soon either on the streets or in the battlefield.
Tails: Yeah until next time Y/N but if we fight after this dont go easy on us okay?
Y/N: (smiles) Oh don't worry even as freinds I don't plan to until next time.
Cream: Bye papa bye sage!
Sage: Take care cream!
The gang split up and head home and Y/N turns to sage who has the most adorable smile on her face.
Y/N: So sage did you have a ton of fun today?
Sage: Yes I did this was the best day of my live I hope we can do this again soon!
Y/N: Dont worry we will and the next time we go to the carnival we will have even more fun!
Sage: I can't wait.......hey brother after today what do you think about sonia are you still unsure about her?
Y/N: Nope after today and all the fun we had she's not the menace that dad says she is. She's good person and great rival I don't even want to defeat her I just want to fight her for the fun and thrill of it.
Sage: As her friend?
Y/N: Yeah as a friend sonia the hedgehog..........what a gal.
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