A dark heart can change
(so after checking the comments I've decided to change fem shadows name to shade it has a nice ring to it not gonna lie. Oh and yes female mephiles will be in the harem so enjoy having the ultimate gamer girl as your lover.)
Y/N looked at the unconscious mephiles who had started to groan and twitch in the last 10 minutes. Y/N knew she could wake up at any time so he stayed neared the cube that entrapped her while silver sonic and mecha sonic guarded him.
Silver sonic: I've scanned the intruder and I've been unable to identify her species.
Y/N: What? But she looks identical to sonia and her species how is she not one of sonia's kind?
Mecha sonic: We do not have much information on her. We couldn't find anything not her species her family or place of birth she's an enigma.
Y/N: Then that could only mean she's not from earth but from another world in space where Intellgent life exists. (That concerns me even more who does she work for and what kind of a threat could we be facing?)
Mephiles groaned as she held her head and stood up she immediately knew of the position she was in she faced Y/N and his two guardians. Mecha sonic cracked his knuckles while silver sonic held his arms together still jealous that he didn't get in on the fight turns out its quite difficult for silver sonic to walk through doors due to his height.
Y/N: Ahhhh our guest has awoken I see? Your head doesn't hurt too much does it?
Mephiles: Why no it doesn't it's just a migraine that I've got courtesy of your guardian.
Mecha Sonic: Your lucky Y/N told me to keep you alive otherwise you would've received much worse.
Y/N: Easy mecha sonic there's no need for intimidation at least not yet. Now mephiles I've got a few questions that I would like you to answer the first being.......where did you come from and just what are you?
Mephiles: Curious about my origins I see? Well I am not a local of this planet I come from a world far from here. I was created by my master to act out his orders which I've done flawlessly for so long.
Y/N: So your a creation that was made by a being from outer space?
Mephiles: Yes I am.
Y/N: Interesting now another question. Who is your master and what does he want with the chaos emeralds?
Mephiles: Now that I'm afraid is information I will refuse to share I will not let you jeopardise his goal.
Y/N: I see.
Silver sonic: Shall we begin to interrogate her with brute force?
Y/N: No no we wont need to use such excessive force I've gotten a more peaceful means of obtaining information. Well mephiles I have just one more question before I leave you in your cell.......what do you think about the human race?
Mephiles: Your kind? Well apart from you who I would happily keep as my pet the rest of humanity is a disease in my master's eyes. They are nothing but mindless brutes who kill each other for personal gain and start wars for men to fight for causes that they don't understand or believe in. Humans are nothing but warmongers who will be erased from this galaxy like the many worlds before them.
Y/N: Your master told you this but have you seen that side of humanity yet?
Mephiles: What?
Y/N: Why yes some people on earth are truly despicable some are even beyond redemption for the heinous acts they've committed. But not all humans are like that what about the children and of their parents who dedicate years of their lives to make sure their child is ready for adulthood? What about the doctors who operate for hours on end in a bid to save the lives of the sick? What about the policemen who fight crime and keep the peace in the cities around the world? Humanity is not as barbaric as you think because consider it for a moment if I was this bloodthirsty mindless killer I wouldn't have ordered my droids to capture you I would've just ordered them to kill you but I didn't. What you were told about humanity is false your ears can be deceived but not your eyes they can only see the truth. I'm willing to give you a chance to see what humans are really like I want you to see the truth about out race yes we can be cruel yes we can be wicked but we can also show compassion and love. Give me a chance to show you that everything you was told is a lie mephiles.........let me open your eyes.
Mephiles was silent her eyes were focused on Y/N and him alone what Y/N said did make sense she was told all these horrible things but she's never seen this yet should she give them a chance and take up Y/N's offer?
Mephiles:.........fine I'll give you one chance.
Y/N: Thats all I ask of you mephiles.
Y/N ordered Infinetta to bring down the barrier she gave Mephiles a death stare before walking off.
Y/N: I'm glad you agreed to my offer let's consider this a way of rehabilitation. Just to let you know though mecha and silver sonic will be monitoring to make sure you don't try anything and I'm sure you remembered what happened the last time you fought mecha sonic.
Mecha sonic: Please be rebellious I could use a punching bag.
Mephiles: Tch you piece of junk. Let's go to your room Y/N I want to see what your hobbies and passions are.
Y/N gladly showed mephiles her room which was full of gadgets spare sets of his coat in case one gets ripped a games console a TV and gaming PC that had the best parts available.
Y/N: Well here we are my humble abode take a good look around and see if anything takes your fancy.
Mephiles didn't respond and Y/N turned and saw her gazing at the games console her eyes were filled with interest an instinct told her to grab the controller and turn the console on it was like she had found her true purpose........gaming.
Y/N: You wanna play some games?
Mephiles: Games?
Y/N: Yeah I've got some games we could play. DBZ fighters cyberpunk 2077 and Fortnite and a lot more heh I'm quite a gamer you see.
Mephiles: Let's play fortnite I like the sound of it I want to see if I could become one of these "gamers" and surpass their skills.
Y/N: Alright then let's sit down turn the console on and let me teach you everything I know about gaming.
A few hours go by and Y/N looks at mephiles in pride she had not moved from the T.V she was addicted to playing fortnite hell she racked up 10 victory royales in less than an hour.
Mephiles: Get rekt kid make sure you hold onto that L!
Y/N: Ladies gentlemen children of all ages today I've done gods work.......I've turned mephiles the dark into a gamer.
Mephiles: grhhhhh fuck you kid.........your adopted.
For the next few hours the two played every game Y/N had in his collection DBZ fighters........
Mephiles: They'll never expect a raw level 3.
Y/N: I see that your a women of culture.
Payday 2.........
Mephiles: Imagine being that officer he did ten tours in Iraq just to be killed by a spoon.
Y/N: A 24K gigachad spoon.
Mephiles: Boom bomb defused I'm on a roll how are you faring Y/N?
Y/N:.........what do you think?
And finally cyberpunk which was playing a song that made Y/N cry which confused mephiles.
Mephiles: Y/N why are you crying?
Y/N: (sniff) I'm not crying I've just got something in my eye.
Mephiles: You weren't upset when you heard the other songs what makes "I really want to stay at your house" any different?
Y/N: (crying) Watch edgerunners then you'll understand why.
After the two had thier gaming session Y/N took mephiles to earth and walked through the busy streets of metropolis.
Mephiles:...........So this is the fabled tilted towers?
Y/N: No it isn't mephiles it metropolis it looks like tilted towers but it isn't maybe you've been playing too much fortnite.
Mephiles: As a gamer yourself you should know that you can never play too much fortnite. A true gamer has no limits.
The two walked around town and visited the many attractions of the city. They visited the arcade and challenged each other to see who could get more tickets. There was a bit of a problem where a kid tried to take Mephiles's tickets and Y/N had to stop her from taking the kids arm off.
Y/N: Come on mephiles let's just calm down and be reasonable.
Mephiles: He tried to steal my tickets the greedy pig!
After calming down mephiles and Y/N tried their luck at bowling Y/N was first and managed to score a strike on his first set.
Y/N: Oh yeah thats how it's done! Your next mephiles try to beat that if you can.
Mephiles: cocky are we? Oh I'll beat your strike alright.
Mephiles walked to the bowling balls but instead of grabbing one and throwing it at the pins she extended her arm and smacked down the pins earning a strike on the T.V screen.
Mephiles:......... strike.
Y/N: Thats.....not.......how it work but okay fine.......sure.
Before they left Y/N used his tickets to get a large stuffed bear for Mephiles who used her tickets to get Y/N a heart-shaped necklace with the words "forever mine" engraved on it. Y/N blushed when he got the necklace while mephiles was confused she's not accustomed to earth and its idea of love.
Then the two went to a pizza restaurant that had some creepy ass robots which smelt like pizza and strangely enough blood. Y/N bit into his pizza and thought that mephiles would miss out because of having no mouth but a small purple light appeared on her face and gave her a mouth and she started to eat her pizza.
Y/N: Mephiles since when could you do that?
Mephiles: I always had that ability I just don't use it that much.
Y/N: Why didn't you tell me?
Mephiles: Well you never asked me did you?
After that they strolled though the city park and this is when mephiles saw the loving side of humanity. She saw a man on his knees presenting a diamond ring to a women who pulled him into an embrace kissing him on the lips. Children were playing with friends in the playground while the parents chatted with each other. The two sat down on a bench and took in the view the sun was beginning to set its orange colour shined on the lake leaves fell all around them as the calm wind brushed fresh air on the two. Mephiles saw that Y/N had fallen asleep and now had his head leaning on her shoulder. She stroked his head and gently picked him bridal style and carried him to the ship and flew back to the ark. She could have taken the emerald and left but something in her heart was stopping her she had never felt such an emotion before she couldn't explain it. Once they returned to the ark mecha sonic escorted the two to Y/N's room and Mephiles gently put him on the bed and sat down next to Y/N. A pink tint appeared on her face and she put the blanket over her and Y/N and slowly fell asleep.
Meanwhile in outer space on the edge of the solar system as comet floated past the planet of Neptune on the surface bloodthirsty aliens let out a roar as they near their destination. Creatures fly behind the comet leaving a red trail throughout the system the leader of the army was holding a sphere that showed the earth and ark before looking at the camera as the screen fades to black.
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