A battle against a raging bull
After his intense battle Y/N was quick to regroup with his freinds his mind was disturbed by his encounter with black doom why would he want a human to work for him and just how far will he go to have his demands met?
The black arms had made a retreat to regroup and attack the city with a more vast and wall armed army meanwhile G.U.N and the droid army were busy licking thier wounds from the assault and were also gathering thier strength. Y/N ordered mecha sonic to regroup with him outside of the metro station and had ordered kalani to have sonia and shade meet up with him aswell the others were still busy in dealing with the last of the black arms near the highway.
Y/N waited with mecha sonic who had returned to Y/N and was covered in the blood of the black arms which caused sonia to gag while shade remained unphased.
Sonia: (gag) Jeez dude you could have least washed all that stuff off yourself.
Mecha sonic: There is no need I have no sense of smell and the blood of my enemy sustains me the more blood i spill the better.
Y/N: Alright mecha sonic let's calm down on the bloodbath stuff alright?
Shade: So Y/N why did you call us here?
Y/N: During my fight in the basement against the black arms I had a encounter with thier leader black doom.
Sonia: You did?!
Y/N: Yep and me and him had alittle conversation and what he said to me has left me disturbed. He gave me an offer to join his army and when I refused he just brushed it aside and said that he would make me join his army one way or the other.
Shade: Why the hell would he want you to work for him?
Sonia: Besides you wouldn't actually join him and stab us in the back........right?
Y/N placed his hand on sonia's cheek and gave her a smile causing her to blush making shade a little bit jealous.
Y/N: Sonia I would never turn my back on you I won't break the hearts of the people that have stood by me through all this I'm not joining black doom not here not now not ever.
Sonia: (blush) you really are something else you know that? (God his smile its making my heart go crazy I can't stop blushing!)
Shade: So Y/N whats the plan? The black arms have retreated but I don't doubt they'll be back for another round with more soldiers to boot.
Y/N: I've ordered kalani to have the droids ralley at times square while G.U.N have occupied most of the highway but right now though we should deal with any stragglers from the first wave.
Sonia: Wanna have some help and have me and shade tag along?
Y/N: Sure the quicker we deal with the survivors the better.
Mecha sonic: Just don't slow me down.
Shade: Tch the nerve of this punk.
Sonia: Yeah what shade said I mean do you know who your talking to? I'm the fastest thing alive!
Mecha sonic: And the most obnoxious and annoying thing alive.
Sonia: Annoying!? Why I autta-
Y/N: (Sigh) this is going to be a long day.
Y/N along with sonia shade and mecha sonic went from place to place dealing with any surviving black arms soldiers with mecha sonic dealing with them in a thorough and brutal manner while sonia and the others were less savage. Y/N made quick work of the stragglers deflecting any blaster fire sent his way and sonia and shade who used thier spindash to take out the larger groups of aliens. The four had just finished up with dealing with the aliens at the museum and now they were patrolling the streets near the mayor's office keeping thier eyes peeled for any aliens. They walked past the lifeless remains of battle droids aliens and G.U.N soldiers the silence that engulfed the city gave an uneasy feeling one that would make someone think that danger was around the courner and that they could be attacked at any moment.
Shade: It's quiet.......too quiet.
Y/N: That's usually a good thing in my books but in a situation like this it's just.......unnerving.
Mecha sonic: Be vigilant my scanners have detected movement ahead of us be ready to terminate any hostile forces.
Sonia: Is violence the only thing you know?
Mecha sonic: I live for violence I crave it.
Y/N: Alright if anyone's here show yourself!
On que a starfish like alien floats down from a nearby building and floats infront of the four.
Black doom: Y/N.
Y/N: Black doom.
Sonia: He's the big bad boss of the black arms? Haaaaa this patrick starfish wannabe headass!
Y/N: Don't be fooled sonia this isn't his actual form its more of a vassal he uses to moniter his troops and give them commands.
Black doom: Your are correct Y/N you should be so quick as to underestimate me hedgehog my power vastly exceeds yours.
Shade: Cut the crap tell why your here before we tear you apart!
Mecha sonic: I will give you a minute for you to explain your intentions before I gouge your eye out.
Black doom: I am not here for the likes of a mindless killing machine like you. My offer still stands Y/N why fight for a race doomed to fail? If humanity was to survive this war then they'll perish by one that they'll cause themselves.
Y/N: Sure humans ain't perfect but atleast we ain't a genocidal maniac like you that goes from planet to planet feasting on it's inhabitants! I don't care how many times you come to me with an offer I will never join you!
Sonia: Yeah so why don't you take a hike chump or do you want us to clean your clock? (Pumps fists)
Black doom: Very well perhaps you need convincing a way to soften you up. You may have fought off my forces but how will you fare against the savagery of one of my strongest soldiers..........BLACK BULL I SUMMON YOU!
A large purple portal opens up next to black doom and a large red and black creature with red wings and a large single green eye ascends from the portal and roars at the four hero's who go into a defensive position.
Y/N: That's one thick ass boi.
Shade: Really Y/N?
Y/N: What? He's thick.
Black doom: Behold the might of the black army black bull attack!
Black dooms flies away leaving the hero's to fight with black bull. Black bull fires a ball of molten flames from its mouth towards sonia who jumps out of the way the ball explodes and hits a broken down truck melting the vehicle to a pile of magma and slag.
Sonia: Okaaaaay whatever you do don't get hit by the fireballs.
Y/N: Ya dont say sonia.
Y/N ran around black bull and jumped up and tried to plunge his lightsaber through it's side but the weapon just bounced off its skin and black bull flapped its wings at Y/N knocking him back.
Y/N: Damn his skin is too tough not even my lightsaber can penetrate it.
Then smaller purple portals opened up and black arm grunts came running out weapons drawn and headed towards the four.
Shade: This things got backup!
Sonia: Black doom couldn't play fare could he?
Mecha sonic: Good the more bloodshed the better.
The grunts fire thier blasters at shade who teleports out of the way letting mecha sonic take the shots and boosts toward the grunts knocking the guns out of thier hands snapping the neck of one of the grunts slitting the throat of another and grabbing another grunt and ripping him in half by the waist.
While mecha sonic made quick work of the grunts Shade sonia and Y/N focused thier attention on black bull who continued to fire balls of magma at Y/N who ducked to avoid the attack. Sonia spindashed on black bull's back to no effect apart from bouncing off its hide. Shade fired two choas spears one deflected off it's armour but the second hit it's eye earning a pained roar from the beast.
Shade: It's eye thats it's weak point aim for its eye!
Sonia runs upto black bull and jumps up and kicks it's eye black bull turns away and flies to the other side of the street. Y/N grabs sonia and uses his chaos emerald and teleports infront of black bull and holds out his hands helping sonia jump up and spindash into black bulls eye. Mecha sonic continues his fight with the black arm reinforcements and after decapitating the last grunt a large brute crawls out of a portal behind him towering over the robot who remained unphased.
The brute slammed his fist down towards mecha sonic like a sledgehammer but mecha sonic dodges the attack and gets behind the brute and delivers a kick to its back but it doesn't phase the alien who turns around and grabs mecha sonic and throws him into a pile of rubble. Mecha sonic removes himself from the rubble sparks coming from his left shoulder and readies his boosters charging up his rocket while the brute charged towards him. As the brute was moments away from reaching mecha sonic he activated his thrusters and slammed his fist into the brutes skull at the speed of sound freeing its head from its shoulders. Mecha sonic grabbed the brutes head and crushed it with his left hand while he looked at his right arm which was damaged by the brute with some wiring visible through the cracked armour.
With Y/N he was facing down with black bull the alien roared as it charged towards Y/N who smirked and run towards the alien. When black bull was going to grab Y/N with his claws Y/N jumped up and activated his double bladed and spun around slashing it's eye temporarily blinding it. The blind monster entered a fit of rage charging into a building due to its blind state launching debris everywhere. Sonia and shade were successful in avoiding the projectiles but Y/N wasn't so lucky after black bull swung its wing at Y/N knocking him to the floor and then black bull charged into a bus tipping it to its side trapping Y/N by the legs.
Y/N: Ahhhhhh Dammit!
Black bull opened its eye which had regenerated regaining its sight and now it was focused on Y/N the boy who had blinded it the monster was seeping with rage and charged up a ball of magma readied to burn Y/N to a crisp.
Shade: Y/N!
Sonia: Y/N!
Y/N closed his eyes ready to meet his maker but from the distance mecha sonic saw his creator moments away from meeting his demise. Following his directive and the vow he made to protect Y/N he boosted towards black and stood infront of Y/N as black bull fired his attack his arm spread out so that only he would be the one to take the brunt of the attack. Y/N opened his eyes and watched mecha sonic one of his most loyal and trusted soldiers his finest creation get hit with the massive ball of magma the explosion blasted mecha sonic away to the end of the street Y/N eyes filled with dread and anger as he saw mecha sonic lie there showing no signs of movement or life.
Shade and sonia stood there sonia had her hands on her mouth while shade just looked on. Y/N began to shake sadness anger and fury fueled his body black bull turned back to Y/N ready to finish the job but now surrounding Y/N was a dark black aura his pupils had left his eyes which now showed a pure white and his H/C had changed to a jet black appearance. Black bull once again charged his attack and-
Y/N unleashes a powerful choas blast devastating an entire block shade used choas control to get her and sonia to safety while red bull was sent flying it's left wing torn off by the blast. The large alien was now slumped to the floor unable to take flight and Y/N approached the beast and ignited his lightsaber but the golden colour of his blade was gone and in its place was a crimson red saber. Y/N blinded by his rage plunged his lightsaber into black bulls eye he twisted the blade to make sure that black bull the monster that destroyed mecha sonic a robot that gave his life to protect his had a slow and agonising death.
Black bull screamed in agony as the red blade plunged deeper into his skull Y/N grinned he enjoyed the pain he was inflicting to the alien he enjoyed watching the monster take its last breath as its head slumped down its life extinguished from its gouged eye the green blood drenched Y/N's body as he deactivated his blade. Y/N's hair and eyes returned to normal and the dark aura around him faded away he felt a hand on his shoulder and saw shade her face was filled with concern she got to her knees and wrapped the boy into a hug to calm him.
Y/N: S-shade?
Shade: It's over Y/N it's dead you've won.
Y/N gave shade a small smile before running over to the remains of mecha sonic. Tears dropped from his eyes as he gazed at the robots remains his left side had been melted by the magma and one of his eyes had been ripped out and his chestplate was blown off exposing his core which was the only thing that remained untouched. Sonia looked at Y/N who had picked up mecha sonic's remains he walked past the two hedgehogs without saying a word to them and during thier trip back to base not a single word was said. Once they returned the gang was shocked and saddned to see what had become of mecha sonic the battle droids gave a salute in respect for thier deceased commander. Y/N didn't speak to anyone......not even to his girlfriend he just needed some time alone he walked into a workshop he had setup prior to the attack and locked the door and set mecha sonic on a table and from there for hours on end he just stared at his remains. The memories of his time with mecha sonic from the moment he took him from the scrapyard and gave mecha sonic a second chance at life to the time he showed his combat superiority in his fight against mephiles and of his loyalty protecting Y/N with his life........and now here he is nothing but scrap his body was mangled beyond repair the only thing that could be slavaged was his core.
Wait a minute...........
His core..........thats it! There's a chance there's a chance in hell!
Y/N eyes were filled with determination he moved the scrap aside and gently took out and placed mecha sonics core to the side and he quickly drew up a blueprint for a new body for the core.
Y/N: No its not your time mecha sonic.......not yet even if I have to rebuild your body from scratch the core will still have your mind your memories you've done so much for me I won't cast you aside like my father did even if it takes hours I will bring you back to life.........I will put you back together again.
18 hours later
The gang waited outside of the workshop for hours on end after what sonia had told them they had grown concerned. The sounds of drills and the occasional pained yelp was heard from inside the workshop Infinetta was about to knock on the door when they heard Y/N laugh and the sound of a voice that they thought they would never hear again......mecha sonic's voice.
Y/N: I did it I actually did it your back!
Mecha sonic: You restored my body?
Y/N: Well its most certainly not the same as your old one so you will have to get used to your new design. But after so many hours of work your back mecha sonic.
????: Please.......don't call me by that name.
Y/N: What? W-why?
????: That name died with my old body now I'm something more something new.
Evreyone was curious as to what mecha sonic meant but they didn't have time to ponder as Y/N opened the door he was on the verge of passing out due to the lack of sleep. He tried to keep his footing but ended up falling into Amy's arms who blushed in response.
Silvia: Y/N are you okay?!
Y/N: I........did......it......I fixed him.
Tails: Do you mean mecha sonic?!
Scratch: No way he was nothing but molten scrap.
Grounder: I knew you were amazing boss but I didn't know you were this good!
Y/N: Yaaaaay I'm the best.......sleepy time.
With that Y/N fell asleep in Amy's arms who slowly sat on the floor while stroking Y/N's hair.
Amy: He's so cute when he's all tired......(blush) did I just say that out loud?
Knuckles: Yes.....yes you did.
Blaze: So was what he said true? Did he actually repair mecha sonic?
????: I'm not mecha sonic not anymore. Now I'm something more then that something more vicious and merciless.
A large figure emerged from the workshop evreyone was shocked by what they saw they expected to see a blue robot hedgehog but no what they saw was a large white cyborg with a set of four lightsaber strapped to his waist and a red cape which blew behind him.
Grievous: Mecha sonic is no more now I am Grievous........general Grievous.
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