{five years later}
Hoseok could feel the chill of winter beginning to return, trees beginning to become sugar coated in a thin layer of snow. The leather reins rubbed soon-to-be-blisters between his fingers, and he mentally sighed for not bringing along his gloves. The horse beneath him was just as done with the journey as he was, trudging through the thin layer of snow at it's hooves as it approached the science lab...
Trudging to a stop outside the entrance, Hoseok gave the horse a pat on the neck, letting go of the reins, "Nice going." he chuckled, climbing down from the saddle and letting his boots crunch against the snow as he landed on the ground. Taking in a fresh breath of air, Hoseok took a moment to appreciate the last chirps of the singing birds before winter fully approached, letting the cold wind entangle itself through his now wavy natural black hair, a song to his ears as it whistled past.
At the sound of the large metal doors opening, Hoseok snapped himself from his trance, shuffling through the snow before reaching the entrance of the lab. Letting out a warm breath of air, Hoseok shuffled inside, sweeping his trusty bow and arrows from his shoulders and placing them down by the entrance. As the door closed behind him, he kicked off his combat boots, quickly removing his winter coat and taking out his catch from the side. A dead rabbit.
Head held high, Hoseok felt triumphant with his daily catch, taking a step forwards as he headed down the long hallway of the lab. "I'm home!" he called out, holding his catch by his side, "I managed to catch a ra-" he cut his own words short as he let out a short gasp, stumbling to regain his balance as he tripped over a little toy doll.
The toy lay limply on the ground, woollen hair tangled over its baby pink cheeks. It wore a pink floral dress, trimmed with white lace and although the dirt had gotten to it, it still remained cherished.
As if on cue, Hoseok cursed under his breath as a little girl with bouncy blonde hair waddled out from one of the rooms of the hallway. Through tangled and unkept hair, the child's eyes began to water as her gaze landed upon the sight of Hoseok's foot tread over her little rag doll. With her small fists clenched by her side, she stomped her way over towards the male, giving him just enough time to hide his dead rabbit behind his back.
"Don't kill my dolls Uncle Ho-se-ok!" she exclaimed, lips turning into a pout as her chubby cheeks rose in annoyance.
Biting down on his lower lip, Hoseok knelt down to meet the girls height, still hiding the dead rabbit behind his back, "I'm sorry." he smiled, one of such sweetness and love that the girl was quick to soften her stance. Watching the girls actions, Hoseok dug a hand into the side of his coat, "I know I should be more careful with your toys..." slipping his hand out from his coat, Hoseok revealed a new rag doll, slightly more tattered then the one the girl already had, but still pretty non the less, "I found it in town." he chuckled, watching as the girl reached out, taking the doll with her smaller hands into her arms.
"Thanks Seok." Namjoon chuckled from down the hall, walking alongside Tessa towards the little girl. Bending down, Namjoon took the girl into his arms, carrying her with ease as he faced his friend. After contemplating whether or not bringing a child into the world was right, Tessa and Namjoon had decided to have a kid of their own, deciding to give her the best life as humanly possible, one filled with nature and surrounded by love. With a gentle touch, Tessa placed a hand against her almost flat stomach, smiling to herself knowing that her daughter wouldn't be the only child for much longer.
Breaking the silence, Hoseok's eyes darted past Tessa and Namjoon at the sight of a blonde haired male stumbling out from his room. Hoseok couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Yoongi sleepily coming out to greet him, accompanied by Jimin from behind. Hoseok sighed, "I see you both have matching hair colours now."
Yoongi rolled his eyes, pointing a finger towards Jimin clinging to his side, "His idea, not mine."
Hoseok shook his head with a chuckle, "Whatever you say." he smiled, reaching into the other pocket of his coat and pulling out a familiar packet. The bitter smell of coffee beans was quick to fill the air, a calming but intoxicating scent, "I brought you these." he chuckled, tossing the bag over to Yoongi.
The male's eyes lit up in surprise... it was safe to say that Yoongi was fucking ecstatic at the sight of coffee beans, "About freaking time." Yoongi muttered, turning on his feet as he made his way down the hall and towards the kitchen, "I need coffee to live in a place as rowdy as this."
Following the sleepy male, Hoseok, Namjoon, Tessa and Jimin stumbled their way into the kitchen. As they rounded the corner, the group wasn't surprised to see Jin's back faced towards them, a sweet aroma flooding their senses. Steam rose from the pot Jin was leant over, slightly fogging the photo frame on the kitchen counter of Taehyung's family that they'd found in the lab.
"Uncle Jin!" The little girl exclaimed, wriggling out of her father's arm before stumbling her way over to Jin's startled form. Her hair bounced as she leapt into Jin's arms.
Seokjin couldn't help but boop her nose as he swooped her up into his arms, "Why who do we have here?" he chuckled, turning back towards the food as he carried her tightly in his arms, "The next cook perhaps?"
Jimin rolled his eyes, "You do realise Jungkook was supposed to cook tonight?" he spoke, crossing his arms across his form in distaste as he recalled how many times Jungkook had convinced Jin to take over the cooking for him instead.
With a devilish grin, Jin turned the stove off, "He can do the dishes then." he muttered, earning a chuckle from the little girl held in his arms. With a smile, Jin slowly lowered the girl to the ground, "TAEHYUNG, JUNGKOOK!" he shout, causing the rest of the group to flinch.
Within seconds the sounds of shuffling could be heard from the room just down the hall. Jin face palmed himself the moment he heard muffled shouts and voices sounding stressfully from the room, objects clattering against the ground. So as the couple messily stumbled out of their room, Jin placed his hands over the little girls eyes, shielding her sight as Jungkook and Taehyung quickly threw their shirts back over their heads.
With a wide smile, Jungkook slipped himself into a seat at the bench, "What's cooking?" he spoke, licking his lips at the pot on the stove. From behind him, Taehyung slowly wrapped his arms around the younger's waist, a feeling of warmth eloping them both as Taehyung set his head against the top of Jungkook's.
Rolling his eyes, Seokjin gave a stern expression, "Just sit down already."
So together, the squad gathers around the table, helping themselves to their well prepared meal,
all with a single Daisy on the countertop.
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