Chapter Twenty-Seven
{in the nick of time}
"MOTHERFUCKER!" The offical screamed, swinging a fist across his form as he landed a blow on Yoongi's face. The blue haired male was sent flying to the floor, vision slightly blurred at the heavy impact from the official's strong punch. The sound of a click was heard as the offical reached for his own gun, slipping it straight from his pocket without hesitation and aiming it directly towards Taehyung, ready to finish off what they started.
Weakly pulling himself into a seated position, Yoongi's eyes went wide at the sight, "no..." he mumbled under his breath, too low for anyone to have heard as he watched the official close in on the trigger.
"NO!" Yoongi screamed.
The official pulled down on the trigger, the gunshot sending a ringing to the ears as Yoongi simultaneously shot up from his position on the floor. Taehyung and Jungkook swore they both became stuck in an insane nightmare the moment Yoongi dashed in-front of the bullet's trajectory, body jolting backwards as the bullet penetrated straight through the skin and bone of the male's shoulder.
As if everything were happening in slow motion, Yoongi's body stumbled backwards, a flow of thick, crimson blood flowing down his arm, staining against his tattoos and dripping from the ends of his fingertips to the concrete floor.
Taehyung and Jungkook both watched on awestruck as Yoongi spat, "You'll have to go through me." he growled, voice low and husky as he faced the man with bravery.
Completely fed up with Yoongi's interference, the official was quick to raise his weapon once again, knuckles white against the handle of the gun as he aimed at Yoongi's strongly standing form.
Glaring down the barrel of the weapon, Yoongi smirked, "Bring it."
The Alpha male was fuming, muscles tightened as his finger slipped over the trigger of the handgun. Jungkook could do nothing but watch on in fright as Yoongi stood before him, arms stretched out protectively despite the bullet wound to his shoulder.
The Alpha offical gave a hard glare, finger beginning to tighten around the trigger, but it wasn't his gun that fired fist... but another's.
The echoing sound of a single gunshot shattered the scene, bullet ploughing straight through flesh and bone as the Alpha official was shot directly through the forehead. Yoongi watched on in a daze as the male crumpled to the floor, a puddle of thick blood oozing from the man's head out onto the polished concrete.
With wide eyes and trembling limbs, Yoongi's gaze flickered up to meet with a familiar blonde haired male. The figure stood tall and proud, a single handgun held tightly in his grasp as he lowered his arms to his side with a shaky breath. Yoongi wanted nothing more then to run into the arms of the male, eyes softening at the sight, "J-Jimin?" he stuttered, adrenaline immediately beginning to leave his system as he stared into the eyes of the blonde.
At the sound of his name, Jimin's gaze was quick to flicker over to the blue haired male's, eyes widening in horror at the sight. Staggering on his feet was Yoongi, skin falling into a ghostly colour as blood trickled down his unmoving arm. With clenched teeth, Jimin rushed forwards, almost tripping over his own feet as he ran to Yoongi's side, taking the blue haired male by the shoulders and lowering him into a seated position on the ground. His hand was now soaked in the blood that ran down from Yoongi's arm, the male's skin so cold. "We're here now Yoongi." he murmured, quickly removing his winter coat from his form and draping it over Yoongi, "we're here."
As if right on cue, the rest of the squad members broke in, metal door slamming open as the squad members stood tall, their weapons held high as they lost no time in advancing.
Hoseok was first to leap into the battle, brushing his tousled orange bangs from his forehead as he swept his bow off from his shoulder. With narrowed eyes and an expression of steel, Hoseok loaded an arrow, pulling back the string before letting it slip from his fingertips. The arrow pierced the air with absolute precision as it shot itself straight through the chest of the Alpha official holding Jungkook back, allowing for the brunette to weakly stumble to his feet.
Eyes darting to Jungkook's weakened state, Seokjin knew for a fact that hypothermia was kicking in, the male shivering and pale as he wrapped his arms desperately around his form. Jungkook weakly dragged his legs over to where Taehyung lay, blood oozing from his foot as he lay now unconsciously against the cement. It seemed Seokjin was quick to notice the situation, breath leaving his throat at the mortifying scene.
Namjoon and Tessa both flinched at the sound of booming footsteps approaching from behind them, presumably backup from Alpha as they stood in the door way. Slipping a hand gun from his belt, Namjoon spun on his feet, back now pressed against Hoseok's, "You cover for Seokjin whilst he treats Taehyung." he spoke sternly, loading his gun before aiming it out the door, "Tessa and I will cover the rest." he explained, feeling reassured as Tessa stood beside him, fists raised as she readied herself for the approaching crowd.
With a sly smirk, Hoseok swept another arrow from his quiver, loading it into his bow as he pulled back the string, "You got it." he grinned, sending the arrow from the string as it pierced through the chest of another Alpha official, blood spattering onto the wall beside him.
From behind, Namjoon rose his weapon, face stone cold as he pressed down against the trigger, shooting an official the moment he rounded the corner. From his side Tessa rushed forwards, practically gliding on her feet as she swept past a couple of officials, kicking their feet out from underneath them before Namjoon finished them off.
She flew around the Alphas like a thin strand of thread, unseeable and sharp as she took them out one by one, backed up by her partner from the sidelines. But that backup didn't last for long before Namjoon pressed down on the trigger one last time, no bullet leaving the barrel.
"Dammit." he cursed, breath catching in his throat as he realised he was dead out of ammo. He wasn't one to usually raise a weapon in combat, more so to craft and plan. But there was nothing he could possibly do at this moment other then to raise a fist to anyone who came his way. After all, there was no way he could let off a bomb inside the science facility.
Noticing the lack of bullets piercing through the air, Tessa let out a lace of curses as she realised she was now practically on her own. Only two officials remained in her path, but they had both had enough time to notice her presence as she craned her head over her shoulder to check if Namjoon was okay.
With a look of pure evil an Alpha official launched them-self towards Tessa's un-expecting form, raising his weapon straight towards the girl. Snapping her attention back to the fight at hand Tessa's eyes went wide as she stared straight down the barrel of the gun, the weapon aimed right at her skull. As the Alpha official tightened his hold on the trigger, Tessa was quick to force herself to her knees, ducking in lightening speed as she dropped to the floor, bullet whizzing over her head and into the solid wall behind her.
Still shell shocked, Tessa placed a hand against her chest, fingers clutching the fabric as she struggled to regulate her fast paced breathing. She had just faced death head on, and her body felt almost paralysed as she remained knelt on the floor.
"TESSA!" Namjoon screamed, landing a solid punch against an official, "MOVE!" he bellowed, realising there was no way he would be fast enough to stop the two Alpha officials from landing a hit on Tessa's defenceless form.
Strands of loose blonde hair falling over her eyes, Tessa's gaze remained glued to the floor. Her heart was beating out of her chest, practically trying to break free from her ribcage as she struggled for breath... now was not the time to be having a panic attack.
With wide eyes and parted lips Namjoon watched as one of the Alpha officials rose his handgun at Tessa's unmoving form, a devilish smirk plastered over his lips as he slowly lifted a finger over the trigger.
It was as if time had decided to slow as from the corner of Namjoon's eye a single wooden arrow flew into view, the metal tip spinning through the air before digging straight into the Alpha official's head, breaking through the skull and sending him to the ground in the form of an un-moving corpse.
Hoseok flew into the scene, tossing his bow to the floor as he pulled a single metallic arrow from his quiver, tightening his grip around the cold object as he ran towards the Alpha official. The Alpha male's eyes widened as Hoseok rammed a hand into his shoulder, sending them both to the ground with a thud. As Hoseok straddled the male's waist he rose the metal arrow, teeth clenched before he sent the arrow down, stabbing it straight into the man's heart.
Blood spilt from the man's fatal wound, soaking itself onto Hoseok's fingers as he kept his hand wrapped around the arrow. Blood speckled his heated skin, most noticeably his face. With a hard stare, Hoseok's eyes rose as he examined the room, letting out a drastic sigh of relief,
"That's the last one." he breathed, head falling low.
Namjoon was at a loss for words, lip trembling as he stumbled in past the doorway, falling to his knees in front of Tessa's still trembling form. Placing a hand of reassurance on the back of the girl's head, he pulled her into his chest, firm arms wrapping themselves around her smaller form as she trembled. Namjoon's eyes flickered up to meet Hoseok's, a glassy layer of tears beginning to form. "Thank you." he breathed, "Thank you so much."
Placing a hand against the Alpha offical's chest, Hoseok let out a grunt as he pulled his metal arrow out from the corpse, quickly removing himself from the man, "You shouldn't have to loose someone like I did Joon." was all he said, a sad smile creeping over his features as he dragged his feet over the cement floor, picking up his bow and slinging it back over his shoulder.
Hoseok was quick to find his way back over to the rest of the squad, falling to his knees beside Taehyung's unconscious form. The male's usually tanned skin was now almost ashen, purple blotches flourishing over his arms and most noticeably around his neck. His brown hair fell softly over his closed eyes, moving every so often as he let out a strained breath.
Seokjin was quick to finish bandaging up the male's wounded foot, removing his winter coat before draping it over the male's shivering form. Following suit, Hoseok slowly removed his winter coat, brining it to rest over Jungkook's shoulders as he wrapped an arm around the male's side.
Hands finding their way to the winter coat, Jungkook clenched the fabric between his fingers, eyes glued to Taehyung's form, "Will he be okay?" he spoke, choking back a sob as he let his hair fall over his eyes, shielding his venerable side from the squad.
Placing a hand reassuringly against Jungkook's shoulder, Jin gave a nod, "He will be." he smiled, before cocking his head towards the couple behind him, "And Yoongi will be too." he smiled, letting his gaze flicker over to the blonde male behind him, arms wrapped around Yoongi's startled form as his head lay buried in the older male's chest.
Yoongi ran his fingers lightly through Jimin's tousled hair, the smallest of smiles working its way to his lips. "I'm glad you guys came." he spoke, voice slightly hoarse as he turned towards the squad, "I'm... so glad." he chuckled lowly, pulling Jimin in closer to his chest. Yoongi hated to admit it, but he was scared. Never before had anything so insane happened to him in his life, never before had he faced death so head on.
Biting down on his tongue, he felt his emotions beginning to surface. Trying to hold the tears that threatened to leave his eyes, Yoongi's nose crinkled as he sniffled. And that's when he couldn't hold them back any longer. First, one small crystal bead escaped from his right eye. He could feel the warmth sliding down his cheek and rolling off his chin. Then another. And another. Until his eyes began to flood with them, coming like a rainfall. Sniffling every ten seconds, they fell, and fell, and he let them.
Not wanting to show his venerability, Yoongi tightened his hold, letting his head fall into the crook of Jimin's neck as he let his tears flow. It racked his body as he trembled, tears soaking into Jimin's shirt, but the blonde didn't seem to mind, simply resting a hand against Yoongi's head, fingers brushing soothingly through his hair.
Watching Yoongi crumble right in front of the squad's eyes surfaced something within Jungkook, so bringing a hand to his head, Jungkook scrunched his fingers through his hair, "We should've never done this." he muttered, earning a raised brow from Seokjin beside him. Letting his arm fall limply to his side, Jungkook shook his head, "This whole time, we should've never searched for the cure, not if the world will result to violence in the end anyways!" he exclaimed, taking everyone aback by the single stray tear that fell from his eye, rolling down his cheek before he wiped it away.
Letting out a soft sigh, Seokjin gave a nod, "We've been chasing after the cure this whole time as if it could solve all our problems," he paused before he continued,
"When we should've been running from it."
{Author Note}
We're almost at the end so...
If there are any questions you have about the plot or book, please leave them here and I'll answer them all in a separate chapter:
Ps. I'm currently only 2 days into my road trip and I've already dislocated my knee like wtf I'm a 4 hour drive away from home and I don't wanna turn back. So basically that means more updates for you guys whilst I mope around today ahahaha. Hopefully my knee gets better because I'm supposed to go to the beach this week.
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