Chapter Twenty-One
{nothing but a tool}
Jungkook awoke without warning, eyes flinging so wide each iris was a perfect orb of rusty chocolate. Though his eyes were open, he couldn't think of why; his heart was pounding, mind empty as if a hypodermic of adrenaline had been emptied into him. With a heavy head he strained to adjust his sight, breathing rate slowly beginning to steady. He could feel the dull aching of his muscles, the throbbing in his head providing him with an indescribable drowsiness as he slid his hands against the rough concrete floor in an attempt to sit up.
Opening and closing his eyes, Jungkook's vision slowly came into focus. He felt himself slipping in and out of thought as his ears picked up on the sound of breathing that definitely wasn't his own. It was heaving, almost gasping. Jungkook listened, limps uncontrollably trembling as his eyes finally adjusted to the light in the room. Moving slowly, he sat cross legged on the cold cement floor, transferring his gaze to the sound of breathing.
His mouth went dry, eyes going wide and lower lip parting at the sight, "Taehyung?"
Separated by a single thick glass wall was Kim Taehyung. Laying unconscious on the cold hard cement in the glass chamber beside him was the brunette, hair covering his closed eyes as his chest rose and fell with heavy breaths.
After pausing, Jungkook's memories were quick to return like a shot of adrenaline causing him to stumble to his feet despite his drowsy state. Body working on nothing but anger and fear, Jungkook rose a fist to the glass wall, swinging it down with gritted teeth only to curse as his knuckles made contact with the indestructible surface, "FUCK!" he cursed, shaking off his injured hand before throwing another attempt.
He pounded and kicked against the glass with no luck, breathing becoming increasingly rapid as blood began to form around his knuckles. His skin was all the more tender in the cold, and despite figuring out he was in-fact inside the science facility, the room was still just as cold as outside. With his hair falling over his now glossy eyes, Jungkook brought his hands around his arms, realising that he wasn't shivering out of fear, but from the cold.
Transferring his gaze to the male in the glass chamber across from him, Jungkook swore anger bubbled and boiled deep inside of him at the sight of Taehyung's usual plump pink lips turning a deathly shade of blue. Taehyung was on the verge of hypothermia, and the fact that his bullet wound still wasn't completely healed was but another worry for the younger male.
Falling in defeat, Jungkook fell to his knees, curling himself into the corner of the glass chamber in an attempt to stay warm. His breath came out white and foggy, hair raised as he trembled. However, the moment didn't last for long as the sound of a metal door screeching open alerted the male, bringing him out from the corner and straight to the glass.
With gritted teeth and a deadly stare, Jungkook watched on as a member of Alpha entered the room. The two immediately made eye contact, "Where the fuck am I." Jungkook growled, hands now pressed flat against the glass separating himself from the man.
With a devilish grin, the male flicked at his nails, "Somewhere we keep infected," he chuckled lowly, "same place your mother ended up."
Jungkook's heart sunk into the pit of his stomach, a bubbling of nausea overcoming him as his muscles softened and he let his hands fall away from the glass, "You're a fucking bastard." Jungkook mumbled under his breath, just loud enough for the male to hear.
Clicking his tongue against the inside of his cheek, the male let out a tsk, "Sadly we can't hurt you... you're too important." he groaned, earning an unhumorous chuckle from the brunette. But the man from Alpha only smirked, "But we can hurt the others." he grinned, a sickening grin as he called out to the squad members behind the door.
Stumbling a step backwards in his chamber, Jungkook's eyes widened, jaw going almost slack at the sight of two Alpha officials dragging in a familiar blue haired male.
Kicking and screaming was Yoongi, arms held up by one male at each side as he tried to pull his way free. Unfortunately for the blue haired male, he was weak in the field of combat, so struggling against the buffer men proved to be pointless as he tried to break free.
He continued to desperately struggle until his eyes locked with Jungkook's wider ones, causing the usually worked up male to soften his stance, "Jungkoo- FUCK!" Yoongi yelped, breath sharply leaving his lungs as a male swung a boot into his stomach.
"YOONGI!" Jungkook screamed, watching as the blue haired male breathlessly fell to the cold floor.
Curling himself up, Yoongi clenched his arms around his stomach, shoulder aching from the sudden contact with the ground. An Alpha offical was quick to grab a tight hold of Yoongi's arm, squeezing it to provoke the male as he dragged Yoongi across the cement, throwing him into a glass chamber beside Jungkook's.
The offical turned towards Jungkook's trembling form, "Conform and they won't get hurt." he stated, turning on his heels and stomping out from the room, shutting the door with a screech.
Falling to his knees, Jungkook scurried over to the thick glass that separated Yoongi and himself. Placing his bloody palms against the cold surface, Jungkook's lower lip began to tremble as he watched Yoongi groan against the concrete floor, "y-yoongi?" he stuttered, "are you okay?"
Rolling onto his back, Yoongi turned his head to the side to make eye contact with the younger. The blue haired male swore he felt an arrow being shot through his heart at the sight of his squad leader's worked up state. Yoongi had always seen Jungkook as a male forced to grow up too soon, but now, Jungkook was showing his real side, the side of a teenager.
With a pained smile, Yoongi gave a weak thumbs up, "I'm fine." he croaked, voice horse as he let out a cough. "But Taehyung might not be."
Jungkook froze, "What do you mean-"
"Kook, when Taehyung wakes up they're gonna ask him for the cure." he began to explain, sitting up with a grunt, "If Taehyung gives the cure, him and I die."
Jungkook gulped, "And if he doesn't?" he asked, fearing he already knew the answer.
Yoongi broke eye contact for a brief moment, steadying his breathing before letting his eyes meet Jungkook's once again,
"You die."
{Author Note}
Oft, what's gonna come of this?
Ps. I need some advice. I'm 18 and yes I still have terrible home sickness, I've only had one sleepover in the past 5 years rip. I'm going away with just friends for over a week next month and I don't know how to deal with my homesickness? Any ideas? Thanks xox
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