Chapter Twenty-Four
{into motion}
Taehyung jerked upright, panicked, but his wrists refused to move. The sharp and cold metal dug into his skin. With a busted lip and a bruised cheek, Taehyung looked down once again wiggling his wrists at the handcuffs holding his wrists to the chair. He pulled and tugged around desperately at the restraints as the door to the small room opened and slammed shut, making the male jump a little with the only slack he had.
The Alpha offical smirked, "Back for round two." he spoke lowly with a smirk, taking a step forwards towards Taehyung's frozen form. Leaning down to the male restrained in the chair, he whispered in Taehyung's ear, "I hope you'll talk this time."
With his hair matted to his forehead, Taehyung spat blood out at the male, smirking with bloodstained cherry lips, "I'll never talk." he scoffed, earning a scowl from the interrogator.
He took a step back, leaning in towards Taehyung, "I said TALK!" he bellowed. Taehyung felt coldness envelope him, but no darkness came. The offical broke the cuffs at Taehyung's side before wrapping his large hands around Taehyung's throat and squeezed. The man rose Taehyung off the ground. He kicked and squirmed, but it was no use.
Just as Taehyung's vision began to blur, the offical let go of Taehyung's neck, dropping him back into the office chair. He took a step back as Taehyung gasped for air, clawing at his throat as he tried to regain his breath. The cold air just wasn't enough and he already found his head beginning to spin at the lack of oxygen it was receiving. The male from Alpha spoke again, "Speak, or we'll have to do things the hard way."
Placing a hand against his chest, Taehyung weakly made eye contact with the male, "h-hard way?" he choked, words coming out in a raspy stutter as he panted.
The man smirked, beginning to pace around Taehyung's chair, "I guess we don't really need you to give us answers to the cure," he leant down, breath brushing against Taehyung's ear, "we can just disassemble the immune subject and find out ourselves."
A sharp pain shot Taehyung through the heart at the mans words, limbs beginning to tremble uncontrollably as blood trailed down the corner of his lip. But he suppressed the fear, expression falling into something indescribable "Don't you DARE hurt him." Taehyung spoke lowly, wiping the blood from his lip and smearing it over his cheek.
The man took a step back with a devilish grin, "Then tell me."
With a brief moment of hesitation, Taehyung slouched back into his chair, "On one condition."
The offical rose a brow, "And what might that be?"
Running a hand through his brunette hair, Taehyung gave the man a cold hard stare, "Jungkook must work alongside me." he spoke, hiding his fear behind a stern mask. Taehyung swore his heart was going to break out from his chest the further the silence dragged on, but soon enough the offical answered.
"Fine." he spat, obviously angered by Taehyung's wish.
With a grunt, Taehyung rose to his feet, slightly swaying as he stumbled forwards. Tripping over his own feet, the brunette stumbled into the Alpha official's arms, "Sorry, my bad." he chuckled.
Unamused and angered beyond belief, Taehyung's last controlled breath left his throat as the male shoved him out of his arms, sending Taehyung flying into the desk behind him, back landing against the wood before he crumpled to the floor in a defeated heap.
The Alpha offical turned to the door, "You'll use this room." he scoffed, gesturing towards the science equipment stashed inside, "don't try anything funny." he finished, leaving through the door and slamming it shut with a loud echo.
Letting out a sigh of relief, Taehyung slowly tried to get up, but quickly realised how futile it was when he had to bite his lip to keep from crying out. Sharp pain laced through his head and colourful spots flashed in front of his eyes, it felt like his whole body had been beaten and every movement caused some muscle or bone to ache.
Regardless... he needed to get up.
Wincing in pain, he started to grab at the corners of desks and at the cracks in the floor to help pull himself upwards. The room was every shade of grey, from the washed out concrete to almost steel-blue. Every line was straight, every corner sharp, and the chairs looking as comfortable as a train station bench.
Biting down on his lower lip, Taehyung lent his back against the wooden desk, lowering his hand to his bandaged bullet wound. He felt around, using his medical skills to check its state with careful movements. Letting his hand fall limply by his side, Taehyung let out a strained breath of relief, "It's fine, thank god." he sighed, happy that although his muscles ached, his most crucial wound was unharmed. To be honest, Taehyung could've gone through a longer interrogation. As a leader of a past gang in the area, he'd been through more then the average person would ever go through. But as soon as they decided to involve Jungkook, he knew he had to think of something.
Lips tugging into a cocky smile, Taehyung landed himself against the office chair, "Good thing I have in fact thought of something." he chuckled with a hoarse voice, "Stupid they are, don't know the basics of pickpocketing do they?" he spoke to no one but himself as he reached a hand into his shoe. With one swift movement, he pulled out a single metallic object, barrel cold against his fingers
A gun.
{Author Note}
Taehyung in this book is a whole mood sometimes ahaha
Did any of you guys see BTS in Seoul last night? I wish I could've been there.
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