Chapter Twenty-Five
{plan of action}
Hearing the sound of combat boots landing heavily against the cement floor, Taehyung was quick to slip his handgun back into his boot, pulling his jeans over the cuffs to hide the part that stuck out the top. The sound of footsteps echoed down the hallway before coming to a standstill in front of the door. Watching the shadows move from underneath the peek of light shining through the corridor, Taehyung stood from his chair.
With a piercing screech, the metal door swung open. Taehyung's eyes went wide the moment a familiar fluffy haired brunette was thrown into the room, stumbling towards him with no way of stopping as they crashed into one another. With Jungkook on top of him, Taehyung let out a pained yelp as his back landed flat against the concrete floor, the sound of the door slamming shut as he came too.
"Oh my god Tae, I'm so sorry! They just threw me and you were standing there so I- oh my god are you hurt!?" Jungkook muttered, words flowing out of him like an uncontrollable river as he placed a hand against Taehyung's bruised cheek. His natural golden skin had sunken into something so lifeless and it scared Jungkook just to look at him.
Taehyung placed a hand against Jungkook's arm in reassurance, "I'm fine." he smiled, watching as Jungkook slowly peeled himself off of Taehyung's form. The younger male stood above, offering a hand to Taehyung. Reaching up, the older intertwined his finger's with Jungkook's, grunting as he stood up dizzily.
Jungkook frowned, "You really shouldn't be standing." he mumbled, placing a thumb against the corner of Taehyung's lip as he wiped the blood that remained. With a steady hand and eyes of guilt, Jungkook stroked a hand against Taehyung's thick brown hair. It barely seemed enough, yet Taehyung's trembling was quick to lessen at the gesture, eyes fixated to the face of his lover.
He smiled, "Thanks Kook." he grinned, planting a small peck on the male's forehead, "I don't know what i'd do without you."
Jungkook rolled his eyes, slowly taking ahold of Taehyung's arm and hauling it over his shoulder for support, "You'd probably be dead, that's what."
Taehyung shrugged, "Same goes for you I guess."
Jungkook slapped Taehyung playfully against the chest, "Shut up."
Shaking his head with a chuckle, Taehyung was lead into the chair by Jungkook, "You're really doing this?" Jungkook sighed, watching as Taehyung took ahold of the stray test tubes that littered the wooden table. The male slid a notepad towards him, tearing a blank page out despite the signs of water damage.
"Yeah." he replied without saying anything further.
Watching as Taehyung took a pencil into his grasp, Jungkook leant against the desk, "You shouldn't be doing this." he began to complain, causing Taehyung to pause at Jungkook's words, "People like Alpha don't deserve to rule this world!" he exclaimed, causing Taehyung to place a finger against his lips. Jungkook slapped Taehyung's hand away in annoyance, "Taehyung can't you listen! What you're doing is crazy!"
The male failed to respond, eyes falling back down to his work as he scribbled notes against the water stained paper. Taking a liquid filled test-tube with a smudged label into his hands, Taehyung flicked at the jar, ignoring the male leant up against the desk. At this stage, Jungkook was practically fuming, ears turning red under his lush brunette locks as he stared un-patiently at Taehyung's hard working form. The scientist popped the lid off the test tube, standing to his feet without warning as he shuffled over towards a nearby shelf.
Surprised, Jungkook followed with concern, turning Taehyung towards himself as the older lost his footing, stumbling into Jungkook's arms. Taehyung's head landed in the crook of Jungkook's neck, his breath warm against the male's cold skin. And it was only at that moment did Jungkook realise what Taehyung was trying to do as the older rose his lips to Jungkook's ear.
Alpha could've been watching their every move, so with one swift and effortless motion, Taehyung whispered secretly into Jungkook's ear. Despite the message being dead serious, Jungkook couldn't help but want to melt into Taehyung's form at that moment before they both broke away.
For Yoongi, time flowed like cement. Laying on his back with nothing to stare at but the chipped paint on the plain white ceiling was excruciatingly dull. His hands rested against his stomach as he lay there, hair falling softly over his forehead as he began to drift into an unpleasant daydream of what awaited him, or was it paranoid fantasy? So hard to tell and he didn't care. It helped pass the time and he wasn't one for entertaining himself with optimism. Better to be prepared.
Ears perking up, Yoongi's daydream was pulled abruptly into reality as shouts of victory and triumph echoed down the concrete halls of the science lab. A wave of dread washed over Yoongi's form as he quickly sat up in place, almost cringing at the pain of his stomach as he stumbled to his feet, taking a step towards the front and placing a hand flat against the glass. Straining his hearing, the inaudible shouts of mumbled words soon turned into sentences of 'we have the vaccine!' and 'we've won!' Yoongi's stomach twisted into a knot at the official's words. To them they had won, but Yoongi knew that he had ultimately lost.
At the sound of the metal door screeching open, Yoongi pressed his hands firmer against the glass as Jungkook and Taehyung emerged through the door. Yoongi's teeth clenched at the sight of Taehyung's unusually frail appearance, skin pale and bruised. It was almost as if one tap could send the male falling to the floor in a defeated heap.
As Taehyung and Jungkook were shoved back into their chambers, Yoongi cupped a hand over the side of his mouth, making sure the officials didn't catch the words he was mouthing to Jungkook, 'What did you do?" he mouthed concerningly, fear beginning to bubble inside of him as Jungkook shook his head in defeat.
Taehyung placed a hand against the glass, facing the Alpha offical with a harsh stare, "deal's a deal." he spat, "I gave you the antidote so let us go, we won't interfere." he spoke sternly, earning a surprised stare from Yoongi.
The three males watched as the Alpha offical let out an intimidating chuckle, "Oh I know you won't." he uttered, earning a look of pure horror from Yoongi as the man reached for his belt "But just incase..." Yoongi felt sick, hands trembling out of fear as the male slipped a single handgun from his pocket,
"We'll be disposing of you now."
{Author Note}
Hey guys!
Shameless promo, but if you're up for another read try go checking out my new Yoongi fanfic, 'Our Secret'
For any drama lovers out there, this book contains a lot of suspense, but also contains troubling topics such as anxiety and the effects of toxic relationships. It pretty much conveys the feeling of being trapped.
Plus Yoongi as a moody teacher lmao
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