Chapter Sixteen
"We need to gather more winter gear." Jungkook announced, standing firmly in front of his squad as they gathered in the living room.
Yoongi and Jimin were huddled against the corner of the lounge, a thin blanket draped over the two of them as they leant against one another for warmth. On the other end of the couch was Taehyung, one hand leaning against the armrest whilst the other clutched his bandaged bullet wound which was still yet to heal.
On the floor sat Jin, Namjoon, Tessa and Hoseok, all four of them leaning slightly forwards as they tried to soak up the warmth of the fire place behind Jungkook. The fire emitted a warm, orange glow against their skin, flames crackling as they sent out sparks from the logs they slowly engulfed.
Jungkook continued to speak, "It's only getting colder as the week goes on." he spoke with concern, a hand rubbing absentmindedly against the back of his neck, "At this rate, we'll all freeze to death."
Rubbing his hands against his arms, Jimin nod his head in agreement, "I agree. It's getting bloody cold." he sniffled, earning a low chuckle from the male huddled up beside him.
Tessa frowned, "You do realise that it's pretty dangerous outside, right?" she explained, gesturing out the living room window at the white expanse of deep snow, "If you're not careful the car might get bogged."
Transferring his gaze out the window, Jin let out a breath of warm air. Tessa was right, even though just the other day the both of them had wrapped rope around the wheels for treading, it was still a dangerous task. Not only that, but they also risked exposing themselves to both the infected and Alpha alike. "I know it's dangerous for us to even think about going out at a time like this, but if it has to be done, lets figure out who's going and who's staying." he spoke up, voice stern as he sent his point across to the squad. He rose a hand, "I'll go to locate more medical supplies if needed."
With a short breath of hesitation Hoseok lent back, resting his body against the bottom of the lounge, "I'll go as navigator of course." he smiled, ready to step back into his shoes as the squad's lead navigator. He hadn't faced a real driving challenge since the dangerous events of the city, so he couldn't help but let a tingle of excitement accompany his worry.
Tessa rose a delicate hand, "I'm needed incase anything goes wrong with the car." she explained, earning voices of agreement from the rest of the squad. "We don't wanna risk breaking down in this weather."
Namjoon scratched the back of his neck, "I actually need more crafting supplies, so I'll head out too." he spoke, realising that if Alpha were to find them, he best be off having a weapon of his own.
Jungkook placed his hands firmly against his hips, "That should be it. I don't want too many people leaving the cottage." he spoke, transferring his gaze towards the blue haired male on the couch, "Yoongi and I will stay for safety purposes here with Taehyung and Jimin." he explained, "Sound good?"
Rolling his eyes, Yoongi gave a lazy salute, "Yes sir."
With Hoseok taking the wheel, the car moved over the ice covered road, lights on full beam as he drove the vehicle carefully through the hazy town. Grey clouds had quickly moved in once they'd left the cottage, and although it was still early morning, the snuffed out sun made it appear like late afternoon.
Resting her head against the frosted window, Tessa watched as the scenery passed her by, snow covered objects thrown about the streets as a grim reminder of the struggle of day zero. She couldn't comprehend what the rest of the squad must've gone trough. After all, she wasn't from their town, unlike them she'd had a clear warning to evacuate.
"Is everyone doing okay?" Hoseok piped up from the front seat, car beginning to jolt around as he took the only roads with enough clear space for the car to safely drive through.
"Yeah," Namjoon sniffled from beside Tessa, "other then the fact that I'm practically freezing my ass off!" he complained, hugging himself in his winter coat in a desperate attempt to stay warm. The car heaters wouldn't work, so the temperature inside was just as cold as it was outside.
Hoseok tightened his grip on the wheel, "Lets just get the stuff and move out." he announced, deciding it would be best not to waste any more time then needed. He'd learnt his lesson from the first time around that they needed to be on high alert whilst in town. There were so many places infected could hide.
Placing a hand against the gear stick, Hoseok slightly edged his foot off the accelerator, switching it over to the break and slowing down the car. Switching the gears into park, Hoseok stopped the car, "We're here."
Placing a hand against the door handle, Jin opened up the car, stepping outside. He squinted his eyes the moment a harsh gust of cold air slapped painfully against his exposed skin, causing his cheeks to turn pink as his body attempted to warm itself up. Wrapping his arms tightly around his form, Jin could tell that a snow storm would probably hit later in the day.
Under a dove grey sky, the colours of the squad's winter coats stood out against the white. Rosy cheeked, they moved side to side to keep themselves warm, pulling woollen hats over their reddened ears and tightening scarves over their blue tinged lips. Their teeth chattered as cold began to seep into their gloves, numbing their fingers until they almost ceased to work properly, stiffened and frigid.
Hoseok let out a breath, a white puff of smoke fading into the air, "I know there's a clothing shop just down the road there," he spoke up, pointing a shaking finger down to the end of a small shopping strip. Doors had been blown open and glass windows had been cracked or even shattered. "Last time we made a trip here, I only managed to graze the store." he explained, pulling his scarf further over his chin as his teeth began to chatter, "Lets have a proper look this time."
After Hoseok had received voices of agreement, he lead the way down to the store. The path sparkled and crunched, like sugar underfoot, and the coolness brought him right into the now, into that moment.
Reaching the door, Hoseok was relieved to find out that the store was completely in-tact, no missing windows. Wrapping his hand around the door handle, Hoseok flinched at how cold the metal was, quickly opening the door to the store. It was dark, clothing shadowed and hard to see as the squad made their way inside.
"Good thing I'm prepared." Jin chuckled, slipping out a small flashlight from his pocket and clicking it on. A bright beam pierced through the dark, scaring away any small cockroaches as they made their way further inside, shutting the door behind themselves for good measure. "I'll keep watch by the door." Jin reassured, aiming the flashlight in the general direction of the best winter wear, "You guys gather what we need."
Tessa smiled and gave a small salute, "Got it." she chirped, grabbing Namjoon's hand and pulling him towards the back of the store with a chuckle. Hoseok on the other hand kept closer up front, going through the miscellaneous items for anything that might seem useful.
With narrowed eyes, Hoseok scanned the items. Most of them were obviously targeted towards girls, small decorative keychains and pins now covered in a thin layer of dust. Nose twitching, Hoseok felt a tickle before letting out a sneeze, sending the loose dust into a flying mess and stinging at his eyes.
"Damn me and my dust allergies." he groaned, sniffing as he continued to search the shelves. It took a bit of rummaging around, but Hoseok's eyes were quick to light up as his gaze settled over what he was looking for. Reaching out a hand, Hoseok picked up a couple of sturdy water bottles, pairs of patterned socks and beanies.
Spinning on his heels, Hoseok quickly headed back to the front of the store where Jin was still keeping watch.
"I'm gonna load up the car." Hoseok explained, earning a raised brow from Jin, "It's best to do it whilst we search, just incase we get any unexpected visitors." he reassured.
Letting out a sigh, Jin agreed, "I guess that's a safe plan, don't stray alright?"
Hoseok winked, "Even if I did, I am the navigator." he chuckled, reassuring Jin that out of everyone in the squad, he would be the safest lost.
Stepping aside, Jin allowed for Hoseok to make his way out of the store, back out into the cold winter landscape. The orange haired male trudged through the snow, wind throwing his hair into a tousled mess by the time he safely reached the car. Popping open the boot, Hoseok chucked his goods inside the back, letting out a sigh of relief as he stretched his arms high above his head. Jumping a little, Hoseok closed the boot, dusting off his hands before beginning to make his way back.
Boots crunching against the snow Hoseok rose a hand to his head, shaking small flecks of snow from his faded orange locks and sweeping loose strands away from his forehead. With his hair out of his eyes, Hoseok rose a brow.
Something had caught his attention.
He had to look far to see it, really focus his attention. But in the near distance, at the very end of the shopping strip was a single blotch of colour.
A body for sure.
Sucking in a painful breath of air, Hoseok shuffled urgently back over to the clothing store, giving a soft tap against the glass to raise Jin's attention.
Brows knitting together, Jin swung open the door with a frown, "Hoseok? What's wrong-"
"-I think I see something." he uttered, nervously raising an arm as he pointed a finger unsurely towards the figure in the distance.
Poking his head out from the store Jin followed Hoseok's line of sight, eyes widening when his gaze landed upon the blotch of colour laying unmoving in the snow, "Wait... is that a corpse?"
Hoseok gulped, "I think so..."
Stepping out from the clothing store, Jin slipped a single handgun from his pocket, "Stay back, I'll go check it out." he spoke sternly, remembering that Hoseok hadn't brought his bow and arrow. Taehyung had recommended that Hoseok refrained himself from any strenuous shoulder activity, and that meant no use of his bow and arrow for a while.
Leaving Hoseok by the door, Jin trudged through the snow, ice crunching underfoot as he slowly neared the snow covered figure. His gun was drawn by his side, finger rested over the trigger as he made his way down to the end of the shopping strip.
Landing his feet directly in front of the figure, Jin swore he choked on his saliva at the sight. There, laying motionlessly at his feet was a clicker. A single bullet hole shot directly through it's skull, definitely a fresh sight judging by no bones showing through the clicker's skin.
"It... It was shot." he breathed, not paying any attention as Hoseok ran up by his side in a hurry.
His eyes widened, breathing coming in short and sharp spurts as he realised what this meant. "But that's impossible." Hoseok breathed, heart pounding against his ribcage, drumming painfully in his ears as his head began to throb.
Jin shook his head as his skin began to pale, "Unless..."
This couldn't be happening. Hoseok clutched a hand against his chest, this was just too soon. But there was only one explanation for this occurrence. It had to be,
{Author Note}
So.... my new taekook fanfic is out later today. For those of you who've enjoyed this book, you might get a happy surprise at a certain familiar curly haired character in my new one ;)
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