Chapter Fourteen
{heart over head}
"I'll do it."
The three male's ears perked up at the sound of a new voice. Turning his gaze to the door, Jin's eyes widened when he realised Hoseok was the one volunteering himself as the test subject. Twisting his lips into a frown, Jin spun in his chair, "Are you sure about that Hoseok?" he asked, gaining the orange haired male's attention, "If it doesn't work, things could go horribly wrong-"
"-I'm fine with it." Hoseok smiled, eyes squinting as he did so, "Really, I don't mind." he reassured, earning a sorrowful gaze from Seokjin.
Letting his smile fall from his face, Hoseok's lips returned to their natural cupids bow. He stepped out from the doorway and into the medical room, finding a wall to lean up against as he, along with the other three male's cast their gaze out the window. The sun was beginning its decent on the land, shadows of the trees extending further and further until the shadow of night began to fall upon them. The frosted window cast an array of diffused swirls in the last light of the sun, only small golden rays breaking through and warming Hoseok's skin.
Seokjin let out a tired sigh, "We can begin the experiments once Taehyung's all healed up." he stated, earning an eye roll from his injured cousin.
"I'm feeling fine," Taehyung scoffed, sitting up and swinging his legs around to the side of his bed. Jungkook swore he almost had a heart attack the moment Taehyung went to stand on his own, but let out a sigh of relief when Taehyung flinched, letting out a small and pained yelp at the burning pain that arose from his bandaged torso.
Letting out a small chuckle, Jungkook placed a hand against Taehyung's clothed chest, gently pushing the older back onto the bed, "Not so fast Tae," he smirked, "you're stuck here with me for a while."
Taehyung groaned as he let his back fall against the bed, head hitting softly against his pillow with a thump as he crossed his arms firmly over his form, diverting his gaze to the ceiling. "This is boring." he murmured, realising that for at least a couple more days he'd be completely bed bound.
A moment of silence passed before the sound of the wooden door creaking open came once again, this time two males entering side by side. Both Yoongi and Jimin quickly separated themselves the moment they entered the medical room, Yoongi stumbling over to Hoseok's side whilst Jimin headed straight towards Taehyung's bedside. "I heard what happened the other day." Jimin spoke, injured hands tucked away in the pockets of his hoodie, "Are you doing alright... Taehyung?"
Grabbing ahold of his covers, Taehyung was quick to pull them over his head, burying himself out of sight from the five males present in the room, "Can I just have some alone time?" he mumbled, words barely audible from underneath the mound of blankets.
Frowning, Jungkook ushered for everyone except himself and Seokjin to leave the room. He thought it was probably just Taehyung being sulky over the fact that he was practically useless for a few days, having such a bad injury during the apocalypse wasn't a good thing, he would've used up a lot of needed medical supplies and goods. It was also a time where they needed to be physically ready for an attack from Alpha, so being bed bound certainly wasn't the best.
Understanding the situation, Hoseok took ahold of Yoongi's wrist, dragging the male out the door and into the hallway. Jimin was quick to follow, shuffling out from the room before closing the door with an injured hand.
Hoseok's brows knit themselves together when he noticed the tense atmosphere surrounding both Yoongi and Jimin. Ever since they'd ventured out into town just a few days ago, something just wasn't quite right about the pair. Usually they'd be lounging around together or training side by side, but that just wasn't the case anymore.
Hoseok was ready to take matters into his own hands.
Blood practically boiling inside of him, the usual sunny male grabbed a tight hold of Yoongi's wrist. Yoongi's lips parted in surprise when Hoseok placed a hand against his chest, firmly pushing Yoongi backwards.
Letting out a lace of curses Yoongi stumbled backwards, crashing into Jimin who in turn also tripped backwards allowing for them both to fall into an empty bedroom. Jimin let out a pained breath as his back collided with the floor, Yoongi practically crushing him on top. Stumbling to his feet, Yoongi rushed towards the door, "I'm going to kill you Hoseok!" he bellowed, reaching out a hand, but cursed to himself the minute Hoseok shut the door, trapping them both inside.
Wrapping a hand around the metal door handle, Yoongi tried to make it twist open, but no use, Hoseok had somehow prevented the door from opening on the other side. Swinging back his leg, Yoongi kicked the door, "Dammit."
The faint sound of Hoseok chuckling could be heard from the other side, "Whatever has you two all strung up... get over it." Hoseok spoke up, earning an eye roll from Yoongi. "We're all in a team. Whatever disagreement there is between you and Jimin, sort it out now. I'm not opening the door until you two are on talking terms again." he explained.
Running a hand through his blonde hair, Jimin stood to his feet. "Damn Hoseok and his mischievous side." he spoke under his breath, watching as Yoongi peeled himself away from the door and eyed Jimin instead.
As their eyes locked with one another, neither of them could seem to find any words to say. But there was one thing that was for certain, Yoongi wanted answers, an answer to his confession. Groaning, Yoongi placed a hand against his hip, "Look, Jimin." he spoke up, voice void of any emotion, "All you have to do is give me an answer," he continued, taking a step closer towards the blonde haired male, "do you like me," he took another step forwards, "or do you not?" he finished, feet landing firmly against the carpeted floor as he stood in front of Jimin's frozen form.
Although the two male's were the same height, Yoongi's intimidating aura made Jimin feel all the more smaller in his presence. Yoongi had a way to make up for his smaller stature in both his words and actions.
Jimin felt pressured, pressured into giving an answer too soon. He wanted to break down as rage filled his belly. He felt his ears getting hot as he glared back at Yoongi's form and then spat out, "STOP BEING SO DEMANDING!"
Yoongi sneered at Jimin then laughed, only adding fuel to the younger's wrath.
"You think this is funny?" Jimin snapped, clenching his fists by his side. He could feel his wounds beginning to reopen at the pressure he was placing on them, but at this stage he was blinded by hatred.
Yoongi glared back with a dull expression, "How the fuck am I being demanding of you? I just want answers!"
Jimin scoffed before placing a pointed finger against Yoongi's chest, jabbing him with anger and sending the older stumbling a step backwards, "First you tell me I'm basically a weakling, then you call yourself superior to everyone else," Jimin began to rant, sending Yoongi back a step with each one of his steps forwards, "You tell me to flee from situations, and now you demand me to confess my feelings!?" Yoongi's back collided with the wall behind him, Jimin's hand now placed beside his head, basically encaging him against the wall. "You're selfish Yoongi."
With his back pressed against the wall, Yoongi felt his blood begin to boil, "You're blind Jimin... too blinded by anger!" he exclaimed, sharp feline eyes narrowing in distaste, "Yes I was wrong in the beginning, but all those times I asked you to run or became mad was because I didn't want you to get hurt Jimin." he spoke, anger lessening until his words were like something soft and melodic. "I've failed to save a lot of people Jimin," Yoongi confessed, gaze falling to his feet, "I don't want you to end up on that list."
Jimin's lips parted in awe of Yoongi's words, arm withdrawing from his chest and returning to his side. In the end, their arguing had a dull exhaustion to it, like they'd been over the same bitterness too many times before. Jimin realised that somewhere along the way, Yoongi's feelings had changed. He had gone from the self caring soloist, to the man who now wanted to protect someone.
Who wanted to protect Jimin.
With a hint of hesitation, Jimin rose his hand, bringing his fingers to Yoongi's head and gently sweeping away the older's tousled blue hair. Feeling Jimin's touch, Yoongi rose his head, locking eyes with the younger once again. Jimin's eyes went wide, he never remembered Yoongi looking so ethereal. From his thick black lashes falling over his dark entrancing eyes, contrasting against his smooth almost porcelain skin, Jimin found himself lost in Yoongi's appearance. His eyes fell over Yoongi's every feature until his gaze locked onto Yoongi's thin doll like lips.
Jimin gulped.
The silence seemed to drag on forever and Jimin kept Yoongi pressed against the bedroom wall, keeping the male at a loss for words as he too began eyeing the blonde. Yoongi couldn't help but let his lips tick into a smirk once he noticed where Jimin's gaze was lingering, so raising a hand, Yoongi traced Jimin's parted lips lightly with the tip of his finger. It had a slight natural pout and Yoongi had the sudden urge to bite it, to kiss it, to wrap the both of them up in a quilt and listen to their gentle breathing. His lips felt slightly chapped under Yoongi's feather light touches, but he simply couldn't bring himself to give a damn.
Jimin felt himself shudder under Yoongi's touch. He didn't want to look up, because if he did, he knew he'd find himself at the mercy of questioning eyes, pleading, begging for a confession. Jimin let out a breath, "Do I like you?" he spoke, not focusing on the words that left his lips because he was too focused on Yoongi's. Jimin couldn't deny it any longer, he definitely felt attracted to Min Yoongi.
"Fuck it." he mumbled, grabbing a hold of Yoongi's shoulders and smashing his lips against the older's. Their lips moulded together so perfectly, touch so warm and delicate. Yoongi's eyes widened above the kiss, but were quick to relax shut as he placed a hand against Jimin's waist, tugging the younger closer towards them until their bodies were fit together, deepening the kiss.
It was short and sweet, something that didn't last for too long as Jimin parted from the kiss. Yoongi's eyes sparkled and his lips curved up into a smile,
Jimin couldn't help but smile back.
{Author Note}
Chicken Noodle Soup is a whole bop! Ever since Hope World was released I was low key disappointed that Hoseok didn't have an entire music video to showcase his dance. Yes Daydream did have dancing, but it was very laid back and effortless, something that was just too easy looking for a dance machine like Hoseok, so when CNS came out I was like YASS KING!
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