Chapter Eighteen
{claiming their bonus}
/Three hours earlier /
"Hey Kook?" Taehyung uttered, glass of water clutched tightly in his hand as he took a seat beside the younger. Taehyung sunk into the comfort of the living room couch, knees brushing against Jungkook's as he did so.
Lifting a brow, Jungkook pulled his gaze away from the window, locking eyes with Taehyung instead, "Yeah?"
"Just a thought, but after high school... what were you aiming to become?" Taehyung asked, a cold shiver crawling over his skin as he battled against the plummeting temperature inside the house. He was in nothing but a flimsy t-shirt, same went for Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin. They had all decided to allow for the rest of the squad to take the winter gear out, seeing as they were going to be more exposed to the elements.
Letting out a tired sigh, Jungkook pulled the thin quilt further over him, back resting peacefully against the couch, "You might find it stupid... but I always wanted to become a film maker." he chuckled, a small smile spreading over his face. "I wanted to capture every experience in the most beautiful way possible. You know?" he finished, earning a smirk from the male seated beside him.
"I get that, I was into photography." Taehyung spoke up, nudging Jungkook playfully on the shoulder.
Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise, "Wow, the local gang leader was a photographer."
Taehyung frowned, "Shut up."
From the comfort of the living room, Taehyung's ears perked up in surprise by the sound of a clatter and a thud from the kitchen, followed by infectious laughter. Also noticing the noise, Jungkook called out, "You okay in there Yoongi?"
There was a moment of silence from the kitchen, a few soft murmurs before Yoongi called out, "Yep! Just stubbed my toe." he groaned, stumbling back from the kitchen bench and bending over to rub his toe.
Leaning on the bench beside him, Jimin broke out into a fit of laughter, "Be more careful Yoongi." the blonde chuckled, watching as Yoongi straightened himself back up, shooting a dark glare towards the younger.
"Yeah, yeah... says the actual clumsy one." he snarled, watching as Jimin rose a hand to his chest in offence. Yoongi chuckled, "I'm just joking around." he smiled, thin lips curving upwards as he lent against the kitchen bench beside Jimin.
The window was slightly open, a cold breeze channeling itself into the kitchen and through the house. Yoongi began to sniffle as he felt goosebumps forming against his skin, a result of wearing nothing but a t-shirt, leaving his arms exposed to the elements. Winter was closing in all the more, the coldest still yet to come.
Noticing Yoongi's shivering state, Jimin began to lean in, extending his arms, but paused at the sound of a low knock coming from the front door. Jimin's breathing hitched in his throat, movements going on hold as he withdrew himself from the older, "Um... does the squad usually knock?" he gulped, clenching his teeth as he slowly turned towards the exit of the kitchen.
It seemed Yoongi had also become painfully aware of the unexpected knock, a look of horror written across his usually stern expression. With narrowed feline eyes, Yoongi watched as Jimin began to inch away from the kitchen bench, ready to turn the corner into the living room where the front entrance of the house was. So without thinking twice, Yoongi reached out an arm, placing it firmly against Jimin's shoulder, "Jimin stop." he spoke lowly, causing the younger to pause in his steps, "Taehyung or Jungkook will get it." he muttered calmly, keeping a relaxed expression when really he was on the verge of completely loosing it.
Jimin frowned, "But they're fine on the couch where they are... I'll-"
"No Jimin." Yoongi spoke, raising his voice as he spoke with more command.
Rolling his eyes, Jimin swept Yoongi's hand from his shoulder, "Can you stop trying to control my act-"
Latching a hand back onto Jimin's shoulder, Yoongi pulled the blonde towards him. Jimin's eyes widened, lips parting in shock as Yoongi rose a clenched fist, swinging it over his form and landing a solid hit to the side of Jimin's head. Just enough to knock the male unconscious.
Swaying dangerously on his feet, Jimin wavered in and out of consciousness until finally, his vision became clouded, legs giving out from underneath him as his body crumpled like a puppet cut loose of it's strings. In a state of panic, Yoongi quickly outstretched his arms, catching Jimin's falling form, "Sorry Jimin." Yoongi mumbled, slipping his arms underneath the male's form as he lifted him with a grunt, "But someone has to stay here... just incase." he sighed, eyes trailing softly over Jimin's unconscious form. His hair was a tousled mess, blonde bangs falling lightly over his closed eyelids as soft breaths escaped his lips.
Jimin was infected, therefore he needed to remain safely inside the cottage where the temporary antidote was stored.
Yoongi froze as another knock sounded from the front door, louder and more desperate. It was obvious both Taehyung and Jungkook were also caught off guard having not've opened the door yet.
Cursing under his breath, Yoongi quickly hurried into the hall, balancing Jimin against a raised leg as he opened the first door to his right. Breathing becoming increasingly rapid, Yoongi stumbled over to the bed, placing Jimin's form against the sprawled out sheets. Making sure the male was comfortable, Yoongi placed a hand beside the younger male's head, leaning in before planting a soft kiss against Jimin's forehead. "I'll be back." he breathed, stumbling away from the male's bedside, "I promise." he spoke, heading quickly out the doorway, not forgetting to snatch his gun from the table by the door.
He was completely unprepared, dressed in nothing but a shirt and loose jeans, he hadn't even equiped himself with his usual weaponry. Yoongi's hands began to abnormally tremble as the sound of pounding against the door became louder and louder, until the sound of hinges ripping from the frame could be heard, a tremendous thud sounding against the wooden floorboards as Alpha broke inside.
Booming voices and the thud of combat boots sent Yoongi breaking into a cold sweat, hands gripping tightly onto the handle of his gun as he debated whether or not to round the corner with a raised weapon. They wouldn't kill people as valuable as Taehyung and Jungkook...
but they had no reason not to kill him.
Gnawing at the inside of his cheek, Yoongi took a step forwards, closer towards the entrance of the living room. With every move he made he became more terrified, breathing quickening as he heard the struggling breath of Taehyung sounding from the other room. So without wasting another breath, Yoongi took action.
Leaping from his feet, Yoongi placed a steady hand against the doorframe springing around from the kitchen and into the living room. Raising his gun with narrowed eyes, Yoongi went to take action, but could do nothing but freeze at the sight before him.
Standing by the broken door were four Alpha squad members, suited up in all black. Weapons hung loosely from their thick belts, bullet proof vests protecting their chests. Yoongi couldn't help but tsk as his gaze fell over a limp body hauled over one of the men's shoulders... Jungkook's limp body that was. The brunette was completely out like a light.
But that was the least of Yoongi's worries. Eyes trailing further on, Yoongi could do nothing but let his arms fall limply by his side at the sight of Taehyung on his knees, gun pressed painfully against his skull as he knelt in front of the Alpha squad members. With a sad chuckle, Taehyung rose his arms, cringing as the gun was pressed further into the side of his skull, "Sorry Yoongi." he breathed, blood trickling from his busted lip as he turned to Yoongi with a sad smile. There was no way Taehyung could've put up a fight in his current condition, so he couldn't help but chuckle at how he was once again causing trouble for Yoongi.
Yoongi's eyes narrowed, rigid, cold, hard as he turned towards the officals of camp Alpha, smug smirks written over their faces with the accomplishment of their mission. Drawing in a deep breath, the burning stares from Alpha only lasted as long as it took for Yoongi to loosen his hold on his gun, tossing the weapon aside to the wooden floor with a clank. He couldn't fight Alpha one to four, he just couldn't, especially since they had a gun pressed to Taehyung's head.
Yoongi flinched as one of the officials took a step forwards, "I could shoot you right here, right now." he spoke lowly, hand rested against the gun slipped in his side pocket. Yoongi swallowed painfully as the man took another step forwards, figure towering over Yoongi's smaller one,
"But I think you could be useful."
{Author Note}
Here's your next update! Hope you enjoyed aha
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