It feels strange going to work using Yoongi's car this morning, and I can feel way too many prying eyes for comfort following us as we enter inside the tall building and towards the elevator at the end of the lobby to reach my floor.
It shouldn't be surprising that we're both nervous at the prospect of having to deal with everyone's staring for a couple of days - some believe he's a new employee while some others know that he's here for me - and as news spread of what this handsome man is doing here with someone like me, I just know that we will become the center of everyone's attention very soon.
The elevator is already busy and going up by the time we reach it, so we wait for the next one with a cold sweat running down our skin as a crowd gathers behind us, their whispers not so discreet that we can't hear them, which we try to ignore as much as possible.
"Look at them... that's the girl working in our translation department, right? Is he her babysitter or something? He's clearly not here to work, not with the way he's dressed. Looks like a teenager".
"Who knows, I saw him pulling her out of a car earlier. I think he might be her caregiver, poor guy. Must be tough taking care of someone like that, he even has to accompany her to work during the day".
I look up at Yoongi apologetically and he forces on a tight smile to reassure me, though it doesn't reach his eyes. His hands are clenched into tight fists that I, for a reason that escapes me, would've gladly held had we not been here.
We talked about this kind of reaction on the way to work so we were both expecting for something like that to happen considering that I'm literally bringing my caregiver with me to work - which, let's say it, isn't very common - but it still doesn't feel too good hearing them talk that way about us.
Maybe we should come by a bit earlier next time, it would at least save us from having to hear all of their theories.
"Y/N, Yoongi, good morning" a sudden cheerful voice chirps from behind us, and I immediately relax when I look over my shoulder to find Hoseok coming over in our direction with a bright smile on his face.
Everyone shuts up as soon as he reaches our side, and I release a long silent breath as the weight that was stalking over my shoulders disappears quickly. I'd never felt that kind of gentle sensation before today, but it must be his magick being in action right now.
Hoseok told me once that he can manipulate his environment's energy and other people's emotions by overriding them with ones of his liking when necessary. It acts a bit like a hug, like a warm fireplace in the middle of winter, or even as a soft blanket to cuddle into during a calm afternoon.
He doesn't do it often, but situations such as this one must fit his requirements, and I'm thankful because this comforting lightness feels much better than the anxiety that was slowly rising in the pit of my stomach.
Even Yoongi seems less tensed and more at ease now. Thank goodness for this man, I'm glad that he's here.
"Good morning, Hoseok" I greet him back with a relieved smile, it feels like we're safer with him on our side since everyone knows that he's favoured by the CEO - he does a perfect job every single day and he's been selected as the best employee for years in a row now.
It's honestly a miracle that I was put under his wing when I was hired, because looking over someone like me isn't normally supposed to be part of his tasks.
Maybe my disability made me look pitiful and they felt I should at least have someone strong to support me before everyone tries to trample over me, but either way, I'm not complaining because without him to supervise my work, I would have been kicked out a long time ago.
Being given the files that no one wants to touch because of how risky they are was clearly an attempt at getting rid of me quickly, but alas for them, I was instead mentored by the corporation's idol and became more than capable of handling that type of document, which made me an essential part of maintaining this growing prosperity.
Hoseok believes that I might get a promotion by the end of the year since I've done such a good job until now, but that seems unlikely to me since disabled people aren't really granted that many opportunities in Seoul.
You could look beautiful, you could have all the talent in the world, you could achieve many great things that many could only dream of, but if you don't look like everyone else - you can't fit in like everyone else. That's just how it goes.
Try to change a world that has been feeding that kind of mentality for centuries.
We wait side by side in comfortable silence, no need to say anything in this early morning, and the elevator's doors eventually open again with a ding. A few people step out first, and then it's our turn to get in.
Thanks to Yoongi and Hoseok who make sure I have priority, I easily board it first without being pushed aside by people who believe that I take too much space, and they position themselves around me before the others begin to swarm the crowded space in a hurry.
Doors close, Hoseok selects our floor, and we start going up.
"Are we still having lunch together today? I told my mate to expect us and he said he would reserve the nicest table for our little group, he's been looking forward to meeting you two since then" he purposefully speaks loudly so everyone can hear him, and I bite on my lips to hide a smile before showing him a thumb up, and he grins proudly while Yoongi huffs.
"Of course we are, that was the plan after all. I didn't know we'd meet him though, won't he be too busy to see us? I tried to find out which shop it might be on the map this morning while I had breakfast, but there are just so many that I couldn't figure out where we would go, it's making me insanely curious".
Hoseok chuckles, eyes creasing happily as a group gets off at the first stop, which is a couple of floors beneath ours.
"I asked him the same thing and he said that he couldn't miss that opportunity, that today's always more quiet anyway. It's rare that I invite someone to have a meal together so he absolutely wanted to meet you. He's a good guy, you'll see, I'm sure you'll like him" he muses the end with so much tenderness in his voice that I almost feel jealous that it's not directed at me, they must love each other dearly.
"Well, if he's anything like you, I'm sure he won't get on my nerves like everyone else does" I reply with a shrug to try and fight against the feeling that swells in my chest. This is not making me long for a coven of my own at all, who needs one anyway, me?
Pfft, ridiculous.
"Oh he's greater than me, you'll see. A handsome man too, it's a wonder how he even fits in that kitchen with how big he is. Try not to drool when you see him, else he'll be teasing you about it for ages, he loves to receive that kind of reaction".
I roll my eyes, thinking his warning to be nothing but a joke, and with that said, the ride up to our floor resumes until it's our time to get off the elevator, something that happens without a hitch, thank goodness.
We part ways when Hoseok heads towards his own department and office, and I lead Yoongi to the back of my own department where our now shared private room is, something that should allow us to take a breather away from nosy people.
"So... this is where we'll spend most of our time from now on" I say as I open the door, light turned on before I reach my desk to the right, and I turn around to watch as he takes in the cozy space that was added for his own comfort to the left.
He closes the door behind him before settling his bag on the coffee table, and he makes a soft sound when he sits down on the couch.
"This is great, Y/N, thank you. I just... do people always talk about you that way?" he can't help but ask after a few seconds of thinking with furrowed brows, and I make a shrug before opening my laptop so I can get it running first.
"It depends. If I'm in the way, then yes, they tend to run their mouths. If I'm on my own, at an hour where no one needs the elevator, the printer or even the coffee machine, then it's like I don't exist at all".
I enter the password before sighing as everything loads slowly.
"There's not much we can do about people like that, Yoongi, so don't waste too much of your energy getting mad at them, they're not worth it" I add with a softer voice when another glance at him shows me that he's still frowning unhappily, and he grunts before grabbing his own laptop and mouse from inside his bag.
"I'd totally time freeze their damned mouths if I could, that's what they deserve".
I pause what I was doing to stare at my hands, and my magick tickles against my skin at that new idea.
"Why did I never think of that? I could totally freeze their tongue whenever they speak shit about me. To think that it never crossed my mind... damn, so many wasted opportunities" I whisper in disappointment, to think that I could've gotten some sort of peace a long time ago... oh man.
Them losing their tongue is another story though, one that I'd rather not think too much about.
Yoongi snorts before shaking his head.
"Hate to be the one to disappoint you, Y/N, but that's illegal. They can say whatever they want without being scolded, but shut them up with magick and suddenly, it's power abuse. Gonna have to find another method for that one".
I click my tongue before turning towards my desk so I can open my work folders. "I knew it was too good to be true, damn it".
Yoongi allows a tiny smirk to form on his face while getting his laptop onto his lap, and with that begins a comfortable time spent together while we both work on different things.
Not as awkward as I first thought, and that says a lot about the man who now lives with me.
I could totally get used to this.
"We're here! Welcome to Books and Brews, a wonderland of books and... well you get the idea. Let's go in, I'm sure he's already waiting for us".
Hoseok sounds excited as he speaks and opens the door for us, and Yoongi pushes my chair inside for me while my hands remain on my lap - he insisted with a pout and I could only relent in the end, he's been feeling useless so far and apparently, giving my arms a break was the way to soothe him.
I was then the one who struggled a little because that in turn made me feel lazy, but I know that's not true. Like he said on that first meeting, I need to learn to accept his help from time to time. It's a work in progress.
We enter inside a calm and peaceful room that greets us with the delicious smell of coffee and pastries, and my eyes immediately roam over the amazing selections of food in the various display cases that line up by the cash register while Yoongi stares at the books in the other side of the room.
"Oh that looks good, and that too. Oh wow, look at that cake, Yoongi! It looks so cute" I start pointing at everything that catches my eyes and he hums while pulling his gaze from the library area to have a look at what made my voice become so chirpy - he smiles when he sees the penguin cake that seems to have bewitched me.
"Yeah, it's cute. It resembles you" he lets out easily, and he snorts when I gape at him with the exact same chubby cheeks that he saw on the penguin. "It does not".
"Don't start fighting now, you two" Hoseok muses as he joins us, an eternal happy smile on his face as he looks behind the counter and into the kitchen's open door in search of his mate. "Should we have a look at the choices while we wait? I'm sure he'll be here soon".
My hands naturally find their rightful place on my wheels at those words and Yoongi lets go of my chair so I can edge closer to the display cases, too lost in my own bubble to see the giant who takes that time to leave the kitchen to hug Hoseok and kiss his cheek.
I look at everything like it's a matter of life and death, eager to find the sandwich that might very well become my new favourite, and when one catches my attention, I turn around to show it to the two men who accompanied me here, only it's not them anymore but a king who stands there instead.
The dragon-like eyes that stare at me curiously are dark in colour but gentle in the glow that fills them, and though the pale grey dye in this witch's hair is starting to beg for a new colour, it does give him an edgy style that keeps me from keeping my mouth closed.
Holy macaroni and cheese, who sent this tough guy on my path? Who do I need to thank?
A hand on my shoulder and Hoseok appears back into the scene.
"Y/N, Yoongi, this is Namjoon, my mate who owns this shop. I knew he's big but goodness, he makes you look so tiny when he stands in front of you like this, it's adorable" Hoseok says with a laugh, the stars in his eyes visible from miles away as I force my gaze on him instead of the magnificent giant.
A bashful glance towards Yoongi who stands besides him shows me that he's sporting a similar expression as I am, and thank the lord for that because I'm starting to turn self-conscious. It makes me feel less stupid, if only a little. Did I drool? I didn't, did I?
A hand to my lips just in case, and Hoseok giggles while Namjoon's smile turns into a devilish grin.
The coffee shop owner lifts a hand to his own lips, then points at the left side.
My guts do a backflip three times when I see that, and I quickly wipe the side he warned me about, the slight wetness I find there enough to send my soul to outer space, you've got to be kidding me, this is not happening.
"It's the food, I swear it was the food, it looks so good that I drooled" I blurt out as quickly as possible as a heat threatens to melt my skin off of my face, and as I start pointing at the sandwiches to save my life, even Yoongi can't resist the chuckle that slips out.
"Of course, and I don't blame you, dear. It sure would flatter me if some of that was for me, but I'm not one to force something that's not meant to happen, I'll accept my fate" Namjoon says with such confidence that I end up doubting myself for a moment - maybe some of it was for him after all? - but Hoseok steps in before I can make a fool of myself.
"Sure it would, you silly bear. Namjoon, this is Y/N and Yoongi, whom I told you about last night. A bit shy as you can see, but they're real sweethearts once you get to know them. It's still new even for me, obviously, but I like them and I'm sure you will too".
Yoongi's heart stutters, my heart bungee jumps, Namjoon shows a heart-stealing smile and Hoseok pretends like he's not seeing and sensing all of that happening right before his very own eyes to instead try and find the table that was reserved for us.
"I have no doubt they're lovelies, I like them already. And hyung, I can see you looking around - I kept that table over there for you, it's got space all around it for miss' wheelchair and it's closer to the books so you can have a look at them without having to fit between every tables from across the room. Just tell me what you'd like to eat first and I'll bring everything to you when it's ready".
Namjoon's voice is the perfect middle ground of warm and deep as he speaks, and if it was possible to fall in love with just a voice, then this is it - I love it and I would hug it if I could.
I want a build-a-bear with Hoseok's mate's voice, as terrible as it sounds.
I'm first to point at the sandwich that won my inner fight earlier, and when Namjoon utters a small "Good choice, that one's my favourite too" while walking behind the counter to transfer it onto a plate, I am over the moon. The god sandwich approved of my choice.
"Anything you want on the side? The salads are to die for, you can choose two with a drink" Hoseok inquires as he too takes a look at the different choices with Yoongi. I hum before selecting two of them and Namjoon adds them to the plate smoothly.
Yoongi appears incredibly undecided from the too many options offered to him, and the look he gives me when he notices me staring gains my immediate pity.
"Do you want to share with me, Yoongi? I'm not very hungry, I think a half will be perfect for me" I let out another easier option for him, one that he accepts with a quick but relieved nod of the head. We found out last night that we both don't eat a lot, so this will be perfect for two.
"Do you want me to put everything into two separate plates? Or will the same one do?" Namjoon asks, not in the least bothered by our decision, and Yoongi shakes his head after making sure with me.
"No, we'll be good. Thanks".
"As for me, I'll get the usual, Joonie. And I'll get water, please" Hoseok gives his own selection for today's lunch, and so it becomes water for all of us because the weather outside is quite hot today, it'll be good to get hydrated.
"Perfect. I'll warm up the sandwiches for you, feel free to take the bottles of water to the table, and I'll be there as soon as it's all ready".
With that said, Namjoon keeps himself busy with his work, and Hoseok leads us to the table that will indeed allow me an easy navigation through the shop and most particularly the library that I am only now noticing.
There are so many books that it would take me a good hour just to count all of them, and they also appear to be categorized for everyone's cup of tea, from encyclopedias to fantasy novels and all the in between.
I carefully set my water on the table before taking place where there is no chair while Hoseok and Yoongi do the same on the other side, and I make a small sigh as I allow myself a moment to relax.
"So, Yoongi. How was your morning? I'm sure it must be weird to stay at someone else's workplace all day" Hoseok inquires with a curious smile, and the quiet witch shrugs a little before opening his bottle to take a sip of the fresh water.
"It's not that bad, really. I have something to keep myself busy with, and I wrote more in a couple of hours than I have in months, so that was nice" he answers with a glimmer of satisfaction on his face, something that makes me happy for him.
Hoseok makes a sound, head tilted in interest.
"Are you a writer, then?".
Yoongi's lips curl into a shy smile when he nods his head, it makes me want to coo and pinch his cheeks, a sentiment that my superior shares. How he can go from intimidating to adorable so easily is beyond me.
"It's a long-term dream, but I'm not in a hurry to publish my first novel. I want it to be good, something I can be proud of so I'm just playing around for now, trying to find my style. It's more complicated than it sounds".
"I'm sure it is. Namjoon likes to write poems, not quite the same as a novel, but maybe you could talk with him, ask him some questions and see what he's got to say on the matter. Sometimes it feels like he knows everything, it's worth a shot".
We all turn our gaze towards the man who still looks concentrated on his tasks, but I end up looking away first when I suddenly imagine myself cuddling on a couch with him, a book settled over my lap.
Gosh... what the hell, Y/N? Don't make things awkward for yourself! That's your coworker's mate, for fuck's sake.
"I guess it would be great to talk about creative writing with someone who also basks in that world..." Yoongi muses before staring at me to try and include me into the conversation, he feels like I've been left out and he doesn't like that.
"Y/N, are you okay? You look... upset?" he asks when he sees the weird expression on my face, and I rub my cold hands on my pants to warm them up, unsure of what's going on myself.
"It's nothing, I'm fine" I lie easily while trying to look nonchalant about it, but unable to look Hoseok in the eyes anymore without feeling guilty for what went through my mind about his mate, I bring my gaze to the books.
"I'll have a look there while we wait, I'm curious to see what books are available".
They both nod, a bit concerned about my strange behaviour, and I head for the first bookshelf that catches my attention. There, I'm surprised to find books that give more information about the Winter Solstice Academy, the only place that I see myself going back to school for.
I grab a random book from that category to have a closer look at it, and I hear Yoongi come over silently before stopping next to me to read what I'm holding, a pensive hum echoing from his throat when he sees the title.
"Have you ever attended that magick Academy?" he finds himself asking after a moment, but I shake my head with a small sigh before putting the book back on the shelf to have a look at what else is available here.
"No, but I'd really like to, though. I've always wanted to experience what it's like to study magick there, to feel like I belong somewhere instead of being a... an outsider, I guess. It's just the tuition that's way out of this world. I can't afford it at the moment, but I'm putting money aside until that day comes. Maybe it never happens, but I want to be hopeful".
Yoongi doesn't say anything as he follows behind me, but he purses his lips as he searches for his words.
"I... I've always wanted to attend the Academy, but money is what stopped me too. I've had to settle for local community colleges in the past that were just... awful, and I mean they've fulfilled their roles, obviously, but it's not the same, you know? Learning more about magick and everything related to it... that sounds a lot more interesting than anything else I ended up studying instead" he eventually murmurs words that I could've said myself, it's great to have someone who I can relate to by my side.
"Yeah, I did the same, and people were mean, honestly. Like... I'm talking, bullies mean. I can't tell you the amount of times someone sat on the ramps I needed to get inside the building, or how often the designated wheelchair accessible tables were kept from me during lunch just because it amused them to see me helpless. I got through it because I needed a good job to support myself, but it was hell from start to finish".
Man... just thinking about those things makes my blood boil. How many times did I fall asleep crying because I was exhausted of everything? I wouldn't wish that for anyone, not even my worst enemy, that's simply not humane.
"Wow... that's really... bad" Yoongi murmurs, brows furrowed in anger. He'll never be able to understand why people enjoy hurting others so much, it makes no sense to him.
I hum, and my magick naturally senses my emotions as I remember different situations that happened in the past, and I don't notice right away, the way that frost begins to slide against my skin, from my fingertips and all the way up to my shoulders before crawling over my chest and a bit too close to my heart for comfort, as if it wanted to hug and soothe me.
The growing chill rapidly steals the warmth from my body and the next exhale that leaves me appears as a cloud of ice mist, something that gets a few people's attention from all over the shop, including Namjoon and Hoseok.
"Y-Yoongi, I- I might-t need some h-help" I stutter out when I feel my heartbeat gradually slow down to a painful pace, one that doesn't fit the panicked nerves that attempt to fight against the sudden frozen temperature of my body, my voice turning almost useless when it becomes a whisper of shivering.
"Whoa, hey, what's going on?" Hoseok can be heard asking as he rushes over, shocked but otherwise ready to assist anyway he can while Yoongi quickly moves in front of me to grab my hands in his own, and his wince when he feels a pain from my sharp ice crystals makes me feel bad even though it's out of my control.
"You're alright, I'm here. Breathe, okay? Like we did that day. I'll melt the ice, it's going to be hot so focus on breathing" Yoongi warns me as strong flickers of flame begin to appear from his fingers, and I can't nod my head anymore so I make a soft sound, eyes glued on his own to stay focused.
Namjoon hurriedly sets the dishes on our table before joining Hoseok's side, and together they keep others from seeing what's happening while the light of Yoongi's fire magick glows from amidst the fragile books, and the two observe with worry as my ice begins to melt slowly, but surely.
"Sorry Yoongi, I think my magick reacted to my emotions, it probably wanted to comfort me. It just keeps forgetting that it can also kill me that way, no biggie" I laugh dryly, a harmless joke attempted despite the pain in my throat when my chest begins to warm up thanks to his fire.
I should've been more careful, it's not like this is new to me, but a reaction of this extent is certainly not very common. It got awfully close to that morning when I woke up completely covered in ice, that scared me.
The fire witch doesn't appear to find my little joke funny in the slightest, and he frowns in concentration until all of my ice crystals are physically gone from my body, both inside and out.
He didn't expect to meet so much resistance this time and it freaked him out, even if it doesn't show on his face.
"How do you feel? Still cold? Too hot?" he asks without letting go of my hands yet since it makes it easier for him to scan my body with his magick. I take a moment to really get a feel of myself, and when sure that everything's back to normal, I relax in my chair.
"All good now, thank you. I'm sorry, Yoongi, I should've known that it would react that way, I was too careless".
He stands up tall and shakes his head, though it shows on his face that he didn't really like how fast it all happened. He had no time at all to react that my ice was already crossing a very dangerous zone, which is my heart. Could've given me a heart attack if he took any longer.
"You can't predict every single moves it makes, it's alright. Does that always happen when you're thinking about bad memories? I think I should at least know that if I want to prevent a next time from occurring".
I purse my lips softly, an apologetic glance at Hoseok and Namjoon before I answer Yoongi's question.
"Not all the time, it depends on how that situation affected me in the first place. My wheelchair was new back then, I was alone, scared, angry and confused every single day, that must be why my magick reacted so strongly. It wasn't fun for either of us".
He nods his head, a serious look on his face and a vibrant fear in his heart that he can't shake off, that was too close.
"Can you two explain what just happened? What was that?" Hoseok finally drops his question when he finds a time of silence, Namjoon's hand over his shoulder doing the calming that his mate's magick is known for doing, though it appears to not work that well on himself judging by the upset frown on his face.
I scratch my arm in unease before exhaling deeply, I do owe them a little explanation if we're to get to know each other, don't I? I forget sometimes that my magick can wound others around me if it feels like it, no one's ever really safe from it.
Not quite how this lunch should've gone in the first place, but at least I can get this out of the way sooner rather than later.
"Why don't we sit down first? I'll explain everything after we get some food and water in ourselves, it's a long story".
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