Here it is, at last!!! Please enjoy!!
I am doing my best to write this type of story with the respect that it deserves, so if anything feels off to you, please, let me know without being aggressive about it. I am trying my best here!
"Miss Y/N, you may head to the room 7 where Dr. Wang is waiting for you".
I immediately look up from the random magazine I was reading in the empty waiting room at those words, then put it back on the table before turning my wheelchair so I can squeeze past the two rows of chairs to reach the hallway that I always go down at least once every two weeks.
I wish I wouldn't have to come here so often, but my condition is one that makes it impossible to push back the appointments that my doctor always insists I get, and I'm convinced he would send officers to pick me up at home themselves if I didn't answer my phone even once.
I find the tall man waiting for me at the end of the corridor as usual, and he smiles while holding the heavy door open for me, a habit that he's taken to whenever I'm here as he likes to make my life easier any way he can.
Sometimes he feels more like a brother than someone responsible for my health, and that's something I like about him.
He's easier to deal with than other people I have met in the past, he doesn't look down on me and that's already much more than I can say about all the other doctors I had before him.
I make my way to the desk where the chairs are already pushed to the side to free up the space, and I wait for him to sit on the other side with a hum echoing from his throat, a few things pushed aside so he can grab the test results for the appointment I had at the hospital last week.
I observe in silence as he reads through the pages one at a time, my cold fingers resting over my lap and twisting uncomfortably because I already know what the result is going to be, and I fear the next steps that might have to be adopted to try and stop something far out of our control.
"Mm... I already expected that, but it's still disheartening to see that your condition is not getting any better, as usual. If things are kept as they are, Y/N, your magick will begin to drain directly into your vitality by lack of other choice and that could result in your death, you are aware of that, aren't you?".
I keep fixing at my hands while the doctor stares at me with a sigh past his lips.
"I know that it's hard to change some habits when they've been around for a long time but your body, as it is, cannot stand to be strained any longer. Your type of ice magick is harder to control than you seem to understand and the impact it has on you is getting more obvious by the day. You need a mate with fire magick to counter the frost, otherwise, you could lose your life. It already cost you your legs, you need to be more careful, Y/N".
I look down with my bottom lip bitten between my teeth. He says that as if it's possible to just... stop using my magick altogether, as if I can simply lock it somewhere deep in my soul forever, like I'd even want something like that to happen.
My magick is a part of me no matter how harmful it may be towards my body, it's not even a bad magick to begin with. It's just that most of the time, it acts up like it has a mind of its own, which it might very well have at this point considering that I have very little control over what it should or shouldn't do.
Losing my legs despite the many warnings I was given didn't happen because I'm ignorant and stupid, it happened because my magick thought it would be fun to cover every single surfaces within my home with ice crystals, including my bed.
I woke up almost dying of hypothermia that morning, and my legs never moved again since then, nor can they feel anything. Not to mention that telling me I need a fire witch to survive is like trying to convince me that the Earth is flat - it's pointless.
"We already checked to see if I have any mates connected to me, Doctor, and there was no one even after the third test. You know that's not an option".
At my words, the man pushes something on the desk like he was waiting for me to say that, and I frown before having a glance at the sheet of paper on which I can read Request for a witch caregiver.
"That's why I've prepared this for you. I'm not going to leave you to die when other options are available to us, so this is an official request to get someone to stay at your house to watch over you and help you fight against the frost. It would be someone without mates and with a fire magick, someone who would be fine with staying by your side 24/7. All you have to do is sign the form and I will take care of the rest".
I exhale loudly.
"I appreciate the effort, Doctor, but my parents would never agree to this. They refused every offers for caregivers ever since the incident that caused my current state, why would it be different this time?" I ask without expecting any positive outcome to this, but he grins proudly like he saw this coming.
He pulls another paper from a pile that he settles in front of me, then taps it with a finger.
"This is different. The carefully selected caregiver will take on the role as your legal guardian if I judge that your parents are not doing enough for your health when you're in a critical condition. In other words, they would lose complete control over what happens to you from the moment you sign this contract".
I immediately perk up and roll my wheelchair closer to the desk to read the contract with my own eyes, the words he just spoke an open door to a world of freedom if it's really that simple.
My parents haven't been able to accept that I am unable to walk anymore, and besides helping me to move into a convenient house in an attempt to keep me from harming them, they did not do anything else to help me get used to this new version of my life that I had to adapt to on my own.
They did not accompany me in this new adventure in which I had to learn new and efficient ways of doing things I had taken for granted, nor did they provide resources after learning that my magick could go for my arms and even my life next.
Getting me a caregiver was like admitting that my disability made me permanently broken, and they somehow couldn't go through with it even though they're not the ones living with this condition - in fact, they haven't visited me since the day I moved out five years ago.
I imagine they're scared of what they could see if they did come so I don't really blame them, but it still broke down the trust I had for them. I might die, yet they'd rather mourn me while I'm still breathing instead of helping me fight the threat, what kind of parent abandons their child like this?
It's crazy how strangers can care more about my survival than my own parents ever will.
"So all I need to do is sign this and I'll be able to get better? Will having a fire witch at home really be of help? You know that I sometimes wake up to crystallized frost all over the house, what if it gets too much for them? I'm not a simple case of getting a cup from the higher cupboard because I can't reach it, I can take care of myself, that's not what the issue is" I ask the man who leans over the desk to answer me face to face.
"Y/N, there are caregivers for every types of situations, and yours isn't so out of this world that no one is ready for it. There are witches who are willing to help people like you whose magick is unstable, and as long as they are confirmed as an appropriate help for you, then everything will be fine. We won't choose someone randomly, we will meet with them on our own first, then with you to make sure that everyone is ready for what's to come. We are not jumping into this blindly, I promise you".
I purse my lips in thoughts before slowly nodding my head, what do I have to lose anyway? If I don't go through with this plan, I really could die and that's not what I have planned for my life.
I want to study at the Winter Solstice Academy at least once in my life, I want to experience what every other witches studying there do, I want to make friends and hangout outside together when the weather is nice, I want to fall in love and live a happy life by their side - there are too many things I want to do to give up so soon.
The only reason why I'm hesitating is because I don't want to gain hope only to meet a wall later on.
My life literally depends on someone who I don't even know yet, someone who might not even exist right now. Maybe there are no fire witches searching to be someone's caregiver. Keeping someone alive by staying with them 24/7 is a lot of pressure, who wants to live like that?
It's them quite literally giving up on their own freedom to take care of mine, how is that fair? But if I don't try, then it would be like giving up on myself - it would be exactly what my parents did and that is the last thing I want.
"Do you have a pen I can use, Doctor?".
The man pauses for a few seconds before smiling brightly when he finally registers the meaning behind my question, my acceptance like a victory in his eyes for he is the only person who has been trying so hard to keep me alive during all this time.
"I have a drawer full of them. Which colour do you want?".
"I want the colour of freedom, Doctor Wang".
It takes only a few days after our appointment for Dr. Wang to send me an email stating that he possibly found someone who fits the requirements needed for my situation, and it takes less than a day after that before a second email comes in to let me know that they're going to be perfect for me.
The person interested to make me their priority for what I imagine to be years to come is a man who goes by the name Min Yoongi and apparently, he has not only one type of magick under his arsenal, but two.
He has fire magick, which is obvious - else he wouldn't be selected for the job - but he surprisingly has mastered another one as well, which would be time control magick, something that allows him to stop the time of selected targets.
That makes him a very safe person to be around, because not only could he melt the frost that my ice crystals cause regularly, he could also decide to stop my magick's progress when it goes rampant without keeping me from being conscious of my surroundings.
That way, neither of us would be harmed and I find that... perfect.
It's surprising that someone with such talents would accept to be my caregiver since I have no doubt he could do great things in life with his skills, but I won't complain considering that these same skills can greatly increase my quality of life.
Now the only thing to find out is whether the two of us can live in a shared space without having any types of unwanted tension getting in the way, because I certainly do not want a bad chemistry with someone who's going to remain by my side most of the time.
A sudden but planned knock on my front door pulls me out of my thoughts, and I nervously push on my wheels to exit the kitchen before making my way to the entrance after being sure that I cleaned the living area properly.
I wouldn't want to give this Yoongi a bad impression with my mess - I hadn't cleaned the house in a while because I was so busy between work and my health appointments, there was quite a bit to do this morning and that wasn't even everything.
I open the door to the familiar face of my doctor first, and he is all smiles and sunshine as he salutes me before stepping inside at my wordless invitation, after which I finally get to see the other man who was patiently standing behind him and waiting for me to notice him.
Still unsure about all this because meeting new people has never been a strong point of mine, I stare at the surprisingly handsome man in silence, eyes roaming over his features with hesitation while his own do the same for me - I can feel him take in the frost over my skin and it's making me fidgety.
He has a pretty tint of golden skin that honestly would make anyone jealous, and the combination of his dark eyes and black hair form a contrast with his skin that somehow makes him look intimidating in his softness - I don't know if that means anything in terms of his personality and it destabilizes me.
Dr. Wang suddenly claps his hands loudly to get both of our attention on him when no one has spoken a word yet, and I startle before staring up at him with a betrayed glow over my face that he ignores skillfully with a large smile, like he didn't just cause my nervous heart to jump in my chest.
"Alright, it's time for introductions before we get this meeting started. Y/N, this is Min Yoongi, who I told you a little about already, and Yoongi, this is Seo Y/N, the sweet girl who needs your help to keep an eye on her magick" Dr. Wang begins with a chirp before staring at me again, but he frowns this time when he notices something new.
"Y/N, tell me, did the frost climb higher since the last time we met? I don't remember it covering your neck like this when you came in for your appointment at the clinic".
I bring a hand over my skin to feel the usual freeze of my ice crystals, did it? I hadn't even realized that it had spread more since then, but that would explain why I've been feeling colder as of late, I thought I was simply coming up with a cold.
"I didn't take a hot shower this morning like I usually do, that might be why? It normally doesn't go that high up so I didn't really question it, but that would explain why my throat hurts a little" I mumble the end with a sigh.
I poured myself a cold drink before this meeting, that surely didn't do much good.
"I think I could be of help for that. May I?".
It's a husky voice that speaks, low and raspy, and I turn my gaze back to Yoongi to find him kneeling in front of me with a serious look over his face, a hand offered to me and waiting for permission to do what he came here to do in the first place.
Letting a stranger touch me is greatly taking me out of my comfort zone, but at the same time, this might very well be the perfect test we were looking for during this meeting. This can tell us if there really is something he can do to help me, or if I'm doomed to die either way.
I slowly nod my head while Wang steps aside to give us more space, analytic eyes kept on us to verify and add as much details to his report as possible, and Yoongi gently takes my hand into his own before locking his eyes onto my neck.
"Let me know if you feel uncomfortable in any way, I'll activate my fire magick and though it might feel a bit hot at first, I don't believe it'll be anything more than that. You can squeeze my hand if it hurts and I'll stop right away" he says with a calming tone, himself a bit tensed right now because he knows this will prove whether he can help me or not - there's a lot at stake for the both of us.
I gulp but nod my head again, thankful that he at least took the time to warn me before doing anything. Being surprised with a flash of pain would've gotten me scared to try it again, and that's not quite what we're going for here, is it?
It doesn't take too long before his hands begin to glow a gentle tint of red, and a rather strong wave of heat starts to gather at my fingertips before spreading all the way up to my shoulders, neck and jaw.
The pain that I felt in my throat all morning dissipates within seconds while the frost that covered my skin shrinks back to where it is barely visible anymore, and when he considers himself done, Yoongi's hands turn back to that pale golden before staring up at me inquisitively.
I was expecting for it to burn at least a little, but it was strangely comforting instead. It was hot, but not painful. My magick simply pulled back obediently like it was following a peace order and I've never had that happen until now.
"Well, that goes and answers our questions, doesn't it? How do you feel, Y/N?" the doctor asks me while writing a few things in his notebook, and I blink at Yoongi in amazement while he stands back up in front of me looking satisfied with his work.
"It didn't hurt at all, it was a very comfortable warmth and it took the pain away instantly! Even now, I don't feel as cold as usual, it's very weird but I like it!" I inform both men with a bubbly excitement that I haven't felt often, I know I would've jumped on my toes if I still could.
Yoongi's lips stretch into a pleased smile, and Dr. Wang bobs his head while writing down my comments with some additional notes to complete the satisfying report that will be sent to the agency taking care of the witch's employment.
"That's very good, it means your magicks are more compatible than I thought. I- oh, would you please give me a second? I have a call coming in so I'll step outside for a bit. You two can get to know each other in the meantime, I'll be back soon" Wang suddenly stops to stare at his phone when it begins to ring, and Yoongi makes a sound before stepping inside while the doctor goes out.
The door closes and the awkward silence comes back as we both get to deal with being fully alone with someone who's basically a stranger, something neither of us seem to handle very well.
This is more nerve-wracking than I would've liked and he isn't really the chatty type either so... yeah, it's really awkward.
"Should we move to the living room? Can I get you anything to drink? A glass of water maybe?" I eventually offer while going back to the kitchen to flee the tension, and he stares at my back in surprise before removing his shoes quickly, after which he follows behind like a worried cat.
"I can make my own glass, Y/N, it's fine" he assures me with good intentions, but I ignore his statement to instead get a cup from one of the shelves that were installed at the perfect height for me besides the sink before filling it with cold water, and I use some of my magick to create ice cubes that sink at the bottom with a clink.
Maybe I should've asked if he wanted the ice in the first place, but this is part of a routine for me so I didn't think twice before doing it. It's a good thing Wang is outside and didn't see this, he would've scolded me otherwise, I'm sure of that.
But for now, there's something more important I need to take care of first.
"I'm going to be honest with you, Yoongi, one thing you need to know about me is that I don't need you to do everything for me. It would be one thing if my home wasn't equipped specifically for someone using a wheelchair, but as you can see, I'm doing pretty well on that point" I begin to explain while stretching one hand to give him the cold glass, and he accepts it silently, eyes kept on me as he listens intently.
"I can shower alone, I can cook myself meals, I can clean, I can dress myself and I can also go to work during the week to gain money that pays the bills. What I can't do is control my magick to keep it from killing me, which is why I need someone like you, so you don't have to act like a servant around me.
"If I offer you something, don't think about whether or not it's possible because I've already done that step, simply answer accordingly. Can we agree on that? Because if there's one thing I don't want, it's to be treated like a helpless child, I stopped being one ever since I lost my legs".
I can see as my words make themselves a path in his mind, how they register and take roots in his memory, right where they'll be needed during our coexistence, and it's a relief for me when he nods once, no sign of annoyance on his face.
"I understand, and I thank you for letting me know so soon. I didn't accept this contract to make your life harder, I came to be of help and that starts with knowing how I can be of help to you. I only hope that you won't keep me from doing anything while I live with you, Y/N. Sometimes I might offer to help, not because I look down on you, but because it's what people who live together do. They help each other".
I purse my lips at his own request, this is something hard to accept since I haven't been allowed to depend on anyone in what feels like forever, but I also know that he's right so this is quite complicated to deal with for me.
"I'll keep that in mind, Yoongi, I appreciate your honesty" I answer simply due to a lack of knowing what else to say, but that seems to be enough for now when he smiles lightly, cheeks turning squishy and adorable before he turns towards the door when it opens again to Dr. Wang.
"Sorry about that, it was one of my colleagues. So, how's the getting to know each other going so far? Are we feeling good about what's to come?" he asks while reaching where we are in the kitchen to lean against the wall besides Yoongi, his keen senses taking in the atmosphere between us.
I shrug first in answer, it's a bit early to tell, but I can't say I have a bad feeling about this Yoongi, he seems like a nice guy.
"We went over some important matters and I think we could understand each other well, so I do have hope that this arrangement can succeed as intended. I'm not used to living with another person anymore though so this might be my biggest struggle" I admit with a light wince, yeah, that won't be easy at all.
How does he fold the towels? Is he one to complain about the toilet paper not being in the right place? I hate putting it on the support, it feels pointless to me. Does he clean the kitchen as he uses it, or does it get terribly messy before he finally makes a move to scrub some dishes?
There's a lot to consider here and not being able to take anything from what it was like at home with my parents is nothing to help. It feels like I'm starting from a blank page and that's terrifying.
"I'm a fast learner. I can adapt to your ways so don't worry too much about that, we'll adjust as we go" Yoongi states confidently as if he could sense the source of my concerns, and I give him a tight smile before sighing silently.
I guess we'll have to give this a try first. As much as I hate to admit it, I won't know what he's like until I've seen it with my own eyes, it's the most efficient way to know if Yoongi and I are compatible for living together.
"I'm sure that everything will go well, Y/N. It might be a bit hard to get used to at first but try to remember that this is needed to keep you alive. Yoongi was the best choice for you as far as I could find, I know for a fact that you wouldn't have liked the others so do give him a chance, he won't disappoint you" the doctor demands softly, and I exhale deeply before nodding my head.
He has a good point.
This isn't sharing a rent because it's convenient, it's him moving into my home because I need him in order to stay healthy and alive.
The only thing I can offer Yoongi for his services is to live here for free so I should consider myself lucky that he agreed at all to that term prior to meeting me. I couldn't afford to pay him on top of everything else, my salary has a limit and this is it.
I should be relieved that at least he won't be without salary himself since caregivers do receive some kind of special income when caring for people with unstable magicks like me, though it won't be as high as what he would make had he chosen someone with more money.
I rub a hand against my face, then inhale sharply to focus on the matter at hand, which is to be thankful that he was willing to help me despite the less than generous contract that comes with taking care of me.
"Yeah, you're right Dr. Wang. Sorry Yoongi, I don't mean to sound difficult, it's just a lot to take in. Should I show you where your bedroom is for now? That ought to help me process this situation, staying here just to talk about it will give me anxiety more than anything else" I let out after a moment, and Yoongi has never related so much with someone as he does now.
"That sounds perfect to me, I'm a little nervous so it'll help me too".
Wang smiles as he observes the two of us make it to the hallway side by side to where Yoongi is to sleep starting tomorrow night, and to say he feels confident about this partnership would be an understatement.
"They're going to be great together, I just know it" he murmurs to himself while ticking the report as a success, and he follows behind us to see a bit more of my house since he's curious. He's been here a few times in the past, but never made it further than the kitchen.
"It's a sliding door as you can see, but you can lock it whenever you want for privacy. There's the bathroom right here, it's the only one I have though so I apologize for that, I can write down when I'm most likely to use it if you want to avoid waiting after me since I can be in there for a long time".
"That's fine, Y/N, you don't have to change everything to accommodate me, I'll be alright".
"Okay... thanks. The light switch is there, but the light blinks a bit when it's been on for some time so maybe avoid using it when you don't need it. I don't know what the problem is with it but I never really used the room so I haven't taken the time to fix it. I can call someone to get that done sometimes soon if you want".
Yoongi tests the switch a few times before humming to himself, and he shakes his head.
"I can do it myself, I worked as an electrician a few years ago so this is quite easy for me. I'll avoid turning it on for now just in case, I'll have a closer look when I move in so don't play with it in the meantime".
"Oh, okay. I can do that".
"Yoongi is a bit of a handyman so there are a lot of things he's good at doing, isn't he great?" Wang praises the man who blushes slightly while scratching the back of his head, and I observe him for a few seconds before making a small sound in response, I guess he is pretty great.
"The shower head is a bit loose these days, I tried to fix it but I think I just made it worse, can you take care of that too?".
Amused with the way I'm taking advantage of that new knowledge, the witch snorts a small chuckle before stepping out of the bedroom to reach the bathroom's open door, and he takes a look into the shower before peaking his head out to stare at me.
"I can do that right now, it's barely anything so it'll take less than a minute. Do you have a tool box?".
"Right under the sink. Real nice of you to help, thanks Yoongi".
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