Christmas Special w/ Shinsou!! Merry Christmas, Y/N!!
A/N: merry christmas for those who celebrate it!! if you don't, happy holidays to you! you can just read this if you want. and don't worry, i will make sure to update on a real chapter soon :)
btw, this is my first holiday special so i decided that for each holiday, y/n would spend the day mostly w/ one love interest. for christmas, y/n will be spending it w/ shinsou mainly.
3:47 A.M. || Mustafu, Japan || U.A. High School - Class 1-A Dorms - Midoriya's Room
Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.
Midoriya blinked as he had been taken from dreamland by the constant loud banging. What was that noise? His heart filled with slight panic. Was there a villain infiltrating the school? Is someone in trouble right now?
He was about to get up and check it out when-
Bakugo had blasted up Midoriya's door, anger radiating off of him. It scared the living daylights out of Midoriya. The green haired boy turned to see Kirishima, Uraraka, Iida, Denki, Mina, Momo, Mineta, and basically everyone in Class 1-A. Only Aoyama, Todoroki, Koda, Hagakure, Asui, and Sado were missing.
"Sorry, Midoriya." Kirishima apologized, grabbing Bakugo's shoulder. "We were just looking for whatever was making that banging sound. Did you hear it too?" He asked.
"Y-Yeah." Midoriya got out of bed and decided to join the search party. An extra loud bang caught them off guard. They all tensed catching the location of the sound.
They all came from Y/N's room.
Was she in trouble?!
They raced to her room and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge.
"Stand back." Kirishima stated, his skin becoming rocky and hard. With a sharp running start, he rammed into the door, bursting it open. All of a sudden, the sound of a gunshot fired. "Eek-"
"Ah, Kirishima, sir."
"Kirishima, are you okay?!" Iida asked as the group hurried over. Kirishima slowly nodded.
"Yeah, but I just got scared half to death." He chuckled sheepishly, his skin returning to normal. They all turned to see Y/N.
...In an odd position.
The girl had her hair in a messy ponytail and she was wearing her army uniform. A fort was built around her, a whole group of walls of wood. Pillows covered over the wood. Four guns were all pointing at the group of 1-A students, all ready to fire.
And they were huge.
Wooden barricades surrounded the protective fort. Wooden boards from the door were on the floor, nails laid bent. Y/N quickly put on her army helmet and refilled the ammo. The students deadpanned.
What on earth was going on here?
"Uh, Y/N...?" Uraraka started, looking around, careful to watch her step. "What... what-"
"What the fuck are you doing up here, damn robot?! I'm trying to sleep and I can't do that with your goddamn apocalypse preparations!!" Bakugo interrupted, irritated.
"I am defending the dorm from him." Everyone blinked for a second, not understanding her answer.
"Who's 'him'?"
"You have never heard of him?" Y/N asked, seemingly surprised. "'He' is a criminal. He breaks into people's home through a chimney. He is said to have a thick white beard and a big red suit. He uses reindeer against their will, taking them all over the world. He is said to leave something in a box, but I am not positive what it is. No one has seen him, so I have decided to bust this criminal in the act." Everyone deadpanned. They all looked among themselves.
"Robot, you're a fucking idiot. Santa fucking Claus is not a criminal!" Bakugo yelled, making everyone sweatdrop.
"Santa fucking Claus?" Y/N repeated confusedly. Iida's eyes widened and he huffed at Bakugo.
"Use proper language around Y/N, Bakugo, we've been over this!!" Iida scolded the blonde haired boy who rolled his eyes.
"Actually, it's just Santa Claus, Y/N. And he isn't a criminal." Momo told the soldier girl, a small smile on her face as she gently set a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah! He comes every christmas night and gives kids toys if they were good!" Denki added on with a grin. Then it dropped and turned into confusion and pity. "Have you never celebrated Christmas before?"
"Christ...mas...?" She repeated in confusion. Mina and Denki let out the most dramatic gasp possible. Bakugo already left to go back to bed. Momo, Uraraka, and Iida's eyes just bulged. Kirishima's face was in complete stun.
"You've never heard of christmas before??" Kirishima asked.
"Is that what people call the night of the break-ins?"
"Yeah! I mean, no- I- you see-"
"On Christmas, you get to get presents and have hot chocolate. You also see a lot of snow and candy canes."
"Like peppermints?" Y/N's asked, her eyes lightening up.
"Yeah!" Uraraka said. "There's also a lot of snowmans, songs, christmas trees, ugly sweaters, cookies, mistletoe and-" She paused mid-sentence, her mind stuck on the mistletoe with Y/N. Her face poofed into red, surprising mostly everyone with the sudden action. "M-mistletoe..."
It took a good 10 seconds until like half of them understood.
"U-Uh, a-anyways!" Momo started up conversation, trying to shake the thought from her head. "It's late, so we should probably get to bed! Y/N, relax, there won't be a break-in. Just head back to sleep, okay?" Y/N nodded at the ponytailed girl.
"Night, Y/N!" Mina waved bye as she closed the girl. The said girl sat in the middle of her fort, mind bussling.
"Christmas... I wonder... does Shinsou, sir, know about this?"
12:32 P.M. || Mustafu, Japan || U.A. Highschool Dorms - Class 1-C's Dorms
Almost no one was around the dorms because they had all gone off to be at home with their families. No one was at Class 1-A's or Class 1-B's.
There is only one person in Class 1-C's.
The purple haired boy was in his dorm lounge. Usually, he would go home too, but his parents were traveling so they weren't home. He would be relaxing on the lounge couch right now, if it wasn't for one person.
Y/N was here because Lucia was on I-Island for Christmas. She can't get back because of an upcoming snowstrom. All Might was taking his teacher vacation on I-Island too, so if she went home, she'd be alone.
Of course, she had no problem with that, but when Aizawa found out she would be all alone, he had a problem with that.
So now, Shinsou was sitting across from Y/N, listening to her describe Christmas. He sipped on his hot chocolate before putting the steaming mug down.
"Did you not celebrate Christmas while you were at your training camp thingy?" Shinsou asked, his eyebrows raised.
"No. We did not really celebrate anything." Shinsou's eyes bulged.
"Not even birthdays?"
"Wow." He murmured, sitting back in his comfortable chair. "Well, I still got you a present." He said, quietly, slightly hoping that she didn't hear that. As soon as Y/N eyes went over to meet his, he blushed and looked down. "Y-You probably won't like it, though..." He added as he pulled out a small box for her.
Her eyes glistened as she got the box. It was the most colorful box she's ever seen! She lifted it up so she could see the bottom. She was so impressed. She never knew boxes could be so pretty!
"Um, Y/N...? The present is inside the box." Shinsou deadpanned. The girl blinked before she ignored her mistake and opened the top of the box.
Now, Y/N was truly amazed. Her eyes sparkled with mesmerization as she took out her gift. She breathed in lightly as she took out a dazzling snow globe. Inside, white wood trees and red little cardinals. Y/N shook it up a little and the snow started to stir around in the ball, making it out to be a calming setting.
Y/N smiled at the familiar setting.
"Wow, Y/N, you sure don't like the cold, now do you?" Major Akira asked as she walked besides Y/N, who was constantly twitching despite her emotionless face. The two were walking through a forest on a snowy day. The bark on the trees was a vibrant shade of white, making it the perfect winter setting. "I told you to wear a coat."
"A-A-Apologies." The shivering girl replied. Akira sighed, her breath being visible in the cold air. "P-Permission t-t-to a-ask a q-q-question?" She stuttered out.
"What is it?"
"W-Why are w-we o-o-out h-here?" Akira looked at her for a moment before stopping and looking up into the cloudy sky.
"It's a special day, Y/N. It's the twenty-fifth of December. Today, everyone has a break. I knew you wouldn't understand and start training immediately," Akira said, remembering where she found the girl training. "So I decided I would take you on a walk. Embrace nature. Sit, enjoy it." She told her, taking a seat in a nearby log, brushing off the snow.
Y/N blinked before taking a seat beside her superior. A long moment of silence went through, but after a while, Y/N started to hear some birds chirping. She blinked, she thought there was no more birds in the area.
She looked up to see two cardinals on a tree branch. The two birds were chirping the day away, their red feathers attracting Y/N's undivided attention. She watched as the birds pecked on the seeds before flying off.
She could only think of one thing to describe how this simple scene was to her.
Shinsou watched as 2 minutes went by without Y/N saying a single word. She just played with the snow globe with wonder filled eyes. She looked up at him, a smile at her lips.
"Thank you, Shinsou, sir." She told him, a closed-eyed smile on her face. His face heated up high.
"N-No problem..." Despite her now smiling more often, he still gets really flustered around her. Especially when it's directed towards him.
He snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed her smile drop and she looked down.
"I apologize. I did not get you a present." Y/N admitted. Despite her usual blank face, he could hear slight shame in her voice. He smiled smally at her.
"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you like it."
7:24 P.M. || Mustafu, Japan || U.A. High School - Dorms - Outside
"Okay, Y/N, remember what we practiced!"
"Guys, I don't think we should do this."
"Oh please, Mandalay, you're only like this because you think Midoriya should be with Y/N!"
"They're so cute!"
"They are, but I still think it'll be Endeavor's kid."
"Guys, back on task!"
Y/N and the Wild, Wild Pussycats were hiding behind the gate. The pro heroes were there because Y/N asked for advice on what to give Shinsou in return. Ragdoll, being the main Y/N and Shinsou supporter, had come up with a good plan.
The rest are here to see.
"Okay, perfect, he's in position! Y/N, go up there and make sure you are right underneath that little plant right there! And then do it!" Ragdoll exclaimed, excitedly.
"Good luck, Y/N!"
"You go, girl!"
Y/N quickly hurried over to Shinsou, making sure she was under a certain plant.
"Shinsou, sir."
"Oh, hey, Y/N. There you are, you disappeared for, like, the entire day. Where'd you go?"
"I went to talk with god-guardians."
"Your god-guardians?"
"Yes." Y/N breathed out as she looked down at her hand where a yellow sticky note was connected to her metal hands. "'Shinsou, sir, thank you for the gift. I truly appreciate it. It was the first gift I have ever gotten for Christmas, and I would like you to know how much it means to me. I do not have a gift, but I hope this will suffice.'"
Shinsou was confused. Why was she reading off a sticky note and what is the 'this' she was talking abou-
Shinsou's entire thought process was shaken up when he felt Y/N's warm lips press against his cheek. His heart raced and his eyes widened in surprise.
Reality hit him faster than he could blink.
Y/N just kissed his cheek.
Y/N smiled at him and walked off, hoping she did it right. When she went back to her group of god-guardians, she got a bunch of back-pats and squeals of excitement and utter thrill.
Shinsou's hand lightly touched his cheek. A small smile could not be contained. He was so happy and confused at the same time.
He didn't even notice that he was under mistletoe!
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