11 || To Kill a Mockingbird
A/N: Hey guys, the title is actually a book; you'll understand once you read the rest of the story. It's actually pretty good, but we're not talking about it right now. Just wanted to let you know if you were curious. Enjoy!
3:55 P.M. || Mustafu, Japan || Takeno Bookstore
Y/N stood tall at the counter. She took a deep breath. The arguement from earlier replayed in her head.
"No way." Lucia quickly shut down Y/N's idea. All Might nodded in agreement.
"Yes, I agree with Lucia."
"For once."
"..." All Might turned his attention back on Y/N. "Y/N, I think you're too young to work a job."
"To be technical, I am an orphan, so I have no recollection of my age." Y/N corrected to pro hero. All Might sighed.
"But still... you look like you are about 16. It'll be hard for you to get a job. You should focus on school." All Might suggested.
"If I may, I would like to point out that I should learn more life skills to impress Major. She ordered me to become a hero and learn about life, am I correct?"
"Yes, but--"
"You have a job, general. So do you, Ms. Lucia. I would only be right for me to have a job, am I correct?" Y/N asked, not easing up on the idea.
"No, Y/N, no." Lucia told her, not letting go either. "I am completely against this! You just got out of rehab and not to mention, it might be dangerous! You already go to a dangerous school."
"How is U.A. dangerous?" All Might asked, confused. Lucia eyed him.
"You broke your arm there."
"I told you, I fell down the stairs." All Might lied.
"Anyway, Y/N, here's a deal. If you can find and keep a job for a whole week, we'll let you continue working." All Might interrupted, not wanting Lucia to know. He knew Lucia and Lucia would rip his head off for being reckless and over-working again. And wait-- now that he thought about it-- how did Y/N know? Was she there...?
"Understood. Thank you."
"Tch." Lucia glared at him, snapping All Might of his deep thoughts. Lucia marched up to him and snatched his shirt collar, eyes dark and merciless. "Listen up, old man, I don't care if you're the #1 hero or not. If Y/N comes back with one scratch on her body, I'll take all my anger out on you. Understand?"
He sweatdropped in slight fear. "Y-Yes ma'am."
One whole week with the same job. First hour. Hopefully, everything will be alright. Her other two jobs didn't end too well. Apparently, metal cannot go in the microwave and telling customer's their fashion choice was ugly is wrong.
Hmm. Who would've known?
A chime of the door opened and Y/N straightened up as a woman walked in.
"Welcome to Takeno's Bookstore. Please feel free to look around." She told the woman, politely.
So far, so good.
4:23 P.M. || Mustafu, Japan || Takeno's Bookstore
Y/N stood at the counter, feeling pride.
She hasn't been called to the boss's office once! Luckily, she knew a lot about books, so she can tell customers whether or not it is a good book. Well, at first, she had to learn telling them what happens in the book is not good.
But now, she's fine!
The bell on the door chimed and Y/N looked up at the customer.
A boy was there. An interesting boy. A boy with half red hair and half white hair. The eye underneath the white side was brown and the red side was blue. He had a red burn scar over his blue eye. Y/N recognized it because her comrade at Major's Agency, Zuko, had one just like it.
Todoroki Shoto sighed as he entered the book shop. Honestly, he wanted to be anywhere other than his home. So, a bookstore will do.
"Welcome to Takeno's Bookstore. Please feel free to look around." A pleasant voice told him politely. He looked up to see a familiar girl with (h/c) hair staring at him with an emotionless face.
"Okay." He replied. He squinted to get a better look at this girl. She looked familiar from somewhere. But he couldn't place it. He shrugged. Oh well.
He walked around a picked a random book from the shelf. He was bored and didn't want to do anything difficult, so he decided reading would be fine. He walked over to the counter where the familiar girl was standing, wanting for him to come and pay. He set the book onto the counter.
"Ah. 'To Kill a Mockingbird'." Y/N read off the title. "A good story. You chose a good one of the few decent books in this store."
Todoroki blinked in slight surprise as Y/N's co-worker's facepalmed next to her. He wasn't expecting someone who worked here to diss what they were selling.
"Psst, Y/N!" A co-worker whispered to the girl, loudly. The girl looked over at him, blankly.
"You can't diss the books! You work here!" He told her.
"But, you told me to tell customers the truth." She retorted. The other employee shot the man a pointed look.
"What? You always lie to the customers, you idiot!"
Todoroki stood in front of the three employees, questioning the sanity of these workers.
"What class are you in?" Y/N asked, gaining his attention as her two coworkers behind her bickered like idiots.
"You go to U.A., I recognize your uniform." She told him, eyes looked at the uniform he was wearing. "What class are you in?" She repeated as she scanned the book.
"Class 1-A."
"I attend U.A. as well. But I am in Class 1-C."
"Are you equipped with a quirk?"
"Do you mind if I ask what is it?"
"Fire and Ice manipulation."
"Interesting. I am without a quirk."
A nearby explosion caught everyone's attention. A police officer rushed inside with sweat dripping down his forehead.
"Everyone! Please evacuate now! He's heading this wa- URK!!" But before he could say anything more, a hand came from nowhere and snatched his head before throwing him far away. The walls burst open as a gigantic man destroyed at least majority of the store. He towered over the building, the store only being up to his shin. He stomped his foot on a shelf, smashing it.
Her co-workers screamed as they ran away. The boss quickly abandoned the place a while ago.
Todoroki turned to get away but stopped when he heard something.
"Welcome to Takeno's Bookstore. Please use the door next time."
He turned on his heel as he saw the teenager his age, standing still, unfazed, as she stared up at the villain in front of her.
What the-
What was that girl thinking?
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