Chapter 5
Kiesha was stunned by the Society's entrance hall. From sculptures to paintings to the very floor on which they walked, golden lions embellished everything. Staircases went off in several directions - leading to both the upper and lower floors. There were elegant doors presumably leading to other rooms, all of which were closed. Ahead of them was an imposing balcony with a grand staircase ascending from the ground floor. There was an almost deafening silence pervading the hall, and Kiesha wondered if the building was soundproof. There were even windows with sunlight streaming through them.
"Didn't we come down a bunch of stairs to get here?" Kiesha asked.
"Certainly," Alastair replied, sounding a little confused. Kiesha pointed at the sunlit windows, and he laughed. "Yes, Kiesha, those are windows with sunlight pouring through them. Although we walked down a long flight of stairs to get here, this building is actually above ground, not under it. A bit of magic transported us here when we walked through the door I unlocked. I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you. It's just that, well, most of our young ones that study here already know about this. I do apologize."
"Oh, no problem," Kiesha replied, though she was feeling very uncomfortable all of a sudden. Though whether it was the effects of the magic or the knowledge that there were other young people there with whom she would study who also knew a lot more about what was going on than she did, she could not say. Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw a woman coming down the grand staircase.
"Kiesha, a pleasure to make your acquaintance," the woman said. "I am Marina. I am secretary to the Society's Head, Mr. Longner." Turning to Alastair, she added, "He will see the both of you now." With that, she turned and headed up the stairs, obviously expecting the two to follow her, which they did.
Kiesha did not like this woman. Though Marina's voice had been warm and friendly, there was just something about her eyes - something cold and calculating, Kiesha thought. Though Kiesha had hardly met the woman, she did not trust her.
The second floor proved to be just as sumptuous as the first, though Kiesha had less time to observe it. Marina was leading them at an unbelievable pace, considering she was in heels. Kiesha lost track of the number of corridors they had turned down. It seemed that Society Headquarters was quite large. She figured she would need either a map or an escort for the first weeks to months of her stay. Finally, the group entered a door at the end of a long hallway.
The room inside seemed like a small outer office. It turned out to be just that when Marina knocked on a second door.
"Enter," said a male voice inside.
Marina opened the door for them, then closed it behind her, leaving Alastair and Kiesha alone with a man who appeared to be in his mid to late forties. He stood as they entered and came around from behind his desk to greet them.
"Alastair," the man began, "I see your journey was successful! This must be Kiesha," he added, turning toward her.
"Yes, Sir. I'm Kiesha," she responded, unsure of what to do. She had noticed that neither Alastair nor this man had attempted to shake hands, so she decided she shouldn't try for it either, though she had no idea what the Society considered a proper greeting gesture.
"Well, Kiesha, it is certainly a pleasure to meet you. My name is Barneus. I am the Head of The Society of Golden Lions."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, as well, Sir."
"I trust you had a pleasant journey?" Barneus asked.
"It was very long, Sir, but I'm glad to be here."
"I take it you don't travel cross-country very often," Barneus responded. "Don't worry. You won't have to make any more such travels for a long time to come. The Society Members usually travel in other ways that are much faster. Now, considering your 'very long' journey, I assume you would like to freshen up before dinner."
"Yes, Sir. I would."
Barneus walked over to his desk and pressed a button on the side. Within seconds, Marina entered.
"Marina," Barneus said, "will you take Kiesha to her quarters and ensure that the staff has provided everything necessary for her comfort?"
"Yes, Sir," she responded.
"Oh, and make sure her suitcase has been taken to her room as well."
Kiesha thanked Barneus and followed Marina out of the office, trotting to keep up with the woman. A few minutes and innumerable passageways later, Marina opened a door into one of the many rooms along the corridor.
"This will be your room," Marina said as she motioned Kiesha in.
"Wow!" Kiesha exclaimed as she stepped inside. "This place is huge!"
As with the other rooms and the corridors she had seen, Kiesha's room was carpeted and elegantly furnished. The large mahogany mantle was ornately carved with majestic lions, and the mirror above it was equally ostentatious. The bedposts were also mahogany, though they paled in comparison to the fireplace. It seemed every piece of furniture was of a magnificent dark wood, including the dresser, armoire, nightstands, and vanity.
"The bathroom is through that door," Marina said, pointing at the door nearest the bed. She also showed Kiesha the rope she could pull to summon the servants should she need anything.
"What's through that door?" Kiesha asked, pointing at the door on the other side of the bed from the bathroom.
"That leads to the adjoining room where another girl about your age resides. Do not go through that door until you are introduced to the other students this evening at dinner. The evening meal is a formal event in Society Headquarters, and you will need to wear something appropriate."
"Oh, boy," Kiesha said.
"What's the matter?" Marina asked.
"I didn't bring anything formal. I never owned anything formal in my life!"
"Not to worry," Marina said with a smile. "I'll inform the staff, and something suitable will be provided for you."
"Thanks," Kiesha said with relief. She certainly didn't want to mess up on her first night here. "How many people live here?" she asked.
"Quite a few," Marina said. "However, you won't meet them all tonight, just the other students. Other introductions will come later as necessary. I will leave you to freshen up a bit and rest. Someone should bring your attire within the hour. Dinner is at six o'clock sharp. Please don't be late."
"Is something wrong?" Marina asked.
"I don't know where the dining room is," Kiesha said. "I don't even know where I am!"
"It took a while for me to learn how to navigate this building as well," Marina said. "There is a map in the top dresser drawer that should be helpful."
With that, Marina departed, leaving Kiesha alone in her new quarters.
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