Part 6//Soccer and Pools
As I pulled into the parking lot of the school Kenny park right next to my car. There was still daylight left. It was 4:50 p.m.
He turned off the motor and just sat there glumly, ans he was slouching in his chair. I looked at him. He looked at me and looked away.
"Thank you for driving me Kenny. That was very sweet," I said trying to sound enthusiastic.
"Anytime," He said not looking at me. Ugh why is he acting like this. I immediately touched his hand. He looked at me.
"I'm sorry if I disappointed you. I just think I'm not ready," I explained. He still didn't say anything.
"Well I guess if you're not gonna talk I'm gonna go home. Anyway thanks for driving me and I'll see you at school and hey cheer up, we soccer practice tomorrow!" I cheerfully said.
"Bye Emily," he said. He did a little wave. I closed the door and hoped into my car. I put on my seat belt and looked at Kenny. He waved to me and I waved back. I backed out and headed out of the school grounds.
At Home
I drove past the gate and pulled into the driveway and parked my car out side of the 4 car garage. I hopped out of the car and grabbed my school bag and walked up the the front door. I opened the door and walked inside of the foyer when I was greeted by the big glass chandilier.
"Mom, Dad, I home!" I yelled.
"Hi Emily. How was school?" Asked mom walking up to me giving me a big hug.
"School was good,' I replied.
"That's good. Also honey dad and I are having to go out of town tomorrow and we will only be home the day after tomorrow night." Mom said.
"Ok mom! Where's Dad?" I asked.
'Oh he is upstairs packing his bag!" He answered immediately.
"Thanks mom!" I said running up the stairs. I dropped my school bag off in my room next to my soccer bag. I ran down the hall to the master bed. I opened the door and found my dad packing stuff in his big black suitcase.
"Hi Emily! Mom and I will not be here tomarrow night because of a business trip sorry," he said.
"I know dad!" I replied. Since my dad was to busy packing I left the room. I walked down to hallway to my room. I sat at my desk and looked out the window.
I saw my lonely soccer net in the backyard next to the big pool we had. The soccer net was on elevated land on a huge square of grass. It was like a mini soccer court. It was awesome. With that it persuaded me to put on my cleats and grab my ball.
I walked out our sliding screen door and on the porch. Walking down the patio walkway to the court I then walked up the cemented stairs and on to the perfectly cut grass. Placing the ball in the middle of the court I backed up to kick the ball.
I took about 3 and a half steps backed and exploded toward the ball hitting it firm and hard in the the upper left and corner of the net.
I ran to the net and grabbed the ball and did the same thing about 20 more times then I did Footskills like toe tapping, step overs, scissors, maridonas, and more. When I was finally exhausted I stopped around 7:30 pm.
"Good job honey!" My mother cheered from the open window.
"Thanks Mom!" I replied. I walked inside the house and placed my ball in my closet along with my cleats. I was sweating so I put on my one piece swimsuit and went outside to our big pool. I swam till around 7:50 pm.
That's when I decided to invite Claire over to swim because she lived 2 houses down. So I called her and she agreed and in about 5 minutes she was over.
"Thanks for inviting me!" She thanked. Walking toward the diving board.
"Anytime!" I replied as I watched her flip and splash on the smooth surface of the pool water.
"So anyway what's going on? Anything bothering you?" She asked.
I took me a moment but I answered.
"Yes something is bothering me. Kenny and I went on our date I guess and he tried to kiss but I couldn't." I blushed in embarrassment.
"OMG! Why didn't you text me?! That's amazing! You know everyone likes Kenny at school! He's like a rock star!" She said in amazment. That's Claire bringing out her girly side! :().
"Well Claire, you see I've never kissed....." I said looking at the water.
"What?! That's crazy," she said shocked.
"Well, it's true," I said getting out of the pool and on to the diving board. I hopped and landed on the plastic edge and sprung up and sailed through the air twisting my body before I hit the water making a perfect flip.
"You seriously need to try again! But that's the last thing I want to say about that," she smiled ear to ear. I thought about it for a second. What would happened if we really did kiss?
That's part 6! Thanks for reading! I'm starting a new story but will also continue later on this one.
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