People gone missing?
a story for Aallnighter
Two friends live in a town where everything was peaceful but ever since it started to get cold and snow people have been disappearing and leaving nothing behind it's gotten so bad that the public fear that one of them would be next
But one rumor started running around town people saying that the reason these people have gone missing is because a woman who was so desperate for love that she would kidnap anything that she loved and would force them to love her but the two friends didn't believe these rumors not yet at least
One friend by the name of rancel a round short blue puff ball that ran a Cafe
Meanwhile nighter who was a robot with dream's of being a writer, went to Rancels Cafe to talk about these missing people
Nighter: hey rancel
Rancel: hey nighter what brings you here
nighter: well I wanted to talk about the missing people
Rancel: yeah what about it
Nighter: well im starting to get nervous that the rumors are true
Rancel: oh calm down you bucket of bolts you'll be fine your just being paranoid
Nighter: but how do we know for sure that the rumors are false
Rancel: well a rumor is a rumor so it's a 50/50 chance that it's ture or false but I'm not to worried about it
Nighter: I'm just saying it's starting to creep me out and I'm starting to worry
Rancel: *sigh* I guess your right but I still have my doubts anyway I'm gonna close my Cafe for today and you should probably start walking home
Nighter: yeah I'll get going now so see you later
Rancel: see ya
Nighter return back home and decided that they were gonna power off and rest and so they did until they heard something come out of the window they look to see who it was but they only saw a shadow that creepily smiled and said
???: your finally mine darling~
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