Chapter 2
You sat curled up in the corner of a holding cell in the deep underground. There was no natural light, wind or ambient noise around. It felt a lot like one of your father's hideouts, but you weren't in your father's care anymore. The shinobi of the Hidden Leaf had taken you back to their village and interrogated you.
You were unable to answer any of their questions so they resorted to torture by using Jutsus that let them enter your mind. In the end they gained nothing from you. You had completely closed yourself off at being without the commands from your father. He was the only authority you had known your whole life. If he wasn't there you didn't know what you were allowed to do.
(Should I escape? Where should I go? If I wait here will dad find me? Does he know where I am? Is he looking for me? Am I going to die? Is it ok for me to sleep? I hope Yang is ok.) You kept thinking to yourself, from escape plans from studying the guards to simple things like if someone would hurt you if you decided to sleep on the hard bed they had given you even the wellbeing of your friend crossed your mind.
Knowing no one around you would answer you, you just curled even tighter to the corner of the cell.
Kakashi: Hello there. I'm Kakashi Hatake. You remember me right?
You looked up from your arms and saw the same shinobi who had captured you, leaning on the iron bars waving as he introduced himself. You nodded your head slightly.
Kakashi: I'm happy to hear that, I see you still haven't eaten anything. I can't say the food they serve here is the best, but starving yourself isn't good for your health.
You looked over to the stack of trays that had flies buzzing over it. The guards kept putting them in every couple of hours, but you never touched any of it. Orochimaru only ever fed you with nutritional injections and Food Pills so you didn't even know how to eat the things that were brought to you.
Kakashi: I want you to come upstairs with me. We have an offer for you and you if you accept you'll be free to walk around outside and won't be interrogated anymore.
As he spoke a guard came over and opened the door to your cell.
You were still afraid of taking your own actions without Orochimaru's approval, but staying in the cold dark cell wasn't getting you anywhere and so you decided that for the time being you would simply do what felt right to you.
You followed Kakashi up the stairs with a few of the guards following behind you. You flinched at the bright light from all the windows along the hallways. You held the long sleeve of your black kimono next to your (E/c) eyes to protect them while your eyes slowly adjusted after being underground for so long.
After walking through the circling hallway Kakashi stopped when he reached a door.
Kakashi: All right here we are. You can go on inside (Y/n).
He said as he held the door open for you and dismissed the guards to go back.
Inside you saw a purple haired woman and an old man wearing a white robe and a hat with a white veil covering the sides of his face.
Hokage: Hello young man. I am the Hokage, the leader of the Hidden Leaf Village. This is one of our elite shinobi, Anko. She wanted to meet you as well.
Orochimaru had told you about the Hokage and told you that he was a weak old man with no vision for the future. Being here made you nervous as you were surrounded by the adults and still weren't sure what they wanted from you.
Kakashi: There's no need to be afraid.
He tapped your shoulder and his right eye winked at you as he smiled underneath his mask.
Anko: Kakashi told you that we're willing to let you stay out of the underground cell you just came from, didn't he? So hear us out.
Hokage: Maybe this will help you relax.
The old man reached into a box that was on his desk. You stared at him cautiously as you remembered Kabuto usually saying the same thing before giving you something to make you fall asleep.
Hokage: I think you'll feel better if you have your friend back at your side.
From the box in front of him he took out a small white snake with a long black diamond going down its back.
(Y/n): Yang!
Your face lit up at seeing her.
Anko: How about that. He does talk.
Kakashi: We better not tell the others that it only took him seeing his pet to get him to.
The two adults chuckled as the Hokage walked over to you with Yang in his hands.
You reached out to her and she stretched away from the Hokage and slithered up your arm, entering the sleeves of your kimono and then wrapped herself loosely around your neck and down your chest. She poked her head out and passed it under your chin before hiding under your kimono's neckline and disappearing from sight.
Seeing the adults happy at your reunion made you feel at ease.
(They kept Yang safe. Her stomach feels big too. They fed her. Maybe they're not as bad as I thought.) You thought to yourself as you felt Yang curl her head unto her body as she relaxed between your body and your kimono.
Hokage: I'm glad to see you're happy. Are you willing to hear our offer?
You nodded to him with a more comfortable expression than before.
Hokage: We would like you to join the Hidden Leaf as one of our shinobi.
Your (E/c) eyes widened at hearing the offer.
Anko: If you're worried about Orochimaru, don't be. I'm sure there were many moments where he was kind to you, but believe me when I say he did all of that with the belief that you were of use to him. It wasn't out of compassion or sympathy.
(Y/n): You're wrong! Dad loves me... He always said he was proud of me after my missions!
Kakashi: Did he ever let you go outside when you wanted? Did he ever give a choice of doing his missions?
(Y/n): Then you're no different! You want me to do missions for you now don't you? As long as it's for you its ok, but if it was for dad it was wrong?
Hokage: You're right we do want your abilities on our side, but not only for our benefit. For yours as well. Here in the Hidden Leaf you'll be free to live among us. You won't be locked away or experimented on ever again. We will protect you and you will be free to live however you want here.
You never really thought of how Orochimaru took care of you. Whenever you asked for something you had seen while infiltrating a village while on a mission, he would give it to you as a reward. He gave you all the reason in the world to do whatever he asked. The only thing you didn't like was being locked inside the hideouts whenever you weren't on a mission, but he compensated for that by giving you your rewards and praise.
Anko: We're offering you a fresh start here kid. Most of Orochimaru's hideout was destroyed, but from what we found out about you. It's obvious that he turned you into an enemy of every major country in the world so that you couldn't runaway from him. We're willing to forgive you for all of our comrades that you killed while obeying him, but you have to be willing to trust us.
(Y/n): Is the whole village willing to forgive me for all the people I've killed?
You asked in a stern cold voice.
(Y/n): Like you said, I killed a lot of your comrades. They must have been important to some people...are they willing to forgive me?
Anko: That's up to them. We can't promise everyone will instantly be welcoming to you, but you can work to earn it. We are going to have to tell a few people who your father was so I can't promise it will stay a secret for long, but we will make sure no one attacks you. If they do we ask that you let us handle them instead of taking it on your own.
They're invitation didn't seem very safe, but with the alternative being locked away in the cell again you were being tempted to accept.
Kakashi: Tomorrow I'll be starting training with my new team of Genin. We would like it if you came too. You could learn to work with others your own age.
You stared at Kakashi thinking on what you should tell him.
Hokage: Before you decide know this. You must stick to whatever path you choose. If you decide to join us then we will treat you as our ally, but if you plan to betray us as soon as you get the chance then we will treat you as our enemy. So please for your own sake, be honest with us.
You did consider using them, but was it worth going back to a lonely life only ever leaving to do your father's bidding? You remembered how empty and helpless you felt when you realized Orochimaru had left you on your own.
If the Hidden Leaf could help you be free of those feelings maybe it wouldn't be so bad joining them.
(Y/n): I would like to train tomorrow.
You saw the tree smile at each other as you gave your answer.
Hokage: Wonderful! I'm glad to see you're willing to give us a chance. Anko will take you to an apartment we have prepared for you.
Kakashi: I'll pick you up tomorrow and introduce you to your new squad then.
Anko: Well the let's go (Y/n). The place we set up isn't much, but I'm sure you'll like it.
With that Anko took you out of the room and lead you out of the building and gave you a small tour of the Village. It was already dark out so there weren't many people out on the streets as she took you straight to you apartment.
It was much bigger than any room Orochimaru had ever given you and they had already filled it with anything you might need and even a large glass box prepared for Yang to sleep in.
After seeing you put Yang down in her new cage Anko left you and you went straight to bed without eating again. It was troublesome not having the kind of food you could eat around and worried it would affect you training tomorrow.
The next morning Kakashi came to pick you up and walked you to the training field. There you met his squad of three young ninja.
Kakashi: Good morning everyone. I'd like to introduce you to your new squad mate, (Y/n).
The three of them looked confused as he pointed back to you.
Kakashi: (Y/n), going from left to right this is Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke. Please try to get along with them.
Naruto: Huh? A forth member? I thought all teams were meant to be made up of just three and their teacher.
Sakura: That's right, we can't have a four member team! Actually if you want to take people out you can take Naruto out too. It'll be fine with just me and Sasuke.
(Y/n): This is your team?
Kakashi: Geez you guys are being way too noisy.
He rubbed the back of his neck as you all felt lost or dissatisfied with the situation.
Kakashi: First of all Naruto, you're right. Genin are usually split into teams of three and assigned a teacher, but (Y/n) is a special case. He was found during a mission and has shown to be incredibly skilled in the ways of the ninja. Because of this the Third Hokage has asked us to reach out to him and let him join us.
Naruto: Oh I see. Then that's cool, it's nice to meet you (Y/n).
The blonde boy walked over and reached his hand out to you.
Kakashi: You do know how to greet people right?
He asked, looking down at you and tilting his head.
(Y/n): Of course.
You bowed your head to Naruto.
(Y/n): It nice to meet you sir.
They all stood staring at you.
(Y/n): Did I do something wrong?
Naruto: Hahaha! What was that?! You don't have to be so formal (Y/n). We're both genin so you can just call me Naruto. And you don't have to bow to me or anything I just wanted to shake your hand.
(Y/n): I see.
Now that you understood he reached out to you again and this time you were able to take his hand greet him as he asked.
Naruto: Sakura, Sasuke aren't you guys going to welcome him too?
Sasuke: ...Welcome to the team I guess.
Sakura: Yeah...welcome I guess.
You tilted your head as you tried to understand why she was copying the other boy. You much preferred Naruto's way of greeting someone rather than theirs.
Kakashi: Well I'm not going to force you all to get along, but you're still a team so let's get this exercise started.
He took out to bells and held them up for you all too see.
You listened as Kakashi explained the rules of the Survival Test and noted each of the genins reactions as he informed them that if they failed they would be sent back to the Academy. You simply stood there as they panicked and complained. The day before he had told them not to eat anything and it came out to tell them that if they failed they would go on without eating if they didn't get one of the bells.
You smiled at the challenge, it sounded fun. Orochimaru had never done anything like this before. He simply taught you and then made you train without rest until he was satisfied, which usually took at least a few days.
Kakashi: (Y/n), why don't you just watch for now. I want you to see what their like before pushing you in to joining them.
You nodded and went to sit by one of the logs.
The test went about as you expected. Kakashi made quick work out of Naruto and Sasuke. Both used some advanced Jutsus for being beginners.
Kakashi himself had a very unique way of fighting. While fight Naruto he used technique to poke his bottom and called 'one thousand years of death'. The name was very dramatic for such a simple move, but it was very effective as it sent Naruto flying.
(Y/n): I wonder if he uses that sort of fighting style on strong enemies as well. For anyone who has a proper defense it shouldn't work at all. How annoying to have someone not take you seriously.
You weren't looking forward to fighting someone who would underestimate you from the beginning. You didn't want to get in trouble with him so you decided to focus on the others instead of Kakashi.
Naruto was able to use up to seven solid Shadow Clones to ambush Kakashi, but he was still beaten easily and ended being tied upside down from a tree.
(Y/n): Heh, that one isn't like any shinobi we've ever seen is? He sure is interesting.
You asked Yang as she coiled around your arm as you held up your head.
(Y/n): I can't really call him an idiot if he's able to use so many Shadow Clones, but it wouldn't hurt for him to plan things out a little more.
As you watched Sasuke's fight you were surprised to see him able to use a Fire Jutsu.
(Y/n): Wow, he's strong. And he was able to touch one of the bells too.
You leaned over to your other hand and grinned as you watched Sasuke.
(Y/n): Too bad he's so arrogant. If he had one of his teammates to help him that bell would have been his. I wonder why so many shinobi want to be alone like him? He did hear Kakashi say this was a 'team exercise', right?
You watched as Kakashi easily dodged Sasuke's Fireball Jutsu and buried him up his neck in the ground.
Just as Kakashi left you saw Sakura running out of the forest. As soon as she saw Sasuke she scream and fainted.
(Y/n): Um...What?
You cringed as you saw the pathetic display.
After Sasuke was able to free himself the timer rang and you saw Kakashi walk over with a tied up Naruto.
(Y/n): What happened to him?
Kakashi: He tried to steal one of the lunchboxes instead of a bell.
Naruto: I-I was just kidding...really.
You smiled at the blonde as you heard he tried to do something else that you never expected a ninja to do.
Kakashi: Well you were all...disappointing.
The three glared at him while you simply watched as Yang hid back into your sleeve before anyone had seen her.
Kakashi: (Y/n) you're up. I'll give you two minutes before we start.
(Y/n): I don't need two minutes.
You said as you jumped to your feet.
Kakashi: Oh so you want to take me head on?
(Y/n): I do need one thing though if I'm going to win. Can you let Naruto back in?
All four stared in surprise.
Sakura: (Y/n)... um you might not know this, but Sasuke is the best of our class. If you need a partner it should be him.
(Y/n): Someone who couldn't do anything else but scream and pass-out doesn't have the right to talk down about others.
You told her with ice cold grin without even turning to face her.
Sakura: I-I...but Sasuke was able to touch one of the bells!
(Y/n): And if I invited him to join me he'd brush me off to the side so he could try to fix his own mistakes instead of working together with me because he thinks that you, Naruto and I are beneath him.
You chimed playfully.
Sasuke: ...
(Y/n): So what do you say Kakashi, can I team up with him?
Kakashi: I guess he deserves a second chance.
He cut Naruto's ropes and the boy walked over to you as Kakashi went back out into the field.
Naruto: Heh, thanks (Y/n).
(Y/n): I haven't done anything to deserve your thanks yet.
Naruto: So what's the plan?
(Y/n): We'll trap him with our Shadow Clones then when I see an opening I'll attack him and grab the bells. I can't make as many as you can so while I attack him up close, you build an outer ring with your clones so he can't escape. Also While I'm fighting him I'm going to need you to support me. Whenever you see an opening toss either a kunai or shuriken for me to use.
Naruto: So I'm just back up? I can do more, c'mon give me something more exciting!
(Y/n): Sorry, but we have to limit his movements. That's the key to getting the bells.
Naruto: Ok...
He wasn't happy with the role you gave him, but you didn't know his abilities enough to trust him with anything, but being your support.
The two of you walked up slowly to Kakashi and then after giving Naruto the signal you dashed towards Kakashi. Naruto summoned enough Shadow Clones to make two large rings around you and Kakashi. As you got closer you made the hand signs for your Blast Clones.
Your Jutsu was still new to you so you could only make three Blast Clones at a time, but it was fine this way. With Naruto's wall keeping Kakashi in bonds you and your clones could fight him and as soon as you sealed his movements you could set off the blast and while he was dazed from the explosion take the bells.
Unfortunately your plan quickly came undone. Kakashi was able to easily read your attacks and blocked them from you and your clones. Naruto did his job well and kept suppling you with ninja tools and kept ambushing Kakashi if he tried to escape.
He was still trapped with you and your clones constantly tossing your kunai and shuriken at him and then catching them again as he dodged them keeping him in a cycle, but you were also trapped and unable to move closer to the bells.
(Damn him. I've fought dozens of shinobi at close range and won every time! So why...why can't I land a single attack on this him?!) You bit down on your teeth as your attacks were made completely useless.
Finally you stopped trying to be careful and took a risk by charging in at full speed. As soon as you got in close you thrust your palm forward to strike him. Of course he easily dodged and fell back...right into the hands of one of your Blast Clones. You set the clones to self-destruct and Kakashi was caught in the blast.
Just as you were basking in your victory you saw the smoke shift and Kashi dashed out from it and threw a kunai at the clone furthest from him and set it off to explode. The final clone charged him, but Kakashi jumped back into him, grabbed onto him and then tossed your clone down at you followed by a kunai.
Seeing the danger you quickly set off you clone before he got too close to you, but while the blast did hit both you and Kakashi it also let his kunai graze your leg since you couldn't see it through the thick smoke.
Kakashi: Nice try, you did better than the others, but there is such a thing as being overcautious.
He looked down at you as you reeled in from the cut on your leg.
(Striking Shadow Snake!) You called your Jutsu as a hoard of snakes flew out from your sleeve. Two of them bit down on each of his legs and another two on his arms.
You jumped up with a kunai in your hand and pulled yourself down on him as hard as you could.
Kakashi: Heh, better...but you're still underestimating me.
He kicked his feet off the ground and kicked your chin. With his legs raised up his trapped arms reached in to his weapon pouch and he cut off the two snakes that held his arms, but before he could get rid of the two on his legs you were back on top of him.
He blocked your kunai with his, but you were able to put more force into your snakes and he fell down backwards to the ground. As he fell he slipped one hand off his kunai and grabbed the arm you were holding yours in and lifted you off of him. He then tossed his blade into the head of one of the snakes and quickly grabbed yours out from your hand to cut off the last head before swinging you to the side.
Kakashi: Now that was a good attempt, but what do you say I let all four of you work together to take me on one more time?
He walked over as did Naruto to help you up.
(Y/n): I say, no thanks.
Naruto: (Y/n) don't be stubborn we can get the bells if we work together with Sasuke and Sakura.
(Y/n): But we already got them.
His and Kakashi's eyes widened as they heard the bells jingle from under your kimono.
(Y/n): The reason I like wearing long flowing clothes is that they help hide my weapons and my partner.
Yang slithered out from your kimono with the two bells hanging from her mouth.
Naruto: Wow is that your pet?! She's so cool!
He came over to see her and Yang rose up a bit to examine him as well.
You heard Sakura give a high pitch scream when she saw Yang that made you Naruto cover your ears as she hid behind Sasuke.
Sasuke: You're so noisy. Haven't you ever seen a ninja with an animal partner before?
Naruto: Hey guys come say 'hi' to Yang. She's super cool!
The boy cheered as Yang stretched from your neck over to his and warped you both as she flicked her black tongue at Sasuke and Sakura.
Kakashi: So your little friend here can help you in battle too? No wonder I lost I thought I was fight just you and Naruto.
You nodded at Kakashi's analysis.
(Y/n): Just now when I got close to you, Yang reached for the bells and grabbed them without any problems. Here Naruto, this one's yours.
You tossed him the other bell and he looked completely dumbfounded as it landed in his hands.
Kakashi: Sasuke, Sakura did you two learn anything from watching (Y/n) and Naruto?
Sakura: ...They worked together, right?
Kakashi: Correct.
Sasuke: Naruto barely did anything. How is that teamwork?
Kakashi: And what was he supposed to have done? He followed the plan (Y/n) had set. They didn't trip over each other or try to outshine the other. They worked to their strengths and won. In a team there is no such thing as small roles. You all work together to win. You don't try to do everything yourself just to show that you can.
The boy glared at you as you held the bell up over you with a satisfied smile.
Kakashi: But like I said before. If you don't have a bell then you fail. Sasuke Sakura, you're both being dropped from the program.
Naruto: Wait.
He stepped between Kakashi and the other two.
Naruto: We did fail as a team this time, but we can get stronger if we stay together. If you fail them, then I drop out too!
(Y/n): What are you doing? I don't think either of them would risk the same for you.
Naruto: It doesn't matter. This is what I think is right.
(Y/n): Well, that's annoying...but I don't want to pass by myself so if Naruto doesn't pass I dropout too.
Kakashi: And you two are just going to let them give up the victory they worked so hard for?
Sakura: ...
Sasuke: No. You can take the two bells back and then the four of us will work together to take them. Then (Y/n) and Naruto can pass while Sakura and I try again next year.
Sakura: That's right we'll show them we can work as a team so that they can go on ahead.
Kakashi: Well that does sound fun, but how about I just pass all of you now?
Naruto: Wait...Just like that?!
Kakashi: Just like that. The objective was never to simply take the bells from me, but to see if you could all put your own objectives to the side and come together as one.
You didn't fully understand the value of teamwork. This was the first time you had fought with anyone actually helping you, but it did feel easier knowing Naruto was there to help if you need him to and the others looked happy so it must have been a good thing that Kakashi was so merciful.
You and Naruto were then given the lunchboxes as your prizes, but while Naruto was already happily eating his, you just looked lost as you still didn't know how to eat food like this.
Sasuke: What's wrong? Aren't you going to eat?
You tilted you head at food in front of you.
(Y/n): I don't know how. I've never eaten food like this before.
Naruto: Then what did you eat?
You explained the diet Orochimaru kept you on and they were all a bit shocked at your father's treatment.
Naruto: What that's horrible! You've never eaten anything except Food Pills? Then you've never had Ramen before! T-that's so sad.
The boy started crying and then suddenly grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the training field and back to the village.
(Y/n): Umm where are you taking me?
You asked as he started pushing forward.
Naruto: To my favourite Ramen shop. Trust me, you'll love it!
As he was taking you around the streets and pointing out all the places he thought were interesting you noticed many of the villagers glaring at the two of you.
You knew your father was an enemy of the Hidden Leaf, but you didn't think that it would be so quick for everyone to know who you were.
(Y/n): You're getting a lot of nasty looks because of me. I'm sorry.
You said with an apologetic smile.
Naruto: It's not your fault. It's always been like this for me.
(Y/n): I see. Well, I hope I don't insult you when I say that I'm glad I'm not the only outcast.
Naruto: I know what you mean. I'm used to people running away from me and giving me nasty looks, but you're not like that are you?
You shook your head as he turned to you.
It was comforting that you weren't the only one who was being treated differently because of your past.
When you arrived at the Ramen shop Naruto seemed to recognize some of the people eating there and greeted them. They were another squad that had graduated at the same time as him and his squad.
Naruto: Oh hi Kiba, Hinata. You're here too Shino? It's good to see you guys.
Kiba: Hey Naruto. It looks like you somehow survived your training...or did you flunk out and get sent home early?
The boy chuckled as Naruto glared at him.
Naruto: I'll have you know I just got my teachers approval and I'm going to start on my first mission tomorrow!
Kiba: Just remember to take it seriously. We're not at the Academy anymore.
Naruto: I know that! I'm not a kid anymore believe it, I'm going to do such a great job on my missions that the old man will be begging me to become the next Hokage!
Hinata: N-Naruto, who's your friend?
The shy girl asked as she looked at you.
After meeting Sakura you thought that all the girls of the Hidden Leaf would be just as weak as she was, but this girl had something different about her.
Naruto: Oh this is (Y/n) he joined my team as its fourth member today.
(Y/n): Hello, it's nice to meet you all.
Kiba: A fourth squad mate? Wow Naruto are you that much of a mess that they needed to give your team another member to make up for it?
Naruto: It's nothing like that! (Y/n) and I worked together and we were able to win the challenge that not even Sasuke could beat by himself. He's a genius 10x smarter than Sasuke and he doesn't look down on anyone. He's a really nice guy!
You felt a bit flustered at hearing him compliment you. It was the first time someone other than Orochimaru praised you and it felt nice.
Hinata: W-would you...Would you two l-like to join us?
Naruto: Oh right, thanks Hinata. I completely forgot. I brought (Y/n) here because his dad had him on a strict diet of Food Pills so I want him to eat some real food.
He sat you down next to Hinata and took the seat on your other side. You let Naruto order for you and then as you stared blankly at the bowl both he and Hinata helped you eat your first meal.
During the meal they asked you a few questions to get to know you better, but you were careful with what you answered. It was too early to let them know your past and you were afraid they would push you away so you kept some details to yourself.
Even Yang made friends with Kiba's puppy Akamaru.
Kiba: Hey she's not going to bite Akamaru if he barks at her is she?
The boy looked up from his bowl of Ramen and watched Akamaru and Yang circle each other.
(Y/n): No, Yang only eats something if I either give it to her or if I tell her to eat it. Besides she's too small to eat something that big.
You answered calmly as you were finally able to handle you food by yourself and had on a proud smile.
Kiba: Hey that last part was scary! You better not try anything with Akamaru. I don't want to hurt an animal if it's someone's pet.
Naruto: Kiba settle down, he didn't mean anything like that. He's not used to talking to people like this so give him a break. Besides Yang was super cool today during training!
(Y/n): Naruto's right. I don't want anything to happen to Yang and your puppy is very cute. If something happened to her I would be very sad. I'm sure you feel the same way about Akamaru.
Kiba: Of course I would! Its nice meet someone who understands the importance of animals.
The boy smiled at you the same Naruto did.
Hinata: I've never seen a pet snake before. S-she really is beautiful.
The shy girl watched Yang slither back to you as Akamaru went back to Kiba to rest.
Hinata: It looks like she really likes you.
(Y/n): She does. Yang likes to meet new people, but she always come to me whenever she gets tired or doesn't want to be on the ground anymore.
You enjoyed talking about your friend which was something neither Orochimaru nor Kabuto were ever interested in. What made you even happier was that Hinata kept listening to you. You could tell she was nice like Naruto and Kiba. Not at all like Sakura who only followed after Sasuke.
When you were done you walked out with Naruto and Hinata's team.
(Y/n): It was nice meeting all of you.
Kiba: Yeah, same here. Let us know if that guy give you any trouble.
He chuckled as he pointed to Naruto behind you.
Naruto: Hey what's that supposed to mean!
Hinata: W-We're glad to have you join us (Y/n). Um i-if you need any help with a-anything let us know.
She whispered quietly.
(Y/n): Thank you I will.
You nodded and her team started walking away. Naruto offered to help you back to your apartment and was surprised when you led him back to his complex and opened the door next to his.
Naruto: Heh, it looks like we're neighbors as well as teammates. I'm off to bed so I'll see you tomorrow.
He waved as he went in to his room.
You let Yang back into her cage and got dressed for bed. As you lied down on the bed you looked up to the sky and smiled back on the day you had. You met many interesting people and even though they were different from what Orochimaru had told you, you were still happy to have met them.
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