Episode 0: A New Beginning
In the Konoha Region, in a peaceful and quiet town called Arata Town surrounded by many trees, there lives a young boy with a dream to achieve.
"I will become the strongest Pokemon champion in the world."
"Now that I'm twelve years old, I can finally get my Pokemon license."
Here in the Konoha region, twelve-year-olds can get a beginner Pokemon from Professor Senju, the town Pokemon expert.
The boy was none other than Orochimaru Hebi. A young twelve-year-old pale-skinned boy with long raven hair with two long bangs touching his face. He also had golden snake eyes with purple marking above them. He was wearing a white and purple long sleeve pajama shirt and pants that had purple smoke symbols on the ends of them.
Orochimaru was currently lying in his bed that had dark purple sheets reading a book. At the same time, his T.V played a Pokemon battle against two powerful Pokemon trainers here in the Konoha region battling each other.
It was a Pokemon battle between a Dragonair and Florges.
"And Dragonair begins the battle with Aqua Tail!"
"Oh, and Florges recovers like it was nothing, and here it's the signature fairy power of Moonblast!"
"Oh no, this could be it for Dragonair!"
Dragonair was returned to its trainer.
"But wait, the trainer recalls Dragonair! What Pokemon will he use now?!"
Dragonair trainer tossed his Pokeball onto the field, and out came a large Pokemon with an orange body, yellow stomach, and blue coloring in its wings with a flame on its tail.
"Oh, and here comes Charizard!"
Charizard roared out and headed towards Florges with its wings turning sliver like steel.
"And Charizard brings out the Steel Wing!"
Charizard lands in for the attack on Florges, who spun, dodging the attack.
"Oh wow, but Florges spun to the side to dodge the attack! Florges is moving elegantly today, and its trainer is tough, no doubt about that."
"Hm, those are some excellent train Pokemon, no doubt," Orochimaru said, looking up from his book."That is to be expected from an elite four and Konoha champion."
The door then slammed open.
"Orochimaru Hebi!" A voice shouted from the other side. "What in the blazing galaxy are you doing up still?!"
"Mom!" Orochimaru jumped in shock, almost dropping his book.
He turned around to see a pale-skinned woman with lavender hair tied up in an elegant bun with a yellow hair tie. She has orange snake eyes. She was wearing a light blue shirt and white pants
This woman is Hakuja Hebi, the mother of Orochimaru Hebi; she owns Hebi's Pokemon breeding center. A center where she takes care of abandoned Pokemon and breeds Pokemon that parents sometimes come to get a bred Pokemon for their kids when they're old enough to be a Pokemon trainer.
Hakuja looked at the clock sitting on the red nightstand. "You should be asleep, hatchling. It's almost midnight," She said sternly.
"Sevi," A voice hissed in agreement.
Orochimaru turned around to see a blackish-green Pokémon that resembles a snake with golden "plates" on its body. Both of its fangs are elongated and red, and one side of its face is light purple while the other side is a darker purplish color. Its eyes are also red and have gold "plates" on them. This was Nagami, his mother Seviper, her number one partner.
He then looked over at the clock and turned back to look at his mother and Seviper. "Sorry about that, mom and Nagami. I'm just excited about starting my journey tomorrow," He said sheepishly."And was thinking about father and wishing he could be here to witness me getting my first Pokemon. So was watching tv and reading hoping it would help me relax, but guess it didn't work," He sated.
Harkuja sighed. "Well, if you can't sleep, then why don't you watch this documentary to be prepared for tomorrow," She changed the channel. "As for your father, I miss him too ever since he was lost in rock slide trying to save a Pokemon as his job as a Pokemon ranger, but even if he is not here, he proud of you."
Orochimaru sighed. He didn't mind watching documentary shows. They're just already studied a perfect amount of Pokemon in his books.
The television showed an elder man with tanned skin and dark eyes. He had waist-length black hair styled in a center-parted fringe that framed his face. He was wearing a black shirt and black pants and black shoes, and a red lab coat over his shirt. He was standing facing the camera and had three Pokeballs sitting on the table in front of him.
"Good evening Arata Town tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day for the new class of Pokemon trainers," He said. "I like to introduce you to the three Pokemon beginning trainers can choose from."
The first Pokemon shown was Slitheling. Slitheling is a snake-looking Pokémon with purple and green coloring. Its underside leading to its tail is green, and it has a slightly curled purple tail. Slithering has large, red eyes with slit, reptilian pupils. It has two pointy black stubs past its neck and two more above its tail.
Next was Cublaze, a small cheetah Pokemon with a primarily red body. Its underside from the belly down and paws are yellow. It has yellow and orange flame whiskers and black spots. Cublaze has yellow cat-like eyes. Its tail is shaped like a zigzag with a flame at the end of it.
The last Pokemon is Gillafin, is a purple bipedal, Gilla monster lizard with a well-developed jaw that contains pointy fang teeth and a pink tongue sticking out. It has black eyes with scales above them red markings around its eyes. On its chest is a black striped pattern marking that extends to its arms. Gillafin has six fingers and six toes. On its back is a similar striped pattern as on its chest. Its tail had a yellowfin on the end of it.
Those three Pokemon kids could choose from here in the Konoha region.
"Once this is over, go to bed," Harkuja said as
She walked out of the room after placing the remote back on the nightstand.
"Alright, I'm going to bed," Orochimaru replied, monotone laying his head back on his pillow, putting the book on his nightstand as his mother exited the room.
To be Continued...
Well, here you go, the beginning of my story called The Snake Pokemon Trainer. I hope like the starter pokemon I came up with for my region. Next chapter Orochimaru will choose his new Pokemon from the Pokemon professor.
Thanks for reading, and let me know in the comments what you think of the story so far.
Word Count: 1138
Word meanings:
Arata: (Japanese origin) meaning "fresh, new
Hakuja: means white snake
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