Chapter 21: Overworked Handy
Idea taken from Gormandizing Greedy
A terrible banging noise kept all the Smurfs in the village awake. It was coming from Greedy's house.
Lazy: Can't a Smurf get any sleep?!
Hefty: What's smurfing on over there?!
Greedy: Sorry, guys, that's Handy fixing my oven!
Jokey: *giggles* Handy's at it again!
Hefty: That's the 6th time! Handy's been working his tail off for days!
Handy: I'm fine, Hefty! It's all in a day's work!
Hefty: How about you take your own advice and take a break?! It's the middle of the night!
Smurfette: Hefty's right, Handy, you're working too hard!
Handy: Nonsense, Smurfette, there's no such thing as working too hard!
All the Smurfs were exhausted the next day, they hadn't gotten any sleep due to the loud banging. Lately, Handy had been working a lot more than usual but he wasn't even bothered by it. He wasn't even overworked. Hefty got a little frustrated when he saw his best friend sawing wood.
Hefty: Alright, Handy, you're smurfing with me!
Handy: Wait, what?!
Hefty dragged Handy to the forest where some of the other Smurfs were playing Smurfball.
Handy: But Hefty-
Hefty: Try not to think about working for once and come have fun!
Handy: Fine...
For a while, the game went well, but it had a huge delay when Hefty passed the ball to Handy.
Hefty: Come on, Handy, kick it and score the winning point!
Just as Handy was about to kick the ball, he looked at the net and an idea started flowing in his head.
Handy: Of course! I could build something similar but maybe lower the top by 60 degrees! This would-
Smurfette: Handy!
The ball was stolen and the other team won.
Hefty: What was that, Handy?! You spaced out and started smurfing to yourself!
Handy: Sorry, but I got a really smurfy idea! You see-
Hefty: *face palms* Nevermind!
The other Smurfs went back to the village.
Handy: Gee, I thought they'd be more excited.
A little later, Handy sat on a log, watching Baby Smurf play; he had been asked to watch him for a while.
Handy: You would think every smurf would like my inventions, they seem unenthused.
Baby: *giggles*
Handy suddenly caught sight of the Smurflings running in circles trying to chase a muddy Puppy.
Nat: Come on, Puppy, it's time for you to take your bath!
Sassette: Filthy Ferrets, Puppy sure hates his baths!
Handy started getting inspired again, perhaps he could build something similar.
Handy: I've got it! Something that spins just like that, maybe even have some animals on it!
But as he was brainstorming, Baby wandered off and he didn't even notice. Smurfette noticed him wandering into the forest and picked him up before he got any further. Then she aggressively approached Handy.
Smurfette: Handy Smurf, you were supposed to be watching Baby!
Handy: Huh? Oh, sorry, Smurfette, I just-
Smurfette: Let me guess, a new idea came to you!
This went on for a while until everyone had enough. Some Smurfs complained to Papa Smurf about Handy working too much.
Hefty: Handy's working too hard, Papa Smurf!
Jokey: He didn't even flinch when my surprises exploded!
Smurfette: And he almost lost Baby!
Brainy: You've got to do something, Papa Smurf! All Handy can think about is work, work, work!
Papa: Hmm...perhaps I better have a talk with Handy.
Handy was up late making designs for his new ideas, but he hadn't gotten any sleep in a while and he was exhausted but determined.
Handy: *yawns* No, this won't do...maybe it should be, smaller...wider, definitely wider...and maybe longer...
He almost fell asleep on his design board, but when he heard a knock on his door, it snapped him awake again.
Papa: Handy, open up, it's me, Papa Smurf.
Papa Smurf was surprised and worried when Handy came to the door, his eyes were red and baggy and he was still in his work clothes. They were partially ripped and covered in oil and sawdust.
Handy: Hi Papa Smurf...
Papa: Handy, we need to talk.
Handy: Don't worry, Papa Smurf, I'll be sure to finish all the chores tomorrow, I just...*yawns* Have something else that I'm smurfing on.
Papa: Actually, that's what I'm worried about.
Handy: What do you mean?
Papa: The other Smurfs think you're working too hard, Handy.
Handy: But Papa Smurf, I'm just smurfing like I normally would, I don't see why the other Smurfs would worry so much about me!
Papa: Handy, look at you. *feels his head* You're feverish, you're tired, you're cranky.
Handy: I'm not cranky, Papa Smurf! I'm absosmurfly fine! I work day and night without a single problem!
Papa Smurf sighed knowing that Handy wasn't gonna think otherwise, but he could see that he really did need a break. He placed his hand on his tired son's shoulder.
Papa: Handy, I need you to take some time off from your work. Starting tomorrow, there'll be no repairs, no inventions, and no building. Just a few days off before you smurf back to your work. You can start by putting away your tools and smurfing to bed.
Handy was reluctant, but agreed.
Handy: Yes, Papa Smurf...
However, when Papa Smurf left, he immediately went back to what he was doing before.
The other Smurfs noticed that Handy wasn't himself the next day, he was grumpy and rather reluctant to do anything.
Smurfette: Poor Handy...
Hefty: I'll bet he's been up all night again with another one of his ideas!
Jokey: That definitely isn't funny.
Grouchy: I hate funny.
Handy ignored the whispers behind his back and sat by the well with his arms crossed where Lazy was sleeping.
Brainy: Handy, Handy, Handy, Papa Smurf always says that smurf is just as important as work, but oh no, all you seem to want to do is-
As usual, Brainy was kicked out of the village.
Brainy: No one appreciates good advice anymore...
Unfortunately, that blow startled Lazy awake.
Lazy: How about a little smurf and quiet?!
Handy: Sorry, Lazy, but he deserved it!
When Lazy caught sight of Handy, he knew right away that he didn't look very rested.
Lazy: Handy, are you okay? You look tired.
Handy: I'm perfectly fine! I'm just smurfy!
Lazy thought for a moment before figuring out what to do.
Handy: Lazy, I'm absosmurfly fine! I don't need any rest!
Lazy: Nonsense, Handy, I know a worn out Smurf when I see one, every smurf needs a rest. Now smurf a pillow and follow me.
Handy sighed and reluctantly followed Lazy into the forest. Lazy was able to find the most peaceful spot by the lake and almost fell asleep instantly.
Lazy: This place always makes me feel sleepy...
Handy: Lazy, anywhere will make you feel sleepy!
But Lazy was already fast asleep and didn't hear Handy's comeback. Handy stayed awake and didn't sleep a wink. All he did was look up at the clouds, but he was still tense. When he saw one of the clouds was shaped like an oval, he started getting another idea.
Handy: Hmmm...a spinning circle, I wonder...
Handy was at it again when he returned to the village. He had built a tall, wide wall to hide what he was building, but he hadn't come out for hours.
Smurfette: Handy, Greedy's trying a new recipe, would you-
Handy: No thank you.
Brainy: Handy, maybe you could let us take a peak at what you're building. It would be nice if you could smurf us-
Handy: No thank you!
The other Smurfs gave each other worried glances.
Slouchy: Gee, I've never seen Handy work this hard.
Sassette: He must really love his job.
Hefty: Yeah, but he loves it too much.
Papa: My little Smurfs, what's going on?
Hefty: I think you should smurf a talk with Mr. I Don't Need a Break!
Papa Smurf approached the large, wooden barrier.
Papa: Handy, I need you to come out there. You-
Handy: Go away!
He was definitely overworked, Handy never talked back to Papa Smurf, especially after a long day. But unfortunately, Handy continued working the rest of the day, all he could think about was all the new ideas he had gotten recently and that only caused more worry for the other Smurfs.
Papa Smurf was surprised when he caught Handy just outside his workshop that evening, he was fast asleep and his small body was sore as if it had just given out. Papa Smurf knew that Handy was starting to draw the line, but he still wouldn't listen.
Papa: Handy.
Handy jolted from his sleep, he looked like he had just seen a ghost.
Papa: Handy, this is getting out of smurf.
Handy: *yawns* But Papa Smurf-
Papa: No buts this time, overworking is not healthy. Who knows what kind of trouble you could smurf into if you keep this up!
Giving into the stress and lack of rest, Handy broke down into overwhelming sobs. He finally started admitting what he had been doing.
Handy: I'm trying, Papa Smurf, but it's just so much work! I'm trying to build something smurfy, but between that, the repairs, the favors from the other Smurfs, it's just too much!
Papa Smurf knelt down and comforted Handy until he calmed down a little bit.
Papa: I understand, Handy, you have a very smurfy heart, but what's important is that you smurf after yourself as well.
Handy: Yes Papa Smurf...
Early the next morning, Handy went into the forest by himself. Somehow, he felt much more tranquil and more at ease when he was out on his own like this. It actually felt good to not think about work.
Handy: Gee, maybe Papa Smurf was right, maybe I do need a break, maybe even a vacation. I don't even remember the last time I felt this smurfy.
This was the first time the young Smurf wasn't in a hurry and he wasn't as tense as he was yesterday. Was this really what he was missing out on? The fresh air? The soft breeze? The gentle flowing of the river? The sweet smell of fresh pine trees? It was all so peaceful, so calm, it was like...paradise. Handy sat under a tree enjoying the beautiful sights, the cool, summer breeze flowed through the forest.
Handy: This is so smurfy. Maybe I'll...*yawns* smurf a few days off...and then get back to work...
Before he knew it, he was fast asleep. However, elsewhere in the forest, Gargamel searched frantically for nearby Smurfs.
Gargamel: Come, Azrael, those loathsome Smurfs are the key ingredient to making gold, and once I find the village, I'll be rich rich rich!
This woke Handy up from his zone, Gargamel was closer than it seemed.
Handy: Gargamel?!
Gargamel: Now, which way was it? It was no no no, east, west, no!
Azrael suddenly got Handy's scent and started sniffing for him.
Gargamel: What is it, Azrael?!
Azrael pointed at the tree Handy was hiding behind. When he realized that Azrael would find him in a few seconds, he frantically climbed the tree.
Gargamel: Azrael, stop fooling around, we're so close to finding the village, I know it!
And he was right, Handy wasn't far from the village either, and he knew Gargamel was heading in the right direction. He spotted a strange contraption that looked as if Gargamel made it by hand.
Gargamel: With this special Vacu-Smurf, I'll be able to vacuum up all the Smurfs once I find the village! *laughs*
Handy gasped when he heard what Gargamel was up to.
Handy: I've gotta get help!
He hurried back to the village to warn the others.
The other Smurfs seemed to be enjoying the quiet back at the village.
Hefty: I never thought I'd say this, but it's actually nice to not hear Handy in the village.
Handy: Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf!
Smurfette: You were saying...?
Papa: Handy, what's wrong?
Handy: Gargamel's just a few feet away from the village, he'll find it any minute!
Papa: Great Smurfs! Alert the others immediately!
Handy: Yes, Papa Smurf!
Handy rang the bell frantically, causing the other Smurfs to panic.
Papa: My little Smurfs, we must evacuate the village immediately, Gargamel will smurf us any minute!
Handy: Wait, Papa Smurf, maybe we don't need to evacuate!
Papa: What do you mean?
Handy went to his workshop and pushed out his catapult.
Hefty: Handy, are you out of your smurf?!
Handy: I have an idea, trust me! I just need something from Papa Smurf!
Handy hurried into Papa Smurf's lab and came out with a sack of dust.
Hefty: This better be a smurfy idea, Handy!
Handy: Don't worry, once we launch this towards Gargamel, he'll be blinded by it and we'll give him a fake map to the village!
Papa: Amazing! What a smurfy idea, Handy!
Hefty: Well then, let's get smurfing!
Handy: Wait, it has to be just right, we only have one shot!
Handy started doodling on the ground. Hefty became impatient when this happened.
Hefty: Handy, what are you doing?!
Handy: According to my calculations, if we smurf the dust at maximum power at at least a 45 angle, it should land right on Gargamel's face, effectively blinding him. Then we'll set up a fake map to lead him off the course!
Hefty: Huh?
Handy: Step aside.
Handy started prepping his catapult, Gargamel's voice could be heard, he wasn't far.
Hefty: Handy, whatever you're smurfing, smurf it fast!
Gargamel: I'm certain that the village is just around the corner. We must be close, Azrael!
Handy hurried inside and grabbed a fake map.
Handy: Alright, Hefty, let her smurf!
Hefty fired the catapult and the sack of dust exploded in Gargamel's face.
Gargamel: What the-*coughs* I can't see! Where did this dust come from?!
Handy cautiously tossed the fake map at Gargamel's feet and hurried back to the village. Gargamel was so blinded he wandered in another direction. When the dust cleared, he saw the map that Handy had tossed.
Gargamel: Look, Azrael, a map to the village! Those Smurfs won't stand a chance! They'll never know what hit them!
Except when Gargamel followed the map, he ended up back at his hovel.
Gargamel: No! I was so close to having all those Smurfs to myself! Oh how I hate them! I hate them! I hate them!
All the Smurfs gathered around back at the village.
Papa: Handy, your quick thinking and your hard work saved us all, it's a good thing we have a hard worker in the village.
Handy: Thank you, Papa Smurf.
Hefty: Say, Handy, we never asked, what were you working on the last few days?
Handy; I'm glad you asked, Hefty, I was trying to make it a surprise.
All the Smurfs watched as Handy unveiled his invention, they were struck with awe and the Smurflings screamed in delight.
Papa: Amazing, what is it, Handy?
Handy: It's a playground I built for Baby and the Smurflings. That way, they have somewhere to play.
Snappy: Smurfaroo! You're the best, Handy!
All the Smurflings rushed to the playground, Sassette hugged Handy before joining the others.
Papa: I must say, this is your best invention yet, Handy. The Smurflings have never been happier.
Handy: Thank you, Papa Smurf, it wasn't easy, but I smurfed it.
Papa: You certainly did, Handy, you certainly did.
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