Chapter 19: The Glop Monster
This is based on a dream I had
Gargamel contemplated what to do next, he had already had many failed attempts to catch the Smurfs, so he needed something new and unexpected.
Gargamel: Those disgusting vile little Smurfs! It makes my blood boil just thinking about them!
Scruple: Maybe you oughta forget about those Smurfs, Gargie, you're never gonna catch them anyway.
Gargamel: Forget them? Never! Those Smurfs are the gold at the end of the rainbow! I will not rest until I have them all!
Scruple: And he may never sleep again.
Azrael meowed, agreeing with Scruple.
Gargamel: All I need is an extra pair of hands.
An idea suddenly hit the wicked wizard like lightning.
Gargamel: I've got it!
Scruple: So what's new, Gargie?
Gargamel: Oh stop complaining, I've got the perfect plan to lure those Smurfs right into my arms!
Scruple and Azrael face palmed knowing that Gargamel was only gonna have another failed attempt. Gargamel began making a potion in his cauldron, he cackled maniacally when it was complete.
Scruple: What now, Gargie?
Gargamel: It's complete! All I need is a Smurf to test it on! They'll never know what hit them!
All the Smurfs were hard at work back at the village. The dam needed some extra wood and some Smurfs went out to the forest to get it.
Clumsy: Golly, how much wood do we need?
Brainy: Clumsy, as much wood as we're gonna need for when the dam breaks. It's important to be prepared for an emergency, you never know what might happen. And besides-
Hefty: Why don't you smurf your own advice, Brainy?!
Brainy was kicked once again.
Brainy: Like I said, you never know what might happen.
Meanwhile, Gargamel was setting up a trap for the Smurfs.
Gargamel: Just one Smurf will do nicely for this experiment
Scruple: Are you sure this experiment isn't for you to realize how crazy you are?
Azrael snickered.
Gargamel: Stop that, you fleabag! All I need is for a Smurf to foolishly walk into this trap and we'll have everything we need.
Gargamel hid nearby and dragged Azrael and Scruple with him.
Gargamel: What luck, Smurfs are nearby!
He was right, Handy and Hefty were nearby searching for extra wood for the dam.
Hefty: You sure we need more wood, Handy? I think we've smurfed enough.
Handy: Papa Smurf said we need as much wood as we can smurf, he always says we can never be too safe.
Hefty: You're starting to sound like Brainy.
Handy: Yeah, I realize that now.
Hefty suddenly spotted a peculiar pile of leaves and stopped Handy in his tracks.
Handy: What's wrong?
Hefty: Something's not right, one second.
He tossed a stone at the pile and it triggered Gargamel's trap. Gargamel was
watching and he was furious that he was outsmarted.
Hefty: Just as I smurfed, another one of Gargamel's traps.
Gargamel: Drat! Those loathsome Smurfs outwitted me!
Hefty: Be careful, Handy, Gargamel could be here any minute.
Handy: Hefty, I'm not a Smurfling, I know if Gargamel is nearby or not.
Tired of waiting for the Smurfs to get caught, Gargamel sprang out of his hiding place.
Gargamel: Then this shouldn't be much of a surprise!
The two Smurfs gasped and ran for their lives.
Hefty: Run, Handy, run!
Gargamel: This time, you won't escape!
Handy fell behind and was pinned down by Azrael. Hefty got away and hid inside a log, but by the time he realized Handy wasn't with him, it was too late.
Gargamel: Gotcha, you little blue bathing beauty!
Handy: Help, Hefty! Help!
Gargamel: *laughs* Sure, yell your little blue brains out, and we'll help ourselves to more Smurfs when they come to save you!
Azrael caught sight of Hefty and ran after him, but he ended up getting his head stuck in the log.
Hefty: Yikes! I'll be back with help!
Hefty hurried back to the village to get help. Gargamel snickered as he held his captive.
Gargamel: You're in for a special treat, Smurf!
Handy gulped nervously, he knew exactly what Gargamel meant by that, and it wouldn't be pretty.
Gargamel returned to his hovel and thrusted Handy in a cage, locking it shut.
Handy: You won't get away with this, Gargamel! You'll fail like you always do!
Gargamel snickered, not taking Handy seriously.
Gargamel: My, such a big talk coming from a little Smurf.
Handy: Papa Smurf and the others will rescue me, you'll see!
Handy suddenly stopped when he saw Gargamel fill up a perfume bottle with a strange potion.
Scruple: Gargie, this is just a waste of time.
Gargamel: You'll be eating those words, Scruple! Because once I spritz this on the little Smurf, he'll be my slave *laughs*
Handy couldn't believe what he was hearing. Him? Betray the Smurfs? Not in his book.
Handy: You're wrong, Gargamel! I'll never betray the Smurfs!
Gargamel: Be quiet, you nasty little creature or I'll feed you to Azrael!
Gargamel snickered as he prepared the potion and pointed the bottle towards Handy.
Scruple: *whispers to Azrael* Watch as his plan ultimately fails.
Gargamel wasn't happy when he heard Scruple and Azrael snickering.
Gargamel: What's so funny, you too!
Scruple: Nothing, just practicing my cackling! Right, Azrael?
Azrael was confused until Scruple nudged him. Azrael meowed going along with what Scruple said.
Gargamel: Good, because you'll need to do lots of cackling after this.
Handy took a few steps back knowing this wasn't going to end well. Gargamel laughed maniacally as he spritzed a bit of the potion on the poor Smurf. Handy sneezed as the green smoke cloud surrounded him just before the potion started to take effect.
Handy: I feel funny...
The poor Smurf collapsed as his mind began to shift, but instead of becoming more loyal to Gargamel, he was overcome with the feeling of independence and wanting to tear down whatever he came across.
Gargamel: Any minute now.
Back in the village, Hefty immediately hurried to Papa Smurf's lab with alarming news.
Hefty: Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! Come quick!
Papa: What's wrong, Hefty?
Hefty: Handy's been captured by Gargamel! He smurfed him right out from under my nose.
Papa: What?!
Hefty: I tried to save him, but it was too dangerous!
Papa: Then we must form a search party immediately. Have everysmurf gather at the center of the village.
Hefty: Yes, Papa Smurf!
The whole village gathered together when they heard the sound of Harmony's trumpet.
Papa: Smurfs, we must form a search party, Handy's been smurfed by Gargamel!
Worried murmurs filled the crowd, it had been a bit quiet without the noise in Handy's workshop, it's no wonder it was too quiet.
Grouchy: I hate Gargamel!
Papa: We must rescue him before we're too late! Who knows what Gargamel could be plotting!
All: Yes Papa Smurf!
Papa Smurf took a group of Smurfs to Gargamel's hovel. They heard him stammering and cursing from outside.
Gargamel: I don't understand what went wrong! This wasn't supposed to happen! This potion is an absolute sham!
Scruple: I told you it wasn't gonna work, Gargie!
Gargamel: Oh go ahead, Scruple, laugh all you want.
Hefty: *whispers* What's he talking about, Papa Smurf?
Papa: I'm not sure, Hefty, but let's hope that Handy's alright.
But when the Smurfs looked into Gargamel's hovel, Handy wasn't there, and there was a big hole in the wall. Plus, the whole hovel was covered in slime and goop.
Smurfette: Oh dear!
Brainy: What happened here?
Papa: Gargamel!
Gargamel saw the Smurfs at his window.
Gargamel: Papa Smurf! What are you doing here?
Papa: You know anything about this attack?
Azrael began clawing at the Smurfs.
Gargamel: Stop that, you fleabag!
Smurfette: Gargamel, you nasty old wizard! What have you done with Handy?!
Gargamel decided to tell half the truth, hoping to throw the Smurfs off.
Gargamel: Nothing, I swear! A giant glop monster came in here and wrecked my beautiful hovel!
Scruple: That's not what-
Gargamel: It was huge and slimy and-yuck! It was hideous to look at! And it took my Smurf!
All the Smurfs gasped as terrifying thoughts started running through their heads.
Smurfette: Poor Handy, he must be so scared!
Papa: Which way did they go, Gargamel?
Gargamel: What does it look like to you, Papa Smurf?! That creature left the way it came in, who knows where it might be!
Papa: Come, my little Smurfs, we must find Handy before it's too late!
The Smurfs went out the hole in pursuit of the monster.
Scruple: Gargie, what was the point of fibbing?
Gargamel: Just to give the Smurfs a little chase, once I get this formula working again, I'll get them all and turn them all into my slaves! *laughs*
Jokey: Papa Smurf, we've been searching for hours, Handy could be anywhere!
Vanity: I'll say, just look at what it's done to my complexion.
Papa: I know we're all tired, but if we don't find Handy, who knows what could happen to him.
Hefty: B-Better start wondering what might happen to us, Papa Smurf!
All the Smurfs gasped. Just as Gargamel said, there was indeed a giant, gloppy monster. It looked as if it was made from slime and vommit, it was almost too ugly to look at and it was tearing the forest apart.
Jokey: What is that?! That definitely isn't funny!
Papa: Run, my little Smurfs! Run!
The Smurfs ran into the forest where the monster roared and began chasing them, leaving behind a trail of slime. They quickly hid in a bush before the monster trudged past them, they were all in a complete state of shock.
Hefty: What was that thing?!
Papa: That must've been the monster Gargamel mentioned!
Vanity: Boy, and I thought I've had rougher days, that thing is absosmurfly horrendous.
Grouchy: I hate slime monsters.
Clumsy: Gosh, I wonder if Handy's alright.
Smurfette: Hopefully somewhere far away from that unsmurfy creature.
Papa: Let's hope we won't have to tangle with that monster again.
The search for Handy proved to be much harder, there was almost no trace of him, almost like he vanished into thin air. Was Gargamel lying about what happened? Papa Smurf began searching through his spell book, something clearly was very wrong.
Smurfette: Papa Smurf, what's wrong?
Papa: There's something very peculiar about this glop monster.
Brainy: What do you mean?
Papa: There's nothing in my books about glop monsters, no creatures such as these exist!
Hefty: But Papa Smurf, we all saw that monster with our own smurfs.
Brainy: Maybe it's just rare.
Smurfette: Where could it have come from?
Papa: I'm not sure, my little Smurfs, but we must smurf on our guard just to be safe.
Clumsy: Uh, golly, I found Handy's pencil!
Handy was nearby, but where? It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Or in this case, a Smurf in a forest. The Smurfs skimmed the area, but there was no trace of the poor Smurf. Smurfette suddenly let out a horrified gasp.
Smurfette: Papa Smurf! Look!
Giant footprints filled with slime, the glop monster could be nearby and possibly could find the Smurfs at any minute.
Vanity: This is absosmurfly unacceptable, I've never seen a creature so uncouth!
Grouchy: I hate uncouth.
Hefty: Check it out!
The footprints seemed to lead to a canyon. But where was this beast going? More importantly, where did it come from?
Papa: Hmm...perhaps we should follow this monster and get to the bottom of this. Hefty, Jokey, Smurfette, come with me. The rest of you smurf here until we get back.
All: Yes Papa Smurf!
Grouchy: I hate staying behind.
Papa Smurf took his group to the canyon where the footprints led to.
Jokey: This monster definitely wasn't joking around.
Hefty: Neither was Gargamel, you think he'd lie.
Papa: That's what I'm afraid of, my little Smurfs.
Smurfette: What do you mean, Papa Smurf?
Papa: We can never trust Gargamel, he's lied to us many times we called a truce.
Smurfette: But Papa Smurf, he could be telling the truth this time.
Papa: I know, but you Smurfs need to remember, Gargamel's our enemy, trusting him is a big challenge for us.
Hefty suddenly spotted something in the distance.
Hefty: Papa, look!
It was none other than the nasty glop monster leaving such a mess in the canyon.
Smurfette: Oh dear, what a terrible monster!
Jokey: Not this guy again, he drives me smurfy!
Papa: Come with me, my little Smurfs! I have an idea of what this monster could be!
The three followed Papa Smurf to where the goopy beast was, hiding behind a pile of rocks. Papa Smurf opened up his spell book and found a proper spell.
Smurfette: Be careful, Papa Smurf!
Jokey: Yeah, this guy's no joke!
Papa Smurf recited his spell. Once he had done this, a cloud of magic surrounded the monster and it faded, the other Smurfs were watching and were in awe at what had just happened. When everything stopped, there stood Handy, unconscious and covered in slime.
Hefty: Handy!
The three Smurfs rushed to his side and knelt down.
Smurfette: Handy, are you alright?! Say something!
Handy coughed a few times before opening his eyes, his head hurt and his vision was a little blurry.
Jokey: Handy, that monster didn't smurf you, did it?
Handy: Monster...?
Handy sat up and rubbed his head.
Papa: Are you alright, Handy?
Handy: Papa Smurf...? *gasps* Papa Smurf!
When he suddenly remembered something, Handy perked up and hugged Papa Smurf.
Handy: Papa Smurf, I'm so glad I smurfed you! Gargamel's up to no good again!
Hefty: What do you mean, Handy?
Handy: Gargamel captured me and smurfed some kind of potion on me, I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but I must've blacked out.
Papa: Wait, Handy, you say that Gargamel smurfed a potion on you?
Handy: Yes Papa Smurf! He said he would use it so he'd be able to control all the Smurfs.
Papa: Hm...follow me, everysmurf!
Papa Smurf led his group back to Gargamel's hovel. They started spying on him.
Gargamel: Finally! This potion will make those Smurfs loyal to me!
Scruple: Hopefully it won't turn them into monsters again.
Papa: So that's it! Handy, do you remember anything after Gargamel smurfs that potion on you?
Handy: It's all a blur for me, Papa Smurf, nothing clicks.
Papa: Gargamel's been trying to smurf us on his side with a potion, but it backfired and turned Handy into the monster that chased us.
All the Smurfs were shocked when they heard this, especially Handy.
Jokey: So that hideous monster was Handy?!
Papa: I'm afraid so, my little Smurfs.
Grouchy: I hate monsters!
Jokey: ...I have an idea, Papa Smurf! We'll smurf Gargamel at his own game!
Jokey told all the Smurfs his plan.
Papa: *chuckles* An excellent idea, Jokey.
Jokey hopped over to where Gargamel stored his potion.
Gargamel: Soon, Azrael, soon all those Smurfs will be doing as I command!
In one of the shelves, Smurfette pushed an empty bottle and it smashed into the ground.
Gargamel: What was that?! Was that you, Azrael? I told you to never play on the shelves!
While Gargamel was distracted, Jokey swapped Gargamel's successful potion with his failed one.
Gargamel: You should really be more careful, Azrael, next time you break something, I'll make mittens out of your fur!
Jokey: *giggles* Let's see you eat those words, Gargamel!
Jokey smashed Gargamel's potion on the ground, Gargamel was unaware that this was his successful potion that spilled.
Gargamel: Azrael, you fleabag! We've been over this! Oh, no matter, at least I'll still have those Smurfs under my control.
A bit of the potion spilled on Azrael and he grew into a monstrous size, Gargamel froze when he felt him breathing down his neck.
Gargamel: Oh uh, Azrael, I was only joking, you're actually a very nice kitten, I'll even stop calling you a fleabag!
Jokey couldn't help but giggle.
Papa: Jokey, smurf outta there!
Jokey met up with the other Smurfs and they quickly retreated before Gargamel could see them.
All the Smurfs were able to settle down after the whole fiasco.
Papa: All's well that ends well, my little Smurfs.
Brainy: I agree, Papa Smurf, I think we've all smurfed a valuable lesson, make sure you're never caught by Gargamel because you never know when he'll strike again. Better smurf than sorry I always say, and furthermore-
Hefty was just about to kick Brainy, but he stopped.
Hefty: Wanna do the honors, Handy?
Handy: With pleasure!
Once again, Brainy was kicked.
Brainy: Uh, like Papa Smurf said, all's well that ends well!
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