Chapter 17: Handy's Wedding
Inspired by Papa's Wedding Day and Smurfette's Dancing Shoes
A nymph known as Aria gazed at a crystal ball, she had an angry expression on her face. She had just been informed by her father that it was high time she got married, but she had no interest in becoming a bride.
Aria: Me? Get married? Who would want to marry a nymph? I know Father means well, but why me? Perhaps I better do what he says and then he'll leave me alone.
As she gazed into her crystal ball, it showed a group of Smurfs in the forest, when she caught sight of them, it gave her a cunning idea.
Aria: Perhaps my soon-to-be husband will be true blue...
The Smurfs were busy gathering wood and smurfberries. Brainy was trying his best to make sure they actually got work done.
Brainy: As long as you're at it, make sure you get the ripest smurfberries you can find. Don't come smurfing to me when we end up with bad smurfberries all winter. I, Brainy Smurf, know what I see, I know what's best for all the Smurfs, and further more-
Handy: Oh smurf up, Brainy, we're capable of getting smurfberries without your help.
A cry was suddenly heard on the other side of the forest, stunning all the Smurfs. When they went to investigate, they saw Aria sitting on a stump crying.
Smurfette: Oh dear, that poor nymph.
When Aria saw she got the Smurfs' attention, she kept up the act.
Aria: Oh, whatever am I gonna do? I suffered a terrible night in that terrible storm!
Brainy: Absosmurfly impossible, nymphs are-
Aria: If only there was a nice, warm place to spend the night.
All the Smurfs turned to each other wondering what to do.
Smurfette: We must help her, imagine what she could've gone through.
Greedy: But what'll Papa Smurf say?
Aria continued weeping crocodile tears hoping the Smurfs would give in.
Handy: Well, don't cry, I'm sure Papa Smurf will help you.
Aria turned to Handy and immediately had eyes for him.
Aria: Oh thank you! You're so kind, so generous!
Handy: You're...welcome?
Brainy: Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! We found a nymph!
Papa: A nymph?
Smurfette: Uh huh, she suffered through the terrible storm last night and she needs our help!
Papa: Hmm...
Aria: Oh please, I need a place to stay! I have nowhere to go, my home was destroyed in the storm!
Aria continued her act.
Papa: There, there, my dear, you're among friends now, we'll help you in any way we can smurf.
Aria: R-Really? You really mean that? Does that mean you'll let me stay in your village?!
Papa: Well...
Aria: Please...?
Papa Smurf decided to give in.
Papa: Very well, welcome to the Smurf village.
Sassette: Smurfaroo! A new friend!
Aria: Oh thank you, you're so very sweet, I can't thank you enough!
All the Smurfs left to help Aria settle in, but Papa Smurf had to pull Hefty aside.
Papa: Hefty, keep an eye on her, something's not right about this nymph.
Hefty: Right, Papa Smurf.
Later that day, all the Smurfs were working on the bridge, Aria approached Handy while he worked.
Aria: Your name's Handy, correct? I love how hardworking you are, you seem to really know what you're doing.
Handy: Uh...thanks? Every Smurf tries to work as hard as they can.
Aria: But you seem to really know how to get work done, it's do you guys say it? Smurfy?
Handy: Okay...weird
Handy went elsewhere to continue his work.
Hefty: Everything okay, Handy?
Handy: Y-Yeah, all good, Aria's just being creepy.
Grouchy: I hate creepy.
Smurfette: Whatever do you mean, Handy? Aria seems very sweet.
Handy: She came up to me and started complementing me for my work.
Smurfette: That's quite smurfy of her.
Handy: Actually, it's not smurfy, it's scary.
Hefty: Papa did say that something seemed off about her.
Smurfette: Don't worry, Handy, we won't let our smurf down.
Handy: I just hope she doesn't do it again.
Unfortunately, Handy's wish didn't come true, Aria continued to flatter him and make advances towards him. It even reached a point where he couldn't focus on his work. But he was in for a surprise when everyone returned to the village.
Handy: Oh...what a day.
Sassette: Hey, where did Aria go?
Handy: Away I hope, I'm going to bed.
But when Handy walked into his workshop, he was in a complete state of shock. Aria had rearranged the whole workshop, he didn't even recognize it anymore.
Aria: *smiles* Welcome home, Handy.
Handy: Aria, how did-
Aria: I'm a nymph, I can work out a little magic.
Handy grabbed a pillow and screamed into it.
Aria: Whatever is the matter, sweetums, are you speechless at my hard work I did for you?
Handy didn't say anything, he was too upset to release all his frustration at her.
Aria: No need to thank me, all for the sweetest Smurf in the village.
Things weren't really as easy the next day, Aria paid a visit to Smurfette who was watering the flowers in her garden.
Smurfette: I have to admit, Aria, I doubted you for a second, but you're actually very sweet.
Aria: Thanks, you're not so bad yourself, kid.
Smurfette: ...But, I must ask you, girl to girl, why are you smurfing so much attention to Handy?
Aria: Why would you think that?
Smurfette: He said you were flattering him all day yesterday, you even resmurfed his workshop.
Aria didn't hesitate to tell Smurfette her intentions, but she didn't give her the whole truth either.
Aria: You see, he's a very nice Smurf, so I thought I'd try being nice to him back. He's not appreciated enough for his work, is he?
Smurfette: I-I guess not, I see your point. I guess we haven't been smurfing him that much appreciation lately.
Aria: Precisely, I just wanna make him feel good, he works pretty hard.
Smurfette thought about it, maybe Handy did need a bit more attention, but it was clear that he wasn't comfortable about it.
Smurfette: Well, I think Handy needs his space, he likes to be alone sometimes.
Aria: Yeah, I understand, he doesn't really acknowledge my comments.
Soon enough, Aria began behaving creepier than before. She spied on Handy who was at the lake talking to Marina. When she saw Marina, she immediately recognized her.
Handy: We have a guest back at the village, but she's been paying a lot of attention to me lately.
Marina: Handy, if that's so, then she might just want to make friends with you.
Handy: You might be right, Marina. Her intentions are kind of creepy though, maybe she's just stressed? Or...intimidated?
Marina: I would talk to her, Handy, tell her her ways of befriending you aren't what you're used to. I'm sure she'll understand and change her ways.
Handy: Well...I'll see if I can give it a try. Thanks, Marina.
When Aria witnessed Handy kiss Marina, she was beside herself with anger and jealousy.
Aria: He prefers that mermaid over me?! Fine, I'll have to take this one step further!
Days later, while Handy was cutting wood, Aria came into his workshop with a cake.
Aria: Hey, Handyman.
Handy was not happy.
Handy: What?
Aria: I baked you a cake, I hope you like it.
Handy: Uh...gee, that's smurfy of you.
But Handy recognized the cake the moment he tasted it.
Handy: Wait a minute, you didn't bake this!
Aria: Of course I did, who else could've put so much effort in this beautiful cake?
Handy: That's one of Greedy's cakes! He'll kill me if he sees it here.
But he happened to jinx it, he heard Greedy outside.
Greedy: Who smurfed my smurfberry cake?!
Aria: Whoops, got an errand to run, gotta go!
Aria flew off leaving Handy with the cake. When Greedy saw him with it, he approached him in a fit of rage.
Greedy: So you're the cake smurfer I've been looking for!
Handy: No, Greedy, I can explain! It was-
Greedy: Explain what?! If you wanted cake, why didn't you say so?!
Greedy smacked the cake right in Handy's face before leaving.
Handy: Oh that...that...that Aria!!!
Aria came to Handy again while he was fixing Jokey's roof
Aria: Handy, does this flower crown make me look cute?
Handy: What? Whoa!
Handy fell from his ladder onto Jokey's pile of joke boxes and the whole house was blown to smithereens.
Jokey: That's not funny, Handy!
Handy: This whole episode isn't funny!
Papa: Let's see now...a dash of unicorn tears, a cup of bat wool-
Handy: Psst! Papa Smurf!
Papa Smurf spotted Handy hiding in his chest.
Papa: Handy? What are you smurfing there?
Handy: Hiding, don't tell anyone I'm here.
Papa Smurf couldn't help but chuckle.
Papa: What are you hiding from, Handy?
Handy: From Aria, everywhere I go, she follows me! She got me in trouble twice! I was to blame for Greedy's missing cake, and Jokey lost his house because she distracted me.
Papa: Oh? Perhaps she just wants to be friends with you.
Handy: Well, she definitely doesn't respect any boundaries if that's the case. It's even reached a point where I'm seeing her wherever I look! I don't even feel safe in my own house!
Papa: Handy, perhaps it's just anxiety, or she feels more reassured around you. Come and tell me if her antics escalate. Now, run along.
Handy: *groans* Yes Papa Smurf.
Soon enough, Handy heard Aria's voice, making him even more frustrated than he was before.
Aria: Handy, my love, where are you?!
Thinking quickly, Handy jumped into the village well. Luckily for him, Aria didn't see him and continued searching the village for him. Handy was in the well for 10 minutes before he was pulled up. The Smurflings were surprised to see him.
Slouchy: Gee, Handy, what were you doing down there? Trying to smurf a nap?
Handy: I was-
Nat: Oh no! Don't tell me a poor animal is stuck down there!
Handy: No, I was-
Aria: Handy, there you are!
Handy: I was getting out of here!!!
Handy took off running before Aria flew after him.
Sassette: *giggles* Chasing Chinchillas, Handy's playing tag with Aria!
Snappy: That doesn't look like tag, Sassette...
Even all the other Smurfs were beginning to notice Aria's unusual behavior, she was behaving very pushy towards Handy, it was making him go insane.
All the Smurfs, except Papa Smurf, gathered in the storehouse to discuss the situation.
Hefty: Any Smurf notice how Aria's been behaving since she came to the village?
Sassette: Yeah, she was chasing Handy all over the village earlier.
Greedy: Now that you mention it, she did fly off rather quickly before I caught Handy with my cake.
Jokey: Yeah, she came out of nowhere mere seconds before Handy smurfed my house.
Poet: That's not all, she stole my poem to read to Handy.
Harmony: And my horn to play a tune for him!
Grouchy: I hate Aria's antics!
Smurfette: You all should be ashamed of your smurfs, Aria's the sweetest nymph I've ever met! She only wants to be friends.
Hefty: Sorry, Smurfette, but Aria's not being a friend to the rest of us. Papa Smurf said that something about her wasn't right, and I think this is why she's in the village.
Smurfette: How dare you accuse Aria of such an unsmurfy act?! We took her in when she had no place to go, and you're all blaming her for just wanting to be friends with Handy!
Brainy: Smurfette, Smurfette, Smurfette, Aria's not being very smurfy. In fact, she's acting quite suspicious. Papa Smurf always says it's better to be smurf than sorry.
Hefty: For once, Brainy's right, Aria has all of us fooled!
Nat: What do we do?
Snappy: How do we get her to stop?
Hefty: We'll have to catch her in the act! Maybe then, she'll learn her lesson for manipulating us!
When Aria heard this, she knew she had to go bigger.
Aria: I know exactly what'll get me what I want...
Aria approached Handy the next day and spoke to him in rather a soft tone.
Handy: What now, Aria? I've already destroyed Jokey's house and one of Greedy's special recipes. What's next?
Aria: Actually, I have something very special for you, which I think you might like.
Handy: What did you steal this time?
Aria: Actually, nothing, this is truly from me.
Aria pointed her finger and an enchanted amulet suddenly appeared around Handy's neck.
Handy: What's this?
Aria: With this magical amulet, you can wish for anything you could ever dream of. You have as many wishes as you'd like. Go on, give it a try.
Handy: I think I have everything I need, thanks anyway.
Aria: Oh come on, not even one wish? There's not even one thing you truly desire?
Handy: Well...
Reluctantly, Handy closed his eyes and whispered a wish to himself. Within a few seconds, his roof was repaired and put back in place.
Handy: really does work!
Aria: See? Like a charm. And it's yours to keep.
Handy: Actually, I don't think I'll be needing this, there's nothing that I'm smurfing so much.
Aria: I see...
Without him knowing, Aria cast a spell on the amulet so it wouldn't come off. She snickered quietly as he left his workshop.
Aria: Consider it a wedding gift, my love.
Hefty spotted Handy sitting at the well, knowing his best friend, he immediately knew something wasn't right. Handy's been under a lot of stress lately and he wasn't getting any boundaries.
Hefty: Handy, where'd you get that amulet?
Handy: Oh this? It's another unwanted gift from Aria. I don't know why she's smurfing so much attention to me. First she flatters me, then she gets me in trouble, and now she's showering me with gifts!
Even Hefty was suspicious, he hadn't had any admirers other than Smurfette, so he knew what it was like to be showered with affection. But this was overboard. But he suddenly got an idea.
Hefty: Handy, do you still have that picture smurfer?
Handy: Sure, it's in my workshop, why?
Hefty: I know how we can catch Aria in the act!
Handy: Wait, you don't mean...
Hefty: Trust me, old buddy, it'll work, she won't suspect a thing.
Handy: Oh...okay...
Sassette: How do you know she's not gonna catch us, Hefty?
Hefty: Oh don't worry, she won't.
Snappy: Smurfaroo! This is so smurfy!
Brainy: A clever idea, Hefty, I'll be sure to tell Papa Smurf what brilliant plans you had, I'm quite certain that he'll-
Hefty: Smurf it, Brainy!
Handy wasn't very comfortable with Aria watching him like a hawk. It made it harder to get any work done.
Aria: Handy, dear, do you have any other wishes in mind?
Handy: No, Aria, I don't.
Aria: Really? Not one thing? Not even a kiss?
Handy dropped everything when he heard that.
Handy: What?!
Aria: You heard me, you could wish for a kiss.
What happened next was the last straw for Handy, Aria grabbed him by his waist and pulled him too close for his comfort. She even tried to kiss him.
Handy: Aria, please knock it off! Just leave me alone!!!
Aria: C'mon, Handy, I know you like me back, just give in.
Handy: No I don't!!! Get off of me!!!
All the other Smurfs were in disbelief at what Aria just did, even after Hefty took the picture. They knew Aria was trouble, but this was beyond unforgivable. There was no way she was gonna get away with it.
Smurfette: Oh dear, that's monstrous! I can't believe she would go out of her smurf to try and force Handy in that manner! What's Papa Smurf gonna say?!
Hefty: He'll probably be just as surprised as we were, Smurfette.
Given what he had just experienced, Handy didn't talk to anyone, that was understandable. Aria had just done something terrible to him, and he would never forget it. Not only that, but the whole village saw what happened, and they too were still bothered by it.
Hefty: Handy, it worked! We'll be able to expose Aria for the monster she was towards you!
Handy only crossed his arms, the whole experience had taken a huge toll on him.
Hefty: Okay, well...I'm showing this to Papa Smurf, I think he should see this.
Handy nodded and followed his best friend to Papa Smurf's lab. When Papa Smurf saw the image, he was just as shocked as all the other Smurfs had been.
Papa: Great Smurfs! Aria did this to Handy?
Hefty: We all saw it, Papa Smurf, she was forcefully trying to kiss him and wouldn't even leave him alone.
Handy hugged Papa Smurf and burst into tears.
Papa: Aria's gone too far this time, I'll see to it that she doesn't hurt you Smurfs ever again!
Hefty: Thanks, Papa Smurf, we'd all appreciate that.
Handy nodded agreeing with Hefty, he'd do anything to make sure he didn't have to see Aria again.
Aria: Handy, my love, I thi-
Handy finally snapped when he came across Aria again.
Handy: You know what, why don't you just go away! I don't wanna see you again!!!
Aria: But Handy, why would I go away after all we've been through?
Handy: All the more reason I don't wanna see you! The whole village saw what you did, I'll never forget this and neither will they!!!!
Aria: Handy, you know you love me, you deserve so much more than that worthless mermaid. You can't even see each other as frequently. She needs water, you need air.
Handy was dumbfounded the moment he heard her trash talking about Marina, but that was just one shocking revelation he discovered.
Handy: Have you been spying on me and Marina?!
Aria didn't even deny what she did.
Aria: Of course I did, I needed to see what you were doing.
Handy: I can't believe this!!! How could you be so insensitive?!?! And don't you dare talk about Marina like that!
Aria: I'll do it as much as I want, you won't even need to see her anymore.
Handy: Oh yes I will, and I'll make sure you're not around when I do! Go away! I don't wanna see you in the village ever again!
Handy ran back to his workshop in tears. When Aria realized he wasn't gonna give in to her charm, she knew exactly what she would do next, and she wasn't gonna take no for an answer.
Aria: You'll be my groom whether you like it or not, Handy Smurf, and I'm gonna make sure of that.
Late that night, when everyone was asleep, Aria cast a spell on Handy's amulet, Handy woke up seeing the amulet was dragging him outside.
Handy: Hey! Stop that! What's smurfing on?!
When he saw Aria outside his workshop smirking, he got his answer.
Aria: Come on, big boy, we're gonna be late for our wedding.
She grabbed onto Handy and held him tightly so he couldn't escape.
Handy: Let go!!! HELP!!!
Just like that, Aria vanished into thin air, taking Handy captive. All the other Smurfs woke up to Handy's distressed cry for help.
Smurfette: Oh no! Handy's in trouble!
But when they got to Handy's workshop, he wasn't there, and neither was Aria.
Clumsy: Uh gosh, you don't think Aria-
Hefty: We have to tell Papa Smurf!
They hurried to Papa Smurf's lab and started banging on the door rapidly, they all began talking at once as soon as Papa Smurf came to the door.
Papa: Please, my little Smurfs, one at a time!
Smurfette: Oh Papa Smurf, it's horrible!
Nat: Handy's been smurfnapped!
Hefty: Aria took Handy right out from under us!
Papa: What?!
Greedy: They were gone by the time we heard Handy call for help!
Papa: Great Smurfs, Handy could be in terrible danger! We better go after them immediately!
All: Yes Papa Smurf!
The Smurfs searched throughout the forest calling for Handy, but they had no luck.
Smurfette: Poor Handy, I hope he's not hurt.
Hefty: I doubt it, Smurfette, but we should still smurf he's okay.
The Smurfs continued searching until they came across a dark area of the forest guarded by bats, they all freaked out as the bats flew past them.
Scaredy: Y-You think H-Handy's in th-there?!
Papa: We can only hope, my little Smurfs.
A palace made from a dead tree could be seen from a distance, it was possible that that was where Handy was.
Papa: Hurry, my little Smurfs, this might be our only chance to save Handy!
All the Smurfs hurried into the palace where they saw Aria sitting on a throne.
Smurfette: Aria, to think I blindly trusted you, how could you be so monstrous?!
Aria snickered and gave the Smurfs a sinister smile.
Aria: Perhaps things would've turned out differently if you had stopped me sooner.
Hefty: Where's Handy?! What did you do, you heartless, sinister nymph?!
Aria: Oh don't worry, I haven't harmed him, in fact, he's right over here.
Handy was locked up in a cell being guarded by a group of bats.
Handy: Papa Smurf! Help!
Hefty: Handy! Hang in there, old pal!
Smurfette: Let him go, you two faced demon!
Aria: I'm afraid I can't do that, Smurfette, we'll be married soon.
All the Smurfs gasped, that was a huge revelation for all of them. Aria's motive all along was marriage.
Hefty: So that's why you've been paying so much attention to him!
Smurfette: And why you tried to kiss him against his will!
Poet: And stole our belongings!
Grouchy: I hate "stole our belongings!"
Aria: Such slow Smurfs, you finally figured it out.
Grouchy: I hate slow too!
Aria: You know, since you Smurfs are very persistent, I'll release Handy on one condition. There's a very rare diamond, the Ocean Blossom, it's only found in a cave in the ocean. If you Smurfs can fetch that for me and come back with it by dawn, I'll release Handy. Good luck, and don't get killed.
When she snapped her fingers, all the Smurfs were gone.
Aria: While they're doing that, we must prepare for our special wedding.
Handy gulped nervously as Aria let out a maniacal laugh. Meanwhile, all the Smurfs reappeared outside of Aria's territory.
Poet: Papa Smurf, what do we do?
Papa: For now, we must do as Aria commands and retrieve the diamond, Handy's life is in our hands now, my little Smurfs. Captain Dreamy, prepare to set sail!
Dreamy: Yes, Papa Smurf! And I think I know exactly who can help us!
Marina couldn't believe what she was hearing.
Marina: Handy's been taken by a nymph named Aria?
Papa: Yes, you know her?
Marina: We go back many years ago before I met you Smurfs, she nearly put my father in his early grave, I managed to stop her, but she swore revenge on me. She must've learned that I'm with Handy and is now trying to take him from me.
Smurfette: So that's why she's in such a rush to marry Handy! Shame on her!
Marina: Follow me, I'll show you where the Ocean Blossom.
Sassette: Smurfaroo! This'll be the smurfiest adventure yet!
Dreamy followed Marina in his ship.
Clumsy: Golly, Brainy, isn't this smurfy?
Brainy: It probably would be if Handy's life wasn't at risk and this was just an excavation instead of a rescue mission.
Smurfette: Oh Brainy, aren't you even the slightest bit worried about poor Handy?!
Brainy: Of course I am, Smurfette, I'm not heartless like Aria! Papa Smurf always says to smurf great concern for who you love, and we all love Handy. So we should all be worried, and furthermore-
Brainy was pushed below the deck.
Marina: We're here, the cave where the Ocean Blossom is is just down here.
Papa: Okay, let's get started. Hefty, you and Brainy are the divers.
Hefty: Yes, Papa Smurf!
Brainy: What?! Why am I the diver? This is absosmurfly unacceptable, I won't
Hefty: Smurf it, Brainy!
Hefty put a helmet on Brainy and the two dove below the surface.
Brainy: How hard can it be just to smurf a diamond from a cave?
Marina: Please be careful, you two. This diamond is guarded by a wicked sea monster.
Brainy: S-Sea monster?! On second thought, maybe we should just smurf home and-
Hefty: Brainy!
Brainy gulped nervously as the two swam into the cave, it was dark and cold.
Brainy: How are we gonna find the diamond in this-Yikes! Something's got me!
Hefty: That was me, Brainy, sorry about that.
Brainy: Hefty, watch where you're smurfing, I was scared half to death!
Hefty: Oh stop being a baby, Brainy, this is all for Handy!
Brainy: It's all for's all for's all for Handy...
Soon enough, a bright light could be seen from a distance, Hefty and Brainy continued swimming in that distance until they saw what they came for.
Brainy: We got it! The Ocean Blossom!
Hefty suddenly hushed Brainy, a loud snore could be heard around where the diamond was, the sea monster was there, fast asleep.
Hefty: One loud noise and we're both goners.
Quietly and slowly, Hefty swam over to retrieve the diamond. Brainy stayed back cowering in fear hoping that the sea monster wouldn't wake up. The sea monster had a loud snore, but if they were to make a loud noise, that loud snore probably wouldn't drown it out. As soon as Hefty grabbed the diamond, Brainy suddenly sneezed. The sea monster heard this and woke up, when it saw Hefty and Brainy taking the diamond, it roared loudly at them and pursued them as they swam out of the cave.
Hefty: Swim, Brainy! Swim like your life depends on it!
Brainy: I'm swimming! I'm swimming!!!
As soon as they got out of the cave, Hefty pushed a giant boulder at the entrance, sealing it and the two swam to the surface.
Hefty: We got it, Papa Smurf!
Brainy: I, Brainy Smurf, single smurfedly showed that sea monster who's boss!
Papa: Nevermind that now, Brainy, we have a wedding to stop! Hurry!
Hefty and Brainy quickly got back onto the ship.
Marina: Good luck, Smurfs, please bring Handy back safely!
Dreamy: We will! Thanks, again, Marina!
Dreamy sailed the ship back to the forest.
Aria snickered as she saw the sun beginning to rise.
Aria: Almost dawn, and you're pathetic friends aren't here.
Handy: They're coming, Aria, they've got more heart and soul than you do!
Aria: Oh stop, Handy, save your voice! You're gonna need it for the wedding. *laughs maniacally*
Papa: Hold it, Aria, we have the diamond you requested!
Handy: Papa Smurf, you did it!
Handy hugged Papa Smurf the moment he saw him.
Papa: A promise is a promise, Aria, let us go home
Aria: A promise? I don't remember making a promise, but I'll happily take my diamond, and Handy and I will soon be married!
Smurfette: Oh no!
Hefty: One for Smurf and Smurf for all!
All the Smurfs began to charge.
Aria: Stop them!
A group of bats began attacking.
Brainy: Help! Papa Smurf! HELP!!!
Handy: No! Leave them alone, Aria!
Aria: Not a chance, Handy, we'll be happily married and your friends will be my new prisoners!
Jokey: Okay, okay, you win! Here's a wedding gift for you!
Aria snickered and smiled.
Aria: Gracious in defeat, I respect that, kid.
Of course, when Aria opened the gift, it exploded in her face.
Jokey: Surprise! *laughs*
Papa: Hurry, my little Smurfs, back to the village!
Aria: Not so fast, Papa Smurf! I'm not going anywhere without Handy!
The amulet that Handy still had on teleported him into her arms.
Aria: And now my father's kingdom and everything he willed to me will be mine alone!
Handy: Papa Smurf! Help!
Aria flew away with Handy and the other Smurfs pursued her.
Papa: Hurry, my little Smurfs, we must not let Aria get away!
Hefty: We're coming, Handy!
Smurfette: What do we do, Papa Smurf?
Papa Smurf looked through his spell book.
Papa: That amulet Handy has is magical, it's being controlled by Aria. If we break the spell on the amulet, we might have a chance to save Handy.
Hefty: Better make that a quick spell, Papa Smurf! We might never catch Aria at this rate!
Papa Smurf did just that, he reversed the spell on the amulet and it vanished into thin air. Without knowing, Aria dropped Handy and he landed on his feet.
Smurfette: You did it, Papa Smurf!
Handy ran into Papa Smurf's arms tearfully
Handy: Papa Smurf, I thought I'd never smurf you again!
Papa: As did we, but we didn't give up until you were safe and sound.
Few days later, Handy spoke with Marina at the lake.
Marina: Oh Handy, when I heard that Aria had taken you against your will, my heart stopped.
Handy: I thought I'd never see you again, Marina.
Marina: So did I, I was so worried about you. I hope she didn't hurt you.
Handy: No, she didn't, I'm okay.
Marina: Handy, there's something you should know. Aria's an old rival of mine, her idea of marrying you was to take revenge on me when she saw we were together.
Handy: What?! No wonder she was being so pushy towards me!
Marina: I'm very sorry I didn't warn you sooner, I had no idea what a monster she turned out to be.
Handy: No, Marina, I don't think anyone's to blame here. Aria was the real monster.
Marina: *smiles* I'm happy you're safe, Handy, no one will take you away from me again.
Handy: I missed you, Marina
Marina: I missed you too.
The two lovebirds smiled and shared a kiss.
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