[Chapter 11] Quidditch
Amy and her gang sat in the Great Hall eating breakfast, Draco was complaining as usual.
"Its not fair. Potter rides a broom once and is the Gryffindor seeker, and he's a first year!" He said as he scowled at the back of Harry's head from across the Great Hall.
"I am this close to dumping Diane's cereal on your head of you don't shut up" Amy said as she squished the tips of her fingers together. Diane giggled, her curls bouncing with everything movement. She then scooted her cereal away from Amy.
"Hands off. Dump the bacon grease and crushed egg yoke on him instead" Diane responded as she pointed down at Amy's plate. Draco was unamused as he went back to glaring at Harry.
"Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game Slytherin versus Gryffindor!!!" Lee Jordan exclaimed into a megaphone. The whole school was in the stands of the Quidditch pitch, other than the players of course. All Amy could hear were cheers for Slytherin. Her row was right in front of course, and consisted of Draco, her, Diane, and Pansy Parkinson. Her sisters sat in the row behind her along with Adeline Khan, who was wearing a new hijab.
"The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game." Lee Jordan yelled. Hooch said something to both teams before the golden which, and the two bludgers zoomed out of the box and into the air. "The bludgers are up...followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game....The Quaffle is released...and the game begins!"
"Angelina Johnson scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!" Lee said. Amy tuned out his announcements and just watched, smiling slightly when a Slytherin player got a hold of the Quaffle. The game went on more before she noticed something. It was the Slytherin Captain, Marcus Flint grab a Slytherin beater's bat and hit a bludger at the Gryffindor Captain, Oliver wood in the stomach. Oliver fell of of his broom and plummets to the ground, out cold. The other houses booed as many Slytherins cheered.
Amy turned around to her sister and said,"Vera I think you're the one for this job". Vera is taller than the rest of her siblings, she had her hair cut to a little longer than one inch above her shoulders. Like her mother, Jill, she wore black, square framed glasses, and had brown hair and green eyes like the rest of her family. She then looked down at Amy and nodded, she didn't talk much either unless necessary.
"Oh Amy let us do it instead" her twin sisters, Samantha and Isabelle said as the end of their scarves rested on Amy's shoulders as they leaned over to talk to her.
"No, you two would put him in the hospital wing and somehow get us all detention" Amy replied.
They were all snapped out of conversation when Adeline pointed out how Harry's broom was acting funny, it was jerking around trying to buck him off it like an angry horse. "What do we do?" Diane asked.
"Hey Harry! Don't fall!" Betsy yelled at him with her hands around her mouth. "Well I've done all I can do." Vera and Adeline facepalmed.
"Hey, do you smell smoke?" Draco asked.
"Oh, Snapes on fire" She replied calmly not even taking her eyes off of the game.
"wHAT?" Everyone except for Vera and Amy said as they looked over to where the teachers are to see Snape stomping on the end of his robes before sitting back down as if it never happened.
When everyone's attention was back on the game Harry was on the ground with his hands on his stomach. "Is he gonna puke?" Pansy asked. Seconds later Harry was holding the snitch. All other houses began to cheer as the Slytherins groaned.
"Aw man" Amy said disappointed. And lets just say Flint showed up to breakfast with a black eye, Vera looking quite proud of herself.
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