[Chapter 10] Halloween Night
Everyone was sitting in Professor Flitwick's classroom, he taught charms. The room was divided by two rows of desks on other side of the room, while in front of the window stood Flitwick on a large stack of books.
"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers?" He spoke, he had quite a squeaky voice. Hermione then rose her white feather in response to his question. Amy simply nodded while her eyes were half lidded probably from boredom, but with her its hard to tell. She was was sitting in the top row behind Harry, Ron, and Hermione, she was sitting next to Draco and Betsy.
"Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone." He continued after seeing everyone's feathers. Amy, and everyone else picked their wands up off of the table and did swish and flick movement.
"Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then." Professor Flitwick said as he left everyone to do the spell. The room filled with the words of the incantation as everyone was waving their wands towards their feathers. Being friends with Hermione made it a little (a lot) easier for things like this.
"Third times the charm" Amy said with a half smile as the feather floated a couple inches above the tip of her wand. She twirled it a little bit watching as the feather spun with it. She looked over and saw Draco struggling a bit, she was about to say something when she heard a loud explosion. Semus had burned off his eyebrows AGAIN somehow. The strange part is that they're trying to make a feather levitate, kind of hard to make that explode.
"I think we're gonna need another feather over here" Harry said with his eyes widened.
"And some burn ointment" Amy said as she leaned over to see the remains of the explosion.
Finally, Halloween, everyone was in the Great Hall eating the wonderful feast, there we're floating Jack O' Lanterns in place of the floating candles that lit up the room. Amy mostly stayed silent as everyone around her was talking. Everyone's heads snapped in the direction of the doors as Professor Quirrell ran in while screaming "TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! T-TROOLLL IN THE DUNGEON!!". Everything went silent. "Thought you ought to know" Quirrell said quieter before collapsing onto the ground. thats what set it off, every student in the great hall stood up and started screaming. Amy didn't even flinch, she simply rolled her eyes and continued eating her cookie.
"SILLLLLEEENNNNCEEEEE" Dumbledore shouted as everyone froze. "Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons."
"Our dorms are literally in the dungeons" Amy said confused as she stood up and followed the prefects to the common room. Everyone looked around wearily as the group walked to the common room, Amy wasn't scared, but did walk in the middle of the crowd so if the troll decided to show up, it'd pick the outsiders off first. She was snapped out of her thoughts when someone stepped on her foot.
"Hey! Watch it!" She turned to them and said.
"Oh I'm sorry, You must be Amy, I've heard so much about you, you're like royalty around here" said the culprit, it was a girl shorter than her, then again normal height as the Brown family was very tall. She had jet black, curly hair, brown eyes, and heavy eyelids.
"I've been getting that a lot, and you are?"
"...Malfoy, Diane Malfoy, you know my brother Draco, He talks about you a lot."
"Does he?" She said with a chuckle. "Why hasn't he told me about you yet?"
"He hasn't? I'll talk to him about it" Diane replied with a slightly surprised look on her face.
The crowd came to a halt in front of the stone door, the password was spoken and everyone walked in.
"Due to obvious reasons, everyone is to go straight to bed." The prefect spoke, many groans came from the crowd. "I don't wanna hear it go, now." The crowd separated into groups of roommates and headed to separate dorms. Amy laid in bed, hoping the situation with the troll will be fixed soon before drifting off to sleep.
A/n: omg guys its been so long and I'm so sorry, I hope you like this chapter and I hope to update more often now😁.
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