Before they left the island Rosey and Carlos had breakfast, with some coffee. "Carlos asked his wife Rosey , what will happen to the farm", Rosey said Slut will burn every thing, but she would put the animals to sleep 1st so they would not be burnt alive , Carlos said what a waste. Rosey started crying, our beautiful home nomore , every where we go there is nothing but badness , she was worried for there children Blossom and DAISY. Slut told Carlos, Vince and the older generation, she will buy the next farm and secure with a long term spell that this would never happen again.
The pups and children, Teens were playing in the dwelling, they would never get bored there is so many things they can do.
Wild, Genie, Jen, Maggie,
saw rotten flesh on the beach , it was the young trouble makers , Wild killed them to ease there pain , burnt there bodies, the smell was gross, Wild put a substance down and got rid of the stench. Wild said we must be getting back to the dwelling where they would be cleansed with special treatment so they brought no disease into the dwelling, but before they left, they saw a creature they never seen before, they could not kill with there guns , they needed Slut to use her special powers.
What is this creature? ?????
To be continued. .........
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