Chapter 8 - I Assumed You'd Be Prom King
I met Alex in the center of the dance floor. I didn't know what to expect since the last time I saw Alex was a few days ago, when he kissed me during the volleyball game and then I left the restaurant without telling anyone. I didn't know if he'd be mad at me.
As I approached him he shot me a warm smile and I knew instantly that he had forgotten my rudeness. I didn't know how to feel about Alex. He was sweet and kind but when he abruptly kissed me the other day, I didn't feel anything at all. I hope he didn't expect us to be dating or anything, I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I also didn't want to lead him on.
"Hey Kellin, it's so great to see you. It's been a minute." Alex spoke confidently.
"Yeah, sorry about that. I wasn't feeling too well at Marco's the other night so I went home early." I said.
"No worries, I thought maybe you were avoiding me." Alex laughed.
"No, of course not. But Alex, I do have something I need to tell you." I spoke quickly. I really didn't want to hurt his feelings. Alex had been so sweet to me since we first met. I just couldn't help that I only saw him as a friend.
Alex raised an eyebrow at me and took a sip of his drink.
"Can I guess?" Alex asked and smiled.
"Uh... sure." I answered suddenly feeling very confused.
"You just want to be friends." Alex spoke.
I looked down at my shoes suddenly feeling awful.
"H-how did you know?" I stuttered. I wasn't used to being in this position, I was usually on the receiving end where a guy told me I wasn't good enough for him.
"The kiss. Don't get me wrong, you're absolutely handsome but when we kissed, it felt like I was kissing my brother that I don't even have." Alex answered, giving me a playful nudge.
I felt myself take in a relieving breath as I pushed my hair out of my eyes, returning Alex's nudge.
"Same dude! You're super attractive as well, I just think we're better as friends.. And volleyball partners." I said.
"Deal!" Alex exclaimed and gave me a one armed hug.
When I wrapped my right arm around Alex and hugged him back, my eyes met Vic's. I could tell that Vic was trying to be nonchalant about his staring at me but he wasn't doing a good job. He was pretending to laugh at something Mike was saying but he kept glancing in my direction out of the corner of his eye.
I couldn't help but smirk as I pulled back from Alex's friendly embrace.
"Anyways, I'm going to -" Alex started but was interrupted by a loud cheer and people chanting "JACK JACK JACK JACK!".
We both turned our heads towards the sound and were met with a tall, skinny guy with streaked blonde and dark brown hair doing a keg stand.
"... I'm going to go wherever he is going." Alex finished off and chuckled, pointing in the direction of this "Jack" person.
"Go get him, man!" I said as I patted Alex on the shoulder as he ran off towards the keg stand boy.
I took this as an opportunity to go and talk to Vic, sipping on my water bottle as I made my way over. Two fruity cocktails and one shot was enough for me tonight, I was sticking with water from here on out. Pretty much everyone else was on their way to being completely and utterly wasted, and I wanted to see if Vic was in the same state.
Tapping on Vic's shoulder his head turned to meet mine and I greeted him with a smile.
"Well well well, what do we have here?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm in my tone. After what happened during the body shot incident, I suddenly felt more confident in myself. Seeing that Vic ended up going through with taking a shot off of me in front of all his friends, I felt myself wanting to push our conversations. Maybe it was the few drinks I had, but I was feeling flirty and wanted to go with it.
"Mmmm?" Vic took a sip from his beer and looked me up and down.
"What's with you staring at Alex and I when we were talking?" I asked while grinning coyly.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Vic responded with a slight slur of his words but not nearly as bad as the rest of the guys.
"Because it looked like you were jealous that he hugged me." I shot back, keeping my smile plastered across my face.
Vic took a step towards me, closing the small space between us and let out a soft groan followed by a smile.
"Maybe I was." He answered.
I don't know what I was expecting when I decided to question Vic on his attitude towards Alex but it certainly wasn't that. I know that Vic and I had come a long way in a short period of time from when we first met, I knew that we were friends. I also knew that when he came to my house, there was a slight flirtation to some of his words, but I never expected him to admit that he was jealous of another guy talking to me. To me.
I didn't think he was interested in guys, I mean there was a small part of me that hoped he was. But knowing his personality and cold demeanor, I never expected him to basically allude to it.
I saw Vic staring back at me waiting for my response when I realized I had completely zoned out, suddenly feeling my newfound confidence completely disappear at the sight of Vic's big brown eyes.
"Uh.. well Alex and I are just friends anyways." I answered.
Vic cocked his head and spoke, "But you two kissed."
I rubbed the back of my neck while taking another sip of my water.
"Yes that's true... but there wasn't a spark. I didn't feel anything when he kissed me and vice versa." I said.
Vic bit his lip as I watched his eyes light up. He suddenly set his beer bottle down on a nearby table and grabbed my hand.
"Would you like to dance with me?" Vic asked bluntly.
"I-I'd love.. Sure." I stuttered as Vic walked with his hand in mine, towards the center of the dance floor.
Everyone was crowded in the center of the main deck, dancing and grinding drunkenly up on one another as the music blared, my eardrums ringing. I had never danced with another person before, I didn't go to my high school prom so I had no clue what to do.
"I honestly don't know how to dance though." I admitted to Vic, shouting over the loud music.
"No one really knows how to dance, just feel the spirit of the music." Vic answered with a smile as he started to do an Irish jig, causing me to crack up laughing.
"Oh then if that is all there is to it..." I giggled and started doing a terrible impression of a crunk style of dance.
Vic burst out laughing at my extreme awkwardness when he suddenly grabbed my hand and twirled me around him before pulling me towards him so our chests were barely touching.
I suddenly felt very self-conscious and started looking at everyone around us. How could Vic seem so comfortable dancing with me, another guy, in front of his friends? I wasn't used to people being so comfortable and accepting of me.
Everyone seemed really, really drunk as they danced with their friends. No one even noticed that Vic and I started dancing together.
Vic took my hands gently and moved them up so my arms were clasped loosely around his neck. He slowly snaked his own arms around my waist before letting his hand grip my waist gently but securely.
"Is this ok?" Vic asked.
Feeling completely breathless I nodded in response, "Y-yes."
Vic swayed his hips back and forth in sync with mine as he glided us around the dance floor. Even though the music playing was loud, and angsty blink-182, Vic was treating this dance as if it were Mozart.
He twirled me outward, outstretching his arm completely. Even though I felt like I had two left feet, I reminded myself of what Vic said and tried to let go of my fear of how silly I looked. Instead, I just let my body react to the music.
"You're good at this." I smiled at Vic.
Vic shrugged, "My mom insisted on teaching me how to waltz in preparation for prom."
"I didn't go to prom." I replied.
Vic suddenly pulled me back, I spun inwards until I came to a stop by crashing into him. Our chests were touching and I was breathing heavily.
"I didn't go to prom either." Vic spoke before resting his hand on my lower back, quickly dipping me before pulling me back up in one, swift movement.
I caught my breath and looked up at Vic, meeting his eyes. Being this close to him I noticed the delicate curve of his nose and how insanely soft his caramel skin looked. His normal, emotionless, eyes were now glowing with what appeared to be pure joy.
Vic was becoming insanely hard to figure out. I never would've guessed that the cold, harsh guy I met just a week ago would end up asking me to dance.
In that moment I was both lovesick and terrified. I was skeptical, but ready to jump out of a plane if Vic asked me to. I found myself wanting to be anywhere and everywhere he was, but downright afraid of where we'd end up.
All I knew right now, was that I wanted to get to know every part of Vic Fuentes.
I cleared my throat to speak, "That's really surprising, actually. I guess your mom's lessons are being put to good use now."
"Why is that surprising to you that I didn't go to my prom?" Vic asked, raising his eyebrow.
"Because..." I said, Vic continuing to spin us around the dance floor.
"Because what?" Vic urged.
"I don't know. Because you were clearly one of the popular guys in high school. I can just tell by the way your friends and all the girls treat you. So I'd assume you'd be Prom King or something." I answered with a slight tease in my voice.
Vic chuckled a bit before answering.
"You're right about all of those things actually, as much as I hate admitting it." He spoke.
"Ha! I knew it! Wait, so how did you become Prom King if you didn't even go? And why didn't you go?" I questioned.
"Whoa there! I didn't realize we were playing 20 questions." Vic smirked.
"Hey I never said you couldn't ask me questions." I replied, slightly tripping on my feet as I regained balance by gripping onto Vic's shoulder.
"I was still on the ballot, so the majority of the school voted for me. I got the crown and trophy the next Monday in homeroom. And I didn't go because I thought it was lame. I got tired of being the "popular guy" and didn't want to partake in all that stereotypical, senior year garbage." Vic answered, rolling his eyes.
"Fair enough." I nodded my head.
"So why didn't you go to your prom?" Vic asked.
"Because I was the only out gay guy in my entire school. Nobody asked me. Well, my best friend Justin said we could go together just for fun, but I didn't want to subject him to all the bullying that I was used to." I answered quietly.
The moment I graduated I told myself I wouldn't hang on to the past. That I would try my best to forget the cruel things those people said and did to me. But talking about high school and prom and Justin suddenly brought back all of those awful, awful memories.
I stopped dancing and felt myself tense up. A little water welled in the bottom of my eyelids and I tipped my head back slightly, urging myself to not cry. Not here. Not with Vic. I quickly forced a smile and spun myself around Vic to try and distract him from my random little, almost outburst.
"Wow I wish I went to your high school so I could kick the shit out of anyone that bullied you. That's fucked up and I'm sorry you had to go through that, Kellin." Vic said, slight anger rose in his tone.
"Hey, it's whatever. It's over, and I won't have to deal with those people again. Plus, I'm so much stronger now and I won't put up with anyone's crap." I said, shaking it off.
"Yeah but you never should've had to deal with those people in the first place." Vic muttered and looked down at the ground, his hands starting to tremble a bit before he quickly shook it off and repositioned them on my hips.
I looked at him cautiously and debated if I should ask him if he was alright. I didn't want him to get worked up over something that happened a while ago.
"Seriously Vic, don't worry about it. I actually got a few punches in at the end of my senior year." I admitted with a slight smile.
"Yeah? Kellin Quinn coming in hot with the right hook!" Vic's face lit up as he spoke and laughed at my sudden admittance of bad-assery.
"Oh I came in hot alright. I'm not a fighter but this guy, Craig, who was the ringleader of the douchebags who bullied me, he called me a faggot. Now, he called me a faggot pretty much every day, but this time he did it by screaming it as the Principal called my name as I walked across the stage during our Graduation." I spoke.
"What a fucking dick! God, I would've ripped his head off." Vic snapped.
"Oh trust me I tried. So anyways, when I heard Craig shout that at me I took off running. I jumped down from the stage and tackled him in his seat. I got a few punches in and so did he, before the faculty pulled us off of each other." I finished, laughing at the memory.
"Damn! That's awesome Kells! Did you at least get your diploma?" Vic asked.
I felt my heart swell a little at that nickname. Kells. No one had ever called me that before but I liked the way it sounded coming from Vic's lips.
"They mailed it to me." I shrugged.
"That's incredible! Good for you for sticking it to those fuckbags." Vic grinned.
I suddenly noticed that the music started to get quiet. I cleared my throat and looked around at our surroundings. Vic and I were the only ones left on the dance floor. How long had we been the only ones? I completely lost track of time.
There were a bunch of passed out boys and girls draped over one another on various lounge chairs and couches. Doors were left open to some of the bedrooms, even more people were fast asleep, crowded on top of the beds.
Both of our heads shot in the direction of the sound of crushing beer cans. We saw Tony stumbling over to us and I immediately took a step back from Vic, suddenly self conscious of how close we had been standing.
"Hey Tone, you alright?" Vic chuckled and put his arm around a very drunk and giggly Tony. Drunk Tony was much more outgoing than regular, quiet Tony.
"Y-yes I'm grrrr-great! S-sarah said I w-was cc-cute." Tony slurred.
"Oh wow Tony you've liked her forever, that's awesome." Vic said as he helped Tony stand.
"A-and I like turtles." Tony mumbled.
"I know you do, Tone. Hey let me help you get over to the couch, how does that sound?" Vic smiled at me before slowly walking Tony over to one of the vacant couches. He left a water bottle on the ground and put a blanket over his already sleeping friend.
"I should probably try to find somewhere to sleep as well." I sighed and looked out hopelessly at the packed main deck.
"Follow me." Vic gestured towards the steps leading upstairs.
I followed behind Vic up the spiral staircase onto the top deck. There was a long hallway with pictures of Jaime and his family hung up all over the walls. I smiled at one in particular as we passed, it depicted all of the guys in Halloween costumes when they were young. Vic was so short and it looked like he hadn't grown into his ears yet, they were big and pushed forward a bit from under the hat on his head.
"Oh my god Vic, that's you! You look so freaking cute! I can't believe how adorable you were! I just want to pinch your cheeks." I exclaimed.
I watched Vic roll his eyes before speaking, "Were? What am I now? A toad?"
"Uhh no. You're definitely not a toad." I answered shortly, feeling my face heat up.
"Then what am I?" Vic asked, grinning wide.
"Ugh! See now you're going to think "Oh Kellin is gay so he MUST have a crush on me." I huffed in annoyance.
"Hey hey hey, Kellin, I'm just teasing you. Guys can admit when another guy is attractive. It's not a big deal. I don't think that just because you're gay, that automatically means you're into me." Vic responded quickly.
"You promise?" I peeked out at him from behind a chunk of my dark brown hair that had fallen in front of my face.
"Pinky promise!" Vic answered, raising his pinky up in solidarity.
"Fine. Then I think... I think you're extremely handsome. What do you think I am?" I said boldly. Two can play at this game.
Vic smiled at me but this smile was different than his usual wide, confident ones. This was a small, shy smile.
"Eh, I'm alright." Vic quickly shook off the compliment and ignored the second part of my question.
"Come on, this room will be empty." Vic continued before I had a chance to respond, opening the last door on the left.
I followed him into the small room and noticed two twin beds pushed up against each wall. The beds were wide, and the room was so tiny that only one person at a time could fit standing between both beds. The walls were littered with old, faded band posters and there were baseball cards spilling out of a shoebox at the foot of one of the beds.
"How did you know there were bedrooms up here?" I asked, watching Vic collapse onto one of the beds.
"Jaime and I have been friends forever. There is another room across the hall identical to this one. This was where Jamie, Mike, Tony, and I would stay whenever our parents would get together for boat parties. It kind of became our secret clubhouse when we were growing up. The top deck is always off limits now to party goers." Vic answered.
I nodded and walked over to the vacant bed and sat back on it, running my hand over the duvet covered in Marvel action heroes.
"Yeah that was Jaime's so don't be surprised if you find some old Playboy's shoved between the bed and the wall." Vic laughed.
"Gross." I giggled and laid back on the pillow, I almost thought I heard Vic say "yeah" in response.
As soon as my head hit the pillow, I suddenly came to the realization that I was absolutely exhausted. I let out a big yawn and started to tuck my legs underneath the covers when a glob of fabric landed in my lap.
"Here, you can borrow these pajamas. Just don't get any saliva on them." Vic smirked and flopped back down on his bed.
I playfully rolled my eyes remembering when I had accidentally drooled on Vic when he slept over at my Dad's house.
"Ha ha ha very funny." I replied before slipping into the bathroom on the right side of the bedroom to get changed.
When I emerged, Vic was propped up against the pillow reading a faded comic book. He looked up immediately when I entered the room and smiled.
"Night, Kellin." Vic chirped as he flicked off the lamp on the table that was situated between both of the beds.
"Goodnight, Vic." I said, tucking myself under the covers and closing my eyes.
I heard Vic tossing and turning in his bed, and after a few minutes of silence, he started speaking.
"Hey Kellin? Are you awake?" Vic whispered.
I smiled to myself, keeping my back to him.
"Yes." I answered.
"To answer your question... I think... I think that you're the most beautiful and breathtaking person I have ever met in my entire life." Vic mumbled so quietly.
"I..." I started to respond but knew I had no idea what to even say.
I didn't have to worry about responding because when I rolled over, Vic was facing the wall and snoring lightly.
I stared at Vic's back as it rose and fell slowly, feeling my eyelids starting to get heavy as I quickly drifted to sleep.
Sometime in the middle of the night I woke up to the sound of Vic rustling around in his bed, before getting up to go to the bathroom.
I must've fell back to sleep because I awoke some time later to Vic gently nudging me.
I rolled over and rubbed my eyes, as well as the unattractive drool that was no doubt on my mouth.
"Mmm Vic? What?" I grumbled, sitting up slightly.
"Could I sleep next to you?" Vic spoke.
I noticed that his hands were plastered against his thighs, shaking slightly before he reached up to tuck a long strand of his hair behind his ear.
"Yeah. Sure, of course." I heard myself say as I scooted back to give Vic some room.
He grabbed another pillow from the floor and climbed into my bed, laying his head down and facing me.
I felt myself reach my arm out. I have no idea why, but I did. I moved my arm over his torso at a snail's pace, afraid of how he might react. I gently placed my arm over his waist and buried my head into the pillow. I noticed that Vic let out a slow breath when my arm hugged his waist. I also noticed that his hands stopped shaking.
We both didn't speak another word as we fell into a deep, peaceful, sleep.
____________Author's Note__________________
*squeals* What are our thoughts on this one?! There are way too many adorable freaking things that happen! Reminder to please VOTE if you're enjoying!
Vic and Kellin dancing
Vic admitting he was jealous of Alex
Vic climbing into Kellin's BED?! CUTENESS OVERLOAD.
Also did anyone else see Kellin's IG story from today where he posted his running map thing but in the corner was a photo of himself wearing a baseball hat facing FORWARD and a HOODIE?! Who gives him the right honestly?
Anyways friends I hope you're having a good day!
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