26: The Start Of The End
Haruka's POV:
"Let's go meet up with the others!" I said. "It is getting late..." Ayane said. "Well, come on then!" Estelle said.
An hour later...
"There they are!" I said sneaking over to them. "FOUND YOU!!" I yelled, scaring the shit out of Dante and Keith. "Don't sneak up on us like that!" They both said. "HAHAHA! You should've seen you're faces!" Kurosaki yelled. "..." They glared at us. Ayane and Estelle walked over. "Alright! To the hotel we-" *BOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!*
"What was that?" Estelle asked. *BOOOOOMMMM....!* "There it is again!" Ayane yelled. "What's going on...?" I said.
Dante's POV:
"What the..." I said as I saw buildings crumble. "Holy shit that's a big ship!" Kurosaki said. He pointed to a giant aircraft. "HAHAHAHA!!" We heard laughing from a loud speaker. It was a female's voice. "SAY GOODBYE TO FREEDOM AZARYA!" She yelled. "Haruka watch out!" I grabbed her. "You need to pay attention, that building almost fell on you." I said, she nodded. "BURN BABY BURN!!" I heard a familiar voice, it was Taki. The aircraft landed. Five people walked out of it. Two girls that looked very similar walked out, a girl with a gothic get-up, Taki, and Angel. "Hm! We did good!" Taki said. "Yes, we did." The goth girl said. We ran right in front of them. "Oh my! Three chicks that are most likely insane!" Kurosaki said. "Shut up, dog." The goth girl said. "Correction, Wolf. And I suggest you talk normal, and not like a bitchy fuckface." He said. "Very well then. Scatter!" She said. Everyone dissapeared. "ALRIGHT GUYS! WE SPLIT UP AND FIND THEM, AND GIVE THEM AN ASS KICKING!" I yelled. "RIGHT!" Everyone responded. "I'll go with Ayane, and kids, I'm trusting you to hold your own, and... Don't repeat anything I said." Kurosaki said. "Right!" They nodded, as the two pairs took off. "So that means we split up?" Haruka asked me. "Yes. Here, this may come in handy." I handed her the Crystal. "Just keep it near you, it will increase your power." I said. "Alright, but!" She said as I turned towards her. She hugged me. "Promise me... That you won't die. Okay?" She said. "Alright." I replied as she let go. We both took off in separate directions.
Hey guys! In case you're wondering, yes. This book will be complete after a few more chapters. I know it's so sad!!!! XC
Question time!:
What do you think will happen?
My answer: shhhh.... Secrets! ;3
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