Author's Notes
Hello, reader! Just a few quick things before you start your journey against the titular villain:
**Different languages are presented in the story to portray a character's background. Irish (Iril), Spanish (Span), Chinese (Xin), English (Engla), German (Germ), French (Fran)
Latin will be used when it comes to certain magic spells.
Fulgur: lightning
Ignis: fire
Reflectere: reflect
Any additional words to these three basic terms will be described in their actions.
Pronunciation/grammar in how a character talks will also reflect in their words.
**Story is written in 3rd person omniscient narrative where you gain insight into any character's thoughts on settings, topics, etc
William Bennett as the blind, but magical bard. He has no horns, but he has quite the devil tongue. Credit to
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