Chapter 9
Oh my god I updated twice in one day that's new
"..rra! Korra can you hear me?" A voice flooded into my ears. I groaned and sat up.
"Korra are you okay? What happened?" Shiro asked. Keith, who was the one that woke me up, put his hand on back to support me.
"I don't know." Coran said. The dust cleared, revealing the damaged crystal. Keith helped me stand up, when I saw Lance lying on the ground.
"Lance!" I yelled and stumbled over to him.
"Lance! Lance!" I sat him up, making him groan.
"We have to get Lance to the infirmary!" Pidge said.
"Without the crystal the castle has no power." Allura said.
"He doesn't look good." Shiro said, making me look at him nervously.
"Lion warriors! Our village is under attack." The king said.
"Let's get to the lions!" Keith said.
"You can't. They're sealed in the hangers. There's no way to get them out."
"Besides, I can't leave Lance." I said, holding Lance closer.
"You will not help?" The king asked.
"We'll help you. We just." Keith was cut off by Lance groaning.
"This is bad."
"We have to get a new crystal to the castle working again. But to get a new crystal we need a ship." Coran said.
"The pod I was loading. We can use that! I left the bay door open." Pidge said.
"I can use the scanner on the pod to see if there's a Balmera near by. Hunk, you come with me, I need someone big to help carry the crystal." Coran said.
"A Balmera?"
"Where the crystals come from. I'll tell you about it on the way." They ran off.
"I'll go see what's happening at the village." Keith said.
"I'll go with you Keith. I brought this too them." Allura said.
"I'll stay here with Korra and Lance, and watch over the castle." Shiro said, and Keith and Allura ran off.
"So you think he'll be okay?" I asked.
"Lance is strong. He'll be fine." Shiro assured.
Shiro picked up Lance and we began walking through the castle.
"Hang in there Lance. Help is on the way." I said. Shiro suddenly stopped, almost making me run into him. I looked over to see Galra standing at the castle entrance. They began walking in.
"Sendak!" Shiro said. He put Lance down and turned to me with a serious look.
"Watch him. Don't go anywhere, I'll handle him." Then he ran over to Sendak. I couldn't hear what they where saying, but they began fighting. I couldn't really see, but the next thing I know Shiro is one the ground next to me.
"Shiro?" I yelled as Sendak came in. They began fighting again. I got up to help but was grabbed from behind. I struggled to get out of the hold.
"If you keep resisting, I'll kill your friend." I look to see that he grabbed Lance. I immediately stilled.
"Walk." I walked forward, towards Shiro and Sendak.
"Let him go or your friends won't make it." Haxus dropped me and Lance on the floor. I groaned, being dropped and just getting out of an explosion, not a good combination. Sendak punched Shiro,sending him flying till he was next to me.
"Shiro?" I said, when I realized he was knocked out.
"Voltron is ours." Sendak said. Some Galra robots came and began dragging us towards the control room. I was thrown on the floor again as they began messing with the crystal.
"Power up the castle!" Sendak said. The lights came on, but instead of the normal blue lights, they were purple, Galra purple.
"The lions are all in their bays. Raising partical barrier. Begin launch sequence." Sendak commended.
"Make contact with emperor Zarkon." A hologram was brought up, and Zarkon was shown. I admit he is creepy looking. I glanced at Shiro and Lance as Sendak and Zarkon began talking. I pulled at the restrains they had me in. No luck.
"I'm preparing for launch. They will be delivered to you shortly." I gasped. He's going to take the lions to Zarkon!
"Haxus, ready the castle for take off." Sendak said, when he was done talking to Zarkon.
"Yes commander."
"Come on guys, wake up." I said.
"Can we break through the barrier?" Keith asked Allura. Currently they are trapped outside the castle. Keith tried using his bayard.
"No and whoever has taken the castle has a crystal. Which means they'll be able to fly the ship. We have to stop them." Allura said.
"How are we going to do that?"
"Keith? Can you hear me?" Pidge's voice came through the com.
"Pidge, is that you? Where are you?" Keith asked.
"I'm inside the castle. Sendak has taken over and is preparing for launch. He's got Lance, Shiro, and Korra." Keith froze. They have Korra. Rage suddenly took over him. If they touch her so help me.
"Pidge listen." Allura brought Keith out of his thoughts. "If they've started the launch sequence then we don't have much time to stop them before liftoff."
"What do I have to do?"
"You have to get down to the main engine control panel and disconnect the the primary turbine from the central energy chamber. If you can do that Sendak will have to reset the whole system. That might give us enough time to figure out how to stop him." Allura explained.
Pidge ran off.
"Powering up for launch." Said Haxus. I tugged at the restrains again. Man I gotta do something! One of the robots hit me in the back, sending me to the ground.
"Stop struggling." I scoffed. The castle began shaking. It's taking off! Then it suddenly stopped.
"The main engine shut off." Haxus said. Sendak went over and pulled up a screen showing the engine room.
"Pidge!" I said.
"We have a saboteur. Find him and take him out." Sendak ordered.
Ah I really hate to end it there but that's where the episode ends but hope you liked it!
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