Chapter 8
Okay first there's over 2k reads and over 100 votes on this story?? Like?? You guys like my sucky writing?? Thank you!!
"The monster fell from the sky! It was an epic battle, but Voltron was victorious!" The Arusian king said as other Arusians acted out the battle.
"I said Voltron was victorious." He scolded.
"Thank you, your majesty for that wonderful production. It saddens me that we must leave tomorrow, but we must continue our battle with Zarkon and spread peace throughout the universe. Please accept this gift. Use it when ever you need help. Arus will be the first planet of the Voltron Alliance." Allura said, giving the king a small device.
"Hoorah!" The king yelled, making the Arusians cheer.
"We need something like that." Hunk said as he approached where me, Lance and Keith were standing.
"Like what?" Lance asked.
"A cheer. You know a team cheer."
"Hmm yeah. How about I say "Vol" you say "Tron" Vol!" Lance said.
"Uh.. Voltron?" Keith asked sounding confused. I giggled.
"No no no the cheer includes the instructions. I say "Vol" you say "Tron" Vol..."
"Voltron?" Keith said, cutely I might add. I giggled again.
"We'll work on it." Lance said making Keith shrug. Lance took a drink from his cup and made a shocked and disgusted sound. He cringed and went over to Coran who was drinking it like it was water.
"Coran what is this?" Lance asked.
"Oh this is Nunvil, nectar of the gods." Coran answered.
"It tastes like hot dog water and feet."
"How would he know what that tastes like?" Hunk asked as Coran said something about hair tonic.
"Oh do I have a story for you." I said, chuckling at the memory.
We looked at Lance from different angles, he looked like he was going to barf. Keith poked his shoulder and Lance fell flat on the ground with no reaction. I put my hands on my head and made a distressed sound.
"Look at them, the new paladins of Voltron." Allura said, as she looked down at the Paladins. Keith, from where he was still standing with Korra and Hunk, took a cup from an Arusian.
"The fate of the universe rests on their shoulders." Keith took a drink, ignoring Korra as she tried telling him not to. Keith spit out the drink, onto Hunk.
"My eyes!" Hunk yelled as he turned around with food on his eyes, making everyone laugh, even Keith.
"I must portray strength, so no one can tell how concerned I am about the mission." Allura said, while looking oddly at the Paladins. The mouse on her shoulder squeaked making her look at it.
"Let's keep that a secret. Who else has secrets?" The mouse jumped off and went to the other mice.
"Hunk tried to eat what? Ha ha that is amusing. What else?"
"That seems like Lance." She said as the mice acted like Lance. Two of the mice stood next to each other and acted like they were in love.
"Yes, it's very obvious that Korra and Keith like each other. I mean, look at them!" Allura said, as she looked down at said paladins, who where chatting and laughing.
"Anything else?" The mice made a girly face.
"Pidge is a what?!"
"Guess we should get used to this space juice. Who knows when we'll be back home again." Lance said, now not barfing up the Nunvil.
"Yeah if ever." Hunk said.
"What do you mean?" I asked, going to drink from my cup, but deciding against it.
"I mean if this Zarkon guy has been ruling for 10,000 years, how long do you think it will take is to fix it. You know if we live." Hunk said, taking a bowl from the floating dish.
"Right that."
"What do you think the chances are of landing on a nacho planet?" Hunk asked.
"Well there's only one planet with Veradera beach, pizza shack looking over the water, and the garlic knots, and mom's hugs..." Lance sniffles, sending a pang in my heart.
"I'm sorry. I think this Nunvil is getting to me I gotta go." Lance says and walked off.
"I got this." I told Hunk and followed Lance.
"Lance?" I asked, when I found him in the control room.
"Oh, hey Korra." He said.
"How you feeling?" I asked, sitting down next to him.
"How do you think." He answered sadly.
"Right." Silence.
"You wanna know what I miss about home?" I turned to him.
"What?" He asked.
"The little get-togethers our families would have. You know, the ones ones where we would be in your big back yard, our dads barbecuing together, our moms telling each other the latest gossip, my sister playing with your siblings." I said.
"Yeah, those were good times." Lance said.
"But you wanna know my favorite part?"
"When it was you and me, sitting in the tree house that was older than us, enjoying the moment."
"Do you think they miss us?" Lance said suddenly.
"Of course they do. Lance, they're probably worried sick. But what they don't know is that their crazy duo, Lance and Korra, are out saving the universe." I said dramatically making him laugh.
"Mind if I join you?" We turned to see Coran walking over.
"How far way from Earth do you think we are Coran?" Lance asked.
"Let's take a look." Coran pulled up the map of plants.
"Earth is over here." He said pointing.
"We're all...the way...over..." He said dragging on the words as he moved, and moved, and moved the map.
"Do you ever notice how far way the planets are from each other?" Lance said.
"Yes. Haven't you been paying attention?"
"Yeah but I mean, like really, really far away." Lance said, standing up and walking to the map, me following.
"Say earth? It's so far, I can't even see it. The blue oceans, the white clouds, the green grass. I can't see any of it." Lance said sadly, I put an hand on his shoulder.
"You miss earth, I understand. I miss Altea. "
"I know we're suppose to be brave paladins and defenders of the universe or what ever. Honestly, I just want to go home." Lance said. Oh he looks so sad I just want to squeeze him.
"If I could go home I would." Coran said.
"I miss rain and splashing in puddles." I said, making Lance nod.
"Yeah, it's water that falls from the sky." Lance explained.
"Oh we had that too. Only not water just sharp rocks,and boiling hot. Oh they could knock a hole right on your head."
"Sounds fun."
We started leaving the room, when Rover came in the room.
"Hi Rover." I said.
"Hey Rover." Lance said from behind me.
"Wait where's Pidge?"
"What?" I asked turning to Lance. When he suddenly gasped.
"Look out!" He yelled before pushing us to the ground, and explosion right after. I was sent flying and landed on the ground, hard, then it went black.
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