Chapter 50
After a while,Krolia suggests we stop at a Blades base. We approach the base and land outside the door. We exit our lions and head to the door,which is forced open by Allura. We head inside,the place looks abandoned. We head to the center of the room where a control panel is.
"It doesn't look like anyone's been here for years." Keith says,confirming everyone's thoughts. We reach the panel,Pidge taps it,but nothing happens.
"The system won't boot. Looks like the backup power has been out for a while." Pidge observes. I look over Keith's shoulder.
"If the Blade of Marmora abandoned this place,that means something really bad must have happened." Hunk says.
"That's impossible. This base was still fully operational during my last check in with the Blades." Krolia says,sounding confused. A loud thud makes the base shake.
"Enemy ship! Incoming!" Coran exclaims from the Green Lion.
"Everybody,back to the Lions." Keith orders. We rush back to our Lions. We fly out and see Galra fighters fly past.
"It looks like small fleet. Mostly Galra fighters." Keith observes.
"That's good. We should be able to take them out easily." Lance says. Everyone swerves to avoid being hit.
"Yeah,but remember, we're not flying a full power." Pidge says.
"Not to mention,when there's fighters,there's a cruiser." I grunt as I get hit.
"Pidge and Korra are right. Keep a sharp eye out." I flip and roll to avoid getting hit anymore. A flash of light makes me look to my right to see the wolf sitting next to my seat.
"Dude,how'd you do that?" I question it. The momentary distraction caused me to get hit again,causing the Lion to shake. "Alright,you can hang here,but it's going to be a bumpy ride." I pause again and glance at the wolf. "You're not going to eat Fluffy,are you?" The wolf gives me a deadpan look,I shrug and turn my attention back to flying.
"We need to get out of here." Keith grunts out. I fly past him,two fighters hot on my tail.
"Guys,they got me. I can't move." I turn my Lion to see Hunk being pulled by three eerily similar ships.
"Are those Lotor's ships?" I ask,mainly to the animals in my Lion.
"Hang on,Hunk. I got you." I hear Keith say. I see him cut the lines with his jaw blade.
"We're getting our quiznacks handed to us. We need to do something. We need to form Voltron." Lance says.
"Okay,everyone,in formation." At Keith's orders,we get into formation,waiting for that familiar pull. Nothing happens.
"It's not working."
"Hold." We keep going,alarms start to go off.
"The Lions can't take much more of this." Allura yells.
"Abort!" We scatter,I fly next to Allura.
"What the heck just happened?" Lance asks
"I don't think the Lions have enough power to form Voltron." I explain.
"So now what?" Hunk questions.
"We run." Keith says. Allura and I fly forward. A sudden explosion makes our Lions fly back.
"Is everyone okay?" Lance asks.
"I'm okay."
"Me too."
"I'm fine."
"What did we hit?"
"Xanthorium crystals. They've been cloaked." Coran explains.
"Aw,those things again?" I complain. I narrowly avoid being hit,only to be pushed back by an exploding crystal. Three ships put their lasers together for form one big laser,just missing Pidge and Lance.
"Whoa! Where did that come from?" Pidge asks. Another ship shoots a multi shot,missing Hunk,but making the crystals in front of him explode.
"I've never seen the Galra use weapons like this before." Hunk states.
"And they're not using standard Glara battle formations." Allura adds.
"How are we going to get away?" Hunk asks. Another crystal goes off at my side. Fluffy cowers in my shoulder.
"Sorry little guy." I apologize while swerving from the lasers.
"They're trying to trap us by chasing us through this tunnel of crystals." Keith says.
"He's right,look." Outlines of the cloaked crystals appear on my screen "There's more crystals ahead." Pidge says. I observe the cyclone that is also in front of us.
"They're corralling us like we're space cattle." Hunk exclaims.
"They backed us into a corner." I say.
"We got xanthorium crystals all around us,pirates behind us,and a cyclone blocking our exit." Lance adds.
"I really love our odds." I say dryly.
"We have no choice. Everyone into the cyclone." Keith orders. "Hunk,that mean you and I are gonna have to punch a hole through the storm and create a path for the team. You ready?"
"As I'll ever be." Hunk replies dully. We line up behind the two and enter the cyclone. The heavy winds push against our Lions,I grunt against the shaking of my Lion. Fluffy presses harder against my shoulder,even the wolf was pressing against my chair.
"Guys,we can't take much more of this." I yell out.
"Everyone scan the area for anything we could use as cover. We need to go somewhere where we have the advantage." Keith orders. As soon as he said that,Pidge already started speaking.
"There's a volcanic ice planet nearby. It has geysers,steam vents,ice tunnels,extreme changes in temperature and an unstable core. It's super dangerous. It's perfect."
"Okay team,let's do this." We turn our Lions and exit the storm,heading straight for the ice planet. We break through the atmosphere,the fighters following right behind us. We fly through a ice valley,moving to avoid being hit.
"Alright everybody,stay in formation and follow me." Keith tells us. Ahead,geysers suddenly gush.
"Geyser. Geyser!" Hunk yells.
"Then avoid them!" I yell back and dive under one. We fly past the geysers and I end up next to Lance. Lasers fly past us.
"Ha! You missed." Lance taunts.
"Don't get cocky." I warn as the lasers hit an arch of ice,making ice chunks fall,making us maneuver to avoid them.
"A cave. That gives me an idea." Keith speaks up. I see the cave slightly ahead of us. "Lance,bring up the rear. When everyone's through the tunnel fire above the cave opening. Red should be fast enough to get in before the avalanche completely blocks the way."
"Roger that,team leader."
"We'll see each other on the other side."
"Be careful,Lance." I call as he falls back. We fly forward and enter the cave. I could hear the rumble of ice falling as Lance shot the opening. A moment later,he catches up to us,flying next to me. I let out a quiet sigh of relief.
"Uh-oh! Some of them still made it through." Lance calls out. I see several fighters behind us.
"Split up. We need to thin our attackers." Keith tells us. I follow him and Pidge and Lance down a tunnel,the Lance and I head down another one. Lance and I try to avoid the ships behind us,but the tunnel is so small that we keep running into the wall or each other.
"Is everyone okay?" Keith asks after a moment.
"Me too,thanks to Romelle."
"Well,Korra and I need help." Lance exclaims.
"Yeah,we can't shake these guys and we don't have any room to maneuver." I say.
"I see your location. We're headed your way." Keith tells us. Lance and I continue to fly around.
"What should we do? You sometimes have ideas." Lance asks me.
"Because I'm following Pidge! I'm not as smart as I seem. Besides,I don't have enough power for my cannon." I exclaim. My Lion shakes as it gets hit. I look at the two animals in my Lion with me. "Let me know if you guys have any ideas." In a flash,the wolf disappears,making my eyes widen. The ships chasing after us suddenly crash.
"What just happened?" Lance asks.
"I think the wolf just saved us." I say with a big smile. The wolf flashes back beside me,I rub his head. He whimpers and lays down,that's when I notice the injury's on him. "Oh no,you okay wolfie?" The wolf just whimpers in response. "I promise I'll patch you up when we get out of here." I tell him and go back to focusing on flying. Fluffy flies of my shoulder and rubs against the wolf,in an attempt to comfort him.
We finally see an opening and we fly out with the other following. My relief is short lived as a beam forces our Lions and the ground. No matter how hard I try,I can't get Pink up. I squint up at the bright light of the beam to see it's coming from a cruiser.
Korra and Wolf supremacy
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