Chapter 47
Voltron and the Sincline stare at each other in a standoff. I tense as Lotor throws a laser.
"Shield!" Keith yells. We throw it up,the force pushing us back.
"Hunk,form canon." Keith grunts out.
"You got it!" The shoulder canon forms,we shoot at Lotor. He swiftly and easily dodges,the only thing we hit is the rocks he flies past.
"He's too fast." I point out.
"Then we'll have to get in close. Form sword!" We form the sword,the Sincline forms two large swords and flies at us. We block the hit with our sword,power erupts from the meeting swords. Lotor swings with his other sword,we block it and multiple other hits,he then kicks us to the side. He zooms to us,we barely move out of the way fast enough,he splits a rock that was behind us. The next few minutes are us dodging and attacking,we don't land many hits on Lotor,he's the one doing most of the hitting. Lotor spins and sends us flying with a tail swipe.
"We can't touch him. He's to fast." Pidge says.
"We need to stop him from moving so much. Back him into a corner or something." Hunk states.
"Hunk is right. We have to eliminate his speed advantage. Limit his movement." We look around. "There!" Keith points out a curved in rock. "Now we lure him in close." Keith says as we fly to the rock,Lotor hot on our tail. We land in the curve. Lotor shoots at us,we put up the shield to block. Eventually he flies back,the charges at us.
"Wait for him. Let him build up speed." Keith orders. Lotor gets closer,he holds his sword forward. "Now!" At Keith's words we fly out of the crater,Lotor crashing into the spot. With him trapped,we fire both lasers at him,forcing him into the rock. We split the rock in half,Lotor is no longer there.
"Where'd he go?" I ask. We turn and see him flying away.
"He's behind us." Pidge answers.
"Hunk,hit him with the shoulder canon."
"On it."
"Fire!" We shoot the canon,in a flash Lotor disappears.
"Did we get him?" Lance questions.
"I don't know." Hunk says.
"I think we got him."
"It looked like he disappeared." Pidge points out,confirming my thoughts.
"Yeah! We got him."
"I'm not so sure." Allura says uncertainly. Suddenly,a flash of white light appears next to us,Lotor jumps out of it and sends us flying with a hard punch,we crash into a rock. I look at the Sincline,it's glowing purple.
"Is everyone okay?" Keith asks.
"How is he moving so fast?" I ask.
"We've gotta get up and attack." Keith orders. We stand Voltron and fly at Lotor. We go to hit him,but he flashes away again.
"Okay,so that time we defiantly did not get him." Lance says. Lotor appears next to us again and kicks us away. Just like that,he kept disappearing and reappearing,hitting and pushing us every time.
"How can he just disappear like that?" Hunk asks.
"He's entering the quintessence field at will." Allura answers.
"Didn't we blow up the gate?"
"How is he entering without it?" Pidge questions.
"Because I gave his ships the ability." Allura says solemnly. Lotor swipes us away with the tail of his ship,then shoots at us with his chest laser. We put up the shield,but the sheer power of the laser now with the added power of the quintessence,causes an explosion. My vision flashes black as I'm thrown against my chair. I steady myself and check to make sure Voltron is still working. Lotor flashes away.
"We have to go in after him. Getting power from the quintessence is the only way we can match his strength." Keith states.
"Can we do that?" Hunk asks.
"If he can do it,Voltron can. Right?" Pidge says.
"My father did it once before,but it's extremely dangerous." Allura spoke up.
"Do we have a choice?" Lance says.
"We need your help,Allura. We have to try." Keith tells her.
"I may be able to guide us in,but I need you all to focus your energy."
I take a deep breath,and close my eyes. Become one with your lion. Become one with the others. Become one with Voltron.
"Form sword." We get out the sword. With our eyes still closed,we fly forward,and jab the sword in the fabric of time and space. Bright white light makes me open my eyes. White light surrounds us,quintessence. Lotor is not far in front of us. I let out a breath at the feeling of quintessence flowing through Voltron.
Lotor charges at us,we meet him head on. We bounce off each other,hitting each other. We fly around. Lotor kicks us way.
"We just took a major shot,but I feel fine." Pidge says.
"The quintessence is keeping us at full power." I say,looking at my screen.
"It's more than that. Can you hear your lions talking to you? Voltron is capable of more than we ever imagined." Keith says. I can hear the voice of my lion in my head.
"Eye lasers,huh?" I mumble. I jam my controls forward,the lasers shoot out at Lotor,forcing him back. He charges at us.
"Attack!" At Keith's words,we charge forward with a yell. Just like before,we bounce of each other,taking hits and returning them,not at all feeling the effects.
"See if you can dodge this!" The head of the green lion flies off and circles Lotor.
"Come and get some!" The sword changes into a gapple whip and hits him.
"Let's end this!"
"Finish him!"
"Let's destroy that guy!"
"Go after him!" Rage and power fills me.
"We have to get out of here." Allura suddenly speaks up.
"What are you talking about?" Keith questions.
"This is exactly what happened to Zarkon. Exposure to all this quintessence turned him into a monster!" I blink rapidly. I've never felt like this before,I don't think I like it.
"Allura is right,were out of control." Lance says. I shake my head to try and get rid of the feeling.
"All of your systems are overloaded." I state.
"Here come's Lotor." I look up and see him zooming toward us. We fly out of the way,and continue to try and avoid him.
"How do we stop this?" Hunk asks.
"We give Lotor all the power he wants." Allura answers after a pause.
We stop Voltron and face Lotor. As he charges at us,we shoot a large and powerful chest laser. It forces him back,but he keeps charging forward. It slows him down and keeps pushing him back,he keeps towards us. Sparks makes me look at my console,the sheer power we're releasing is starting to overload our systems,but we keep going. Just as he was about to touch us,Lotor's robot falls back,crackling and sizzling.
"Let's grab Lotor and get out of here." Keith says.
"No,we can't. We have to get out of here."I say.
"We have to try." Allura shouts.
"Korra is right. We stay in here much longer,Voltron is done for." Hunk speak up. We grunt as Voltron is overloading.
"But can't just leave him."
"Allura,we've got to go now." Lance exclaims.
"Lotor made his choice. Let's get out of here." Allura hesitates,then agrees. We turn and leave the quintessence field. As we exit,we turn back to see multiple tears.
"If we'd stayed in the quintessence field, we would've kept fighting until we destroyed ourselves. Just like Lotor." Allura speaks up.
"What did you do in there?" Keith asks,referring to the massive chest laser.
"I transferred the excess power of Voltron. It's a technique I learned on Oriande. Thanks to Lotor." We pause at her words.
"Thank you,Allura. You saved us." Lance says.
"Not just us,the entire universe." Hunk points out. The castle flies up behind us.
"Oh,you're back!" Coran says.
"Lotor is no longer a threat." Keith announces.
"Right. I'm afraid we face a bigger threat now. Lotor's jumping in and out of the field created multiple growing rifts in the fabric of time and space." Coran states.
"What does that mean?" Lance asks.
"It means,unless we do something fast,the tears will continue to expand until all of existence as we know it is destroyed." Pidge explains.
"There has to be something we can do." Keith says as we stare at the rifts.
"Scanning the rift for any strand refabrication possibilities." Pidge says.
"I'm running models to see if there's any chance it can close on its own." Hunk says. We pause as they do that.
"Nope. Me neither."
"How long do we have?" Keith asks.
"Based on the way the rifts are expanding,about 15 doboshes." Coran answers.
"Allura,you have to find a way to close it. Voltron opened it up,maybe we can.. I don't know! There's got to be a way!" Lance says frantically.
"I'm sorry,but I just don't possess that level of alchemic knowledge."
"The only thing that could possibly pull that rift close would be a source of gravity more powerful than a supermassive black hole." Pidge explains.
"Any chance we can find one and tow it over here in 15 doboshes?" Lance asks.
"I highly doubt it." I say as I rub my hands down my face.
"Wait a tick. The teludav." Coran says suddenly.
"What about it?" Keith asks.
"To make wormhole jumps,the teludav creates a brief flash of infinite mass. There might be a way I could overload the teludav reactor to seal the rift. If one of the flashes go off in the rift,it could do the job."
"But that would mean sacrificing the Castle of Lions." Hunk says in a sad tone.
"What choice do we have? The castle will be wiped out with the rest of us." Pidge says.
"But still..."
"It's been our home." I say for Hunk,in an equally sad tone.
"Oh,I hate to say goodbye to my grandfathers creation,the last piece of real Altea."
"Coran,begin preparations. Everyone else,start unloading the castle. We need to evacuate immediately."
We separate into our lions and head back to the castle. I go to my room with some boxes. Fluffy,the pink creature I got from the trash nebula that Pidge and I crashed landed at while back,looked at me curiously. First thing I do is take down the pictures I've taken and pinned to the wall down,along with the string lights. I take the makeshift camera and metal lily(from the bonus chapters!) and place them in the box. I put what little things I had in the boxes,even the pillows and blanket,just in case. I pick up the boxes and leave the room,with Fluffy right behind me. I turn to give the room one last look,then leave. I enter my lion,after stopping to help Lance get his cow in his lion,and place the boxes down. I sit down,Fluffy coming over to sit on my shoulder. We fly out of the castle once everything was ready,and fly away as the castle creeps towards the growing rift. The massive explosion then goes off,shaking over lions. We turn around to see the rifts close.
"It worked. And look." Hunk says,and points out a small shining blue light. He takes off to it.
"What is it?"
"It's a diamond. The pressure crushed the Castle of Lions into the diamond." He says as he collects the diamond and flies back.
"Well,we've saved all realities. What do you guys want to do now?" Lance asks.
"We need to find a place to land and see if there's some way to help Shiro." Keith answers. We land on a rocky planet. We leave our lions as Keith places Shiro on the ground.
"This body is barely living,but Shiro's spirit is alive. It's inside the black lion. I've heard him talking to me." Keith explains,his eyes not leaving Shiro.
"He...tried to tell me,but I didn't realize." Lance,with tears in his eyes,collapses next to Shiro. "I'm so sorry Shiro. I didn't know, I could have..." I fall to my knees next him,and put my arm around him.
"He tried to tell both of us. We both didn't know." I tell him,tears falling from my eyes. Lance leans closer to me as we both cry silently.
A hand on my shoulder makes me turn to Allura,who softly smiles at us. She then stands and walks over to the black lion. She places her hands on it,the lion glowing purple. We watch in awe as she turns,her body now glowing. She walks back and places her hands on Shiro's head,the glow from her body transferring to Shiro. She removes her hands as the glow dims,Shiro's hair now completely white. We wait tensely,then his eyes snap open and he sits up with a cough. He groans and leans into Keith. Our lions stand and throws their heads back in loud roars. Everyone cheers,Lance and I look at each other then throw our arms around each other.
"You found me." Shiro says to Keith.
"We're glad your back Shiro." Keith tells him,as Lance and I separate.
"So,what are we going to do? The castle is destroyed." Hunk states.
"There's only one place that has the plans necessary to build a replacement of the Castle of Lions. Coran gave them to my dad." Pidge answers. Keith stands and looks at us.
"We're going home."
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