Chapter 45
Voltron flies around,twisting and turning to avoid the ships fire. I notice the pod that Shiro and Lotor is in fly not far from us. I let out a sigh. The three ships fly in front of us and converge their beams into a large laser. We put up the shield and force pushes us back and pins us to large rock.
"I'm headed you way." Coran says.
"Coran,no! The Castle of Lions barely survived the first time we fought one of these ships. You'll only--"Keith cuts himself off with a yell. We all grunt and pant with effort.
"Keith is right,Coran. The ship's defenses will never hold!" Allura explains.
"We can't take this much longer!" Pidge stresses.
"Do you guys have any ideas?" Lance asks. One pops in my head.
"Coran,fire just below our position." I yell.
"Destroy the rock we're pinned against. Now!" The familiar blue beam,fires below us,destroying the rock. We fall through and move out of the way.
"Lance,Pidge! I need you to get us some cover." Keith orders.
"On it!" They both shoot out lasers,breaking up the rocks around us a we fly forward. The ships behind us weave around them.
"Who's got eyes on Shiro?" Keith asks us. Suddenly,the ships wrap purple ropes around Voltron and flings us into a rock. The impact makes me fly forward,I groan as I sit back up. A familiar looking ring appears in front of us.
"Is that...?"
"A wormhole?" Lance questions.
"They're tying to escape." Keith says,the ships and Shiro's pod are flying towards the wormhole.
"Haggar. I has to be Haggar. She must have gained the ability. But how?" Allura inquires.
"We can't worry about that. We have to get Shiro back." Keith remarked.
"But Shiro's not Shiro any more." Hunk says in a worried tone.
"I know,but something is wrong with him. The Galra or Lotor have to be behind it. You all know he wouldn't give up on us. We can't give up on him." Keith said firmly. Filled with determination,we have Voltron stand,and fly to the wormhole. I notice we're not going as fast as usual.
"Guy's one of my thrusters is down can you compensate?" Keith asks.
"Those beams torched our power core. I've diverted power to your thrusters but they're fried,I can't do anything." I said through my gritted teeth.
"We've got maybe 30 seconds of over-clocked burn time." Hunk explains.
"Hit it!" We fly faster.
"We're half way through our burn." We're getting closer,but so are they.
"15%!" The ships go through the wormhole.
"We're not going to make it!" Lance yells.
"We're too heavy!" Pidge exclaims.
"What?" We shout at Keith's words.
"The energy created from disconnecting might create enough thrust to propel me through the wormhole."
"Keith,no." I say firmly.
"Do it!" Everyone does,which forces me to do so as well. The black lion flies forward and disappears through the wormhole.
"Keith? Keith!" I yell through the comms. I don't get a response. I slam my hands on the controls.
"I just got him back." I say,mainly to myself.
"Korra..." I hear Lance speak.
"Let's get back to the castle." I grumble and turn my lion to fly to the castle,the others follow me in silence.
"Okay,all the lions are in their hangars,and their power cores seem to be recharging." Pidge says as we gather in the main room. I pace in between the chairs,nervously biting the skin on my thumb.
"Structurally speaking,the lions are at about 60%. What ever those ships hit us with,really did some damage." Hunk explains.
"Any luck yet,Allura?" I ask.
"No,I'm afraid not. I fear that the wormhole may have deposited them beyond my abilities reach." I sigh in frustration and sit at my control panel. Lance walks over.
"It'll be okay,Korra. Keith's a tough guy." He comforts.
"Its just...I barely got to talk to him for an hour and he goes and flings himself on the other side of the universe." I sigh.Lance puts his hand on my shoulder in comfort.
"I'll try to contact some coalition forces to provide assistance." Coran says and runs to the computer,when the lights suddenly go off.
"Coran,what's happening?" Allura asks. Coran types on the computer.
"It appears the castle's systems are shutting down one by one. As though someone hacked into the ship and let loose a kill protocol of some sort."
"Have you tried an override?"Pidge asks and starts typing on her console.
"Or maybe counteracting it with a live protocol? Is that a thing?" Hunk suggested.
"The virus is moving too fast."
"Okay,I'm in the system." Pidge starts talking computer as she furiously types. One by one,systems start shutting down.the crystal stops glowing and the controls Allura uses drop back down into the floor.
"There! I've got it isolated." Pidge says more computer talk,then successfully gets the virus. We sigh in relief as the room lights up again. It's short lived,however,as alarms goes off and the systems shut off again.
"The virus has countermeasures that specifically target my quarantine! Its knew." Soon,the whole room goes dark as everything shuts off.
"If it shuts down the teludav's mass regulator,the ship,along with everything in the neighboring subsystem,would be destroyed." Coran says grimly. Pidge suddenly stands and starts running out the room.
"Uh,where are you going?" Hunk asks.
"No time!" We stare at her retreating form. I run after her,the others soon following. We follow her to the teludav control room. Pidge starts typing at the computer in there.
"Pidge,what have you discovered?" Coran asks.
"Protocols countermeasure. I recognized it."
"Recognized it? How?" I questioned.
"From the code I scanned from Shiro's arm while we were looking for Galra instillation." My eyes widen.
"Wait. Are you saying Shiro is responsible for this?" Allura asks.
"Yes." Everyone gasps. The teludav begins humming as it powers.
"The teludav,it's reaching critical mass. Pidge!" Allura calls. Pidge is typing faster than I've ever seen her type.
"I know,I know." The teludav hums louder and starts to turn red.
"That thing is going to blow." Lance says.
"She's going as fast as she can." I snap. She types more,than slams her finger on a button. The teludav powers down. Pidge leans on the desk,hanging her head.
"Uh,Pidge,how did you do that?" Hunk questioned. Pidge hesitates for a moment.
"When I was scanning Shiro's arm,I also made a copy of the programming. I created a virus that could terminate all its command prompts,in case something like this ever happened. I Never thought I'd have to use it."
Ahh short chapter sorry,but this episode was mainly Keith and Shiro's fight so... I thought about having Korra go with him,but this was something Keith had to do himself.
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