Chapter 4
I finally found a picture to use for what Korra looks like. Just imagine the girl in the picture has blue eyes, and her hair is shorter.
Also I found this picture in goggle so credit to the owner.
"We can only keep the wormholes that lead to the other lions open for two of your earth hours. So you'll have to be quick. The good news is, according to my readings the planets are relatively peaceful. So if you do get stuck, they could be relaxing places to live out the rest of your lives. Enjoy the trip!" Coran said through the PA on the pod.
"Wait what?" I exclaimed. I heard Lance and Hunk complain on the PA as we all went through the wormhole.
Keith landed the pod on the planet that my lion was on. We landed in the middle of field with trees surrounding it. We stepped out the pod and I looked down at the gadget that would tell us how to get to the lion.
"Okay. We go this way." I said and pointed to a line of trees. We walked through, with Keith walking beside me. It was silent besides the sound of the beeping from the locator.
"So where are you from?" Keith suddenly asked.
"What?" I asked looking up at him.
"Where are you from? If we're going to be Voltron might as well get to know each other more." Keith said.
"Oh. Well I was born in Cuba, but I'm not Cuban. We lived there because of my dads job. That's where I met Lance." I said.
"You got a family?"
"Yeah. I live with my parents and my younger sister." I said while turning to the right.
"What about you?" I asked him.
"I'm orphaned."
"Oh. Sorry for asking." I said hiding my blushing cheeks.
"It's fine. Don't worry. So you Lance are close." He suddenly said.
"Uh yeah. We've known each other since we where kids. He's like a brother to me."
"Oh." Was all he said.
"Okay we're close." We walked in silence after that.
"Okay. According to this, the lion is in there." I said, pointing to the cave that was in front of us.
"Well, let's go get it." Keith said and started walking, making me run behind him.
It was dark in the cave. The only way we knew where we were going, was the faint pink light coming from the end of the cave. Then we finally reached it.
Like Lance's lion was, the pink lion was surrounded by a force-field. The lion was a dark pink, with scratches and dents on it from years of battle.
I walked up to the force-field, hearing Keith walk behind me. I touched the force-field and looked up in the lions eyes.
Your paladin is here.
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the cave and the force-field went down. The lion bent down and opened it mouth. I walked inside the lion and sat on the chair. I gasped in surprise as the chair moved closer to the controls. I started pressing buttons and the lion stood up and started walking out the cave.
"Do you know what you're doing?" Keith asked.
"Not really. It like Lance said, it's feeding ideas in my brain." I said, pointing to my head.
"I just hope you're a better pilot then Lance."
"Oh trust me I am."
Keith, Shiro, Pidge and I were waiting at the castle for Hunk and Lance to come back. When they did, groaning.
"You made it!" Allura said.
"Barely. I almost puked. I felt like Hunk." Lance said.
"Think how I felt, I am Hunk."
"Yeah we had a tough time too." Pidge have Shiro a knowing smile.
"We actually did okay." Keith said, making Lance glare at him.
"Did we find the red lion yet?" Shiro asked.
"Allura just located it. There's it of good news and bad news. The good news is the red lion is near by. The bad news is it's on that Galra ship now heading to Arus but wait good news again we're Arus!" Coran said.
"They're here already?" Shiro exclaimed.
"Yes, guess my calculations were a bit off. Finger counting is more of an art than science." Coran said. The holograms behind him began to glitch, and a image, of I'm guessing a Galra showed up.
"Princess Allura, this is commander Sendak of the Galra empire. I come on behalf of Emperor Zarkon. I am here to take the lions. Turn them over me or I will destroy your Planet." Then the image disappeared leaving us in shock.
"Alright let's not panic." Shiro said calmly.
"Not panic? The scary purple alien thing is driving it's battle ship towards us, we only have five lions." Hunk started
"Technically only four working lions." Pidge said.
"That's right. Thank you Pidge. Four working lions, and a castle that's 10,000 years old."
"Actually it's 10,600 years, you see it was built by my grandfather-" Coran was cut off by Hunk.
"Thanks Coran. See now's the perfect time to panic!" Hunk finished.
"Wait, this castle has a particle barrier we can activate." Allura said.
"Girl you can activate my partic-"
"Lance." Me and Shiro cut him off.
"The particle barrier won't hold Zarkon's ion cannon. The Galra technology must have advanced since we fought them last." Coran said.
"Panic now?" Hunk asked Shiro.
"No, we just got to figure out our plan of action, and figure it out quickly." Shiro answered.
"I say we pop through another wormhole and live to fight another day." Lance said.
"I second that's. Yes, we tried to find the lions, right. We only have four we can't form Voltron. I guess we can form a snake, or a worm. To jump through that hole." Hunk said.
"Then it's settled. Allura you ride with me. One of you take the old guy." Lance said, making Coran, really, mad.
"We can't just abandon them." I spoke up.
"The Galra will keep destroying planets and capturing prisoners until we stop them." Pidge agreed.
"Okay maybe when we leave, Sendak will follow us, and leave them alone like when we left earth. We form a space worm sssss out of here." Hunk said wiggling his arms.
"Sendak could destroy the planet and come after us anyway. Staying is our only option." Keith said, and I nodded.
"Here's an option, shut your quiznak." Lance said, making Allura and Coran gasp.
"I don't think you're using that word correctly." Keith said staring to get angry.
"What do you know, mullet?"
"Lance." I said, trying to stop him.
"We're staying."
"Staying!" Pidge joined.
"Snake!" Hunk said.
"Lance, we're staying." I said, moving next to Keith.
"Guys! Stop!" Shiro said, making everyone glare and cross their arms at each other.
"Princess Allura, these are your lions. You've dealt with the Galra empire before, you know what we're facing better than us. What do you think is the best course of action?" Shiro asked.
"I...I don't know." Allura stutters, looking down in shame.
"Perhaps your father can help." Coran said making Allura look at him.
"My father?" Coran then lead Allura to a room. Who knows what's in there. With this technology it might even be a hologram of her father with his memories or something.(it is.)
Allura returned wearing a suit, had her hair in a bun, and looked ready to fight.
"You six paladin's were brought here for a reason. The Voltron lions are meant to be piloted by you and you alone. We must fight and keep fighting until we defeat Zarkon. It is our destiny. Voltron is the universe's only hope. We are the universe's only hope." She said.
"We're with you." Shiro said.
Allura than lead us to a room, with tubes lined on the walls, colored suits inside them.
"Your suits of armor." She said. I walked over to one with a white and pink suit in it.
"This is awesome."
"Princess, you sure about this? They aren't exactly the best and brightest the universe has to offer." Coran said, while Hunk was worrying if the suit would fit him.
"No, but they're all we got." She answered.
"Boys." Shiro glanced at me. "And girl. It's time to suit up."
Insert a cool montage of putting on the suits.
"The bayard is the traditional weapon of the Voltron. It takes a distinct shape for each paladin." Allura said as the bayards floated towards us. Hunk's formed a giant cannon like gun. Keith's a sword, Lance a gun, Pidge's was a small blade.
"Aw you got a cute little bayard." Lance said then used the blade to shock him.
"Yeah. Cute."
Finally, mine formed a axe. Surprised by the sudden wight, the axe fell to the ground.
"You need help or something?" Keith asked.
"No, no I got it." I blushed and lifted it.
"Nice bayard." He said.
"Thanks. You have a nice one too."
"Shiro, I'm afraid your bayard got lost with its paladin." Allura said.
"I guess I'll just have to make do."
We went back to the control room, looking at a hologram of the Galra ship.
"You'll need to get the lion from Sendak's ship."
"That's a pretty big ship. How are we going to know where the red lion is?" Keith asked.
"Well it's not a matter of we, it's a matter of you." I said, making him look down at me.
"Korra's right. Once we get you in you'll totally feel it's presence and track it down." Hunk said.
"Yeah, you know how you felt that crazy energy while we were in the desert?" Lance asked.
"Yeah you made fun of me for that."
"And I'm proud of that. But turns out it's exactly like that."
"Keith, remember the red lion is extremely temperamental. You'll have to earn it's respect." Allura told him.
"Alright here's the plan."
"The Galra knows about the blue and yellow lion."
Hunk and Lance flew to the ship.
"But they don't know that we have the green and pink lion."
Me and Pidge flew to the other side.
"Hunk, Lance, you'll act as a decoy and pretend to give your selves up."
"Attention Galra ship, do not fire we're surrendering our lions." Lance said through the speaker.
"While Sendak is distracted, Keith, Pidge, Korra, and I will sneak on the ship using the pink and green lion."
Pidge and I landed under the ship and Pidge cut a hole.
"Keith, Korra and I will look for the red lion while Pidge guard's our exit."
Shiro, Keith and I flew in the hole into the ship.
"Hunk, Lance, find some way to take down that ion cannon."
The doors in front of Hunk and Lance opened.
"Pidge what's your ETA?" Lance asked.
"We're in."
Suddenly a light started to get brighter and brighter in front and Hunk and Lance.
"What's that?" Hunk asked.
"That's our cue to get out of here!" Lance yelled as a laser shot out. Then fighters came out ready to attack.
"Hunk you dismantle the ion cannon while I take these jerks on a space ride." Lance said.
"Ten four!"
Keith, Shiro, Pidge and I are currently sneaking through the hallways. We turned a corner and Shiro stopped and stared down the hallway, when he started panting.
"I've been here before. After I was taken by the Galra, they brought us here." Shiro said.
"That means your other crew members, they might still be held captive here. We have to rescue them." Pidge said.
"Pidge we don't have time. We have to get the red lion and get back to Arus." Shiro told Pidge.
"But we can't just leave prisoners here!"
"Look, no one understands that more than me. But in war we have to make hard choices. Now let's get moving." Shiro started walking down the hall towards me and Keith.
"No!" Pidge suddenly yelled.
"Commander Holt is my father." THAT'S why he's obsessed with the crew!
"He and my brother were the ones on the Kerberos mission with you."
"Commander Holt is your father?" Shiro asked.
"Yes! I've been searching everywhere for him and my brother and I'm not going to stop looking when I'm this close." Pidge said, determined.
"I'll come with you." Shiro said.
"What?" Keith and I asked at the same time.
"I remember where the prisoners are held. Keith, you and Korra go find the red lion." Keith opened his mouth, but closed it and nodded.
"Just remember patience yields focus." Shiro was cut off by what seemed like some Galra coming down the hall.
"Run." Keith and I took off in opposite direction of Shiro and Pidge. We stopped at the end of the hall, where a door is blocking our way, and two other hallways.
"Great. Now which way?" Keith muttered.
"That's all on you." I said. A Galra worker was coming down a hallway. Keith grabbed my hand and pulled me down another hallway. We ran down multiple hallways, only to end up where we started. Keith groaned in frustration.
"You've got to be kidding me!" He growled.
"Keith calm down. Relax. Feel the lion, you're it's paladin. The lion will lead you to it." I said calmly. I squeezed the hand that I just realized he was still holding.
"Patience yields focus." He repeated Shiro's words. He closed his eyes, squeezing back my hand.
"Gotcha." He smirked and pulled me down a hallway, again.
We made it to a giant room, with the red lion in its force-field, being held captive.
"Bingo." Keith said and released my hand to walk to the lion.
"Let's get out of here. Open up." He said, putting his hand on the force-field.
"It's me Keith your buddy." He said when the lion didn't do anything.
"It's me, Keith. I am your paladin." He said, like he was talking to someone who didn't speak English.
"Keith, I don't think-" I was cut off by some Galra shooting at us. Keith put up his shield and pulled me behind it.
"I'm bonding with you! Come on we're connected!" He yelled.
"That's not exactly bonding." I yelled back. We both got out our bayards and started on fighting the Galra. I had sliced one when Keith got knocked down.
"Keith!" I yelled. I finished the Galra off and ran over to him.
"But your mask on." He said when I reached him.
"Um okay." I said, and put my oxygen mask down. Keith grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him, making me squeak. He then hit a button making the floor open, and the Galra get sucked into space. Keith kept one arm around the control panel and the other around me, while I held onto his chest for dear life. When he suddenly got hit by debris that knocked us off the ship.
"Oh where's my lion, when I need it." I said. Then out of the corner of my eye, a saw my lion flying towards us.
"There it is." I said. As soon as I did the red lion came. I let go off Keith and allowed my lion put me in this mouth, while Keith's did the same thing.
"Korra you okay?" I heard Keith's voice in the speaker in my helmet.
"I should be asking you that. But yeah I'm fine."
"Good. Let's roll." He said as we took of to the others. We found them and began the journey back to the castle.
All five lions are in front of the door that holds the black lion. With Shiro standing at the door. The lions lit up, and so did the door. The door opened revealing the head of Voltron. The black lion, that was bigger than ours, stood up and roared, our lions roared back.
"Sendak is entering the atmosphere. We need Voltron now!" Allura said over the speakers. Shiro got inside his lion and we all flew out the castle. We landed in front of the castle, the fighter drones shooting at the particle barrier. Suddenly the ion cannon shot at the barrier, making flames go around. We all groaned and screamed at the slight pain it brought.
"Man those Galra things repair fast." I heard Hunk say.
"The barrier gets weaker with every blast. Once the shield goes down the castle will be defenseless." Coran said.
"I can give you cover with the castles defenses for a while, but you need to form Voltron now or we'll be destroyed!" Allura said.
"Geez no pressure." Hunk said. Then Sendak shot the cannon again making the barrier glitch.
"Listen up team Voltron. The only way to succeed is to give all you got! This looks bad but we can do this. Are you with me?" Shiro said. I nodded, imagining the others are too.
"I'm nodding. Is everyone else nodding?" Hunk asked.
"Let's do this!" Shiro said as we all ran out the barrier.
"Uh how?" Lance asked.
"Good question. Does anyone have any ideas on how to form Voltron? Keith asked.
"I don't see a combine into giant robot button anywhere on my dash board." Hunk said as we all jumped off the bridge and kept running on the ground.
"This is insane! Can't they seize fire for one minute so we can figure this out?" Pidge said and started attacking the Galra.
"Is that too much to ask?" I said and joined him.
"We gotta do something." Keith said. Suddenly Hunk rammed into him making the red lion fall to the ground.
"Combine!" Hunk yelled.
"Hey!" Keith yelled.
"Okay that didn't work." Hunk said as Galra started shooting at him.
"Quickly paladins! Our energy level is getting low." Allura said as a screen of her appeared near me.
"Maybe if we fly in formation well just combine. Take off on my cue." Shiro said.
"One. Two. Three. Voltron!" We all flew into the air. Nothing is happening.
"Wait, wait, wait. I feel something." Lance exclaimed.
"I feel it too. It's like we're all being pulled in the same direction." Hunk said.
"Uh guys. I think I know why." I said, looking at the Galra ship that was pulling us in.
"What the cheese."
"Sendak is sucking us in like a black hole!" Pidge said. Sendak shot another cannon shot at the castle, making the barrier go down.
"Oh no."
"I don't care what you say Shiro, I'm panicking now!" Hunk yelled and started screaming.
"It can't end here!"
"This is it!"
"It's been an honor flying with you guys."
"No we can do this. We have to believe in ourselves. We can't give up. We're the universe's only hope. Every one is relying on us. We can't fail. We won't fail! If we work together, we'll win together." Shiro said, making us all determined. (IT AUTOCORRETED SHIRO TO SHRIMP I NEVER REALIZED TILL AFTER I POSTED IT, IM SO EMBARRASSED)
"Yeah!" We all yelled, I tightened my grip on the controls. Our lions roared and flew out of the beam, up into the sky, forming Voltron.
My lion folded it's arms and legs in and attached to the bottom of the black lion, making my lion the lower half of the torso. Keith and Pidge became the arms, with Lance and Hunk as the legs.
Sendak shot one last shot at the castle but missed, because we were standing in front of it.
"I can't believe it!"
"We formed Voltron!"
"I'm a leg!"
"How are we doing this?"
"I don't know! But let's get that cannon!"
Using Voltron, we grabbed the cannon and ripped it off. Using the red lion, we punched a hole in the ship and shot a laser, causing a explosion. We jumped to another part of the ship, and did the same thing with the green lion. We went around the hole ship, shooting at it, breaking it apart. We landed on the ground as the whole ship exploded.
"Good work paladins!" Allura said as we walked up to the castle.
"Thanks pretty lady." Lance said, as he took off his helmet. I rolled my eyes and took mine off, shaking my hair.
"We did it." Shiro said.
"Heck yeah we did!"
"How did we do it?" I asked.
"I was just screaming the whole time, maybe that did it." Hunk said, taking off his helmet. Pidge put on his glasses and frowned, Shiro put a hand on his shoulder.
"We're not going to stop searching until we find your brother and father. Where ever they are I know they would be proud of you." Shiro told him.
"We won the battle, but the war has only begun. I'm afraid Zarkon will not stop until he gets these lions." Allura said.
"Good thing you paladins know what your doing. Because you're going to have to form Voltron again and again." Coran said.
"Totally. Wait what?" Hunk asked.
"We barley survived forming Voltron this one time." Lance complained.
"Oh and you only had to fight one ship. Wait till you have to fight a whole fleet of them! That's not going to be easy being the defender of the universe." Coran said, our eyes widened at the choice of words.
"Defenders of the universe. That's got a nice ring to it."
Holy cow that's the longest chapter I have ever written. But the first episode is finally done!
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