Chapter 38
We're almost at 100k reads :D think I might do something to celebrate when we reach it
"Alright team, I got my eye on the targets. I'll cover you from up her-- Hey Keith! I had that guy!" Lance yells from his position above us. I run behind Keith and together we take down the sentries .
"They're still coming." Hunk yells. Lance uses his new sniper to shoot the keypad beside the door, and prevents anymore from running in.
Keith, Allura and I have up our shields to protect Pidge as she hacks into the ships controls. Hunk peeks out form behind me and shoots some of the sentries.
"Pidge, could you maybe hurry it up a little?" He says.
"Almost...there!" As she says that, the ship and sentries all power down.
"Great job, Pidge."
"That's the last outpost in the quadrant." I say.
"Call the Blade of Marmora. Let them know this base is clear."
Keith walks back into the control room after talking with Shiro. Yeah, Shiro came back after all this time. He was trapped and escaped a Glara ship. Frankly, he didn't look so great when we picked him up. His hair had grown to his shoulders, facial hair, was starving and dehydrated. The doors slide open and Shiro walks in. He has on new clothes and a....interesting hair cut. Maybe we shouldn't have let him cut his hair, but I'm going to keep quiet.
"Great job out there, everyone. You've really turned the tide on this war. I'm glad you never lost sight of the mission while I was gone." He says and puts his hands on his hips.
"You're looking better."
"How are you feeling?" I ask as I stand from my seat.
"Good. Just trying to get rid of this weird headache."
"Guys!" Pidge suddenly yells, I jump in surprise. "I think I have something here." We all swarm around Pidge's console.
"So, I downloaded intel from the Galra base we just defeated. I untied the quantum-folded encryption, and I found something on Lotor."
"Do you know where he is?" Keith asks.
"Well, not exactly, no, but the last three sightings of his ship have been in the Va'Kar quadrant."
"Nice work Pidge. Although, these quadrants are massive. How will we pinpoint his location?" Shiro asks.
"Hey, that comet is made of the same material as Voltron." Hunk speaks up. "Maybe I can scan the emission spectrum for Fraunhofer lines, like when I found the Blue Lion!"
"But you know those emissions are subject to free induction decay. Those are exponential drop-offs." Pidge said to him.
"Yeah, but if you find a way to amplify the sensors- no there would be too much interference. What if, instead, we increase the SA magnitude?"
"The spires of the castle!"
"Genius!" Hunk and Pidge get up and run out of the room.
"I have no idea what either of them just said." Lance says.
"Let's set a course for the Va'Kar quadrant while they get started on that detector. We need to work fast, who knows what Lotor has planned for that comet."
I hum a random tune as I walk down the hallways of the castle. I turn the corner towards the bedrooms, when I see Lance walk out of the room.
"Leave the math to Pidge." I hear a voice say from the room. I takes a second to realize that it's Keith's room Lance just walked out of.
"Hey, sharpshooter." I say as I walk over to him. Lance nods in greeting. "What were you doing?"
"Getting advice." He answers and shoves is hands in his pockets.
"From Keith? You mean you had a civilized conversation with him?" Lance rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, I know." Before either one of us could make a snarky comment, Hunk's panicked voice echos in the castle.
"Uh, guys. Guys, I found the comet, but it's booking it away from us! Coran? Allura? Can someone Altean move this castle?"
"Okay we're gaining on it." Hunk said as he looked at the tracker for the comet. I sit at my station while looking at the giant screen in front to see where we're going.
"Make sure we stay far back enough to remain undetected. " Shiro instructs. We fly a little more before Pidge speaks up.
"Looks like the signal stopped in the Ulippa System. Activation long range scanners." The scanners zoom in on the planet that we're in front of, where we see some kind of Galra station, then it zooms in more on a Glara battle cruiser.
"That's not Lotor's ship." Keith says while standing up.
"But the comet is in there." Hunk says.
"Okay team, we need to get that--" "Here's the plan, everyone."
Shiro and Keith stare at each other.
"Oh, sorry Shiro. Go ahead."
"We need to get that comet. They must be transporting it into that base. It'll be vulnerable during transport. That's when we strike."
Suddenly, there's multiple loud booms. We look to see the Galra ship is shooting at the base.
"Who the heck are these guys?" Lance asks as we stare in shock.
"I don't think they're moving the comet to that base. We need more information." Shiro says.
"You're right. You take the Black Lion. I'll stay in the castle with Coran and provide support." Keith says and puts a hand on Shiro's shoulder. I frown slightly.
"Keith, are you sure?" Shiro asks.
"I'm sure." Everybody heads to their lions, I kiss Keith on the cheek and run after them. We fly out and notice that Shiro is not with us.
"Shiro where are you?"
"We need you right now!" I finish Lance's statement. Turns out, the Black Lion didn't respond to Shiro, so Keith came with us. We landed and left the lions in the hover cars.
"The most important thing is for you to get eyes on that comet. Second is finding out what we're dealing with." Shiro says.
"Shiro, we've boarded the ship. There's no crew inside. Moving forward with the search." Keith says. Lance shoots a door pad and we run into a room with two paths. Hunk walks in behind with the devise that tracks the comet.
"This way." He says and leads us down the right path. We continue to guard Hunk as he leads us to the comet.
"Sounds like the fight next door is over." Keith says. I stop and realized that it had indeed gotten quieter. "Let's hurry."
"The comet should be in here." Hunk said as we entered a room with a ship. "Like right here."
"Where's the comet? Is it in that ship?" Lance asks.
"I think the ship is the comet." I say.
"No it can't be! He already made a ship from the comets ore?" Allura says in shock.
"Oh this is bad."
"More like horrible."
"Guys." Shiro's voice comes through our comms. "There's a piece of the teludav inside the base."
"The one we used to wormhole Zarkon's ship?" Lance asks.
"But they would never be able to operate it without an Altean--" Allura cuts herself off with a gasp. "Zarkon's witch! She had Altean markings."
"Is anyone else kind of freaking out right now?" Hunk asks, like usual.
"Yeah, mark me down for one freak out." Lance says while raising his hand.
"Lotor must be near by." I say, Keith nods.
"We need to find him and take him out for good." He says.
"Team, you can not let Lotor get that ship. You need to get back to your lions. You need Voltron."
"Why take out the ship when we can stop of of this by taking out Lotor himself. We can't keep letting him outsmart us." Keith says to Shiro.
"That's exactly why we can't risk letting Lotor have that ship. This is too important."
"Keith." Keith looks over to Allura. "I want to stop Lotor as badly as you, but Shiro has a point."
"Okay, you guys get back to the lions. I'll search the ship for Lotor."
"Keith, you need to stick together."
"I'm with Shiro on this one."
"As am I."
"Yeah man."
"Me too."
"Same here." Keith looks over at me, I shrug. It's better if we stay together.
"Fine, let's move." We run out the room, before we can leave the door opens and four alien girls are on the other side. One skinny and whose hair (?) went past her waist, one large with big ears, the other really pretty, and the last one had no eyes and a black cat on her shoulders. The large one growls and charges. Allura moves out of the way. The blind one goes after Pidge and Hunk. The pretty one goes after Lance.
The one with long hair goes after Keith but I jump in front of her, making her stop. She charges at me, I step aside and kick her as she runs past. She grunts but grabs my leg, quickly, I pull all of my core strength and twist around and kick her in the face with my other leg. She drops my leg and I land and swipe at her with my bayard, which she manages to dodge. An idea pops in my head. As she charges at me again, I quickly backflip and hit her chin with my foot. I take a second to thank my mom for making me take gymnastics. I back up to where the others are, Lance gets thrown over.
"We don't have time for this. We need to get to the lions." Keith says.
"Good idea." Lance says. Allura picks him up by the collar.
"Okay, seriously, what's going on? I mean, who were they?" Lance asks.
"Korra and I have seen one of them before." Keith says.
"We have?"
"In the weblum. She stole some of the scaltrite."
"Oh, yeah. I remember her."
"Allura, you said they had an Altean? They must be trying to build a teludav so they can make wormholes." Hunk states.
"If Lotor has turned the comet into a ship, we have much bigger concerns." Allura says.
"I thought Lotor took over for Zarkon. Why is he attacking a Galra base?" Pidge asks.
"I don't know. That's why we have to stop him here and now."
"Team where are you?"
After forming Voltron, we flew over and stopped the ship, the one that was in the Galra ship, from attacking the castle. We formed the sword and chase after the ship, it doges every swipe we take at it.
"It's too quick." Keith growls out.
"Guys, the cargo ship is escaping with the teludav." Shiro says.
"I thought taking down the ship made from the comet was the most important thing." Keith says.
"We can't let Lotor get away with the teludav."
"Shiro's right, we need to destroy it." Allura says.
"But the comet is right here, we need to take it down." We continue to to chase after the ship.
"Keith, the cargo ship is getting away!" We turn to see the ship flying away with the teludav. We go to fly towards it but the comet ship shoots at us. We put up the shield, the ship starts to power up a cannon. I look back at the cargo ship, to the comet ship, and back to the cargo ship.
"Guys, the teludav is getting away."
"Keith, what should we do?" I ask.
"You're going to have to lower the shield, shoot the cargo ship, and deal with the consequences." Shiro wants us to get shot?
"We can beat this ship, then go after the cargo ship." Keith says.
"There's not enough time. You need to make a decision." I hear Keith growl in frustration at Shiro's words.
"Hunk, get your bayard ready. On my cue, we're going to lower the shield and shoot the cargo ship. Ready?"
We lower the shield and get ready to shoot the cargo ship. But suddenly, Keith moves us out of the way and the comet ship hits the teludav, making it explode. The comet ship shoots Voltron in the chest, making us all scream. Voltron goes limp.
"So, Lotor was attacking a Galra base and stealing the teludav? None of this makes sense." Lance says.
"We can talk about this later, their getting away!" Pidge says.
"We need to go after them."
"No, get back to the castle. Something strange is going on here, and we need to figure it out."
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