Chapter 37
This is only my third week of college and I'm already dead, I'm typing this from my grave
We're sitting in the main room of the castle when an alarm suddenly blares, one that I haven't heard before. Allura and Coran don't move.
"What's going on?" Keith asks.
"Yeah, these have never gone off before." Pidge spoke up. I look at Allura to see her clutching her hands to her chest, her dark skin seeming paler.
"Allura, what is it?" Lance asks her.
"Looks like you guys just saw a ghost." Hunk pipped up.
"That's just the thing. It's an old Altean distress code. One used by King Alfor's ships." Coran explains.
"Could it be? Are we not the last Altean's alive?"
"Wait. What is someone's cloning the signal to try and lure us in?" Keith said.
"The signal is from an Altean ship and we're going to find it." Allura said as she made a wormhole. When exiting the wormhole we found ourselves in front of a tear in space, half of a ship sticking out of it.
"That looks like a Tel-Galax exploration shuttle. One of my father's deep space vessels." Allura explained as Coran scanned the ship.
"According to the ship's identification code, it's Commodore Trayling's ship. But I don't see any records of it's destination or mission." He says.
"What happened to it?" I spoke up.
"Is it stuck in a wormhole?" Hunk asked.
"That's unlike any wormhole I've ever seen."
"There's a massive amount of energy emanating from it, centered right where the ship is stuck." Pidge said.
"We have to see if anyone is aboard. They may need our help." Allura said.
"We could send a probe over to it, see if we can get any idea what this thing is." I said, Pidge agreed.
"Do it." Keith said. Pidge and I set up the probe then sent it out towards the ship. Pidge pulled up the probe on a screen.
"The energy shows no signs of radioactive decay and it's not thermal." She said.
"It's not gravitational, our probe is steady on course, and the light is radiating out, not in, like it would in a black hole." I said, and bite my lip as I think.
"But out from where?"
"That energy signature, I know it." Coran mumbles.
"It's radiating quintessence!" The probe approached the ship, then disappeared in a flash of light.
"Whoa, okay that's weird." Hunk says.
"Okay, well, let's not go anywhere near that." Lance says, I agreed.
"We must." Allura insists.
"Hold on. Did you not just see what happened?" Hunk asked and I nodded.
"Voltron's compositional strength far exceeds anything else in the universe. We received an Altean distress signal, which must mean someone is alive on that ship. As paladins of Voltron, it is our duty to help."
"Princess, I still think there's a chance that this whole thing is a trap." Keith said. I nodded again.
"Even if it's not a trap, it's far too dangerous to go in there." Coran said.
"I'll do it myself if I have to." Allura said and walked off. Keith stood up and stared after her.
"We're going aren't we?" I ask. Keith nods. I sigh.
"Alright, let's take this slow." Keith says as we approach the ship.
"Pidge, any chance you can explain to me what I'm seeing?" He asks
"The Euclidian space around the ship is obviously some kind of anomaly. But the energy source doesn't originate from anything that registers with my understanding of how reality works."
"I'll take that as a no." I hear Pidge sigh.
"I'll scan the ship for biorhythms." Hunk says as we get closer.
"That's strange. I'm not showing any signs of life on the ship."
"Maybe not in this half, but there's more ti this ship than we're seeing. We need to go through there." Allura says.
"The glowy, explode-y area?" Lance asks.
"Korra and Pidge, keep an eye on Voltron's vitals. Everyone, be prepared to abort if things get hairy." Keith orders. I pull up a screen with Voltron's vitals.
"Roger that. Ready to abort immediately" Hunk says. As we get closer the screens beep and blink.
"Guys, our sensors are going crazy." I say as I watch the screen.
"Technically we should be torn apart like the probe was. But somehow Voltron is completely unaffected by the stress of the spatial distortion." Pidge says. I can hear Coran try to speak but all I hear is static. We go through. I'm momentarily blinded by the bright white light. When the light fades, I can see the front of the ship.
"We must have made it through because that's the front of the ship." Pidge says.
"Wait." Allura says, and Voltron turns and flies over the hole.
"The back of the ship is gone! Coran! Coran! We lost sight of the castle! Coran, are you there?" Allura says.
"Where did he go?" Keith asks.
"Where did that planet come from?" Lance asks.
"According to my sensors, we're still in the same exact place we were before." Pidge says.
"Guys, this is gonna sound strange, but now I'm detecting multiple biorhythms on the ship." Hunk says.
"It seems like we only got one clue to help us figure out whats going on."
"And it's floating right over there." I finish Lance's sentence."
We board the ship. We're floating and it's dark. Allura shines a light down the hall.
"Hello? Anyone there?" Her voice echos. We go down the hall, I stick next to Keith. Not because I'm scared or anything. A door slides open as we pass it. Allura points the light down the hallway.
"Oh, man. This place is totally freaking me out. Does it feel like a haunted ghost ship to anyone? Is it just me?" Hunk says. We go down the hall and float into what looks like a control room. Allura puts her hand on a screen and the lights come on and we land on our feet.
"So, did the crew abandon ship?" Keith asks. Lance turns and sees a suit sitting on the floor. He talks as he walks over.
"I don't know but they couldn't have gotten far without their spacesu--" Lance pulls the helmet off and screams. There's a skeleton with a monocle still in the suit.
"Those aren't empty." Lance says and literally jumps into my arms. I yelp and nearly fall under his weight. Allura walks over to a screen and a video starts to play. A man with a familiar monocle pops up on a staticky screen.
"We located the second comet based on King Alfor's information. We managed to get it aboard, but it seems to be causing massive disturbances. We're heading back to Altea, but I don't know if we'll make it that far. But at this rate--" The man cuts off with a scream as a bright light shows, then the video turns off. I gasp and drop Lance, who yelps as he lands on the ground.
"What happened here?" Hunk asks. Lance stands up and looks over at the body.
"Something deadly." He says. Hunk pulls up the small screen from his suit.
"This still doesn't explain the biorhythms I picked up in this area." Hunk says.
Suddenly a panel from the ceiling falls and two people jump onto the ground. We all stare for a tense minute.
"Look out!" Lance yells, snapping us out of it as he shoots at the people. Hunk tackles the smaller one. Keith slices the bigger ones gun and elbows his helmet. He kicks Keith away I run over and manage to hit his arm, he punches my stomach making double over. He jumps over me and hits Lance with a Frisbee like thing (Great describing) Pidge shoots out her gabbling hook and knocks off the mans helmet.
We all gasp as we look at the man. The smaller figure joins him as Hunk fall in front of us.
"No way. Shiro?"
"Stay back!" 'Shiro' says with a strong accent.
"If you've come for the comet, you'll never get it. I'll die before I let it fall into Altean hands." Slav, I guess? Says. Keith puts away his bayard and puts up his hands.
"Shiro, please."
"My name is not Shiro." Not Shiro says, not moving from his position of pointing his gun at us.
"What the heck is happening right now?" I ask, Hunk stands up.
"Did everyone get amnesia then wake up with strange accents?" He asks.
"You know us?" Slav asks.
"Of course we do! You're Shiro, our leader. Paladin of the Black Lion? And you're Slav, I rescued you from space prison. You're also slightly crazy." Lance answers.
"I may be crazy, but you've never rescued me from anything. Unless..."
"You're from an alternate reality." "This is an alternate reality." Slav and Pidge say at the same time.
"Uh, what's that now?"
"Cool." I say to myself.
"I think when we passed through the glowy, explode-y area, we entered a alternate reality." Pidge explains.
"You mean like what Slav is always talking about?" Lance asks, then glances at Slav. "Well not you. Well, yeah, you, but different you. One that talks about alternate reality a lot."
"Oh, that's him." Slav glares at Not Shiro.
"Why did you attack the captain and his crew?" Allura suddenly asks aggressively.
"Stay back, Altean." Not Shiro snaps.
"We found the ship this way. But I can't say I'm sorry they're gone." Slav is cut off by a beep on his suit. "Oh no! More Alteans!"
"Wait, more Alteans!?"
"Their scanners must have picked up your arrival." Slav helps Not Shiro to the air duct they jumped out of.
"Sven, let's go. If I were you, I'd run." Oh so his name is Sven.
"What the heck just happened?" Lance asks the question I was wondering.
"Did he say we're being boarded by Alteans?" Allura asks. Clanging makes us look towards the door. The clanging continues as we watch the door. The doors slide open, robots storm into the room and point their guns at us. A female and male Altean walk in behind them, along with a giant man like creature.
"Put down you're weapons!" The female Altean says.
"Alteans!" Allura says. The Alteans look just as surprised.
"It can't be." The Altean suddenly kneels. "Empress!" The others kneel behind the Altean.
"Uh, I'm confused what's going on?" Hunk asks. Allura and the Altean holds eye contact.
"Are you, Empress Allura?"
"I'm Princess Allura. Please, stand." They all stand.
"I am Commander Hira, Empress. How can you be here? You put down the Galra uprising and established the Altean Empire 10,000 years ago." Hira explains.
"Where we're from, all the Alteans were wiped out by Zarkon when he destroyed your planet." Keith spoke up.
"Where did you come from?" The male Altean asks.
"Amazing." Pidge says. We, except Keith, Allura and Hira, stand around a piece of the comet that's sitting in a tube. "It's Voltron."
"What?" Lance yells from where he was leaning towards the tube.
"Well, it's not Voltron, obviously. But the readings are the same ones Zarkon was looking for. The same one that lead us to the Blue Lion." She explains.
"That's how you were able to pass through to this reality. Your vehicle was made of the same trans-reality material." The male Altean says.
"So that's why Voltron is so powerful." I comment.
"With this material, Altea can create their own trans-reality traveling ships. We can spread peace and stability all realities." The Altean says. He pulls up a screen and talks to Hira.
"General Hira, I have stumbled across something in this ship's hold that will ensure Altea's rule for millennia to come." I frown at his words. That...sounds suspicious. I make eye contact with Pidge, who has the same look.
"No struggle. No wars. That doesn't seem possible." Hunk says, I nod.
"Is it not? Look at Moxilous." The Altean nods to the giant next to him. "For generations, his people have been at constant battle with other planets in their system. It was a barbaric and futile existence. But look at him now." We all look at Moxilous. He's had a blank face and hasn't said anything since they got here.
"So, what changed?"
"The hoktril." The Altean motions the giant to turn. A metal, probe like was sticking out from the back of his head.
"Our civilizations most advanced technological achievement."
"What does it do?" I dare ask.
"It saps the fighting force out from our enemies. Their will you might say." The Altean says, quite proudly,making the four of us gasp.
"You mean slave labor?" Hunk says.
"Oh, no no. They're not slaves because they don't have a will. Slaves are always trying to escape or revolt. The non-cogs are content doing what they're told. Preservation of life is the Altean Empire's highest priority." The Altean leans towards the piece of comet. "And with this material, we can do even more than thought possible."
"Is anyone else getting a strange vibe from these guys?" Lance asks once we're a hallway away from the Altean and the giant.
"Yeah, there's something off about these Alteans" I say while biting my thumbnail through my glove.
"Yeah, is it just me or did they pretty much scramble to big guys brain?" Hunk ask.
We all suddenly scream when a air duct cover falls beside us.
"Yoo-hoo! Up here!" We look up to see Sven and Slav.
"Whoa! How'd you find us?" Lance asks
"I figured there was a high probability that--"
"Wait. Stop. Nope. Never mind." Lance cuts off Slav.
"We gotta get to Keith and Allura and figure out a way to stop the Alteans from getting that comet." Pidge speaks up.
"Already on it. We just need one more thing to do and you guys can help." The sound of guns whirring makes us turn.
"Perfect! I had a feeling the Guns of Gamara were on this ship." The Altean says, the robots stand beside him. "But I didn't know Empress Allura's friends would be working with them."
They handcuff our hands behind our backs and lead us to the room where Keith, Allura and Hira are.
"What's going on?" Allura asks when she sees us." I see Keith's eyes land on my arms that are stuck behind my back. His eyes narrow and his fists clench hard that I can see them shaking slightly.
"Empress, the Guns of Gamara have infiltrated the ship. These people are working with them."
"Let our friends go!" Keith yells.
"Hira, you and the rest of Altea of turned this universe into an army of slaves. Peace at the sake of freedom!" Slav says.
"Slaves? Is this true?" Allura asks Hira.
"Non-cogs are not slaves! You're the ones who spread chaos and destruction. We're going to scan that little brain of yours and get every last rebel location. Finally, our wars can end." The Altean says. I shudder at his tone.
"Allura, we can't let this happen." Keith growls.
"Hira, please. We both want the same thing, peace."
"Do we? Your weakness has brought nothing but pain and suffering to your people at the hands of the Glara. We have brought peace and order to ours. And with this comet, we will bring peace to every reality. You're no empress of mine."
"And you're no Altean." Allura and Keith gets out their bayards, making to robots point their guns at them. Slav suddenly starts laughing.
"Why are you laughing?" Lance asks in disbelieve.
"Because this is the reality where everything works out fine!" Multiple explosions shakes the ship and makes us scream.
"Just in time." Keith throws his bayard into one of the robots.
"Dogpile!" Sven yells as we, well, dogpile the remaining robot.
We're now running down hallways to try and get out of the ship. Robots turn the corner and start shooting. Lance and Hunk shoot back, while the rest of us put up our shields.
"Pidge, which way to the lions?" Keith yells over the gun fire.
"To the left!"
Lance and Hunk take down the robots. We turn to the left to see robots coming down that way. One shoots at Lance, but Sven shoves him out of the way, resulting in him being hit. He falls to the ground, Lance drags him away, while Hunk takes care of the robots.
"Sven! Are you okay? You saved my life!"
"I'll be fine. Just get me to space hospital."
"They're blocking our way to the lions!" I yell as I stand next to Keith, with my shield up.
"Everyone, hang on!" Slav yells. He runs down the hall, dodging the shots, and opens one of the doors, sucking the robots into space. I hold onto one of the pillars to keep from being sucked out. Keith stands protectively in front of me, which I almost rolled my eyes at but appreciate it.
"Does he do this in every reality?"
"I'll take care of Sven, you just get to your lions!" Slav says as we leave the ship and jet pack to our lions. I jump into my seat and let the seat move forward as Pink starts up.
"This is all my fault. I activated the ship. They're going to dislodge the comet and have the power to terrorize every reality." Allura says through the comms. Slav suddenly pops up on our screens.
"No, you can still get the comet from them."
"Pidge, scan for the comet." Keith orders.
"Yep, already picked up on it's elemental signature."
"Everyone, we're going back in to get it. Form Voltron!"
Voltron slices the ship where the comet it. We then go in and grab it, and fly back out.
"Okay, now what?" Lance asks.
"We need to find the exact spot we came in or we might not make it home." Pidge says. Shots come from behind us where the ship is shooting at us.
"I found it!" We fly forward and slowly push through the tear in space. A shot managed to hit us s we go though, back to our reality. The shot knocks us all out and powers down Voltron. Shots suddenly ring out and Lotor's ship comes out of nowhere and steals the comet.
"Paladins, can you hear me? Are you okay?" Coran asks.
"Coran, we're here."
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