Chapter 31
"I didn't just turn Galra!" Keith yelled at Hunk once more. Hunk stared intensely at Keith as he leaned on his chair.
"Are you trying to see if my skin is purple?"
"Hunk, Keith, Korra, are you there? Can you hear me?" Allura's voice suddenly came from the lion's computer, her face popping up on the screen.
"Hunk, Keith and Korra here. What's going on princess?" Keith asks.
"You must return to the castle! I need you!" The three of us glanced at each other.
"We're on our way."
We flew out of the wormhole Allura made. The creature that we last fought at the Balmera, is now floating above the Balmera, facing the castle. It no longer has a head, it has a purple crystal jutting out of its chest, and is using two big purple crystals as shields. We flew next to Lance in front of the castle, moving out of the way of a green laser.
"Whoa, how is that thing working? It has no head!" Lance said.
"I don't know but I'm sure it has something to do with the crystals." Pidge responded.
"Can't worry about that now, we have to protect the castle." Said Shiro. I heard someone scream in the back.
"How did we beat him last time?" Keith asked.
"We formed Voltron then I stuck in my bayard and shot him with my blaster on his arm lasers. But that didn't stop it so we had to punch it." Hunk explained.
"So we're going to need Voltron." I spoke up.
"But we only have two lions."
"Well, maybe we can form the legs and kick it?" Everyone gave Lance a deadpan look. The creature suddenly shot out its laser, we moved out of the way while it swiped its laser around. Explosions on both sides of us made us all flinch. The creature had hit two small moons, causing them to explode around us.
"That new laser is much more powerful. We're defiantly gonna need the lions. Hunk you distracted it so we can fly into the castle. Once we get out lions out, we'll cover you so you can fly Keith and Korra in for Red and Pink." Shiro ordered.
"Wait, wait, wait, I have to hold that thing off myself?" Hunk asked as they flew back.
"You have Keith and Korra."
"Yeah, but they're in here with me." Hunk said nervously while glancing at the two of us. I gave him a deadpan look while Keith slightly glared.
"There's no time to argue. We gotta do this now." Shiro said.
"Oh quiznak." Hunk flew around shooting multiple lasers at it, the creature blacking each shot with the crystal shields.
"The crystals are blocking all of our attacks." Hunk said. The creature shot out the laser, but aimed to the castle. The laser hit the particle barrier making it flash red, then the barrier went down.
"The castle is doomed unless we distract the creature."
"Then distract it!" I yell. Hunk flies towards the creature and rams into the shields, making both the beast and us fly back. It started to fly towards us.
"Good, its chasing us." Keith says as we fly away.
"Bank left!" Keith says and Hunk moves to avoid the laser.
"Barrel roll!" I say.
"Nose dive!" We say at the same time.
"Would you two quit back lion driving!" Lance's face pops up on the screen.
"I'll distract it, get to the Red and Pink lion."
"Oh ho ho, good timing Lance!" Hunk says and turns around. We fly back to the castle, when suddenly the laser hits the Yellow lion, making the three of us scream.
"Guys!" The Yellow lion turns dark and starts to fall.
"Hunk do something!" Keith and I yell.
"I can't move! I'm hit. Nothing's working!" Hunk yells and starts talking to the lion. The lion started to heat up from falling. Shiro came over with the Black lion and grabbed the Yellow lion and started flying back to the castle.
"Shiro, that thing is heading to the castle!" Pidge says.
"On it." Shiro says and leaves us behind just out side of the castle.
"Well who's got me?" Keith suddenly ran out of the room.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"I'm going to jump out and jet pack to the castle. You coming?" He says. I nod and run after him. We exit of the lion. We look over and see the creature and the rest flying around.
"Gotta hurry." Keith says and we start to fly up. We're almost to the castle when the green laser flew right next to us. The impact caused Keith and I to fly back.
The Red lion's eyes lit up. It let out a loud growl, the Pink lion's eyes lit up at the sound.
My arms flailed as I tried to steady myself. I could hear Keith yelling and saying my name. A familiar growl made me stop. I turned to see Pink and Red racing over to us.
"Hey, my lion is working again. I'm back baby!" Hunk stopped when he realized the beast had a hold of his lion.
"Oh, not again." It's chest began to glow as it readied the laser. Lance, Pidge, and Shiro all pointed their lasers at the creature. The lasers eventually burst through the shields and hit the beast.
"Sorry we're late guys." Keith said as we flew over to the others. We joined them shooting lasers at the creature.
"Okay, let's form Voltron and take this thing down like we did last time." Lance said.
"I don't think the Robeast is gonna sit around and wait for us to transform." Keith stated.
"Keith's right. We'll need to thing of something else." Shiro said.
"Hey, at least we out number the crystal shields." Hunk spoke up. The beast was spinning in circles as he tried to block the shots, but was still getting hit.
"Yeah, he can only block two of us." I agreed.
"I think I have an idea." Pidge said as we all flew up. "See if you can get me an open shot at the chest."
"Got it!" We all shot at the beast, making it put the two shields together, which Lance froze. Pidge then popped up and shot at the crystal in its chest, making vines pop out.
"Nice job Pidge! Now form Voltron!"
After forming Voltron, we got out the big blue blade and flew to the beast. It managed to blast off the vines and turned to see us flying towards it. We all yelled as we thrusted the blade towards the beast. It put up the shields, the blade went through the shields, stabbing the crystal in its chest. The shields fell and the beast backed up. Then exploded.
"Great work, paladins. Now return to the castle so we can get back to the Olkarion."
"Why is there a grand entrance on the 40th floor? And what's with all the zip lines? You have hover technology."
"Well, you know what? Zip lines where quite fashionable 10,000 years ago." Allura said to, who I'm guess is Slav, the prisoner Lance, Pidge, and Shiro rescued. Apparently he's really smart and can help with beating Zarkon.
"Allura have you heard from Coran?" Asked Keith.
"Yes." She says, quite rudely I might add. I slightly growl and start to give her a piece of my mind but Keith grabs my hand and shakes his head.
"So we ready to pop through a wormhole and get back to Olkarion?" Lance asks.
"Yes, I've checked in with Coran and the teludav is nearly complete." Allura said and turned to look at us. "Hunk, Korra, thank you for getting the scaultrite."
"No problem." Hunk says. My temper in now getting the best of me.
"You know." I start loudly making her look at me. "Keith was there too. You know Keith? The pilot of the Red lion? Paladin of Voltron? Defender of the universe? The one that's standing right here. The one that has been putting up with your-"
"Korra, that's enough." Keith puts his hand over my mouth to stop me. Allura glares at the both of us and walks off. I glare right back, making Keith sigh.
"We made great progress while you were gone. And now that we have the scaultrite we should be finished in less than a quintant." Coran says as we look at the giant teludav.
"Wow, that is one big teludav."
"Nice work, Coran."
"Nice job, Coran. Fist bump." Hunk says to Coran. Coran stares at Hunk's fist and bumps it.
"Now blow it up." Hunk says and makes the hand motions. Coran gasps.
"Don't you dare! It took forever to build this teludav. And let's not forget it's a pivotal piece that we need for our plan to defeat Zarkon." A screen pops up, it shows Slav sitting on the teludav and hitting it with a rock, making Coran scream.
"I've mad some improvements to your design. This will increase our chances of survival in this reality by 205 percent." Slav says. Coran turns back to us.
"Is this guy a little--?" We all frowned.
"Not a doubt."
"Not a fan."
"Stop hitting the teludav!" Coran yells. A small explosion sounds.
"What's everybody thinking about?" Pidge asks from where she's sitting. We're all standing on a platform outside. I have my arms wrapped around Keith's arm and leaning my head on his shoulder.
"Calzones." We turn to Hunk.
"I mean, uh, heck, yeah, I'm thinking about calzones, okay? I mean, does it always have to be about Zarkon? He's a bad guy. We're trying to defeat him, I get it. I'm hungry." Hunk says as his stomach growls.
"We've come a long way." Keith says.
"Yeah, remember when Hunk used to throw up from ridding the elevator?" Lance asks, making Hunk groan.
"You guys remember that Arusian? Klaizap, I think his name was? Cool name." Hunk said.
"Yeah, Keith tried to beat him up, even though he's the size of a peanut." I say while laughing, making Keith get an angry look.
"He was their bravest warrior!"
"How about the time the food goo machines in the kitchen attacked us?" Pidge asked.
"That was the scariest thing that ever happened to me the entire time I've been here." Hunk says.
"Oh come on." Lance nudges Hunk.
"What? It's the truth!"
"We've faced sentries, a haunted castle, giant Robeasts, a mall security guard." Lance lists.
"And don't forget that cool cube thing." Pidge said while standing up.
"Yeah, and that awful cube thing."
"You realize once we defeat Zarkon the universe won't need Voltron anymore." Shiro spoke up.
"We can return to Earth." I said.
"I can look for my family." Pidge said.
"I guess I could look for mine." Keith said softly.
"This is it. As long as everything goes according to plan, we can't fail."
Almost done with the second season!
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