Chapter 28
"There's nothing here. This place looks like a plain asteroid." Keith said as we walked out of the red lion. A rumble made us look in front of us. The ground opened and a platform came up, with two Blade of Marmora agents on it. One small and one big. After a moment of staring, we got on the platform. The two agents behind us, I stood in between Keith and Shiro, nervously crossing my arms. The platform stopped and a door slid open. The room had BoM agents lined up next to the walkway, who I'm guessing is their leader is waiting at the front of the room. Even with the masks on I can tell the agents are staring at us, making me shuffle closer to Keith. Way to look brave, Korra. The man spoke up.
"I'm Kolivan. Leader of the Blade of Marmora." His voice is distorted by his mask.
"My name's Shiro and this is Keith and Korra. We're paladins of Voltron."
"I know who you are."
"Then you know we were sent by one of your own."
"Ulaz was a fool to divulge this location. He had a penchant for ignoring orders and following his own impulse. That's what got him killed." Shiro visibly bristled.
"He gave his life to save us! What he did brought us here today and Voltron is ready to assist you. Are we welcome here or not?" Kolivan didn't answer.
"You were told to come unarmed." I technically am unarmed. The bayard comes with the suit man.
"You also told us to identify ourselves. The lions are as close as we come to an ID." Keith said. He kept a glare on Kolivan while subtly moving closer to me.
"If anything happens, believe me, you'll be happy you have the red lion on your side." I finally spoke up.
"I imagine we would. However I was not referring to your beast." Keith was suddenly pushed away on knocked on the ground.
"Keith!" Shiro and I tried to move to him but one of the agents moved in front of us. I ducked under his arm only for another agent to wrap his arms around me and lift me in the air. I tried to wiggle out but gave up when his grip didn't loosen. The agent that pinned down Keith, pulled out his knife, the one he told me about.
"He has one of our blades? Who did you steal this from?"
"I didn't. I've had it all my life."
"Can you corroborate your friends statement?"
"I..I don't know." Shiro says. I growl and speak up.
"Its true. He told me about getting the knife when he was a kid. He didn't steal it." Shiro gives me a glance but I keep my eyes on Kolivan.
"I've had this knife for as long as I can remember."
"We can't trust them." The agent holding Keith down says. I wiggle more in the agents arms, he tightens his grip more, I wheeze.
"I'm telling the truth. I saw Ulaz had a knife like this. Tell me what it means." Keith says, he glances towards me, I nod to him. My ribs my be bending right now but I'm fine.
"Our origination was built on secrecy and trust. You three should leave. Now." The agent holding me dropped me. I landed on the ground, catching my breath. Keith helped me up as Shiro walked over and looked at Kolivan.
"We came here to form an alliance, but clearly, we're not welcome here. Come on guys we're leaving." Shiro starts to walk away. I got to follow but Keith keeps a grip on my arm.
"Not without some answers. Somehow one of your knifes ended up on Earth with me. Tell me how." Keith says.
"Your friend is right. You should leave." Kolivan says but Keith presses on.
"Where did it come from? I have to know." Kolivan stares at us. I put a hand on Keith's arm.
"You seek knowledge? There's only one way to obtain knowledge here."
"How? I'll do it!"
"Keith..." I have a bad feeling about this.
"The trials of Marmora. Should you survive, you can keep the blade and its secrets will be reveled."
"Survive?" My voice squeaks. "Keith, this is crazy we should go." I saw and tug on his arm, he doesn't budge.
"Korra's right let's just get out of here." Shiro says.
"I'm not going anywhere. I have to do this."
"Keith, honey, sweetie, I know you want answers but what value will they be if you die?!" I exclaim.
"Antok, give the boy the blade." Kolivan says. The big agent hands Keith his knife.
"We will meet again."
"Can't wait."
"These trails result in one of two things. Knowledge or death."
If you listen closely you can hear my sobs.
Shiro, Kolivan and I stand in a room, watching Keith through a screen. A platform opens and a BoM agent comes up.
"Surrender the blade. You cannot win." I bite my lip nervously as Keith attacks him. The agent easily blocks and dodges. I wince every time he lands a blow on Keith.
"Come on, Keith." Shiro mutters. The agent says something to Keith. He lets him go though the door behind him. Keith comes into the room again, now with two agents. I have to look away a few times. Shiro puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"This is not a fair fight." He says
"Nor is taking on the Galra, yet that is the fight we face."
The two agents continue to beat Keith. Till they let him go through the door. Every time Keith comes in again, there is one more agent. They continuously beat him to the ground, before he limps to the door. I keep a hold on my necklace, already have whispered the words. I can see Keith crystal glow,and every time he enters the room he holds it for a second before charging in.
"How long does this go on?" I ask.
"Sometimes the greats challenge is knowing when to stop."
"He'll never quit."
"One way or another, this will end." I growl and go towards him but Shiro stops me before I can.
"Korra don't." He says softly. I turn back to the screen with one last glare.
I'm not bothering with counting how many agents are in there now. I just keep my eye on Keith. He's battered and bruised, holding on to his shoulder. I tug at my necklace, doing a double take at it. The subtle glow it always has is fading. Why is it fading. I look up to see the dark pink crystal is still glowing, no change at all. Does my crystal know Keith's hurt? I look back at the screen to see Keith throwing his knife, not at the agents but the opening they came in, the knife keeping it from closing. He runs past them and jumps into the entrance, disappearing from the room.
"Guess I really wasn't supposed to go through that door." Keith chuckles to himself. Clutching his wounded shoulder, Keith walks forward into the new room. All he hears is the ringing in his ears, the room spinning around him. He collapses. He cracks open his eyes to see a familiar pink suit. His eyes close and open again. Korra's face enters his vision. She gives him a small smile and hold out her hand.
"Hey hon, you did it."
"Korra?" Keith asks. He takes her hand and she helps him up.
"Kolivan told me you lasted longer than anyone in there. You don't have to keep this up." Korra says. Keith looks at her in confusion.
"What are you talking about?"
"Just give them the knife and lets get out of here."
"I can't give it to them, Korra."
I look at the screen to see,me.
"Is that a hologram?" I ask.
"His suit has the ability to create a virtual mindscape, reflecting its wearers greatest hopes and fears. At this moment your...friend desperately wants to see you."
"What is it with you and this thing?" 'Korra' asks.
"Its the only connection I have with my past. Its my chance to learn who I really am." Keith says.
"You know who you are, a paladin of Voltron, the love of my life, we're the only family you need." Korra starts to sound angry.
"Korra, I love you I really do. You're my first love! But I have to do this." Keith practically pleads with her.
"No you don't. Just give them the knife." Korra is almost yelling.
"I can't! What happened to you supporting me?"
"Just give them the knife, Keith!"
"I've made my choice." Keith says while looking sadly at the knife.
"Then you've chosen to be alone." Korra says, turning around and walking away.
"Korra, wait!" He chases after his girlfriend. She disappears in a blinding white light.
Keith collapses on the ground again. The crystal on my neck is now flickering. Keith is wincing and grimacing. He looks like he's having a nightmare.
"You need to get him out of there." I say, Shiro nods.
"He can decide when to leave." Kolivan says, I whip towards him.
"You're messing with his mind! You're going to kill him!" I yell at him. Kolivan slowly turns to look at me.
"Knowledge or death, Korra."
"This is ridiculous."
"I'm calling this off." Says Shiro and I follow him as he leaves. But agents block the door way.
Suddenly alarms go off, the station begins to rumble, the screens now only showing static. A agent runs into the room.
"It's the red lion! Its trying to break through."
"It has a link with Keith. It knows when he's in danger. It's coming for him." I say to Kolivan. A piece of the ceiling falls. I use this distraction to stomp on the foot of one of the agents and start running, Shiro not far behind me. I run into the room where Keith is, I run over to him and see him opening his eyes.
"Come on Keith, we gotta move." I say as Shiro and I put Keith's arms on our shoulders.
"Stop what you're doing!" Kolivan says.
"What are you talking about? Whats going on?" Keith asks. More pieces of the ceiling falls to the grounds.
"Call off your beast!"
"Move out of the way! We're leaving!"
"You will not leave with that blade. It does not belong to you, you failed to awaken it."
"What does that mean?" Keith yells.
"Give up the blade!" Antok says, and charges with his sword. I shove Keith onto Shiro and get out my bayard. My battle axe meets his sword, I grunt and attempt to push him off.
"Wait! just take the knife." Keith says. Antok and I release the block and stare at Keith as he holds out the knife.
"It doesn't matter where I came from. I know who I am. We all need to work together to defeat Zarkon. If that means I give up the knife,fine. Take it." Keith says. The symbol on the blade begins to glow, then the room bursts into a white light.
"You've awoken the blade!" Antok says. When the light disappears, Keith is no longer holding a knife, but now a sword, like the other BoM agents.
"The only way this is possible is if Galra blood runs through your veins."
"Princess, we're on our way back. We're bringing someone you should meet."
The red lion lands in its hanger, the others are waiting for us. It's jaws open to let us out. We step out with Kolivan. His mask disappears and he kneels on the ground in front of Allura.
"Princess Allura its good to see that the rumors are true. You're still alive after all these years." He says.
"So is Zarkon. Can we consider you our ally in the fight against him?" She asks.
"Yes, but we have little time to discuss this. I just received word from our spy inside the Galran hierarchy. They have become aware of our presence, so the timetable of our plan has been moved up."
"How soon do we need to begin?" Shiro asks.
"Ow! That stings."
"Of course its going to sting you big baby, its alcohol." I tell Keith as I clean the cut on his shoulder. Keith mumbles something about not being a baby before wincing again.
"Was that really you with me in the room?" He asks after a beat of silence.
"No, it was some kind of hologram." I say as I grab the gauze. He hums.
"I noticed something." I say as I start wrapping his shoulder. He gives me a look and I take that as my cue to continue.
"You know how our necklaces always glow?" He nods. "Well when you were in the trials when you kept getting hurt my necklace was flickering and fading. So I think our necklaces know when we're hurt, like how it knows when we love each other. Okay I'm done." I say and put down the gauze. Keith puts back on his jacket.
"So I'll know when your hurt, nice." He says. "Thanks for patching me up." He says and plants a kiss on my forehead. He walks off to join the others in the main room.
I'd hate to see the necklace if one of us dies.
Wow dark ending oops lol.
But hi guys. How are you? Good? Good.
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