Chapter 23
Hey there demons It's me, ya boy
Oh hey I got accepted into college :D
"Zarkon! How did he find us?" Allura asked over the alarms.
"He must have heard from his commands at Olkarion." Keith stated.
"We need to wormhole, now! Everyone to your stations." Everyone scrambled to their spots, I fell into my seat. Then, Zarkon's fighter ships began shooting at the castle, making it rumble.
"That's a lot of fighters."
"Allura can you evade these fighters? We can't have them following us through the wormhole." Shiro asked. I stared at my screen nervously biting my nails.
"I can try." The boosters came on and we started flying with the barrier up, the fighters following us.
"Keith, Lance let's put down some covering fire." Their little disk shaped robots flew out and began shooting at the fighters.
"Lance incoming!" Pidge said.
"Got it!" I looked at the screen, pushed a few buttons to get a better look of the fighters. I open my mouth-
"Hey!" I look to see Keith went over and shot at the fighters.
"Sorry gotta be quick." I shook my head.
"How's this for quick?" Lance rammed into Keith's robot. They began repeatedly run into each other, I would laughed but I'm stressed at the moment.
"Knock it off you two!"
"Yeah Keith!"
"Keep calling out those fighters Pidge, Korra help her out. Hunk how are the defenses."
"I don't know, ten percent? Fifteen maybe. Everything's a blur I've been up too long, I have tired eyes."
"I know we just came from an intense battle-"
"Keith on your left!"
"- but we've got to stay focused just until we jump. Korra try and help him out." I changed screens and started pushing buttons.
"And when will that be?" Keith asked.
"They're still too close, we need to gain more speed!" Coran said.
"I got an idea hold on!" Allura said, I gripped my chair as the ship lurched forward.
"Allura what are you doing?" Pidge asked, that's when I realized she's heading towards a moon.
"I'm going to use this moons gravity to gain speed!" Well it's working. As she flew around I'm being pushed against my seat.
"We're clear to wormhole!" The black and blue ring appeared and we flew into the tunnel. Once inside, I fell forward and took a deep breath.
"We're in the wormhole, but why are we still on alert?" Lance asked over the alarms that are still going.
"Coran what's going on?"
"Oh no! Teludav lens malfunction! We're about to leave the wormhole a lot sooner that expected!" Coran yelled. The wormhole opened and we flew out. It looked empty, until I looked in front of us to see a bunch of what looks like giant ice crystals.
"Where are we? It looks like an iceberg graveyard." Lance said.
"Coran, what's the status?" Allura asked. The princess sounds drained.
"Checking that now. We didn't make it to our exit point but we're still several galaxies from Zarkon."
The princess then collapsed.
"You look exhausted. You must rest. I'll go check on the main turbine and find out what's happening--" Coran cut himself off with a yell and slid into a wall.
"Whoa are you okay?" Coran groaned and stepped away from the wall, leaving a Coran shaped goo outline?
"I'm fine, must have found a slippery spot. Some one please wipe that up!" Coran said.
"You look really sweaty. Like Lance at that one training camp in the summer a few years back sweaty." I said with a hand on my hip. Lance cringed and sent me a glare.
"You might have a case of the slipperies." Allura said. Coran gasped, as if offended.
"What! No!" He waved his hand send sweat flying. "That's an old people virus, I'm young! Well young-ish."
"What are the slipperies?"
"It's a common Altean virus that occurs...later in life. It's not harmful, only lasting a couple of days. But it does cause ones body to secrete extremely slick fluid." Allura explained as Coran tried to move away from the sweat, only to make another puddle where he is standing. We all backed away.
"Yes it is gross so it's a good thing I don't have it!" Coran said as Pidge ran off to puke. I gagged at that and turned away, hiding my face in Keith's arm.
"Coran it's nothing to be embarrassed about."
"I'm not embarrassed because I don't have it!" He said while slick dripped off of him. "I'm going to leave so I can fix the main turbine." He said while trying to walk, only to look down and realized he's walking in place.
"Quiznak!" He yelled as he slipped and began sliding down the hall.
"Alright." Shiro said making us all look at him. "Since Zarkon doesn't know where he are this is the perfect time to focus on our next step. Maybe we can find that secret group, the Blade of Marmora. Pidge where are those coordinates?" We all turned to Pidge who was in her chair not looking so hot.
"Wait hang on, I'm so tired my brains not working." She said while slowly typing.
"Yeah mine too." Lance said. I let out a big and loud yawn. Coran showed up on the big screen.
"Hello all I've checked the engines."
"That was fast."
"Well I slipped right down." Coran fell on his face then quickly stood up. "I mean hurried down. Anyway the good news the Galra fighter did minimal damage. The bad news is the teludav, or wormholer as you earthlings call it, is in bad shape. Several scaultrite lens of the magnifying beam generator are cracked. That beam is what is used to wormhole. I need to remove the cracked lenses, and readjust their trajectory temporarily until we can replace them. I'll also need to divert power to make up for the lost energy. Anyway it's going to take at least a quintant."
" Alright we'll hide the ship and get some rest. Tomorrow we'll be sharper and refocused." Oh here comes another yawn.
Everyone dispersed through the hallways and went to their own rooms. I collapsed on my bed, not bothering to take my shoes or jacket off. I was close to falling asleep when a bang at my door made me jump up.
"Who is it?"
"It's me." Lance said. The door slid open and he had on swim trunks and a towel over his shoulder.
"I heard there's a pool here and wanted to know if you wanted to come with?" He asked while leaning on the door frame. I thought about it then nodded.
"Why not. Give me a minute." He nodded and yawned as he stepped away from the door to let it close. I sat up and went over to the small closet. There wasn't much in here, since we didn't exactly get the chance to pack anything, Allura gave us some simple clothing. I shuffled around the clothes until I found a dark pink one piece with the string design in the back that makes you question which one you put your head though. After a minute of struggling I managed to get it on. I debated whether I should take my jacket or not but decided against it. It's just going to be me and Lance. I went out into the hallway and saw Lance leaning on the wall next to the door. He tossed me a towel and we went over to the elevator. I went in first, Lance following. The doors were about to close when a hand stopped them.
"What the heck do you think you're doing?" Lance asked Keith who stepped in with red swim trunks on.
"Allura said there was a pool and I'm going the check it out, what do you think you're doing?"
"The same thing." I said. Keith perked up as if he just noticed I was there. He turned, his eyes widened as he looked me up and down.
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing." He turned red and looked at Lance. "You stay on one side of the pool and I'll stay on the other. We'll be far away from each other. Very. Far. Away." The elevator shook and I grabbed Keith's arm to keep from falling. The elevator suddenly turned dark, the lights went out. I heard the boys sigh.
After some arguing and panicking, me doing all the panicking. Keith and Lance came with the oh so great idea of climbing out the elevator and going up the tunnel with their backs to each other and climbing.(idk how to describe it but you know what they did.) That left me wondering, what am I supposed to do? And that's how I wound up clinging to Keith like a koala and he and Lance climbed up. (I don't think that could actually work irl but oh whale)
We made it pretty far when they suddenly slipped making me let out a loud yelp.
"It's right, then left. Your off." Keith said when they stopped.
"You're off and shoving too hard."
"You're not shoving hard enough."
"Can you guys please shut up, you're not helping my situation." I said.
"What situation?" Lance asked.
"BEING TERRIFIED. I'VE FOUGHT ZARKON AND WASN'T AS SCARED AS I AM NOW." I took a deep breath and tightened my grip on Keith.
"Look!" I forced my eyes to open and look up. Keith had pointed out a hatch. After some climbing and some panicked yelling, we made it. I scrambled in first when Keith kicked it in. We slid down the hatch and landed harshly on the ground. I think my back is bruised. I noticed the boys where looking up so I did to.
The pool is up there.
"Stupid Altean pools." Keith grumbled. The castle suddenly rumbled. The water came down and dragged us up. Then let us fall back to the ground. I gasped when the water took us up we all groaned when we landed and I coughed up water.
We ran to the main control room and ran to our seats. Zarkon's ship was right above us and hundreds of fighter ships are shooting at us.
"They found us? Again? How is it possible? Is it possible? It doesn't seem possible!" Lance rambled. I pulled up the holographic computer at my seat and began working on keeping defenses up.
"Right now we must figure out a way to get out of here." Allura said.
"Or we can stay and fight. Now's our chance. Form Voltron, no more running." Keith said.
"It's too dangerous." I stated, still frowning at the stats. I could feel Keith's gaze but I didn't bother to look up.
"The girls are right. We can't take on Zarkon and his entire fleet." Shiro yelled over the blasts. Coran appeared on the giant screen.
"The turbine's up. Begin the worm-" Coran cut himself off with a yelp as he slipped again.
"Uh guys, I think I do in fact of the slipperies. I'm sorry I yelled at you Pidge, I may need you down here." Coran said with a sad face.
"I'm coming down."
"Clear a path!" Shiro ordered. The ship flew forward, the fighter ships following. I could feel the rumble of the ship as it shot at the fighters, and them fighting back.
"Lance there's a fighter on your nine." Keith spoke up.
"Thanks! Get the one going for the lower barrier." A few seconds later.
"What's going on? I lost control of my defense drone!" Lance said. I peeked up and saw that his controls and holographic computer disappeared.
"I got you!" Keith's disappeared as well. "Okay I don't got you. There must be a system failure. Korra?"
"There's no power to your drones." I said while frowning.
"That was us." I looked up to see Pidge on the big screen with Coran screaming in the back.
"We're diverting power from non-essential systems to get the wormhole generator working."
"Shooting bad guys is pretty essential!" Lance yelled and jumped out of his seat.
"We lost secondary controls." I said.
"Thermal regulators offline!" Hunk said right after.
"Oh there goes the particle barrier." I stressed. Not good, not good not good.
"Okay try it! We should be able to make a small jump, I hope." Coran said. Allura closes her eyes, and powered up the generator. The familiar black and blue ring appeared.
"The wormholes open!" We flew threw, the ring closing immediately after. We came out in front of a brown planet, with what looks like giant dust clouds. We all sat back. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath to try and calm my racing heart. Just as I dozed off I realized.
I'm still in my swimsuit.
Random Korra fact of the day: As you could probably tell from the chapter, she has a slight fear of heights. And clowns *shudders*
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