Chapter 21
My mom bought me a ninja turtle onesie and I'm so happy
"Lets hurry up with these repairs. Zarkon could be here any minute." Shiro said. We all are floating outside the castle, Hunk pulled up a blue glowing tube from the side.
"Okay panels off. Now what?"
"Very simple, just loosen the blaxums on the somoflange." Coran said. We all stared at the Altean words.
"Could you be more specific?"
"Sorry Hunk, he means the poklones on the agroclams." Allura said. I sighed, and glanced at Keith. How does he keep his usual arm crossed pose while floating?
"Easy Hunk I got this." Lance said and pushed him out of the way. Lance pushed and twisted random things. The blue light suddenly turned red and an alarm started blaring.
"Uh oh that can't be good."
"No not the smalters! The poklones!"
"No! The blaxums!"
"What are you talking about?" Keith asked, getting fed up with the Altean language. Can't say I blame him. Pidge floated to the tube, looked at it, then pushed some buttons and the alarm turned off and the light went back to blue.
"There. Fixed."
"Well done Pidge!"
"The tech on this ship never ceases to amaze me." She said with stars in her eyes. She began to blab about math and I stopped listening. I was brought back to reality when Hunk yelped. I look to see some kind of blue goo on his helmet. We all turned to see hundreds of blue blobs coming towards us. Shiro got out his shield.
"Alright we're prepared for this. Remember your rouge projectile cluster training from the Garrison." Shiro was cut off by Lance throwing one to the back of his head.
"Sorry Shiro I was trying to hit Keith." Lance stopped when one landed on his face.
"Like that?" Keith asked while chuckling. I started laughing.
"SQUISHY ASTEROID FIGHT!" Hunk yelled. Keith, Lance and Hunk started throwing the mini asteroids at each other. I laughed when they Shiro in on it. I turned to see Pidge trying to study them. I smirked and grabbed a blob and threw it at her head. She gasped and gave me glare, making me laugh.
"I don't think these are asteroids. Coran I'm going to need a containment unit." Pidge said and threw one back at me. They started talking about the blobs which I tuned out when the guys started pelting me with the asteroids.
"The pulse doesn't seem natural, it's like some kind of code." Pidge said. I dodged one from Lance and it landed on Shiro
"A code from who?" Hunk asked as I threw one on his head.
"If anyone can figure it out it's you Pidge." Shiro said. Only to get knocked over by a spore, with an unamused look.
"Before that, everyone needs to come in for decontamination."
Now we're all in the decontamination room covered in the spores. Hunk mainly as Lance used him as a shield. Hot water began raining from the ceiling. Pidge was yelping and Hunk was slightly yelling. I rubbed off the spores as Keith kept his arms crossed. Then the room filled with soapy bubbles, Pidge and Lance began sliding around. I rubbed some of the soap on my suit, might as well take this opportunity to clean it. Keith kept his arms crossed. Then the room filled with water, making me lose balance and end up floating upside-down. Keith who still had his arms crossed, reached out to my foot and pushed me upright. Then the room drained and big fans blew to dry us off. Lance was using Hunk as a shield again, Pidge went flying. I almost went with her if it wasn't for Keith's arm, that was still crossed.
After decontamination, I sat on my bed, twirling the metal lily in my hand. (Read the bonus chapter if you haven't already to see how she gets it!) After a while I hear voices coming from the hall. I can hear Lance yelling from here. I roll my eyes and put the flower down and walk out my room.
"....and blue and I are very happy together!" I hear Lance say as I approached.
"What is Lance going on about now?" I ask.
"He thinks I'm trying to steal the blue lion from him." Keith says as he rolls his eyes.
"Guys check this out!" Pidge's voice comes through the castle. We head over to her makeshift lab in the green lion hanger. Pidge has a spore from earlier in a holding device. She must have been studying it.
"Oh! Oh! I've seen this experiment before! But why do we need electricity from a potato?" Hunk said. I giggled under my breath and lean against Keith, who is standing in his signature 'emo pose'.
"What? No. I was able to crack the 'spore code'. I ran the bioluminescence pattern through some code-breaking sequences, including this homemade virtual Turing machine. Of course I had to make a few tweaks to the original design, because there has been some advancements since he made it. Though you have to admit Turing was an amazing scientists in his age--"
"Pidge." She yelped. "What does it say." Keith interuppted her moment.
"Oh yeah. 'Under attack. Galra. Help.' Then there are coordinates."
"It's a distress signal. Good work Pidge. Get those coordinates to the castles navigation system." Shiro ordered.
"The signal came from Olkarion. Home of the Olkari, a proud class of engineers." Coran said as we flew towards the planet.
"They had a seemingly magic to manipulate solid metal. With just a wave of their hands they could build a computer inside a block of steel." Allura explained.
"An Olkari gave me this." Coran said and held up a floating cube.
"What is it?" Lance asked.
"Uh hello, it's a floating cube." Coran laughed. "Watch! My name is Coran and I'm a gorgeous man." The cube beeped.
"My name is Coran and I'm a gorgeous man." The cube repeated in Coran's voice. Pidge stared at the cube in awe with stars in her eyes. I couldn't help but join her.
"Why would a society full of literal tech wizards use spores to send a distress signal?" Keith asked.
"Who cares? When do we get to see that city?" Pidge asked.
"Actually Pidge, the signal isn't coming from the city. It's coming from the forest.
Pidge let out a groan.
I sighed as we listened to Pidge complain about nature. We are currently flying to where the distress signal came from in our lions.
"There's nothing out here but sunburns and poison oak." I rolled my eyes. I hear something fly by our lions, I look out to see arrows. I felt and heard the clink of an arrow sticking itself to the bottom of Pink.
"What was that?"
"Are we being attacked?"
"I don't know, but somethings dragging my lion to the surface." When Shiro said that, my lion was pulled down. We landed,more like fell, down onto the ground. I looked out to see people, or aliens or something, standing in front of our lions.
"We just got taken down by a bunch of tree people." Lance complained.
"We come in peace!" Shiro says.
"Shouldn't the tree people say that." I said under my breath. I heard Keith snort. Oh yeah, my comms are on. Pidge came out of her lion.
"We found your distress signal!"
"Praise Lubos!" The leader said, the others following her cheer. After leaving our lions the leader, who's name was Ryner , lead us into the city like place they made to live in.
"When the Galra attacked, only a few of is escaped the city. We were forced to flee to the forests."
"How long have you lived here?"
"Many decafeebs." She said.
"Our people are resilient. We kept evolving. We adapted our skills to the environment." She lead us to a green orb, encased in tree branches. Pidge got excited and ran towards it.
"Coran was right, you really are the greatest engineers in the universe." Pidge said as one of the people made a little wooden dragonfly and flew by her.
"Nature's design are superior to any we could make." Ryner said.
"I'll gladly take my computer over a tree any day." Pidge said.
"You guys can talk science later. Let's assemble Voltron and get rid of the Galra." Shiro said.
"It's not that simple. They have our leader, Lubos. If you attack who knows why they'll do to him." Ryner said.
"Well then we'll just rescue him."
"Um...Ryner, where are we?" Asked Keith. Ryner lead us to a part of the forest, where there are glowing flowers and weird spheres hanging from the trees.
"This is the armory." Some of the Olkari stuck their hands in the flowers and formed guns with them. Ryner put her hand on a tree and one of the spheres fell to the ground. We all screamed and I nearly jumped into Keith's arms like Scooby Doo. The sphere grew four legs and opened to reveal and seat. Oh, so it's a vehicle thing. "Can I get one of those?" Keith asked.
"Of course, you each can have one. The key to operating it is understanding that the nanocellulose responds to electrical impulses from the neural pathways in this." Ryner grabbed a little glowing crowns and handed them to each of us.
"Do what now?"
"It makes my tongue itchy."
"Hunk don't lick it!" I smacked his arm.
"That's your interface?" Pidge asked.
"Of course. All commands need to come as binary codes." As they talked I put the crown on, only for my ponytail to get in the way. I grumbled and struggled, finally getting the crown under my ponytail. I heard a loud thump and looked to see that Pidge managed to get a nanocellulose down.
"I think mines just a tree." Lance said, I realized we are supposed to be getting them down how Ryner did.
"You must have a deep connection with nature."
"Not really. My pale skin and allergies don't mix with the outdoors."
"Pidge is our resident tech expert." Shiro said.
"That explains it." I put my hand on a tree, soon after a nanocellulose fell down. I laughed and climbed in. Hunk, Lance and Keith stared in shock.
"What? Pidge taught me binary codes."
Random Korra fact of the day: Yes, Pidge taught her binary codes, Pidge was Korra's tutor back at the Garrison.
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