Chapter 18
Okay first, now that all ages and birthdays have been confirmed, my boy is 18, let's set Korra's age and birthday. She is 17 and her birthday is November 4th!
Flying out of the wormhole was not fun. I could see Pidge falling next to my lion. I screamed as I ran into things. Our lions crash landed. I groaned softly as I looked up.
"Hey girl you okay?" I asked my lion. It wasn't responding.
"Korra? Korra you there?" I heard Pidge ask.
"Yeah, I'm here."
"Your lion not respond either?"
"Okay, I'll try and figure something out." I looked around at where we are. Junk was floating around.
"There's no gravity. It like a trash nebula of some kind." I said.
"So uh, you got any idea on what to do?" I asked.
"Nope, but you know what they say when you get lost in space, the best thing to do is to stay put and wait for people to find you."
"Who says that?"
"This will be nice though, we can have some girl time." She said.
"Uh huh. I don't think this is the right time for girl time."
"Fine, I'll have some me time then."We sat in silence for a few minutes. I continued to try and get my lion to work again.
"Okay this isn't working. I'm going out, you coming?" She asked.
"Yep." We exited our lions and jumped, well floated, around the junk and looked around. I turned and saw multiple eyes looking at us in a dark area.
"Pidge." I said softly. She turned and yelped as she got her bayard out and pointed it at the eyes.
"Who's there?" She asked. One started coming out, then the others. They're...fluffy. What we thought were eyes, are actually markings on the tiny creatures.
"Aw you guys so cute!" I said as they flew over to us.
"Too cute to be found in a dumb like this. Are you guys the only ones living here?" Pidge said.
"I hope our rough landing didn't disturb your day. We'll be here for a short time." I said as I petted a pink one.
"We're waiting for our friends to find us. We were separated during a wormhole jump." Pidge said.
"I sure hope they find us soon."
"Hey Pidge?"
"You do realize we're talking to creatures that we've never seen, and probably don't understand us?"
"Yeah, but what else are you going to do?"
Pidge was moving around messing with the junk and making look a likes for all of us. While I sat off to the side and watched her.
"Hey Pidge."
"What's one electronic you miss?" I asked. She stopped to think.
"Probably my actual computer. A whole lot better than the one I have here."
"Hmm. I miss my Xbox."
"Whoa, you play games?"
"Yeah, you think I have a life?" We both laughed.
"I don't understand why we didn't talk more often at the Garrison. You're great." I said, and thought about the conversions we had while out here.
"Hehe thanks. But hey look." I looked over to see her standing with a Keith look a like.
"My name is Keith I'm so emo."
"It's funny cause it's true." I giggled.
"I'm also sooo in love with Korra." She took the one that looks like me and put it next to him.
"That's also true." I said. I moved, lying on my stomach, but you know I'm floating.
"Shiro your our leader what should we do?"
"We'll get through this if we work together. We're a team."
"He would say that."
"Look at me! I'm Lance. Hey is that a cute girl over there?" I laughed again.
"Ugh I don't feel good. The smell of this place is making me want to barf." She said like Hunk.
"Paladins please, we must defeat Zarkon."
"Hey you got her accent pretty good." I said.
"Blah blah blah. Crazy words. Mustache!" I giggled. Suddenly the creatures began making a beeping sound, their markings glowing.
"What is it?" We turned to see our lions turning on.
"Hey you're working again? Welcome back!" We started going over, but Pidge got her foot caught on a wire and fell, causing pieces of metal to fly up.
"Whoa, Pidge you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine. But look." The metal pieces reveled a rusty satellite.
"Maybe we can find them, before they find us!" She said. So we went back and forth around the place, fixing up metal pieces and wires to the green lion, who's more capable of doing this than mine. Really, I was just following Pidge's orders, I didn't know what to do. After a bit we got an antenna like structure on the green lion.
"That ought do it." Pidge said as she powered it up.
"Now, let's see if we can get a hold of the castle." Just as the satellite was working it suddenly powered down.
"No, no,no what's wrong?" I said.
"I need to get out of here! Come on!" Pidge yelled. The green lion suddenly roared and the satellite powered on. We cheered and I squeezed Pidge into a hug. We both went into her lion and powers it on. After a while the castle appeared from a wormhole. "You guys save us, we were stuck in a time loop." Allura said.
"You got us out with this giant trash pile." Said Coran.
"It's a makeshift commutations link that sends out the lions energy. It's similar to the energy that sent the blue lion home."
"You two are genius!"
"Oh it was all Pidge. She's the smart one of the bunch." I said and put my arm around her small shoulders.
"Haha well you helped too." She said, with a big smile.
"Let's get the rest of the Paladins."
I went through a worm hole with my lion. We went to a planet and I saw the black and red lion. I landed my lion, Pidge not far behind. I got out of my lion, Keith stood up and I ran over to him. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him.
"Oh thank God you're okay." I said. He pulled me me tighter.
"I'm glad you're okay." He said. We pulled apart and got him and Shiro into the castle. Shiro was injured so we put him in a healing pod.
Random Korra fact of day: the fact will be her birthday and age at the beginning :)
Also I hated the ending but I didn't know how else to end it.
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