Chapter 15
Man, season 3 was only seven episodes, but it messed me up
I watched it all as soon as it came out, what am I going to do with my life now.
"Okay guys, Sendak's almost all hooked up." Coran said. We all, except Allura who was resting, stood around Sendak where he was being held.
"But I have to warn you, this technology was used to keep Altean memories alive, not to integrate prisoners." Coran said.
"Coran, we understand this isn't what the technology is used for,but if we can extract Sendak's memories, we may gain valuable intelligence on Zarkon's troop locations." Shiro said.
"Yeah, and then we can just be like knock-knock. Who's there? The avenging fury of Voltron son!" Lance said. I sighed.
"Fascinating." Pidge said from behind the glass, morphing her face. "So how does this work?"
"As the memories are extracted, they're written bit by bit on individual molecules of the micro storage strands." Coran explained. I blinked, I didn't understand any of that.
"When I go, I want all the stuff in my brain stored in a big ship." Lance sighed.
"The amount of information in your brain can be stored in a paper airplane." Keith said. I busted out laughing.
"Oh yeah? Well, the amount of information you have Keith, could be..." Lance trailed off.
Uh.. it's less then what I have!"
"Oh, good one Lance!" Hunk said.
"How have you delt with that your whole life?" Keith asked me.
"Practice." I could feel Shiro's disappointment.
"So this is how you Incorporated King Alfor's memories in the Castle Of Lions?" Pidge asked, as she looked at the device.
"Right. But it's never been done on a unwilling participant." Coran finished what he was doing then stepped back. The device began to glow. But nothing else.
"Uh, is this what's supposed to be happening?" Hunk asked.
"Let's give it some time." Shiro said.
So we sat, well stood, and watched and waited. And waited some more. And some more. I sighed. Even Hunk was sleeping while standing. He only woke up when he fell. We eventually sat down. I sat next Keith, counting in my head out of boredom.
"Well, I can't wait around anymore. I'm going to hit the training deck." Keith said and walked off.
After some more time.
I laid on the ground next to Hunk, as we talked about what foods we missed in earth. Lance was staring at Shiro, who has not moved at all this whole time.
"Okay, if anyone needs me I'll be in the lab. Maybe I can pull information from Sendak's crystal." Pidge left.
More time passed.
"I spy something purple."
"It's Sendak isn't it." I sighed.
"How did you know?" Lance gasped.
"He's the only thing you've been spying."
"Time to feed the beast. I'm going to make some breakfast." Hunk left.
"Well I'm afraid I can't wait here any longer either. I have a million duties to attend to. Between that and the Galra crystal infecting our system, and then fighting off those ships, and performing the Balmeran rejuvenation ceremony, the old Castle Of Lions has taken a beating. Every system needs to be recharged and repaired." Coran said.
"I'll stay. Some where in Sendak's mind is the information we need." Shiro said.
"Yeah I can't sit here anymore, I going to go find Keith on the training deck. I could use some help." I said, as I stood up and stretched.
"Okay, well while you guys do that, I think I'm going to get my chill on. Maybe kick back with a lemonade or space juice. Something." Lance said.
"Hold on there space juice. You're coming with me." Coran told Lance. I laughed and walked off.
I walked up to the training deck doors, hearing Keith's grunts out side. I opened the door to see him get knocked over by a training robot.
"End training sequence." He panted out, the robot disappeared.
"Wow, getting your but kicked by robot. I thought you were better than that Keith." I said as I walked over.
"Oh ha ha very funny. What are you doing here?" He asked.
"Well everyone left, I was bored and I was hoping you could help we with training."
"Okay, sure." He said.
I unzipped my jacket and tossed it next to his. I grabbed my bayard and got in position in front of him.
"When ever you're ready." He said. I ran over and swung my axe at him which he blocked with his sword.
"So I was wondering, how did you get that scar on your shoulder?" He asked. I twisted my axe out of his block.
"Well to make it short." I swung at his legs, which he jumped over.
"When I was younger, Lance dared me to balance on top of a wooden fence." He swung at me which I ducked to avoid.
"I slipped, caught the top of my shoulder on a piece of wood." I knocked his bayard out of his hand.
"Got a deep cut, made this scar." I put my bayard up to his neck.
"Hmm. I was expecting something cooler."
"Well too bad." I said, and dropped my bayard. We continued to spar for a while. We eventually got rid of the bayards and went hand to hand. Keith eventually tackled me to the ground.
"I win." He said.
"Yeah." I said. He rolled off of me and laid on the ground next to me. We sat in awkward silence. Till he sat up.
"Hey Korra, can I tell you something." I sat up.
"Yeah, anything." He turned to me, his face red, not from the training.
"Okay I'm just going to come out and say it. Korra I really, like really like you. I have had a crush on you since the Garrison. I understand if you don't like me-" I cut him off by grabbing his face and kissed him. He tensed and I almost pulled back but he started kissing back.
"I like you too Keith." I said when we pulled apart. He smiled and pulled me into another kiss. A thump made up pull apart. We looked over to see one of the training robots walking over.
"I thought you ended the training sequence." I said.
"I did." The robot ran over. We moved out of the way.
"End training sequence." Nothing happened.
"Oh that's not good." We grabbed our bayards as it attacked.
"End training sequence now!" Keith yelled. It came to me first. It knocked my bayard out of my hands and kicked me away. Keith attacked it as I ran and grabbed my bayard.
"Come on!" Keith grabbed my hand and we ran out the deck. He closed the door, as we panted.
"So, are we dating now?" I asked. He laughed.
"If you want to."
"Yeah." We smiled. Suddenly a sword was thrusted into the door, we looked to see the robot staring back at us.
"Run." Keith grabbed my and again and we ran as the robot got out. We ran down the hall and turned the corner. Keith turned around and blocked it with his sword as we ran.
"Help!" I stopped at the air lock to see Lance in it.
"Lance? What are you doing in there?" I asked as Keith got kicked over next to me. We turned to the robot, and tried not to get sliced.
"I need help! If you don't get me out of here right now I'm going to be sucked into space!"
"Doors opening."
"I'm getting sucked into space!" Lance yelled.
"Korra hang on." Keith said, and opened the door. The robot got sucked out and Keith grabbed Lance. He closed the door when Lance got in.
"What were you doing out there?" I asked, as I slid down the wall and set next to Keith.
"Who was that guy?"
"He was trying to kill us!" Me and Keith yelled.
"Well, is he the castle cause that's what trying to kill me!" Lance said. They both gasped. They both screamed, and ran off. Keith coming back to grab my hand.
"Guys hold up! The castle is probably just glitching!"
We ran into Coran while running. We all went to the lab where Pidge and Hunk are. When we entered, they were on the ground.
"How could you guys be taking a nap while this castle is trying to kill us?" Lance said as we walked in.
"Taking a nap? We've been floating around in zero G man! You know how scary that is?" Hunk said.
"That's not scary! That's fun! I was almost ejected into space!"
"Well I got attacked by killer food, and that's the most horrifying thing you can imagine! The stuff of nightmares! It'll haunt my grave!"
"Well we had a robot trying to kill us!" Keith exclaimed, pointing to me and him. I just noticed we're still holding hands, not that I mind.
"Guys relax, the castle is probably just messing up from Sendak's crystal." I said.
"I don't care what you say, this castle has gone apples and bananas!" Lance said.
"But perhaps Korra is right. The infection from Sendak's crystal is worse than we thought." Coran said.
"Well let's get rid of it." Hunk suggested.
"It's too late. When Sendak plugged it in the ship, it corrupted the whole system." Coran explained.
"Sendak. Wait. Has anyone seen Shiro?" Keith asked.
"Shiro are you okay?" We ran over to him. He was leaning against the memory machine thing,(wow I'm such a great writer) head in his hand. He didn't look so good.
"Where's Sendak?" I looked to see the tube empty.
"I..I had to get him out of here. I was hearing his voice. He can't be trusted on the ship." Shiro said. He looked so stressed.
"It is the ship. I got stuck in a cryo-pod, then the air lock. Keith and Korra got attacked by a robot, Hunk and Pidge got attacked by food. It's been a weird morning." An alarm cut off Lance. We looked over to the screen to see a diagram of the castle.
"What? How is that possible?" Coran said.
"What is it?"
"The ship is starting a worm hole jump!"
We ran to the control room, where Allura was standing at the controls.
"Allura, what's going on?"
"We're going to Altea. We're going home. My father is taking us." Shiro gasped. We ran over to try and stop her.
"Stay away from my daughter!" Alfor appeared, stopping us. So the castle is messing with Alfor, and he's messing with Allura. Hm.
"Allura wake up!" Shiro said, Hunk was panicking.
"The crystal must have corrupted King Alfor's artificial intelligence. It's taking over!" Coran said. We left the wormhole, to see a big fire planet, that looked like the sun. And we're heading straight for it.
"We're heading straight for a star and it's about to explode!" Pidge said. Well that's no better than the sun.
"Father, I can see Altea." Coran ran up to the barrier that was separating us from Allura.
"Allura! Allura wake up! What you're seeing isn't real." Allura continued to look around in amazement. A field of flowers appeared around Allura.
"Allura please, you've got to listen to me."
"Is this real?"
"Of course it is. That flower you're touching is real."
"But where's the fragrance of the sweet juniberries?" Coran said. Allura brought up the flower to her nose. She gasped, and looked around, then at the star.
"That's not Altea."
"When that star goes supernova, it will destroy the entire system. Allura, you must reset the course and get us out of here." Pidge said. Allura went to the controls, but they shocked her. She came out the barrier, King Alfor at the controls.
"Father please, I beg you to turn this ship around. If we don't do it soon we will all perish!"
"I know. That's my intention." I gasped, tightening my grip on Keith's hand. He gave me a look of reassurance.
"What? Why?" Allura asked. King Alfor began to glitch.
"Don't you see, dear daughter? Zarkon can never be defeated. He's been ruling for 10,000 years."
"But we must continue to fight!"
"Fight for what? It's all over for Altea. You don't have to live a lifetime of war. You can be with me and your people."
"Father please! The Paladins and I can stop Zarkon. Somewhere in there, you must want that to happen." Alfor glitched.
"Allura, my A.I has been corrupted. You must disconnect my power source. We can stroll through the Blossom Canyon every morning like we used to. Remember how much you loved that?"
"I remember. I'll see you soon father. I've got to get into the A.I chamber to disconnect my father's power source manually." Allura said, turning towards us.
"But that means, losing King Alfor forever!" Coran said.
"Paladins, get to your lions, I need you to slow the castles descent into the star." Allura ran out the room.
"I can try to override the system to open the hangers." Coran said. We got to our lions and flew out the castle. We all want to the center of the castle and pushed against it with our boosters on.
"Um, is it working?" I grunted out.
"The castle is slowing down."
"Paladins get to your hangers. We're getting out of here." We got back inside the castle and wormhole jumped, just as the star exploded.
"I'm so sorry about your father princess." Shiro said.
"We all are." Hunk said sadly.
"Thank you. But that was not my father. The real King Alfor was a great man and a great father. He may not be here with us anymore but his dream lives through us all and his legacy is Voltron."
*Bonus.A few hours later*
"Okay, I have to ask." Hunk said loudly making us all turn to him. He pointed to me and Keith. "Ever since you guys were attacked by the robot, you guys have been holding hands. What's going on?"
"Oh yeah, we're dating." Way to be subtle Keith.
"About time." Pidge said and adjusted her glasses. Wait what.
"That's so cute! Oh my gosh Korra I want all the details!" Hunk said.
"Congratulations." Shiro said. Coran nodded.
"The lions prophecy was true." Allura said.
Lance walked up to Keith. They held eye contact.
"You hurt her. I hurt you."
"I won't." Keith said seriously, making me blush and Hunk squeal. Lance suddenly ran over and picked me up in a hug, crushing my ribs I might add.
"Oh, my best friend is growing up so fast! I'm so old!" He cried out.
"Lance, you're only three months older than me."
"So old!"
Random Korra fact of the day: Keith is her first boyfriend :). But not her first kiss, some guy in her second grade class that she doesn't remember the name of is.
Yes. Kerra is now real \(^▽^)/
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