Chapter 13
"So the Balmera is a creature." Hunk nodded at my words.
"And people live on it." He nodded again.
"It looks like a normal planet. Ish." I said, as we approached the Balmera.
"We're approaching the Balmera. Liberating these Balmerans from Zarkon's grasp will not be easy." Allura said.
"So what's the plan? We just go in and pow pow pow!" Lance said, imitating guns.
"What was that noise?" Keith asked. Clearly not amused.
"Laser guns."
"No Lance I think you mean--" Hunk began making laser noises, even pretending to have a cannon.
"That sounds like fireworks." Lance crossed his arms.
"Shouldn't be more like pew, pew, pew!" I said, making a gun with my fingers.
"That's only in movies." Lance said, I rolled my eyes
"Technically, they're more like ba-choo, ba-choo, ba-choo." Pidge said, doing the same thing.
"Okay enough with the bad sound effects. Besides it's more like blam, blam, blam!" Shiro said.
"You're crazy."
"No way."
"I'm suprised he joined in."
"Paladins, focus."
"Besides, we can't shoot the Galra. The Balmera it's alive." I said.
"And from what we've seen it doesn't look very good." Hunk said.
"It's an atrocity what the Galra are doing to this grand beast. Stealing it's crystals. It's life source, without performing the energy rejuvenation ceremonies to heal it." Coran said sadly.
"After seeing Shay's people enslaved it made me realize how bad Zarkon really is. We're the only ones who can stop him."
"Okay, so we can't go into the tunnels guns blazing. Plan B. We figure out how to draw the Galra up to the surface and battle them out there." Shiro said.
"Wait. I know. If we attack all the big mining stuff on the surface, the Galra troops will have to come out and defend it. Then we beat them up, head down the tunnels, Voltron saves the day." Hunk said, looking proud.
"But how will we know how many are left down in the tunnels?" Keith asked.
"We can track the Balmerans and the Galra using Biothermal Life Indicator Point Technology." Allura said.
"Oh, BLIP tech!" Pidge said.
"It's an acronym." I explained to a confused looking Allura.
"One of you will need to fly around the Balmera and drop sensors into the shafts on each side. Then we'll be able to see where the Galra and Balmerans are. There are already sensors built into your suits." Allura said.
"I can do it. I just modified the green lion with the invisible mazes cloaking ability. I should be able to fly around unseen." Pidge said. Coran pulled up a shot of machinery on the screen.
"That's their main power generator. If you take that down, you'll severely weaken their defenses." He said.
"We'll stay in the clouds and give tactical support. With the castles defenses weakened by Sendak's crystal, we won't be of much help." Allura said.
"I'll take out the power generator. Keith, Lance, Hunk, Korra. You guys take out the big mining rigs around the area." Shiro ordered.
"Yeah! Let's do this! Let's go kick some alien butt!" Hunk yelled out. Scaring me a little to be honest.
We all got in our lions and flew out the castle.
"You think the Balmerans will have a parade for us after we freed everybody?" Lance asked through the PA.
"It's not about the glory Lance. It's about freeing prisoners from Zarkon." Keith said.
"No I know I know, but still-" Lance was cut off by his lion leaving the castle.
As soon as we were above the mines the Galra began to shoot at us.
"This is it. Gets your heads in the game." Shiro said as we avoided lasers. "Remember, the Balmera is a living creature. Make sure you pinpoint only Galra installations and not the surface."
We all went in separate directions. Pidge going to drop off the sensors. I went off following Lance, Keith and Hunk and started shooting at the mining rigs.
"Watch out Keith." I said, as we avoided the bigger laser. Keith went over and shot it, with some fire power thing.
"Woah! Did you guys see that? I got fire power!"
"Hey! I want that." Lance said. The laser began to fall.
"Oh no. " Keith said, as it been to tilt towards the Balmera.
"Hey, we can't let this thing hurt the Balmera." Hunk said, and flew under it to hold it.
"I think my lion knows what to do!" Lance flew over. He shot at it, and froze with some power.
"Aw snap! These rays are super cool, like me." I rolled my eyes at Lance's words.
"Great job team!" Shiro said.
"Where are all the troops? They're not coming to the surface." I said.
"Yeah, I remember seeing a lot of Galra guys down in the mines." Hunk said.
"We've located a hanger full of Galra fighters just below the surface. Someone has to take those out before they can launch." Allura said.
"They're luring us down. We have no choice. Keith, Korra head down to the hanger. Hunk, Lance, head to rescue Shay and the other Balmerans. Pidge and I will track down the Galra soldiers." Shiro said.
"Yes sir."
"Ten four."
"On it!"
"Let's do this."
"Got it."
Keith and I went down into the mine. Leaving our lion and riding in the little vehicles, we made it to the hanger. We went over and saw Galra fighter ships.
"The entire hanger is being guarded by a few sentries." Keith said. He got out his bayard and got ready to go down and attack.
"Whoa whoa whoa hang on on Keith." I pulled him back. "Don't you remember that the Balmera is living?" I said.
"Oh right."
"Yeah, so we can't just go in shooting like a maniac."
"Well you have any plans?"
"Yes actually. We sneak in the control room and shut down the bay doors. That'll trap the ship's in." I said.
"That is actually a great idea. Nice thinking." A small blush formed on my face.
"Oh it's no big deal haha." I said, embarrassed. So we began walking across the platform, over to the control room.
"You sure this is the right spot?"
"I know what I'm doing." Keith cut a hole, and we dropped into the control room, crushing a Galra soldier.
"Keep an eye out for guards. I'll try and figure this out." I said, looking at the control panel. I looked at the panel. Pushing some random buttons. Nothing happened.
"Ugh I can't understand Galra. This is harder than I thought." I groaned.
"Let me see." Keith came over at sat next to me. Like, right next to me. He pushed the screen and the bay doors began to close.
"Whoa! Great job Keith!" I pulled him into a hug. He tensed, but put an arm around me. I realized what I was doing. I pulled away and nearly fell backwards.
"Oh s-sorry I didn't realize what I was doing I just did it. It was one of those my body reacted before my brain haha." I stuttered out, my face on fire.
"Hey, it's fine ha." Keith said, his face just as red.
"What did you do anyway?" I asked.
"I put my hand on the hand print." He answered.
"Paladins are you there? The Galra troops are moving down the tunnels. It looks like they're going towards the center. " Allura said through the PA.
"They must be heading to the core. That's where they're holding Shay." Hunk said.
"They're drawing us into an ambush. But we don't have a choice if we want to save Shay. We have to follow. Keith, Korra head to the core. I think we're going to need everyone to get through this firefight." Shiro said.
"Copy that we're on our way." I said. We got up, Keith slashed the panel. We ran out and I slashed the panel to the door. We continued to run down the tunnels.
"Hey team, be very careful. The Balmera is unstable." Pidge said. We turned the corner, to see Galra soldiers staring back at us. They began to shoot at us. Keith pulled me out of the way, a laser nearly getting me.
"Their shooting is destroying the Balmera. We gotta do something." Keith said from his spot behind me. We could hear the Balmera moaning from the shooting.
"We can't shoot back." I stopped.
"Wait, we don't have guns." Keith looked around.
"I got an idea." Keith said. He pointed to a latter. We climbed up it and jumped down on the Galra. We used our bayards to slash and stab the guards. When they were all down, I gave him a thumbs up, which he returned with a small blush.
"Where are the Galra? If this is an ambush they should be here waiting for us." I heard Shiro say as we entered the core, to see everyone else there, along with Shay. Suddenly, the doors closed behind us.
"Not an ambush, more like a trap." Hunk said.
"What ever it is keep your guard up." Keith said. I got out my bayard.
"The Galra, they gained knowledge that you would return to the Balmera." Shay said.
"I know not. But they set this trap just for you. I was the bait." Shay said, looking down in shame.
"Who could have possibly known that we were coming back?" Shiro asked.
"Rolo! Those lairs must have told Zarkon." Hunk said.
"We have to figure out how to get out of here."
"Wait! We have a giant castle ship hovering in the sky!" Lance suddenly said. "Hello? Allura, please come get us."
"How do you expect her to do that genius?" Keith said.
"I don't know maybe they have teleporters or something."
"We're quite occupied at the moment. We're completely surrounded by Galra fighter ships and are taking heavy fire." I could hear the shots and alarm blaring in the background.
"Paladins you need to get out of there as soon as you can!"
"This is it. We're going to die in here. I can say bye bye to that parade." We stared at Lance in disbelief.
"Get it together guys. Allura we'll get there as soon as we can." Shiro said.
"Perhaps my people can help us get out." Shay said. She went over to a part of the Balmera and put her hand on it. "This is how we communicate. The Balmera senses our vibrations and sends a message to those in the tunnels."
"Are you sure someone will be able to hear your...hand from all the way down here?" Keith asked.
"The Balmera will deliver the message." She said. Shay closed her eyes, the Balmera began to moan softly and glow where her hand is. We stared in awe.
"Paladins, your lions are in danger! You must get to them immediately." Allura suddenly said.
"Great." I sighed.
"Paladins, do you copy? There's a battle cruiser locked on to us. If it fires it's ion cannon, I don't think we'll survive."
"Double great." I groaned.
"We're trying Allura. Shay's pressing her hand on the wall which apparently sends vibrations to the other rock people who vibrate back or something. Hand talking? But to answer your question, yes we copy." Lance said.
"Shay, are you sure the Balmera is sending your message?" Shiro asked. She didn't answer. Suddenly there was a blast and Balmerans entered.
"We must make haste. We know a shortcut through the tunnels."
"Allura stand by, we're on our way up."
Keith and I made it out on your speeders just in time to see the Galra trying to steal the lions. We made it into the lions and flew off before they could take them.
"Guys, did everyone make to their lion in time?" Shiro asked.
"Come on Shiro, who do you think you're dealing with?" Lance asked as we flew up next to Shiro.
"A bunch of amateurs?" Lance asked, running into a rock.
"You really want me to answer that?"
"Let's go!"
We flew towards the castle, destroying the fighter ships on the way.
"Hunk watch out!" Pidge said, and blocked him from getting hit.
"I got it." I said, and went over and got them in one blow."
"Whew. Thanks guys."
"Paladins I need you immediately, five more ticks and we're done!" I looked over to see the ion cannon shooting at the castle.
"Alright guys let's from Voltron!"
*Cue the cut scene*
We flew up and towards the fighter ship. We managed to lift up the ship, and the castle shot a laser, destroying the ship.
"Nice shot princess!"
"The parades back on!"
We flew and landed back on the ground, the castle following behind.
"Mission accomplished."
"And just in the nick of time." The castles defenses are battered and will need to be fully recharged." As soon as Allura said that, an alarm went off. We looked over to see something crash into the Balmera.
"What the heck is that?" It looks like Galra tech.
Wahhh I hate to end it there but that's the whole episode an I only to one episode per chapter soo.
Hey random Korra fact of the day. You know how she mentioned she had a dog?
The dog's name is Snow, she's a white husky that Korra has had since she was a child.
Let me know if you guys want more random Korra facts at the end of the chapters, I think it would be interesting.
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