Chapter 11
"I can't tell if he looks healthy or not."
"I think he's breathing weird." Gathered around Lance's healing pod. I stood next to Pidge, who had his face squished against the glass.
"Oh, come on!" Keith said, and reached above my head(he's behind her) and poked the glass.
"Not yet! Just a few more ticks." Allura said.
"How much better do you think he's going to get in a few ticks?"
"And what exactly is a tick?" Pidge asked.
"You know, a time slice." Allura answered.
"Like a second?" Shiro asked, making us all turn back towards him.
"What is a second?" Allura asked.
"Like this." Pidge said, and pulled out a timer that displayed seconds ticking.
"I'm not sure, I think ticks are bigger. Coran do you have a ticker?"
"Right here princess." Coran pulled out the ticker, with the ticks beeping.
"I think ticks are a little slower." Hunk said.
"I can't tell we have to start them at the same time." Pidge said, as we crowd around them.
"Okay. Ready? Go!" They were going at the same time.
"Yes! I think we're winning!" Hunk said. Shiro peeked over Coran.
"Winning what? The intergalactic time measuring competition?" Keith said. Shiro appeared in front of the clock and ticker.
"You guys having a clock party?"
"Lance!" I yelled and tackled him into a hug.
"Aw Lance you just ruined it. Hey! Lance!" Hunk said, pulling him into a hug, with me.
"What happened?" Lance asked, when we released him.
"We can tell you all about it while you get something to eat. Can you walk?" I asked him.
"Sounds like you're asking me out Korra." He smirked.
"I will make you have to go back in the healing pod, for even longer." I said, and pinched his ear, making him squeal.
"Yeah he's fine."
Keith crossed his arms and glared at Lance.
We're now sitting, well Lance is the rest of us are standing, at the big dinning table, Lance eating while we explained what happened.
"They'd be Sendak's prisoner right now if it wasn't for Pidge. " Allura said.
"Well you wouldn't have survived the explosion if Hunk and Coran hadn't have gotten a new crystal." Pidge said.
"Wow, thanks everybody. Sounds like the mice did more than you though." Lance said to Keith.
"I punched Sendak!" Keith argued.
"Yeah, apparently after I emerged from a coma and shot his arm off."
"We had a bonding moment! I cradled you in my arms!" Keith distressed. I laughed.
"Nope. Don't remember. Didn't happen. So, what happened to Sendak?" Lance asked.
"He's frozen in a cryo-pod. We're keeping him here in the castle."
"Are you sure that's a good idea?"
"He's too dangerous to be set free. Besides we might be able to get information from him about Zarkon." Allura explained.
"So, what's the plan now?" Lance asked.
"We have to get back to the Balmera and save Shay and her people." Hunk said.
"Wow! You are really hung up on this lady." Lance said as a mouse started eating his food goo.
"No, it's not like that. Guys when you see how Zarkon has treated these people and their home, they've been under his thumb for so long they don't even know what it's like to be free. It's up to us to set this right. This is what being a paladin is all about. It's time to man up." Hunk ended his speech with a glance at me.
"Well you know as much as you can man up, well-"
"I get it Hunk. I can man up, no problem." I said, and patted my chest with a fist, before wincing cause I punched my boob.(IM SORRY I HAD TO PUT A BOOB JOKE SOMEWJERE HAHA)
"Then let's get moving. Time to defend the universe." Shiro said.
"Wait, I have something to say first." Pidge said, making us all turn back to him.
"I need to come clean. I'm afraid this may change the way you all think of me. Just so there are no secrets, I can't man up. I'm a girl." He, well now she went on a nervous rant about how she can man up, while Lance had a shocked face.
"What? You're a girl?! How?" Lance yelled, scaring Pidge.
"I've known for sometime, but I'm glad you've shared it with everyone." Allura said.
"Yeah, I figured."
"Oh, yeah me too."
"I know when there's another girl around."
"Wait, we were supposed to think you were a boy?"
"Pidge, knowing who you are is going to make you a better paladin." Pidge sighs.
"It's good to get that off my chest. Now let's launch this castle ship!"
"Wait what? Pidge is a girl and the castle is a ship? How long have I been out?"
Now in the control room area, Allura pulled up holographic screens in front of her. Seats rose from the ground, each having the color of our lions on it. I sat down, and a screen appeared in front of me, showing a diagram of the castle ship.
"Firing main engines for launch." Allura said. The ship began to rumple as we began to lift off. Then we flew, away from Arus.
"So, when we get there what do you think? We just bust in and start blasting, or do we land and have some kind of public address system like Attention Galra's this is Voltron turn yourselves in? No blasting right?" Hunk ranted, as we stood in the control area.
"Hunk, calm down." I said.
"And yes blasting." Keith finished.
"It's our first big rescue mission he's excited." Shiro said.
"Excited to see his new girlfriend." Pidge teased. I giggled as Hunk gasped dramatically.
"She's not my girlfriend! She's just a rock that I met and admire very much." An alarm stopped Hunk from continuing.
"What is it? Are we being attacked?"
"No, it's a distress beacon." Coran said.
"It's coming from a near by moon. It seems a ship has lost power." Allura said.
"Who ever it is, will have to wait. Shay has first priority, we can check on them after." Hunk stated.
"The Paladin Code states that we must help all those in trouble."
"Wow! This is so cool. It's like we're space cops on space patrol. Coran, do we have a siren we could turn on?" Lance jumped up.
"Uh, no. But we could record you making a siren sound and broad cast that to them." Coran answered.
"Perfect!" Lance started only to be stopped by Shiro.
"No, not doing that."
Quick little update ha.
So out of curiosity, what do you guys think Korra and Keith's ship name should be? I mean, their names both start with k idk how it would work. But I'm curious to see what you guys think!!!
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