ye olden malt shop-café-hangout-place-thing
"And here we have ye olden malt shop-café-thing,"Marceline proudly said turning the knob. "I can't see anything, " dick said covering his mouth to not inhale possible dust from the room. "Well duh. We never flipped the light," arora said walking over to the wall with the switch. Marceline and violet took a seat in the booths as arora searched for the switch. The two girls have been in the place since they were little.
"You can sit over hear if you want," marceline called twoards dick. "Wh-where did you go?!" He called out into the darkness. " Fallow the sound of my voice dip shit,"marceline replied as violet glared at marceline. "Marcy, its indecent to swear," violet told the year older girl. "Then I'll rephrase it. Falow this voice here dip shittles!" Violet sighed. Why do I still try? She thought as dick sat down next to her. " how long have you practiced here?," he asked as he tried his best not to hit the table. " About a... geez I forgot. Hey arora? How long has it been since my pop said we could use this place?" Marceline asked turning her head back to the barley visible girl. "About. Um. Three years?" She replied. "No. It was four. We spent the first year cleaning, redecorating, and setting up the lights. Speaking of lights do you want me to help you?" Violet corrected.
"Wha- no! I got this dude, just uh... remind me which wall Mr. Hoovens set the switch in?" Aroura asked. Violet sighed. Marceline and dick then proceeded to have a conversation about choir practice and soccer. Violet knodded when she was talk to but realy didn't have anything to add until arora spoke again. "Marceline um, could ya-"
"I'll just flip the switch under this table," marceline replied moving her right arm to the area. "There was a switch there?! How come ya' never told me?" Arora said as the lights flipped on. "There are a bunch of switches in this room,"she replied grinning," if I told you were all of them were it spoil all of the fun."
"You're just rude," arora stated as she hopped up on stage.
The room was atualy moderate size with the lights on and not as huge as dick first thought. The booths had a them of one side being red rubber while the other side was cloth black and white zigzag pattern. Majority of the wooden beams for both the chairs and the stage were polished with this white-ish pink-ish paint. purple stage lights illuminated the room. Various papers scattered about some of the music type, be it prompts for possible new songs or covers, while others were school work with old grades over them. The room's walls had small speackers on them, while two bigger ones were on the stage and floor.The stage had the bands' microphones and araora's drum set along with the band's name pinned on the back drop: unread.
"Why unread?" Dick asked.
"Unread is like undefined and unknown, which we say to people who never knew we exist. 'Im just the thing that's unread in your world.' Also its simular to the word undead," violet responded. "Its mostly the undead thing though," marceline added. "Stop worrying about the name and do the thing why it exists!" Arora insisted already at her drum set. " we're coming hot head. Hold on," marceline said walking up the stages steps.
"So what ya' wanna hear dude?" Arora called down to dick. "Didn't you have a song in mind when you came here?" He questioned. "Nah." Marceline and arora responded in unison. Dick turned to the girl still in the booth. "Got any ideas, violet?" He asked. Violet tilted her head, thought about it, and then responded, " How about an All American Rejects cover?" Marceline grinned,"Sounds good to me! "
"The mashup come on down," arora called this time to violet.
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